IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies Vol: 1, Issue: 2 MALL: A Paradise for English Language Learners Yedla, Suneetha MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning): A Paradise for English Language Learners Dr. Suneetha Yedla Acharya Nagarjuna University, India Abstract In the age of globalization the modern mobile related technologies facilitate in changing the teaching-learning process rapidly at the University and Professional College level to make the pedagogy more and more interactive. Global technologies enhance the level of teaching to motivate students in providing information by means of an interesting and innovative way of tasks. The appropriate use of mobile technology in classroom makes easy teaching- learning process to gain information in depth. Teachers are able to use technology by creating suitable environment for teaching if they are trained. The present article deals with how to make an effective, appropriate and interactive use of mobile-related technologies in University level and Professional College level teaching system. Keywords: Globalization, MALL, pedagogy, desktop machines, M-training International Refereed & Indexed Journal of English Language & Translation Studies ISSN: 2308-5460 July-September, 2013 www.eltsjournal.org 91 IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies Vol: 1, Issue: 2 MALL: A Paradise for English Language Learners Yedla, Suneetha 1. Introduction Quality education to everyone, everywhere by integrating technology into education is a key goal of the education for all initiative of the 21st century. In the age of globalization, the modern mobile technologies help in changing the teaching- learning process rapidly at the college and university level. Design of new pedagogy with the use of mobile technology is a new gate-way to create more interactive environment in the classroom in an interesting and innovative way by making teaching more and more effective. The main aim of the technology is advancing and enhancing the class room teaching especially to enhance group teaching to self-learning. The experience of independent learning may encourage the students to continue the learning process on their own in English language communication skills for their future purpose. Teachers have the prime duty to encourage the students to be resource providers and train them to be self-learners and self-trainers in the education with technology. A classroom environment, in which interaction and interdependence are encouraged, promotes learning in the technology-mediated classroom. The explosion of wireless technology has created a new dimension in education. Today, mobile learning is gaining of popularity as a means of transmitting educational information by means of handy technology devices such as mobile phones, ipods and PDAs as they have more processing power and more attractive functional devices than more commonly obtainable desktop machines a decade ago. It’s the duty of the teachers to train the students in multitasked, multifaceted, technology-driven, diverse, vibrant world in an inclusive manner. Students today are connected to technology in many ways that we could never imagine. At this juncture we try to take advantage of the students’ interest by introducing new pedagogy with use of MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning). In this respect, this paper explains how M-Learning, through easily accessible technology devices, can aid inclusive, fast and interactive learning. 2. MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) 2.1 Meaning and nature Mobile Assisted Language Learning means learning with the aid of handheld technology like mobile phones, portable laptops and any other similar portable International Refereed & Indexed Journal of English Language & Translation Studies ISSN: 2308-5460 July-September, 2013 www.eltsjournal.org 92 IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies Vol: 1, Issue: 2 MALL: A Paradise for English Language Learners Yedla, Suneetha devices which are handy. In addition, mobile learning reduces inadequacy of learning location with the mobility of general portable devices. Figure: 1 MALL Device Source: Google Images M-Learning means “getting hold of any knowledge and skill through using mobile technology everywhere at any time (in a classroom, in a cab, in a restroom………….) which provides right to use to all the different learning materials on hand. Moreover, it is two-way process; that means sharing is almost straight away to everybody by means of the same content, which will show the way to receiving feedback at the same moment. M-Learning also brings strong portability by substituting books and notes with small modified learning materials. In addition, this learning methodology is much easier by merging games for a more effective and entertaining knowledge getting. 2.2 Salient Features of M-Learning Technology is all-pervading, touching almost every part of our walk of life. Besides, the requisite of the devices to access mobile network are relatively economically lowcost compare to desktop and laptop computers. Some of the salient features of Mobile Assisted Language Learning are: Inventiveness of knowledge acquaintance Mobility of learning setting Interactivity of the learning process Integration of instructional content Immediate and urgent need of learning Keeping in view the above salient features one can definitely say that mobile learning is convenient from anyplace, which provides access to all classroom activity materials International Refereed & Indexed Journal of English Language & Translation Studies ISSN: 2308-5460 July-September, 2013 www.eltsjournal.org 93 IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies Vol: 1, Issue: 2 MALL: A Paradise for English Language Learners Yedla, Suneetha available. M-Learning also brings strong portability of substituting books and a note with a mobile RAM packed with modified attractive learning contents. 2.3 RAM for 4Rs accessibility 2.3.1 Record: Learners may bring into play a moveable handy device to capture, mound up, note, learn by heart or create information. 2.3.2 Reinterpret: Learner may make use of the portable device to discover or enhance existing data so that it is transformed into new information. 2.3.3 Relate: Learners can share new information, recourses and can communicate directly with other learners, e.g.: linking mobile devices through Bluetooth or sending files from one to another through SMS or MMS. 2.3.4 Reprint: Learners can reprint this information and circulate as hand outs to the persons who need it. 2.4 Classroom Interaction and MALL A troubling gap remains between the promise and reality of technology – related innovative instructional and learning practices in much of higher education. To practice it in higher education there is a need of the hour to provide ICT equipped classrooms. As Yedla (2013) suggests there is a need to transform conventional classrooms into smart rooms. According to her, “… World is changing at a fast speed. Reason behind is ICT which provides fast access to reliable information any time, anywhere. ICT enabled teaching learning process encompasses a variety of resources, tools and technologies aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. There are a variety of resources like projects, multimedia, self-learning modules which enhance the understanding of students. For this, the convectional classrooms have to be transformed into Smart Classroom (PP.: 115- 117). However, to achieve this, not only to put technological cart before the academic horse but also a strong flip to push this around is required. We have to keep pace with this new generation learners. Figure: 2 M-learning in Classrooms International Refereed & Indexed Journal of English Language & Translation Studies ISSN: 2308-5460 July-September, 2013 www.eltsjournal.org 94 IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies Vol: 1, Issue: 2 MALL: A Paradise for English Language Learners Yedla, Suneetha In the classroom, for the effective combination of different modes of delivery, modes of teaching and styles of learning, the following ways can be used by the teacher: Record the lecture and upload it as a podcast. As Facer and Abdous (2011) point out, “Instructors and learners do not need to worry about suffering from an insufficient hardware supply. Smartphone (Mobile) devices, iPods (with voice recorders) and MP3 recorders are handy tools for recording content for podcasts at any time (p. 74). The learners can easily follow the uploaded podcast and share the link to the mobiles of the other students to use while studying or for reference. Share number with the students and ask them to message any question while the students are reviewing the lesson. Then teacher has the chance to answer the salient features in the next class or direct the students as to where they can find the answers. Additionally two or more questions on the same point will give valuable feedback on which areas of the lecture were harder to follow. Ask a new question related to the subject and let the students use their phones to see how quickly they can find the answer. This will enable students to see how well they have understood the context of the question, along with recognition of important keywords of lecture. Create short lists of salient points like important data, exam tips etc…, which can be shared with students through messaging. Allow students to take 5 minutes to study the context systematically by using 3G webs in their mobiles. Before one puts forward the questions, teachers can ask students to put away their phones and quizzing them. This pattern represents International Refereed & Indexed Journal of English Language & Translation Studies ISSN: 2308-5460 July-September, 2013 www.eltsjournal.org 95 IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies Vol: 1, Issue: 2 MALL: A Paradise for English Language Learners Yedla, Suneetha PPP (Presentation, Practice and Production) Approach specified by Yedla (2012:53) to teach Specific Communication Skills in English for technocrats. Build vocabulary by sending flashcards with a new word and its definition, everyday. All this can be done with student’s phones using mobile learning applications. Apart from the commonly used SMS, MMS is the more recent mobile messaging application which can deliver all types of information, such as text message, sound, images and video message. This argument has been specified very aptly by Zhang (2011) with the view that “with the exception of very short genres like SMS and tweets, writing is a secondary activity on a mobile device, and especially mobile phones. Short genres can certainly play a significant role in MALL, including second – language MALL (P: 222). By this we should make out that in the near future, the use of SMS and MMS will potentially be increased in the education field as technology improves. An example for M-learning tools for classroom applications available to procure for Universities and Professional Colleges: 2.4 MALL Applications for Universities and Professional Colleges 2.4.1 SpeakingPal -is one of the mobile learning systems that bring speech identification ability to the mobile phone, creating a new learning experience. The chunks of the teaching material include an array of real-life conversations, interactive exercises, role plays and verbal communication activities. These tasks make the students highly interactive and entertaining. Modern language learners need to develop very specific language skills and new cultural knowledge in a very short time and in a variety of circumstances (Vera, 2012). To provide such variety of circumstances with M-learning tools in the classroom instruction, teachers should acquire the knowledge and skills to use the new challenges in promoting innovative teaching strategies which are studentcentered, collaborative, authentic and self-directed. Therefore the educational institutions should undertake innovative M-training programs for teachers to update their teaching competencies to facilitate the teaching process effectively. 2.4.2 M-training- M-Training makes the teachers to get acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies to teach both the vocational or practical skills and International Refereed & Indexed Journal of English Language & Translation Studies ISSN: 2308-5460 July-September, 2013 www.eltsjournal.org 96 IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies Vol: 1, Issue: 2 MALL: A Paradise for English Language Learners Yedla, Suneetha knowledge that relates to specific purpose. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone to the technical content at professional or technical colleges with techie classrooms. In addition to the basic training required for a trade, occupation or profession, it is recognized today that there is a need to continue training beyond initial qualifications to maintain, upgrade and update skills throughout working life. In the context of many professions and occupations this may be referred to as professional development. 2.5 Training for Trainer’s Sake New learning environment has brought new challenges for teachers. At first glance M-learning differs from tutoring only in terms of involvement of technology. But teaching in MALL with online environment differs from classroom-based face-to face teaching in many ways. The main objectives of M-tutors reflect these requirements and they include topics, which help Provide M-tutors with pedagogical and didactic information necessary for establishing deeper understanding of the nature and effects of M-learning. Describe different possibilities of approaches to m-learning, to create awareness of the various pedagogical paradigms underpinning certain online course design approaches. Practice various techniques that help to gain pedagogical competence for M-tutoring such as strategies for teaching with mobiles through online activities, evaluating the activities etc. Teachers learn to teach online by doing hands on activities. 2.6 Need for M-training M-Learning has acquired good reputation among users by providing much needed information, document delivery, electronic resources, and instrumentation in the use of electronic resources. As users are increasingly utilizing these electronic resources through website, the instruction team has recognized a growing need for web-based instruction as well. M-training instruction program also includes personal or group tutorials that are offered to the users in their lab or office or in the library. M-training offers on and offsite training programmes for large or small groups. Seminars also include instructions on M-training to some extend in searching educational databases such as web International Refereed & Indexed Journal of English Language & Translation Studies ISSN: 2308-5460 July-September, 2013 www.eltsjournal.org 97 IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies Vol: 1, Issue: 2 MALL: A Paradise for English Language Learners Yedla, Suneetha resources, using bibliographic management software such as reference manager and special resources. A number of factors led us to implement to offer web-based instruction in addition to seminars, tutorials and group presentations. Anyhow give training to the trainers to professional course students is the need of the hour at present scenario. 3. Conclusion Mobile Assisted Language Learning is very much easier and faster to learn English. The development of mobile wireless technologies has generated a considerable amount of excitement among practitioners and academicians because it results in shifting the academic environment from traditional setting to mobile learning settings. Mobile wireless technologies are the new frontiers for teaching and learning in institution of higher education. Many educational opportunities are made possible because of M-technologies’ unique characteristics and positive impacts identified in higher education especially in Universities and Professional colleges. MALL is an approach to English language learning that is to enhance English through use of mobile devices to create paradise of English language learners. About the Author: Dr. Suneetha Yedla got Doctor of Philosophy in English Language Teaching from Acharya Nagarjuna University of Andhra Pradesh, India and is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Acharya Nagarjuna University College of Engineering and Technology, India. She teaches Professional English Communication Skills and Soft Skills to the technical students. She has published widely in various international journals and presented papers in national and international conferences. Her major areas of research interests are: ELT and ICT, ESP, Literatures in English. References Bhatia, R. 2011. “Enhancing Teaching: Learning with Technology”, University News, Vol.49, No.31, August 1-7, p. 13-15. Facer, Betty Rose & Abdous M. (ed.) 2011. Academic Podcasting and Mobile Assisted Language Learning Applications and Outcomes, Hershey, IGI Global Publishers. Jaiswal, D. 2010. M-Learning: A New Paradigm in Education, University News, Vol.48, No.42, October 18-24, p.38. International Refereed & Indexed Journal of English Language & Translation Studies ISSN: 2308-5460 July-September, 2013 www.eltsjournal.org 98 IJ-ELTS: International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies Vol: 1, Issue: 2 MALL: A Paradise for English Language Learners Yedla, Suneetha Vera, Javier E. Diaz, 2012. Left to my Own Devices: Learner Autonomy and MobileAssisted Language Learning, Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley. Yedla, Suneetha, 2013. “Classroom to Smart Room: Need of the Hour for English for Engineering” Contemporary Research in India: An International Peer Reviewed Journal, Vol.3, Issue 1, Pg: 115-117. ISSN: 2231-2137 Yedla, Suneetha, 2012. “Teaching Techniques in ESP for Technocrats”, Thematics Journal of English Language Teaching: An International Peer Reviewed Journal, Vol.2, Issue 1, Pg.No.50-54, ISSN 2231-4873. Zhang, Felicia (ed.) 2011. Computer- Enhanced and Mobile- Assisted Language Learning: Emerging Issues and Trends, Hershey, IGI Global Publishers. Web Resources: https://www.googleimages.co.in International Refereed & Indexed Journal of English Language & Translation Studies ISSN: 2308-5460 July-September, 2013 www.eltsjournal.org 99
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