OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE HOLIDAY PROGRAM 30th March – 10th April 2015 “GREAT NEWS KIDS & PARENTS” Take a look at our fun and exciting Holiday Programs We operate two programs throughout the holidays: A Long Day Care held at the Early Learning Centre for all preschool /kindergarten students. B Outside School Hours Care program for school aged students to be held at the Discovery House (old Prep House). CCB and Child Care Tax Rebate of 50% are available to meet the out-of-pocket expenses to all students attending the two programs. COME AND JOIN IN THE FUN ON OUR SPECIAL THEME DAYS WHICH INCLUDE LOTS OF EASTER CRAFT & COOKING, EASTER EGG HUNT, FLYING DOCTORS FLIGHT SIMULATOR, AN ART ATTACK DAY WITH ARTIST KATE KENNEDY, RAINBOW DAY, HEALTH & WELLBEING DAY. LOTS OF OTHER ACTIVITIES INDOORS, OUTDOORS GAMES PLUS LOTS MORE. OTHER HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE A TRIP TO INFLATABLE WORLD BUNDOORA AND TO THE POLLY WOODSIDE We ask that nut and nut products are not included in the children’s lunch boxes during the program. Children are asked to please bring their own hats, gumboots & jackets to wear at the program. At all times children are required for their own safety to wear appropriate footwear (no thongs etc) REMEMBER – NO HAT, NO PLAY ***Please turn over the page to see enrolment procedures to make a booking. Please note that an Enrolment form only needs to be completed the first program at the end of term 1 each school year, then a Registration form must be completed each Holiday Program. OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS PROGRAM OPERATION TIMES 7.30am – 6.30pm Prior to 7.30am by appointment only FEE SCHEDULE Holiday Program Full day Full day includes incursion Full day includes excursion Full week (5 days) includes all incursions & excursions $54.00 per child $59.00 or $64.00 per child (depending on activity) $74.00 per child $290.00 per child Excursion/incursion days may incur extra costs depending on the activity. Late fee of $5.00 will apply for every 5 minutes or part thereof that a child requires care after 6.30pm MEDICATION A Medical Authorisation form must be completed for children who require medication. Medication must be clearly labelled with child’s name and dosage required. Under our duty of care a child who arrives without medication or with “out of date” medication, will not be accepted into the program. Please hand all medication to the Coordinator on arrival. CLOTHES Children are required to have a suitable sun hat during Term 1, 3 and 4 holiday programs for outdoor play, during the colder months we advise children to bring a jacket and/or hat. At all times children are required for their own safety to wear appropriate footwear (no thongs etc). FOOD Morning and afternoon tea are supplied in line with the healthy eating guidelines. Children are to bring their own lunch and drink bottle unless otherwise stated on the program or if the menu is not suitable. Please advise staff of any dietary requirements. BEHAVIOUR It is very helpful if you discuss appropriate behaviour with your child before they attend the program. Any behaviour that is seen as unacceptable will be recorded and parents will be informed at pick up time. We do reserve the right to remove a child from the program if behaviour is deemed to be putting other children or staff at risk. In this case parents would be contacted by phone to come and collect their child immediately. We prefer expensive toys and games are not brought to the service and the service takes no responsibility for damage to these items. LEAVING AND COLLECTING CHILDREN Children must be signed in on arrival and signed out before leaving the service by a parent Children will only be allowed to leave the service with adults listed on their enrolment form. If you want someone not listed to collect your child you must notify the service by phone/E-mail. If a child is still at the service after closing time every effort will be made to contact parents or emergency carers listed on the enrolment form. ENROLMENT PROCEDURES An enrolment and registration form must be completed the first program after the start of the new school year (March/April), and then only a registration form listing the days required needs to be completed each program. Bookings will not be accepted without payment and a completed enrolment and/or registration form. Forms must be returned to the College by the closing date by mail or faxed to 9437 0728. Eftpos payments may be made by contacting reception on 9437 1421 CHILDCARE ASSISTANCE Child Care Benefit & Rebate is available to all eligible parents. To register with the Family Assistance Office/Centrelink please contact them on 13 61 50 to obtain your family and child CRN. Then notify the service of these details along with your date of birth. ELTHAM College OSHC Holiday Program March & April 2015 WEEK 1 Date Monday 30/3/15 Day Rainbow Day Come dressed in your favourite colour to make some rainbow shortbread, rainbow crayons and decorate a library bag in rainbow colours Please Bring Cost Lunch & drink Bathers & towel $54.00 SUNHAT Swimming Tuesday 31/3/15 Excursion Day Bus will be departing at approx. 9.30 am sharp to Inflatable World Bundoora and returning at approx. 3.00pm Wednesday 1/4/15 Art Attack Incursion Artist Kate Kennedy will be doing a workshop with you on basic skills needed to paint your own canvas. Make some sidewalk chalk to decorate the paving. Thursday 2/4/15 Friday 3/4/15 Sunhat, lunch, snack & drink in small back pack $74.00 Lunch & drink Art smock/shirt $59.00 SUNHAT Eggstravaganza Easter Fun Day Make your own bonnet, marble some eggs or decorate Easter biscuits. Giant egg hunt Lunch & drink Bathers & towel Swimming SUNHAT $59.00 CLOSED – GOOD FRIDAY WEEK 2 Monday 6/4/15 Tuesday 7/4/15 Wednesday 8/4/15 Thursday 9/4/15 CLOSED – EASTER MONDAY Health & Wellbeing Day Tooth Defenders dental health visit & a PT workout to get your body moving Make a healthy snack for afternoon tea. FLYING DOCTORS INCURSION Come try out the Royal Flying Doctors flight simulator; learn about what they do and how they do it. Paper plane making & comp. Swimming POLLYWOODSIDE EXCURSION Bus will be departing at 11.15 sharp to the Polly Woodside and returning at approx. 4.30pm Lunch & drink $54.00 SUNHAT Lunch & drink Bathers & towel $59.00 SUNHAT Sunhat, lunch, snack & drink in small back pack $74.00 Friday 10/4/15 PARTY DAY Come dressed up for lots of fun party games such as pass the parcel, musical chairs, limbo, face painting, coloured hair spray etc Swimming Please bring a plate of suitable food to share for lunch Bathers & towel $54.00 SUNHAT We ask that nut and nut products are not included in the children’s lunch boxes during the program. Children are asked to please bring their own hats, gumboots & jackets to wear at the program. At all times children are required for their own safety to wear appropriate footwear (no thongs etc) Eltham College Holiday Program reserves the right to change the program due to unforeseen circumstances. The activities on the timetable are only some of the activities the children can participate in on a daily basis. REMEMBER – NO HAT, NO PLAY HOLIDAY PROGRAM 30th March – 10th April 2015 CLOSING DATE: 28th March 2015 Please complete one registration form for EACH child Child’s first name: Surname Year level: REGISTRATIONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT PAYMENT EFTPOS payments may be made by contacting Reception on 9437 1421. REGISTRATION FORMS may be faxed to Reception on 9437 0728. My child will be attending on the following days: (Please circle the days attending) March & April 2015 Mar 30th 6th 13th $54.00 Closed $54.00 31st 7th Apr 1st $59.00 2nd $59.00 th 8 $59.00 9th $74.00 *Staff Day – Care is available if required $74.00 $54.00 3rd 10th Swimming – Competent Years Prep and up children only My permission is / is not given for ___________________________________ to participate in the Holiday Program swimming sessions. Medical authorisation for all children: In the case of an emergency, I authorise the Holiday Program Co-ordinator and/or assistant to contact the family doctor, if available, or the nearest doctor, and to arrange for any hospital treatment. I accept responsibility for any cost involved. Absences: Full refund or transfer of booking to a future program may be made for any cancellation made before the closing date of registration. Given the extended period for which the term 4 holiday program runs, any changes made for December bookings must be made before the closing date of registration, and January bookings must be made before the Christmas break. No refund will be issued after the closing date of registration for absences. SIGNED: ______________________________ DATE: _________________ Parent/Guardian For Office Use only: Paid Amount Fee Extras Date Extra Days Amount Date Methods of Payment Mail: Phone: In person: Cheque/Money Order to P.O. Box 40, Eltham 3095 Credit Card payments 9437 1421 Cash or debit card only Internet Banking: A/.c Name: Eltham College BSB: 633 000 A/C Number 149876260 Reference: Your surname and Holiday Program: (i.e. Smith Holiday Prg) Or return this slip to Reception: TYPE OF CARD: VISA / BANKCARD / MASTERCARD CREDIT CARD NO: _________/__________/__________/__________ EXPIRY DATE: NAME ON CARD: _________________________________________ ____/____ AMOUNT: $________________ Closed $54.00 OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE HOLIDAY PROGRAM ENROLMENT FORM 2015 DETAILS OF CHILD Family Name…………………………………………………………………Grade …………………… Given Names ……………………………………………………………….. Usually called………………………………… Male Female (please circle) Date of Birth…………………………… Languages spoken in the home………………… PREP CHILD: TRANSITION LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT Available (please circle) YES NO 1. DETAILS OF PARENT/GUARDIAN 2. DETAILS OF PARENT/GUARDIAN Name……………………………………………... Name……………………………………………... Address…………………………………………... Address…………………………………………... ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. Telephone (Home)……………………………… Telephone (Home)……………………………… (Work)………………………………. (Work)………………………………. (Mobile)…………………………….. (Mobile)…………………………….. Date of Birth……………………………………. Date of Birth……………………………………... Occupation………………………………………. Occupation………………………………………. Languages spoken……………………………… Languages spoken……………………………… Does the child live with this parent/guardian? Does the child live with this parent/guardian? YES/NO YES/NO Email address............................................................................................................................. Would you be prepared to share any of your cultural or family life with the OSHC Program? YES NO (please circle) ACCOUNT DETAILS – invoice to be sent to: (Please circle) Parent/Guardian 1……………………………….. Parent/Guardian 2………………………………. FEES Have you applied for Child Care Benefit? YES NO (If yes, please provide relevant information) (CRN = Customer Reference Number for Child Care Benefit) 1. Parent/Guardian CRN:…………………………………………….. 2. Parent/Guardian CRN:…………………………………………….. Child CRN:………………………………………………………….. (please circle) PERSONS AUTHORISED TO COLLECT CHILDREN Name/Relationship………………………………………………………………………………………. Address……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Phone Numbers………………………………………………………………………………………….. Name/Relationship………………………………………………………………………………………. Address……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Phone Numbers………………………………………………………………………………………….. Name/Relationship………………………………………………………………………………………. Address……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Phone Numbers………………………………………………………………………………………….. EMERGENCY CONTACTS (Maximum 30 minutes from the service) In case of accident or injury, trauma or illness when parents/guardians are not available, please state two people who could pick up the child and take care of them for the day. In the event that the child is not collected from the children’s service and the parent or guardians cannot be contacted, this list will also be used to arrange someone to collect the child. Name/Relationship……………………………………………………………………………………….. Address……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Phone Number (Home)…………………………………………………………………………………......................... (Work)………………………………………………………………………………….......................... (Mobile)………………………………………………………………………………........................... Name/Relationship……………………………………………………………………........................ Address……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Phone Number (Home)…………………………………………………………………………………......................... (Work)…………………………………………………………………………………......................... (Mobile)………………………………………………………………………………........................... FAMILY DOCTOR Doctor’s Name………………………………………………………..Phone………………………….. Name of Practice………………………………………………………………………………………… Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Medicare Number………………………………………………………………………………………… Do you have Private Medical Insurance? …………………………………………………………….. Do you subscribe to an Ambulance Service? YES NO (please circle) If yes, please state the Ambulance Subscription Number and Category …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… MEDICAL INFORMATION How would you describe your child’s health?................................................................................ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Has he/she had any history of illness? Please give details…………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Allergies…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Medical Conditions………………………………………………………………………………………. Medical Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………… Any Dietary Restrictions?………………………………………………………………………………… Asthma YES NO Anaphylaxis YES NO (please circle) Anaphylaxis/Asthma Medication/Treatment…………………………………………………………….. Do you have an Anaphylaxis Management/Asthma Plan? YES NO (please circle) **A current copy of plan signed by your GP must be returned with this form. Are there any known triggers?...................................................................................................... Has your child been immunised? YES NO (please circle *If yes please provide a copy of your child’s immunisation certificate/record with this form CUSTODY DETAILS Are there special access/custody arrangements? YES NO (please circle) If yes, please give details………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. If a court order exists please provide this information to the Coordinator. 1. Bring the original court order/s for staff to sight and a copy to attach to the enrolment form 2. If these orders; a. Change the powers of a parent/guardian to: - authorise the taking of the child outside the service by a staff member of the service - Consent to the medical treatment of the child - Request or permit the administration of medication to the child - Collect the child AND/OR b. Give these powers to someone else, Please describe these changes and provide the contact details of any person given these powers:……………………………………………………………………………………………… OTHER INFORMATION Is there any other information we should know about your child? Likes, dislikes, favourite activities, cultural information, religion, food etc. .........................………………………………………………………………………….……................... ................................................................................................................................................... Do you give permission for your child to watch PG movies? YES NO (please circle) DECLARATION AND CONSENT TO EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT I/We …………………………………………………………………………(Print full name/s) Person/s with lawful authority of the child referred to in this enrolment form, - Declare that the information in this enrolment form is true and correct and undertake to immediately inform the OSHC service in the event of any change to this information - Agree to collect or make arrangement for the collection of the child referred to in this enrolment form if he/she becomes unwell at the service - Consent to the staff of the OSHC service seeking medical treatment by a medical practitioner, hospital or ambulance service and transport by ambulance, or where appropriate, administer such emergency medical treatment as is reasonably necessary and agree to reimburse any necessary expenses incurred by the OSHC service - Undertake to inform the staff of any absence of my child from the service - Accept full responsibility for my child’s belongings whilst attending the service PHOTOGRAPHIC CONSENT I give permission for my child to be photographed by staff members; I understand that these photos are for the service use only and may be used for promotional material for the service. YES NO (Please circle) I give permission for my child to be photographed and/or videotaped in the event of media reportage. YES NO (Please circle) SUNSCREEN CONSENT I give permission for my child to have a 30+ sunscreen applied as per the service’s Sun Smart Policy. YES NO (Please circle) POLICY AND PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT I agree to abide by all policy and philosophy guidelines of the service. YES NO (Please circle) PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE/S………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… DATE ....................................................................................... PRIVACY NOTIFICATION The ELTHAM College OSHC uses the enrolment form to collect personal information for the purposes of service enrolment and statistical recording. The information may be shared with funding agencies and administrators for operational purposes only. The information will not be disclosed to any other party except as required by law. You are able to amend or correct information on request, by contacting the service coordinator.
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