NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY The Wayne County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 9:00a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, Goldsboro, North Carolina. Members present: John M. Bell, Chairman; Sandra R. McCullen, Vice-Chairman; C. Munroe Best, Jr.; Roland M. Gray; Steve Keen and E. Ray Mayo. Members absent: J.D. Evans and Roland M. Gray. Work Session During the scheduled briefing and prior to the regularly scheduled meeting, the Board of Commissioners held an advertised work session to discuss the items of business on the agenda. Closed Session At 8:14a.m., upon motion of Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr. , the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in closed session to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by the public body. At 8:52a.m., upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in regular session. Invocation Chaplain W. C. Hutchins with the Wayne County Sheriffs Office gave the invocation. Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner Steve Keen led the Board of Commissioners in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag ofthe United States of America. Approval of Minutes Upon motion of Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the minutes of the special session of the Board of Commissioners on October 8, 2012, the regular session of the Board of Commissioners on October 16, 2012 and the session ofthe Wayne County Board of Adjustment on October 16, 2012. Discussion/Adjustment of Agenda Chairman John M. Bell adjusted the agenda by adding One NC Fund Grant-Cooper Standard Automotive and Health-Family Planning budget amendments to the Consent Agenda. Special Recognition - W. Lee Smith, III The Board of Commissioners presented Wayne County Manager W. Lee Smith, III an engraved plaque from the International City/County Management Association in honor of his 25-years of service in local government. Wayne County Manager W. Lee Smith, III was recognized for his significant contributions and achievements in the advancement of local government administration. Special Recognition - Pam Adams Retirement The Board of Commissioners presented an engraved plaque to Pam Adams with the Wayne County Information Technology Department in recognition of her dedicated service to the County of Wayne. Pam Adams began working for the County of Wayne on April 1, 1975 and will retire on November 30,2012. Special Recognition - Ollie Reid Retirement The Board of Commissioners presented an engraved plaque to Ollie Reid with the Wayne County Tax Office in recognition of her dedicated service to the County of Wayne. Ollie Reid began working for the County of Wayne on June 18, 1979 and will retire on November 30, 2012. Special Recognition -Employee Service Pins The Board of Commissioners recognized the following employees for their service to the County of Wayne and presented service pins to those in attendance: • Twenty-five years- Vickie Lewis • Fifteen years- Wayne S. Benton, Linda W. Byerly, Carol Ann Glisson, Mel E. Powers, Wayne L. Shafer and Sheila 0. Wynn • Ten years- Rhona Gillcrese, Nicole B. McClary, Victoria Cruz Rivera, Nekietha W. Saunders and Dolores T. Turnage • Five years - Justin J. Ahrens, James A. Bell, Kristina M. Gabriel, Angela D. Gamer, Jennifer Sparrow and Jerry Walls • One year- Crystal G. Bardin, Sue F. Barnett, Jonathan C. Batchelor, Heather M. Cooper, Sara Crook, Danilo Dirico, Ebony D. Ford, Renee M. Gallant, Gabriela Hicks, Patricia Lawrence, Anthea C. Miller, Sandrea J. Morrisey, Christopher B. Pearsall, David N. Saxton, Ashley N. Strickland and Douglas Westbrook Public Hearing- Amend Section 50.4.2 of the Wayne County Zoning Ordinance to Add Cemeteries as a Special Use in the Light Industry Zone At 9:19 a.m., the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to receive public comments on a proposed amendment to Section 50.4.2 of the Wayne County Zoning Ordinance to add cemeteries to the list of special uses in the Light Industry (LI) zone. The permitted uses listed for the Light Industry zone does not include cemeteries. The permitted uses allowed are: agriculture, including the sale and processing of products produced on the premises; animal shelters and pet services; automobile wash, bakeries; dental, medical or other research laboratories; funeral homes and crematoriums; garage, automobile repair and storage; golf courses, including par three, driving range or Putt-Putt; laundries, dry cleaning or linen supply; manufacture of pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs (except the slaughtering of animals), electrical components or tobacco products; fabrication or assembly of products from prestructured materials or components; marketing, processing and grading of farm products; nursery, plant or greenhouses; parking areas or structures; parks and recreation facilities; pawn shops, public safety or public utility facilities; printing or binding establishments repair and servicing of office and household equipment; restaurants; schools; vocational or professional; services including, but not limited to barber shops, self-service laundries, repair shops, rental shops and custom fabrication; service stations; signs, business identification, signs, advertising; and wholesale storage, sales and storage services. The Wayne County Planning Board received a request from Ronnie Matthews to allow the establishment of a private cemetery at 423 Millers Chapel Road in Goldsboro, North Carolina. The property is located on the west side of Millers Chapel Road approximately 300 feet north of Powell Road. The property is located in the Light Industry zone, Accident Potential Zone (APZ) II and noise contour 70. A map of the property is attached hereto as Attachment A. The Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) study for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base includes cemeteries as a recommended permitted use in both the Accident Potential Zone (APZ) I and II. The study also includes a recommendation for cemeteries inside all high noise areas. However, in the Accident Potential Zone (APZ) and some high noise areas, chapels are not recommended. The Wayne County Planning Board recommended cemeteries would be an appropriate use for the Light Industry zone. However, chapels should not be allowed in the Accident Potential Zone (APZ) II or noise areas above 80 DNL. To allow the rezoning request from Ronnie Matthews to move forward, cemeteries should be added to the list of special uses in the Light Industry (LI) zone. The would allow the Wayne County Board of Adjustment to review each site and prohibit chapels as necessary in the Accident Potential Zone (APZ) and noise areas above 80 DNL. By letter, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Deputy Base Civil Engineer Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. concurred with the recommendation of the staff of the Wayne County Planning Department to add cemeteries to the list of special uses allowed in the Light Industry zone and prohibiting chapels and/or houses of worship in the Accident Potential Zones I and II and noise areas above 80 DNL. The letter is attached hereto as Attachment B. Petitions were received from concerned citizens from the Elroy community opposing the request by Ronnie Mathews for a cemetery at 423 Millers Chapel Road in Goldsboro, North Carolina. The petitions had 241 signatures. Sheila Durham spoke in opposition the request by Ronnie Mathews for a cemetery at 423 Millers Chapel Road in Goldsboro, North Carolina. She was concerned the lot did not have a driveway and vehicles would have to park on the road. The road is very busy and conditions would be hazardous if vehicles parked on the road. She did not want a cemetery next to property she owned. She stated petitions opposing the request by Ronnie Mathews for a cemetery at 423 Millers Chapel Road in Goldsboro, North Carolina were submitted to the Board of Commissioners. Elliot Futrell stated he was opposed to a cemetery at 423 Miller Chapel Road in Goldsboro, North Carolina. The State of North Carolina has not received a petition for a cemetery at this address. At 9:28 a.m., Chairman John M. Bell adjourned the public hearing. Public Hearing- James B. Sasser Rezoning Request At 9:29a.m., the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to receive public comments on a request from James B. Sasser to rezone one lot, located at 210 Genoa Road in Dudley, North Carolina in Brogden Township, from Residential Agriculture 30 (RA-30) to Village District (VI). A map of the property is attached hereto as Attachment C. The lot totals approximately 35,600 square feet and is located on the south side of Genoa Road between the CSX Railroad and Woodland Acres Avenue. The current use of the property is residential. The property is bordered on the north by vacant commercial buildings, on the east and south by residential houses and on the west by the CSX Railroad and the Wayne Regional Agricultural Fair. The property is in the noise area for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. The zoning on the north is Village District (VI), on the east and south Residential Agriculture 30 (RA-30) and on the west Light Industry (LI). James B. Sasser is proposing to maintain his residence and open a used car sales business. The current zoning does not allow for business uses, which require outside storage. The Wayne County Planning Board recommended the request from James B. Sasser to rezone 210 Genoa Road in Dudley, North Carolina from Residential Agriculture 30 (RA-30) to Village District (VI) be approved. The location of the property at 210 Genoa Road in Dudley, North Carolina is appropriate for a small business. The Village District (VI) allows for a mixture of residential and commercial uses. By letter, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Deputy Base Civil Engineer Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. stated the property falls within the 65-69 day-night average sound level (DNL) noise zone of the 2011 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) report. Commercial land is compatible with this noise exposure zone. The subject property is located underneath the Approach-Departure Clearance Surface of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Based on the proximity ofthe subject property to the runway, a height restriction of295 feet applies. The letter is attached hereto as Attachment D. No member of the public spoke. At 9:30 a.m., Chairman John M. Bell adjourned the public hearing. First Reading- Approval of James B. Sasser Rezoning Request at 210 Genoa Road in Dudley, North Carolina In response to questions from Chairman Steve Keen, Planning Director Connie Price stated the Village District (VI) allows residential and commercial use in the same zone and the North Carolina Department of Transportation approved the use of the existing driveway for the proposed used car sales business. Upon motion of Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the first reading of the request from James B. Sasser to rezone one lot, located at 210 Genoa Road in Dudley, North Carolina in Brogden Township, from Residential Agriculture 30 (RA-30) to Village District (VI). A map of the property is attached hereto as Attachment C. Public Hearing- National Salvage & Service Corporation Rezoning Request At 9:32 a.m., the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to receive public comments on a request from National Salvage & Service Corporation to rezone an acreage tract totaling approximately 54 acres in Brogden Township from Light Industry (LI) to Heavy Industry (HI). The property is owned by BMCA of Goldsboro, Inc. and is located on the south side of Old Mount Olive Highway between CSX Railroad and Genoa Road. The address of the property is 430 Old Mount Olive Highway, Dudley, North Carolina. The current use of the property is vacant industrial and was formerly used as a roofing shingle manufacturing plant. The property is bordered on the north by woodland, on the east and south by residential houses and vacant property and on the west by the CSX Railroad and the Waukesha Electric property. The property is in the noise area for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. It is primarily surrounded by the Light Industry (LI) zone. An area on the east side, which contains residences, is in a Residential Agriculture 30 (RA-30) zone. A small lot on the south side is zoned Village. A map of the property is attached hereto as Attachment E. The applicant is proposing to receive used poles and railroad cross ties and process them into landscaping material. The cross ties would be primarily delivered by rail. The product would be shipped out by truck. The industry would have approximately 30 employees. The current zoning does not allow this type of industry. The location of the property along the CSX Railroad and near US Highway 117 is appropriate for industry. The rezoning would allow for the use of an existing industrial building. The Heavy Industry (HI) zone allows for the outside processing of raw material. The Wayne County Planning Board recommended the request from National Salvage & Service Corporation to rezone an acreage tract totaling approximately 54 acres in Brogden Township from Light Industry (LI) to Heavy Industry (HI) be approved. By letter, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Deputy Base Civil Engineer Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. stated the property falls within the 65-69 day-night average sound level (DNL) noise zone ofthe 2011 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) report. Commercial land is compatible with this noise exposure zone. The subject property is located underneath the Approach-Departure Clearance Surface of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Based on the proximity of the subj ect property to the runway, a height restriction of260 feet applies. The letter is attached hereto as Attachment F. Victoria Quinn spoke of behalf of her sister, Robin B. Price. She opposed the request from National Salvage & Service Corporation to rezone an acreage tract totaling approximately 54 acres in Brogden Township from Light Industry (LI) to Heavy Industry (HI). She presented a petition, signed by 14 concerned citizens, who urged the Board of Commissioners to deny the zoning change request from Light Industry (LI) to Heavy Industry (HI). The petitioners were concerned the contaminated dust created from the processing of creosote treated railroad ties would saturate everything in the area. The unpleasant odor of the material would be present on the surrounding properties. The influx of traffic from the deliveries in and out of the unprocessed material would also cause problems for the surrounding property owners. The noise from the constant use of the heavy equipment would also be a nuisance to the surrounding properties. National Salvage & Service Corporation General Manager Clayton Walters stated the company has been in business since 1976. The company would recycle used poles and railroad cross ties and process them into landscaping material. The cross ties would be primarily delivered by rail. The product would be shipped out by approximately 20 trucks per day. The business would have approximately 30 employees with benefits. The operation would have a dust compression system. The machinery has a low noise level. National Salvage & Service Corporation has submitted applications for all needed North Carolina permits. The company would like to close on the property on November 28, 2012 and start operations in the first quarter of2013. In response to a question from Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, National Salvage & Service Corporation General Manager Clayton Walters stated the noise level is 75 decibels. The actual operation will take place in the back of the property. The neighbors near the Alabama plant do not complain about noise. In response to a question from Commissioner Steve Keen, National Salvage & Service Corporation General Manager Clayton Walters stated the company has submitted applications to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The company is awaiting zoning approval before moving to the next level of the application process. Steve L. Herring stated there is another facility in Goldsboro, which recycles used poles and railroad cross ties. There is no dust problem or excessive truck traffic at this facility. There are very few places to take the poles and ties. National Salvage & Service Corporation would be a good industry for Wayne County. He spoke in favor of the request from National Salvage & Service Corporation to rezone an acreage tract totaling approximately 54 acres in Brogden Township from Light Industry (LI) to Heavy Industry (HI). Vernon Bartlett spoke in favor of the request from National Salvage & Service Corporation to rezone an acreage tract totaling approximately 54 acres in Brogden Township from Light Industry (LI) to Heavy Industry (HI). Some companies are able to retrieve creosote from treated railroad ties and poles to create electricity. At 9:40 a.m. , Chairman John M. Bell adjourned the public hearing. First Reading - National Salvage & Service Corporation Rezoning Request Upon motion of Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the first reading of the request from National Salvage & Service Corporation to rezone an acreage tract totaling approximately 54 acres in Brogden Township from Light Industry (LI) to Heavy Industry (HI). A map ofthe property is attached hereto as Attachment E. Stress Less & Serve More Proclamation from Charles B. Aycock High School Charles B. Aycock High School seniors Skylar Meads, Asia Morrison and Kayla Newsome presented the Stress Less & Serve More proclamation to the Board of Commissioners for consideration. Charles B. Aycock High School Honors Strategic Marketing Teacher Lisa Vail as also present. Upon motion of Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen, the Board of Commissioners unanimously proclaimed December 1, 2012 as Stress Less & Serve More Day in Wayne County, attached hereto as Attachment G. Farm-City Week Proclamation Upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously proclaimed November 19-25, 2012 as Farm-City Week in Wayne County, attached hereto as Attachment H. Gander Lake Preliminary Subdivision Plat Gander Lake Subdivision, Preliminary Owner/Developer: Goose Lake Development, LLC & Rudolph F. Hooks Surveyor: Triangle Civil Works Buck Swamp Township, Pikeville-Princeton Road Lots 1-201 The subdivision consists of 201 lots on the north side of Pikeville-Princeton Road at the Johnston County line. The property is not within a zoned area. The property is within a rural enclave area on the growth strategy map. A map of the plat is attached hereto as Attachment I. The subdivision will have 201lots, which will front on 10 new streets. None ofthe lots will have direct access to Pikeville-Princeton Road. Two streets will provide access to Pikeville-Princeton Road. The subdivision is proposed to be developed in seven phases. Four of the streets will provide access to adjoining property. The property is currently vacant land and woodland. The Wayne County Planning Board recommended the plat be approved as presented. In response to a question from Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen, Planning Director Connie Price stated the Wayne County Planning Board did not discuss the over crowdedness of schools in the attendance area of the proposed subdivision. The developer proposes to build approximately 30 lots in phases and has five years to build all lots. Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen stated the elementary and middle schools in the attendance area of proposed Gander Lake Subdivision were over capacity. Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated the Wayne County Board of Commissioners and Wayne County Board of Education need to look at schools and the future growth of Wayne County. Upon motion of Commissioner Steve Keen, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the preliminary subdivision plat for Lots 1-201 in the Gander Lake Subdivision on Pikeville-Princeton Road in Buck Swamp Township. Establish a Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment to Section 42-41 of the Wayne County Manufactured Housing Ordinance Upon motion of Commissioner Steve Keen, the Board of Commissioners unanimously established a public hearing on December 18, 2012 at 9:15 a.m. to receive public comments on a proposed amendment to Division 2 Standards and Setup Requirements, Section 42-41 Mobile home brought in from outside the county of the Wayne County Manufactured Housing Ordinance. The Wayne County Planning Board recommended Section 42-41 be replaced with · the following: All mobile homes being setup in Wayne County must meet current HUD standards. Each mobile home that is not new must be inspected by a certified HUD inspector, a professional engineer or an architect prior to obtaining a setup permit. The inspector must provide the Wayne County Inspections Office a signed statement that the mobile home meets the current HUD standards. If the inspector is an engineer or architect, the statement must be accompanied by the inspector 's professional seal. If the statement is by a certified HUD inspector, the statement must be notarized. All individuals conducting such inspections must be then currently licensed in North Carolina by the appropriate authorities. Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen stated citizens are concerned about older mobile homes being maintained if they are allowed to be brought in Wayne County from other locations. 2011 Community Development Block Grant Catalyst Program Administrative Services On October 25, 2012 requests for proposals for administrative services for the 2011 Community Development Block Grant Catalyst Program were forwarded to the following firms : • Green Engineering- Wilson, NC • Skip Green and Associates - Raleigh, NC • RSM Harris Associates, Inc. - Goldsboro, NC • Parker & Associates- Jacksonville, NC • CMR Services- Kannapolis, NC • The Adams Company, Inc. - Warsaw, NC • AECOM- Raleigh, NC • Ken Weeden and Associates- Wilmington, NC • Progressive Resources- Roanoke Rapids, NC The Adams Company and RSM Harris Associates, Inc. responded by the deadline on November 9, 201 2 at 12:00 noon. After a review of the responses, County Manager W. Lee Smith, III recommended RSM Harris Associates, Inc. for the administrative services for the 2011 Community Development Block Grant Catalyst Program administrative services. Upon motion of Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized RSM Harris Associates, Inc. to be the 2011 Community Development Block Grant Catalyst Program Project Administrator, attached hereto as Attachment J. Petition for Addition to the State Maintenance System - Beckfield Drive in Beckfield Subdivision, Section 2 Upon motion of Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously recommended Beckfield Drive in Beckfield Subdivision, Section 2 be added to the state maintenance system, attached hereto as Attachment K. Present Use Value for Jason L. Britt and Deana P. Britt Upon motion ofVice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the application for present use value for Jason L. Britt and Deana P. Britt on parcel identification number 25 158 14223. Homestead Exclusion for Jerry M. Hill Upon motion of Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized homestead exclusion for Jerry M . Hill on parcel identification number 254555472 1. Change Board of Commissioners First Meeting in December Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr. stated he had no objection to changing the first meeting of the Board of Commissioners in December to December 4, 2012. The public has raised some objections to the cost of the reception for the Board of Commissioners on December 4, 2012. Therefore, he contributed $20 toward the cost of the reception. County Attorney E. B. Borden Parker read the resolution changing the meeting date, attached hereto as Attachment L. He stated his legal opinion was the Board of Commissioners could adopt a resolution changing the first meeting date of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners to December 4, 2012. Upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized a resolution changing the organizational meeting of the Board of Commissioners from December 3, 2012 to December 4, 2012, attached hereto as Attachment L. A briefing will be held at 8:00a.m. and the meeting will begin at 9:00a.m. Consent Agenda Upon motion of Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the following items under the Consent Agenda: 1. Budget amendments a. Sheriffs Office b. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council c. Services on Aging d. Goldsboro-Wayne Transportation Authority e. Library f. Social Services g. Sheriffs Office h. WayneNET i. Sheriffs Office j. Services on Aging- WAGES k. Services on Aging l. Solid Waste m. Wayne Executive Jetport n. 2011 Community Development Block Grant-Catalyst Program o. Juvenile Crime Prevention p. Services on Aging q. One NC Fund Grant-Cooper Standard Automotive r. Health-Family Planning Public Comments Bob Jackson thanked the members for being willing to serve on the Board of Commissioners. He personally appreciated their service. He wished the outgoing County Commissioners well in their future endeavors. Stephanie Kornegay stated the Board of Commissioners has served Wayne County well. She appreciated the sacrifices the County Commissioners and their families made for Wayne County. She appreciated the financial wellbeing of Wayne County. She congratulated the new members of the Board of Commissioners and looked forward to working with them. The Board of Elections did an outstanding job. She looked forward to the future with hope and optimism. Sheriff Carey A. Winders stated he appreciated the outstanding service of the outgoing County Commissioners. He would share information concerning the activities in mobile home parks and age of mobile homes allowed to be moved into neighboring counties. Bob Getchell stated the Wayne County Greenway Advocates has been formed. He is focused on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. There is a problem with the trail at the Little River due to the new US Highway 70 Goldsboro Bypass. The trail has stalled in the Clayton area due to problems with the North Carolina Railroad right-of-way access. Future plans have the Mountains-to-Sea Trail traversing from Clayton to Waynesborough Park. Representative Efton M. Sager stated he knew public servants often have a thankless job. There are good people from all parties serving the citizens. He thanked the Board of Commissioners for their outstanding job. Board of Commissioners Committee Reports and Comments Chairman John M. Bell congratulated newly elected Board of Commissioners members. He looked forwarded to working with the new Board of Commissioners for the next four years. Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr. thanked the citizens of Wayne County for the support they have given to him and his wife, Ellen. He stated the Wayne County Planning Board does a good job and is not given enough credit for the work they do. The Planning Board members research the rules and regulations and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. Several years ago the Wayne County Planning Board made the final decisions, which affected the entire county. The Board of Commissioners wanted to make sure the decisions made by the Planning Board were beneficial to the county as a whole. Some persons want to give the Planning Board the authority back it once had. The Seymour Johnson Air Force Base air space is very important to the entire county. Land use decisions could jeopardize $575 million annually to Wayne County. The elected public officials should be responsible for the decisions affecting the entire county. Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr. stated there are many abandoned and unsightly mobile homes in Wayne County. Wayne County currently has a 15-year age limit on mobile homes brought into the county from other locations. Mobile homes brought into Wayne County have a one-time inspection. Older mobile homes passing the initial inspection will soon be junk. The county would be financially responsible for the junk mobile homes because these mobile homes are abandoned by their owners. The citizens of Wayne County would bear the costs of the abandoned mobile homes. The Wayne County Sheriffs Office has problems in areas with low-rent older mobile homes. The rent is cheap and there is little tax base. Everyone has the right to use their property as long as it does not hurt someone else. Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr. asked the Board of Commissioners to retain the 15-year age limit on mobile homes brought into Wayne County from other locations. Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr. asked the Board of Commissioners to retain its vote as the final say for development in Wayne County. Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr. stated he and his wife thanked the citizens of Wayne County for allowing them to serve. At 10:19 a.m., Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr. left the meeting to attend a meeting in Raleigh. Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen congratulated George Wayne Aycock for being elected the At-Large Commissioner and welcomed Joe Daughtery and William H. Pate to the Board of Commissioners. She thanked the citizens of Wayne County for their support. She also thanked her husband, Randy and her family for their support. She stated she had learned about local government and was very proud of the accomplishments of the Board of Commissioners. She thanked County Manager W. Lee Smith, III, County Attorney E. B. Borden Parker and the staff for their assistance. Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen stated citizens are very concerned about the inspections process of older mobile homes if the age limit to move a mobile home into Wayne County is changed. The mobile home owners take no action to maintain the mobile homes after the initial inspection and the renters of mobile homes are scared to report any maintenance problems. The new Board of Commissioners has discussed the importance of leadership and she cited leadership characteristics shared by Bill Johnson with Progress Energy. Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen stated she looked forward to working with the new Board of Commissioners and seeing the positive influence they will have. Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated he respected the three outgoing County Commissioners for their service to Wayne County. He learned a lot from each of them and wished them well in the new focuses of their life. He thanked them for their service to Wayne County. With the upcoming holiday season upon us, Commissioner E. Ray Mayo requested we thank the farmers of Wayne County for giving us food to have on our tables. Wayne County is a very important agricultural county. He wished everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving. He gave thanks to our country and the ability to celebrate holidays. Commissioner Steve Keen thanked all of the County Commissioners who have served Wayne County. Being an elected official is an honor. The students from Charles B. Aycock High School had a meaningful message in their proclamation. He encouraged the youth of Wayne County to get involved. The Wayne County Board of Elections did not have any problems during the past general election. He commended the Board of Elections staff for an outstanding job due to the shared vision of their duties and responsibilities to the citizens of Wayne County. Commissioner Steve Keen stated it is important the Wayne County Board of Education have an updated Capital Improvement Plan as the current plan was dated 2007-2012. The Board of Commissioners continues to approve new subdivisions and lots, which impact the operations of the Wayne County Public Schools. The current economy has slowed down the rate of development in Wayne County. The Board of Commissioners and Board of Education must collaborate now, rather than continue talking. Action will be taken in January 2013. The outgoing County Commissioners taught him perseverance. Commissioner Steve Keen encouraged everyone to continue to pray for Commissioner J. D. Evans as he recovers. He stated he missed Commissioner J.D. Evans and his philosophies. He looked forward to working with Commissioner John M. Bell and Commissioner J. D. Evans. Chairman John M. Bell stated he would be the oldest and longest serving member on the Wayne County Board of Commissioners. Foremost, he was a County Commissioner and not a member of a political party. He looked forward to serving another term as a County Commissioner. He thanked the outgoing County Commissioners for their service to Wayne County. Presentation of Plagues to Outgoing County Commissioners The Board of Commissioners presented an engraved plaque to Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen in recognition of her dedicated service to the citizens of Wayne County as an AtLarge County Commissioner. Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen began serving her term of office on December 1, 2008 and will end her term of office on December 4, 2012. The Board of Commissioners recognized Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr. in recognition of his dedicated service to the citizens of Wayne County as a County Commissioner representing District 6. Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr. began his term of office on May 4, 2004 and will end his term of office on December 4, 2012. The Board of Commissioners recognized Commissioner Roland M. Gray in recognition of his dedicated service to the citizens of Wayne County as a County Commissioner representing District 5. Commissioner Roland M. Gray began his term of office on December 6, 2004 and will end his term of office on December 4, 2012. Board of Commissioners' Information The Board of Commissioners was advised of the following personnel changes: 1. Electronic Monitoring Name of Employee- Arlene Lucas Pierce Date of Employment- October 1, 2012 Classification- Art Instructor and Cognitive Behavior Intervention Co-Facilitator, Part-time Salary- $50.00 per hour 2. 4-H Name of Employee- Joshua Kornegay Date of Employment- October 10, 2012 Classification- 4-H After School Staff, Part-time Salary- $8.00 per hour 3. 4-H Name of Employee- Cynthia Eure Date of Employment- October I 0, 2012 Classification- 4-H After School Staff, Part-time Salary - $8.00 per hour 4. Social Services Name of Employee - Kimberly Hedrick Date of Employment- November 1, 2012 Classification- Social Work Supervisor III, Full-time Salary - $5 1, 13 5 per year 5. 4-H Name of Employee- Greyson L. Potter Date of Employment- October 10, 2012 Classification- 4-H After School Staff, Part-time Salary- $8.00 per hour 6. Detention Center Name of Employee- Thomas Bruce Carter Date of Employment - November 5, 2012 Classification- Detention Officer I, Part-time Salary- $10.9 1 per hour 7. Social Services Name of Employee - Irene Nash Date of Employment- October 22, 20 12 Classification- Office Assistant III, Full-time Salary- $20,705 per year 8. Emergency Medical Services Name of Employee - Leroy Harrison Date of Employment - October 22, 20 12 Classification - Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic, Full-time Salary- $33,766 per year 9. Emergency Medical Services Name of Employee- David P. Maguire Date of Employment - October 1, 2012 Classification - Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic, Part-time Salary- $13.8 1 per hour 10. Emergency Medical Services Name of Employee - Gregory Brian Carr Date of Employment - October 1, 2012 Classification - Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic, Part-time Salary- $13.81 per hour 11 . Wayne NET Name of Employee - Fallon Renee Martinez Date of Employment - October 1, 2012 Classification - Emergency Medical Technician-Basic, Regular, Part-time Salary - $1 1.92 per hour 12. Wayne NET Name of Employee - Rochelle Lee Gordon Date of Employment- October 1, 2012 Classification- Emergency Medical Technician-Basic, Regular, Part-time Salary- $11.92 per hour 13. Wayne NET Name of Employee - Kellie Howell Date of Employment- October 1, 2012 Classification - Emergency Medical Technician-Basic, Regular, Part-time Salary - $11.92 per hour 14. Wayne NET Name of Employee - Tyler Murphy Date of Employment - October 1, 2012 Classification - Emergency Medical Technician-Basic, Regular, Part-time Salary - $11.92 per hour 15. Emergency Medical Services Name of Employee - Christopher Jones Date of Employment- October 25, 2012 Classification - Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic, Part-time Salary- $13.81 per hour 16. Wayne NET Name of Employee- Taylor Andrew Grantham Date of Employment- October 25, 2012 Classification- Emergency Medical Technician-Basic, Regular, Part-time Salary - $11.92 per hour 17. Health Name of Employee- Rachel A. Locey Date of Employment- October 25, 2012 Classification- Dentist, Temporary Salary- $85.00 per hour 18. Sheriff Name of Employee -Thomas J. Swedenburg Date of Employment- November 5, 2012 Classification- Deputy Sheriff, Part-time Salary- $13.09 per hour 19. Health Name of Employee- Jasmin Estella Wint Date of Employment - November 1, 2012 Classification- Processing Assistant III/Interpreter, Full-time Salary- $22,296.74 per year 20. Health Name of Employee- Michele E. Collier Date of Employment- October 18, 2012 Classification- Dentist, Temporary Salary - $95.00 per hour 21. Emergency Services Name of Employee -Angela Brooke Gentry Date of Employment- November 5, 2012 Classification - Telecommunicator, Full-time Salary- $29, 133 .60 per year 22. Health Name of Employee- Sharon Francis Holmes Date of Employment- November 5, 2012 Classification- Dental Hygienist, Temporary Salary- $34.00 per hour Attachment B DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 4TH FIGHTER WING (ACC) SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE NC OCT 16 2012 Mr. Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. Deputy Base Civil Engineer 1095 Peterson Avenue SeymourJohnsonAFBNC 27531 Mr. Connie Price, Director Wayne County Planning Department 134 North John Street Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533 Dear Mr. Price Tbis letter is in reference to the proposed Zoning Text Amendment to allow cemeteries to be established within areas zoned as Ligbt Industry. Currently, the permitted uses listed for Ligbt Industry do not include cemeteries. According to the Land Use Compatibility Guidelines, cemeteries are compatible in APZ I and APZ II, and are compatible in all noise exposure zones below 80 DNL. However, chapels and houses of worship are not compatible in APZ I, APZ II, or noise areas above 80 DNL. We concur with the staff recommendation of adding cemeteries to the list of special uses allowed in Ligbt Industry, and prohibiting chapels and/or houses of worship in APZ I, APZ II, and noise areas above 80 DNL. I appreciate this opportunity to assess this request and to comment on it. If additional information or clarification is required, please contact me at (919) 722-5142. Sincerely ·~!.JG~ Attachment D DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 4TH FIGHTER WING (ACC) SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE NC OCT 17 2012 Mr. Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. Deputy Base Civil Engineer 1095 Peterson Avenue Seymour Johnson AFB NC 27531 · Mr. Connie Price, Director Wayne County Planning Department 134 North John Street Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533 Dear Mr. Price This letter is in reference to Zoning Map Change Z-12-02 for rezoning one lot totaling approximately 35,600 square feet (0.82 acres) in Brogden Township from ResidentialAgriculture 30 (RA-30) to Village District (VI). The current use of the property is residential. The applicant is proposing to maintain his residence and open a used car sales business. The current zoning does not allow for business uses that require outside storage. The subject property falls within the 65-69 day-night average sound level (DNL) noise zone of the 2011 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Report. Commercial land use is compatible with this noise exposure zone. Additionally, the subject property is located underneath the Approach-Departure Clearance Surface of the SJAFB airfield. Based on the proximity of the subject property to the runway, a height restriction of295 feet applies. I appreciate this opportunity to assess this request and to comment on it. If additional information or clarification is required, please contact me at (919) 722-5142. Sincerely ~~ Attachment F 'q DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 4TH FIGHTER WING (ACC) SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE NC OCT 17 2012 Mr. Dennis G. Goodson, P.E. Deputy Base Civil Engineer I 095 Peterson Avenue Seymour Johnson AFB NC 27531 Mr. Connie Price, Director Wayne County Planning Department 134 North John Street Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533 Dear Mr. Price This letter is in reference to Zoning Map Change Z-12-03 for rezoning an acreage tract totaling approximately 54 acres in Brogden Township from Light Industry to Heavy Industry. The current use of the property is vacant industrial and was formerly used as a roofing shingle manufacturing plant. The applicant is proposing to receive used poles and railroad cross ties and process them into landscape material. The current zoning does not allow this type of industry. The subject property falls within the 65-69 day-night average sound level (DNL) noise zone of the 2011 Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Report. Commercial land use is compatible with this noise exposure zone. Additionally, the subject property is located underneath the Approach-Departure Clearance Surface of the SJAFB airfield. Based on the proximity of the subject property to the runway, a height restriction of260 feet applies. I appreciate this opportunity to assess this request and to comment on it. If additional information or clarification is required, please contact me at (919) 722-5142. Sincerely ~~ Attachment G NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY WHEREAS, Skyler Meads, Asia Morrison, and Kayla Newsome, three seniors who attend Charles B. Aycock High School, are enrolled in a Strategic Marketing class and were assigned to create a public relations project for awareness of a cause; and WHEREAS, Skyler Meads, Asia Morrison, and Kayla Newsome have chosen to create awareness of teenage stress and stress in general in our community, and how serving others can relieve said stress. Their primary focus is to bring attention to this issue to the staff and students at Charles B. Aycock High School, and the citizens of Wayne County; and WHEREAS, stress has made our society a restless environment. For students it is the mind straining thought of grades, college decisions and extracurricular activities that causes the most stress along with the possibility of issues with their family and peers. As for adults, stress derives from financial struggles, issues at work, and the responsibility of raising children. All these issues cause residents of Wayne County to live in a society with selfish tendencies. The holiday season is when people are especially stressed; and WHEREAS, serving our fellow citizens is a way to relieve the daunting stresses that we face everyday. Something as simple as someone picking up leaves for someone else can make a huge impact in Wayne County. Assisting others can create joy and help someone feel good about the deeds they have done, which in return can help reduce stress. Such activities turn our selfish society into one of caring and compassion. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wayne County Board of Commissioners encourages the youth and citizens of Wayne County to remember the following: Stress is a problem. Serving is neglected. Kill two birds with one stone, and Stress less, Serve more. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Wayne County Board of Commissioners does herby proclaim December I, 2012 as STRESS LESS & SERVE MORE DAY IN WAYNE COUNTY in hopes that the students at Charles B. Aycock High School and the citizens of Wayne County will take the time to stress less and serve others. This the 20'" day of November, 2012. akrn~~ • · n M. Bell, Chairman Wayne County Board of Commissioners Attest: Clerk to the Board Attachment H NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY WHEREAS, the growth and development of the county and the well-being of all its citizens are dependent upon cooperation and exchange between the two essential environments of our society- farm and non-farm families; and WHEREAS, Wayne County's agricultural income makes a significant contribution to the economy of our county with over $350 million in gross farm gate sales during last year; and WHEREAS, Wayne County is the forth largest agriculture county in the state in farm gate sales; and WHEREAS, studies show agriculture and agribusiness industries together bring in over $763,450,000 of income into the county, which represents 22.4% of the county's income and 20.7% of the county's employment; and WHEREAS, Wayne County was recognized by Farm Futures Magazine as the 511' best place in the country to farm; and WHEREAS, wherever we live, on the farm or in the city, we share common needs- food for our nourishment, forest products for our shelter and paper, and fiber for clothing and other materials; and WHEREAS, if Wayne County is to continue to prosper, it is important that farm and non-farm residents appreciate and understand each other; and WHEREAS, the agriculture community continues to promote a countywide marketing campaign called "We Dig IT" to promote the value of agriculture to the county's economy; and WHEREAS. Farm-City Week provides an unparalleled experience for farm and city people to become better acquainted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Wayne County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim November 19-25, 2012 to be Farm-City Week and a week of thankfulness. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Wayne County Board of Commissioners intends all events associated with Farm-City Week in Wayne County be a tremendous success. Adopted this the 20'" day of November, 2012. c;;t.,,l{l.P& Wayne County Board of Commissioners Attest: ~ Ct/LClCv '-Q_ ..JV~r-0 Mar&\ R. Wilson Clerk to the Board I I ~ II \\ ··~ I oo8£Rfllll<O """''"-"""" u .. VI<:N(I · 4>/? """""" ...... ; ' "Y,t/ I ,, . ... I " .. ~· ,:100l3>«10 _,.., ~M I J '' VSE CU.TIVA1£<1 /' I j j I ( \ \ \ I \ I \ - ~~:,::.::.:-~·-~- I ! I L IEEJ PROPOSED OVERALL SUBQI\{!SION EXISTING OVERAll PROPERTY MAP PRELIMINARY PLAT NOT FOR RECORDATION, CONVEYANCES, OR SALE TRIANGLE ~l~~ """"" GANDER LAKE SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT WAYNE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OVERALL PROPERTY AND SUBDIVISION PLAN PREliMINARY AS NOTED ---'""""'-- NOT RELEASfO lf----------------------------------11 roR~S~ RE\IISLOII$ _j Attachment J RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF WAYNE SELECTING CDBG PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR WHEREAS, the County of Wayne has applied for funds under the 2011 CDBG NC Catalyst Program; and WHEREAS, the County of Wayne has received notification from the North Carolina Division of Community Assistance that the County will receive a 2011 CDBG NC Catalyst Program grant; and WHEREAS, the County of Wayne has procured professional management services in accordance with all applicable Federal, State, and local requirements; and WHEREAS, the County of Wayne has received proposals from at least two qualified firms to provide professional management services, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Wayne; THAT, the County hereby selects RSM Harris Associates, Inc. to provide complete program management services as outlined in their proposal (including administrative and technical housing services) for a lump-sum fee of $75,000.00; and THAT, Lee Smith, County Manager, is hereby authorized to execute a professional services contract between the County of Wayne and RSM Harris Associates, Inc. upon receipt and execution of the Grant Agreement and Funding Approval and adoption of a Grant Project Ordinance. The provision of professional management services is subject to satisfaction of all grant conditions and release of funds conditions. No funds will be obligated until the applicable funding conditions have been satisfied. Adopted this 2d" day of November 2012 at Goldsboro, Wayne County, North Carolina ·""'a;\_c--Lou '16 Ma~ R. Wilson Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Title Attachment K NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of Wayne Road Description - Beckfield Drive, Beckfield Subdivision-Section 2, Subdivision Identification Number S-4309600012-2, Fork Township WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Wayne requesting that the above described road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of road to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Wayne that the Division of Highways is thereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Wayne at a meeting on the 20'11 day ofNovember, 2012. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 20' 11 day ofNovember, 2012. ·~Q.,lc.,lcu ~ ~~ MarMR. Wilson, Clerk Wayne County Board of Commissioners Form SR-2 (7-77) PLEASE NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways. Upon motion of Commissioner C. Munroe Best, Jr., the Wayne County Board of Commissioners approved the foregoing resolution. Attachment L NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY WHEREAS, N.C.G.S. 153A-39 provides that on the first Monday in December of each even numbered year the Board of Comi:nissioners will choose one of its memberS as Chairman for the ensuring year and a Vice-Chairman; and WHEREAS, several Commissioners have been able to secure services of North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Paul M. Newby to swear them in; and WHEREAS, North Carolina Supreme Court Justice Paul M. Newby is not available on the first Monday in December but is available on the first Tuesday in December; and WHEREAS, the Wayne County Board of Commissioners normally meets on Tuesday; and WHEREAS, the family members of some of the Commissioners to be sworn in had made arrangements to attend the meeting on Tuesday; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Wayne County Attorney that the ineeting can be postponed for one day pursuant to the circumstances described above if the current Board of Commissioners and any newly elected Commissioners approve the delay. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners: 1. That the Board shall have its first meeting for the swearing-in of Commissioners and the organization of the Board at 9;00 a.m. on December 4, 2012, with its briefing session to begin as normal at 8:00a.m. on December 4, 2012. 2. That the Board shall meet in Superior Courtroom Number 1 for the swearing-in and organizational process and shall then resume its meeting in its regular chambers. Adopted this 20th day ofNovember, 2012. Attest: . "haJL~---~~ Marc'kl:R'. Wilson Clerk to the Board REPORT: ADJUSTEDIT GENERATED: 26 OCT 10 17:45 PAGE RUN: WEDNESDAY OCT312012 09:33 2 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE OPERATOR JANICE RICE ACCOUNT # 186.5912.630.002 186.5912.630.008 ACCOUNT NAME CAP OUTLAY-ROOF/SYS WIDE SMALL WORKS PROJECT TYPE DESCRIPTION BA WAYNE COUNTY SCHOOLS BA WAYNE COUNTY SCHOOLS AMOUNT 100000.00 10/31/12 100000.00-10/31/12 TOTAL DEBITS 100,000.00 TOTAL CREDITS: 100,000.00- NET ADJUSTMENTS: DATE 0.00 TRANS # 35200024185 35200024186 REPORT: ADJUSTEDIT OPERATOR GENERATED: 26 OCT 10 17:45 JANICE RICE ACCOUNT # 110.4311.693.003 110.4319.699 PAGE RUN: THURSDAY NOV152012 10:26 2 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE ACCOUNT NAME OUTSOURCING INMATES WC LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSOC TYPE DESCRIPTION BA JAIL BA JAIL AMOUNT 4900.00-11/15/12 4900.00 11/15/12 TOTAL DEBITS 4,900.00 TOTAL CREDITS: 4,900.00- NET ADJUSTMENTS: DATE 0.00 TRANS # 35200024567 35200024568 REPORT: ADJUSTEDIT GENERATED: 26 OCT 10 17:45 PAGE RUN: MONDAY N0V192012 08:02 2 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE OPERATOR JANICE RICE ACCOUNT # 110.4260.580 110.4260.351 131.5152.491 131.5152.183 131.5167.393 131.5167.329 117.5807.260 117.5807.491 117.5807.220 ACCOUNT NAME BLDG, STRUCTURES, IMPROV. MAIN & REP - BLDGS & GRDS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS-BIOTERRORISM HOSPITALIZATION INS CONTRIBUTION TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES OTHER COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS FOOD TYPE BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA DESCRIPTION FACILITIES FACILITIES HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH 4H 4H 4H AMOUNT 197950.50 11/19/12 197950,50-11/19/12 25.00 11/19/12 25.00-11/19/12 900.00 11/19/12 900.00-11/19/12 1000.00 11/19/12 200.00 11/19/12 1200.00-11/19/12 TOTAL DEBITS 200,075.50 TOTAL CREDITS: 200,075.50- NET ADJUSTMENTS: DATE 0.00 TRANS # 35200024592 35200024593 35200024594 35200024595 35200024596 35200024597 35200024598 35200024599 35200024600 REPORT: ADJUSTEDIT OPERATOR GENERATED: 26 OCT 10 17:45 JANICE RICE ACCOUNT # RUN: MONDAY NOV262012 14:27 PAGE 2 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE ACCOUNT NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DATE TRANS # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------110.4310.261.002 110.3317.330 115.5832.498 115.3991.991 115.3580.330.002 116.5604.313 116.5612.311 116.5612.260 116.3560.330.012 116.3560.330.017 116.3991.991 110.4520.699.001 110.3580.360.010 110.6110.231 110.3611.410 126.5309.313.002 126.3530.330.009 110.4310.231.006 110.3833.840.020 630.4370.352 630.3839.890.008 110.4310.693 110.4310.299.002 110.3431.410.001 110.3431.410.002 116.5604.313 116.3560.330.012 116.3991.991 110.5800.497.001 110.3580.360.002 266,4930.690.009 266.3300.360.009 266.3991.991 632.4530.571.008 632.3453.330.008 632.3991.991 624.7420.559.001 624.3991.991 116.5604.313 116.3991.991 115.5832.498 115.3991.991 110.4920.690.015 110.4920.690.016 110.9910.991.003 110.3492.360.002 131.5164.328 131.3515.330.005 OFF SUP- NON CAPITAL FURN & EQ-CONTR SUBBA CONTROL SUBSTANCE TAX BA MISC REIMBURSEMENT BA FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED BA CONNECT FOUR-REIMBURSMENT FOR JCPC BA CLIENT TRANSPORTATION BA TRAVEL, MEALS, & LODGING BA OFFICE SUPPLIES BA ECC - GENERAL TRANSPORTATION BA CONSUMER DIRECTED SENIOR BUS PASS BA FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED BA GOLDS/WAYNE TRANSPORTATION - RGP BA GOLDSBORO/WAYNE TRANSPORTATION RGP BA PROGRAMS BA BA LIBRARY PROGRAM REVENUE WORK FIRST TRANSITIONAL TRANSP - ROAP BA WORK FIRST TRANSITIONAL TRANSP - ROAP BA BA SPECIAL PROGRAM MATERIAL-SHERIFF FUND DONATIONS-SHERIFF FUND BA MAINT & REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT BA Various reimb-insurance BA FEES DUE STATE - CONCEALED WEAPON FEE BA MISC SUPPLIES - FINGERPRINTING BA CONCEALED WEAPON FEES BA FINGERPRINT FEES BA CLIENT TRANSPORTATION BA ECC - GENERAL TRANSPORTATION BA FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED BA HCCBG-WAGES BA HCCBG-WAGES BA CDBG - CATALYST CATEGORY - 2011 BA CDBG - CATALYST CATEGORY BA FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED BA FUEL FARM GRANT - VISION 09 & 10 BA FUEL FARM DESIGN-VISION 09 & 10 BA EARNINGS APPROPRIATED BA LINED LANDFILL IMPROVEMENTS BA EARNINGS APPROPRIATED BA BA CLIENT TRANSPORTATION FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED BA MISC REIMBURSEMENT BA FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED BA ONE NC FUND - COOPER STANDARD BA ONE NC FUND - COOPER STANDARD - CO MATCHBA CONTINGENCY FOR ECON DEV - GENERAL BA ONE NC FUND GRANT - COOPER STANDARD BA DRUGS BA FAMILY PLANNING BA SHERIFF SHERIFF jcpc jcpc JCPC SOA SOA SOA SOA SOA SOA GWTA GWTA LIBRARY LIBRARY DSS DSS SHERIFF SHERIFF NET NET SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SHERIFF SOA SOA SOA WAGES WAGES CDBG CDBG CDBG JETPORT JETPORT JETPORT LANDFILL LANDFILL SOA SOA JCPC JCPC ECONOMIC ECONOMIC ECONOMIC ECONOMIC HEALTH HEALTH DEV DEV DEV DEV TOTAL DEBITS 133.66 11/26/12 133.66-11/26/12 375.93 11/26/12 336.93-11/26/12 39.00-11/26/12 5000.00-11/26/12 5456,00 11/26/12 100.00 11/26/12 5000.00 11/26/12 5000.00-11/26/12 556.00-11/26/12 14916.00 11/26/12 14916.00-11/26/12 60.00 11/26/12 60.00-11/26/12 12681.00 11/26/12 12681.00-11/26/12 50.00 11/26/12 50.00-11/26/12 1945.00 11/26/12 1945.00-11/26/12 7665.00 11/26/12 1510.00 11/26/12 7665.00-11/26/12 1510.00-11/26/12 1273.00 11/26/12 1145.00-11/26/12 128.00-11/26/12 25563.00 11/26/12 25563.00-11/26/12 530000.00 11/26/12 500000.00-11/26/12 30000.00-11/26/12 55000.00 11/26/12 49500.00-11/26/12 5500.00-11/26/12 20279.42 11/26/12 20279.42-11/26/12 9067.00 11/26/12 9067.00-11/26/12 2247.00 11/26/12 2247.00-11/26/12 78700.00 11/26/12 78700.00 11/26/12 78700.00-11/26/12 78700.00-11/26/12 21231.00-11/26/12 21231.00 11/26/12 871,953.01 35200024686 35200024687 35200024688 35200024689 35200024690 35200024691 35200024692 35200024693 35200024694 35200024695 35200024696 35200024697 35200024698 35200024699 35200024700 35200024701 35200024702 35200024703 35200024704 35200024705 35200024706 35200024707 35200024708 35200024709 35200024710 35200024711 35200024712 35200024713 35200024714 35200024715 35200024716 35200024717 35200024718 35200024719 35200024720 35200024721 35200024722 35200024723 35200024724 35200024725 35200024726 35200024727 35200024728 35200024729 35200024730 35200024731 35200024732 35200024733 REPORT: ADJUSTEDIT OPERATOR ACCOUNT # GENERATED: 26 OCT 10 17:45 PAGE RUN: MONDAY NOV262012 14:27 3 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE JANICE RICE ACCOUNT NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION TOTAL CREDITS: NET ADJUSTMENTS: AMOUNT 871,953.01- . 0. 00 DATE TRANS # November 26, 2012 CURRENT BUDGET AMENDMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTS See Attached To record Budget Amendments approved by the Board of Commissioners November 20,2012. Upon motion of Vice-Chairman Sandra R. McCullen, resolution was adopted authorizing and directing that the foregoing amendments and/or supplements be made in the current County Budget in accordance with written requests duly submitted to the Board and attached thereof Finance Director. There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 10:39 a.m. ~.JY(
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