BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 52, 814-823 (1995) Daily Patterns of Pituitary Prolactin Secretion and Their Role in Regulating Maternal Serum Progesterone Concentrations across Pregnancy in the Djungarian Hamster (Phodopus campbelli)" HEATHER E. EDWARDS, CATHARINE J. REBURN, and KATHERINE E. WYNNE-EDWARDS 2 Queen's University, Department of Biology, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6 ABSTRACT Profiles of serum prolactin (PRL) and progesterone (P4) were determined in repeatedly (every 2 h) sampled female Djungarian hamsters (Pbodopus campbelli) over a 24-h period on Days 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 of the 18-day pregnancy. The first half of pregnancy was characterized by significant surges of PRL within a 2-h period around dawn (0500 h) and dusk (1900 h), with some females also showing a weak midday surge at 1300 h. By Day 9, dusk and midday surges were absent, but the dawn surge remained at its initial amplitude. On Day 12, no PRL surges were seen. Resumption of both the dusk and dawn PRL surges occurred on Day 15 of gestation. Considerable interindividual variability in the amplitude of PRL surges, the timing of PRL surges, and the number of surges per day was detected and would complicate any assessment of PRL levels based on single samples per female. Serum P4 concentrations were 8-10 ng ml- ' before doubling on Day 15. A 3-day treatment of 50 and 300 g bromocryptine (CB 154; on Days 13-15) effectively suppressed PRL during late pregnancy (Day 15) but did not alter serum P4 concentrations or interfere with parturition. Therefore, surges of PRL are not an essential luteotropic stimulus during late gestation. Compared to oil-injected controls, CB 154-treated females had a higher incidence of infanticide postpartum. Growth rates of the pups, mammary gland development, and successful delivery of milk to pups, however, did not differ between groups. Further studies will be required to determine the function of late-gestation PRL surges. INTRODUCTION pregnancy. The lack of measurable cross-reactivity with placental extracts or placental incubations and the recognition of large quantities of PRL in pituitary incubations confirmed that the PRL was of pituitary origin [1]. There are two hypotheses to explain this result. The first is that pituitary PRL remains the primary luteotropin throughout pregnancy but that the PRL surges shift in time such that the once-a-day sampling paradigm of Edwards et al. [1] missed detecting them during midgestation. Such temporal shifts in the timing of PRL surges occur in the golden hamster [7]. According to the second hypothesis, although placental luteotropins maintain the CL of midgestation, pituitary PRL surges, of unknown function, are reestablished during late gestation. PRL is important for the initiation and/or maintenance of lactation in many mammals (see [8] for review), and suppression of PRL results in reduced milk yield and/or reduction in offspring growth in several species [9-11]. Therefore it is possible that late-gestation PRL is mammotropic or lactogenic in function. However, late-term PRL surges could also be luteotropic and reflect pituitary rather than feto-placental regulation of CL function. Preimplantation pregnancy block [12] occurs at the level of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis through the suppression of PRL release [13]. In some species, pregnancy blocks can also occur during late pregnancy [14]. Edwards et al. [1] postulated that temporary decreases in serum P4 on Days 6 and 12 of the Djungarian hamster pregnancy might represent sensitive windows for the termination of maternal investment in the current reproductive attempt. Such postimplantation pregnancy blocks would be adaptive for this species, since short-lived rodents in extreme habitats experience strong selection for rapid reproductive cycles Maintenance of pregnancy in the Djungarian hamster, Pbodopus campbelli, is critically dependent on the continued secretion of progesterone (P4) by ovarian CL, even during late gestation, since bilateral ovariectomy during that time causes P4 levels to fall and pregnancies to fail [1]. As in the rat [2] and mouse [3], extension of the CL life span during early pregnancy in the Djungarian hamster is linked to the establishment of a coitally induced pituitary prolactin (PRL) secretion pattern that consists of surges occurring daily at dusk and dawn [4]. In the absence of a viable feto-placental unit, this neuroendocrine response spontaneously terminates after Day 6 of gestation (as measured by the loss of dusk surges of pituitary PRL in pseudopregnant females), resulting in a drop in serum P4, regression of the CL, and termination of the overall reproductive effort [5]. The loss of dusk PRL surges after Day 6 also occurs in pregnant females; however, CL persist and secrete large quantities of P4, maintaining high levels in the serum [1]. As in the mouse and rat, it would be expected that luteotropic hormones produced by the placenta (i.e., placental lactogens) would maintain the functional integrity of the CL after pituitary PRL surges end in midgestation [6]. However, in the Djungarian hamster, dusk surges of immunoreactive pituitary PRL unexpectedly resume during late Accepted November 29, 1994. Received July 14, 1994. 'This study was supported by an NSERC research grant to KE.W.-E. and a postgraduate NSERC scholarship to H.E.E. 2Correspondence. FAX: (613) 545-6617. 814 PROLACTIN SECRETION DURING GESTATION IN PHODOPUS and early detection of failed reproductive attempts [15]. Evolution of the ability to block pregnancy during late gestation may require maternal (pituitary) rather than feto-placental control of CL function. The present study tested the hypothesis that the pituitary PRL secretion pattern induced by coitus is maintained throughout pregnancy and 1) is necessary for the maintenance of ovarian CL and high serum P4 and 2) affects the lactogenic potential of the dam. A technique for repeated, small-volume sampling of individuals without induction of handling responses was developed to minimize the number of animals used. This technique also permitted, for the first time, an analysis of temporal variability between females in the PRL secretion pattern. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals The animals used were Phodopus campbelli raised in our breeding colony, for which the details of origin have been previously described [16]. The colony was maintained at 18 + 1IC on a 14L:10D schedule, with 0000 h corresponding to the middle of the dark phase. Dim red light provided illumination during the dark portion of the light cycle. Animals were housed in 27 x 21 x 14-cm cages with wood chip bedding and food and water given ad libitum. All females used in this study (n = 68) were adult virgins between 90 and 110 days of age (mean = 98 days). All males (> 120 days) had proven their fertility by siring at least one litter. Pairing occurred in the early afternoon, and pairs were observed each day of the estrous cycle (4 days [17]) for behavioral receptivity on proestrus. Mating occurred during the 2-h period surrounding lights-off (dusk) and was confirmed by the direct observation of at least one behavioral ejaculation [16]. Day 1 of pregnancy began at midnight (0000 h) following the evening on which mating occurred. All pairs remained together after mating to minimize pregnancy-blocking responses [12]. After matings, behavioral observations continued on a daily basis to screen for successful pregnancy initiation. Animals that remated on Days 4-5 or Days 9-11 had pregnancy blocked or were pseudopregnant [5] and were not included in analyses. Sample Collection After mating, females were scheduled for repeated sampling every 2 h for a 24-h period on one of Days 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15 of the 18-day pregnancy (n = 6-8 females per day), with sampling beginning at 0100 h. The apparatus allowed four pairs to be sampled during any 24-h period. All samples were collected during January through March of 1994. Twelve hours before sampling, pairs were removed from their home cage, transferred to a 16 x 26 x 30-cm experimental cage that had opaque siding and two vents at its base, and allowed to acclimatize. Animals were main- 815 tained in a continuous air stream that was delivered through one vent except during sampling, when it was turned off via a remote switch. The experimental apparatus was kept under a fume hood in the breeding colony, where routine maintenance by humans was common. As handling stress is a confounding variable during repeated sampling, such effects were controlled for by anesthetizing pairs briefly (20 sec) with vaporized AErrane Isoflurane before each sample was taken. The anesthetic was delivered to the pair through the second vent and rapidly cleared from the cage when air flow through the first vent resumed. Since Isoflurane is denser than air, it accumulated at the level of the hamsters, and 30 sec was required to induce anesthesia. The continuous air stream and fume hood ensured that residual anesthetic did not remain in the bedding. The fume hood was constructed of clear acrylic, which allowed for normal physiological entrainment by the light-dark cycle. For each sample, 1.75 ml Isoflurane was delivered through tubing 1 m long (inner diameter = 1.5 cm) connected to an Ohmeda Isotec 3 Isoflurane vaporizer. Vaporization was performed with medical grade oxygen as the carrier gas at a flow rate of 3.5 L-min'. Isoflurane is a respiratory depressant and was chosen for this experiment on the basis of 1) fast induction and recovery owing to its insolubility in the blood and its ability to be almost completely eliminated in exhaled air [18], 2) margin of safety, which is greatest among all the inhalant anesthetics with respect to the cardiovascular system [18], 3) absence of known toxicities and lack of residual effect in tissues [19], and 4) mode of administration, i.e., selfadministration such that the animal doses itself depending on its respiratory rate [19]. Blood Collection Blood samples from the orbital sinus of the right eye were collected in 7 5-pLl heparinized microcapillary tubes and immediately centrifuged, and serum was stored at -20°C until assayed for PRL and P4 content. With 12 repeated samples, a total of 900 il of blood was removed per femalea total volume comparable to that of single samples obtained in previous studies, which had no adverse effect on reproductive cycles or behavior [17]. After 24 h of sampling, pairs were removed from the experimental cage and returned to their home cage. Only females that gave birth on Day 18 were used for analyses. The number of pups for each litter was recorded. Experimental Controls Sample collection and apparatus. Animals were prevented from associating the experimenter with sampling by 1) remote delivery of the anesthetic, 2) opaque siding of the cage, and 3) being allowed to remain within.the general animal colony. However, the odor of Isoflurane was a 816 EDWARDS ET AL. potential conditioning signal that could affect stress responses and serum PRL concentrations of the hamsters. It was also possible that the odor was initially stressful but that the animals became acclimatized with later sampling. To test for these effects, two groups of females were sampled 12 h out of phase relative to the Day 6 experimental females. Specifically, sampling began at 1300 h on Day 5 and ended at 1100 h on Day 6 of gestation in one group, but began at 1300 h on Day 6 and ended at 1100 h on Day 7 of gestation in the second group. Serum PRL concentrations were compared between the groups to test for pattern differences and potential "initial sample" effects. To minimize the potential for artifactual changes in PRL levels in a cohort of females sampled together (n = 4), synchrony in gestation age for these 4 females was avoided. In addition, sample sizes ranged between 6 and 8 females per day. Hematocrit. Another potential confounding variable was changing blood hematocrit levels and hemodilution or hemoconcentration associated with the repeated disruption of the blood clot in the orbital sinus. Blood hematocrit was measured in an additional 20 females, which were repeatedly sampled every 2 h over a 14-h period (sampling occurred between 0500 h and 1900 h). Immediately after the eighth sample (from the right sinus), blood was also drawn from the left orbital sinus for comparison between eyes. In order to determine the full recovery period for the percentage hematocrit, single samples from the right eye were taken at 48 h and 120 h after the last (eighth) sample at 1900 h. Role of PRL during Late Gestation PRL as a luteotropin. A group of 5 females repeatedly sampled on Day 15 were treated beginning 3 days earlier (Days 13-15 at 1600 h) with daily 0.6-ml injections (s.c.) containing 50 ig of CB 154 (bromocryptine mesylate, a dopamine agonist [Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO; B2134]) to suppress endogenous PRL levels. A single 50-gig injection in male mice (-30 g BW) suppresses PRL levels for 24 h [20], and both a 3-day treatment of 1 mg CB 154 per 300g rat (equivalent to 100 ig per 30-g animal) and a single 300-gig injection reduce surge levels of PRL in early-pregnant rats and cause abortion of entire litters [21, 22]. Thus it was expected that a 3-day treatment of 50 gg would similarly reduce PRL levels in the Djungarian hamster. CB 154 was first dissolved in 95% ethanol and then suspended in sesame oil [20]. To subsequently evaporate ethanol, the mixture was stirred for 10 h. The suspension was stirred for 1 h before injection to ensure homogeneity of the injection sample. Before the first injection, pregnancy was confirmed in all females by external palpation of the abdominal wall. Females that were not pregnant were eliminated from the study. After injection, females were monitored several times daily for signs of pregnancy failure including vaginal bleeding and/or decreased activity levels [1]. PRL as a mammotropin and/or lactogen. The hypothesis that late-gestation PRL surges at dusk are necessary to initiate lactation was tested by using three additional groups of females, which were treated daily at 1600 h on Days 13-15 with either 1) oil injections, 2) 50-g injections of CB 154, or 3) 300-gig injections of CB 154 prior to a single 75-1l blood sample taken at 1900 h (dusk) on Day 15 of pregnancy. The 300-11g dose was used for comparison with the 50-g dose of CB 154 to ensure that PRL levels were sufficiently lowered to detect a response. The presence (or absence) and degree of teat development (i.e., amount of teat swelling and visible protrusion through the ventral pelage relative to that of a midpregnant [Day 10] female) on Days 13 and 15 were recorded for all females. For females that successfully gave birth on Day 18, the following were recorded: 1) litter size at birth and on each consecutive day of lactation, 2) individual pup weight on postnatal Days 0-6, and 3) the presence or absence of milk visible in the stomach of the pups [23]. Milk was quantified into three categories: 1) low amounts, 2) moderate amounts, or 3) plenty of milk visible through the stomach wall. The weight gained over this time was used as an index of the dam's lactational ability [9]. Both parents remained with the pups during lactation. RIA The RIA procedure for P4 (progesterone antibody no. 337, supplied by G.D. Niswender, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO) has been validated previously in this species [17, 24]. All samples were assayed in duplicate at 5 gl1. The conservative limits of sensitivity were defined as 85% binding at 13.2 pg/tube and 20% binding at 134.3 pg/tube, giving a range of 2.4-32.7 ng ml - '. Inter- and intraassay coefficients of variation were 9.4 and 11.8%, calculated from duplicate determinations of a serum pool in 12 assays. The RIA procedure for PRL measurements in the Djungarian hamster was modified from those of Dr. A.F. Parlow (Pituitary Hormones and Antisera Center, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA) and Dr. F. Talamantes [7]. Validation for use in this species is available in Edwards et al. [1] and from Dr. Parlow. The protocol used anti-hamster PRL (rat; #AFP-7472988) as the primary antibody, hamster PRL (#AFP-10302-E) as the reference preparation, and goat anti-rat gamma globulin (titer P-3, lot #9TA05Y; Antibodies Inc., Davis, CA) as the second antibody. For purposes of the present study, values are reported as ggml - 1 (relative potency of 1.00), although the heterologous golden hamster antibody and reference preparation may not provide absolute determination of PRL concentrations in Djungarian hamsters. This laboratory has recently changed the method of PRL iodination relative to that used in previous studies [1, 4, 5]. Specific alterations in the iodination procedure are the use PROLACTIN SECRETION DURING GESTATION IN PHODOPUS of 1) a much smaller reaction chamber in the paraffin well than that described by Butt [25], 2) a larger reaction volume (50 i1) into which the 3 pIl (300 pCi) of NaI' 25 was diluted, and 3) a 0.05 M sodium phosphate (pH = 7.6, Na 2PO 4 + NaH2 PO4 ) diluent into which choramine T (Sigma Chemical Co.; C-9887) was dissolved prior to the gaseous phase reaction with the NaCI-saturated filter paper disk. With the use of this gentler procedure, the iodinated PRL peak showed markedly improved binding to the primary antibody. This in turn increased the range of the assay (85-20% binding) from 15-390 pg/tube [1, 4, 5] to 33-1880 pg/tube with the LOGIT slope unchanged. The primary result of this change in assay sensitivity was in the amplitude of PRL peaks resolved. As sample volumes were small (20-25 p1I serum), capillary tubes were difficult to reseal, and freeze-thaw cycles were rigorously avoided; all PRL samples were assayed in triplicate (at 1 pI), but it was not possible to reassay samples that were outside the sensitivity range. Therefore, values outside assay limits were entered into the calculations as the limiting values, and statistical analyses were chosen to reflect this necessity. The inter- and intraassay coefficients of variation were 13.6% and 9.6%, calculated from triplicate determinations of a blood pool in 12 assays. StatisticalAnalyses Mean values are expressed + SEM. Serum P4 concentrations were normally distributed and were analyzed by parametric techniques. A repeated measures one-way ANOVA was used for comparisons between times on a given day of gestation. A global mean serum P4 concentration per female over the 12 samples was calculated and used for comparisons between 1) different days, 2) Day 6 females and out-of-phase control females, and 3) Day 15 pregnant and CB 154-treated females. The first two comparisons used a factorial one-way ANOVA, while the latter used an unpaired t-test. All parametric tests were two-tailed with a critical significance level of 0.05. Unlike serum P4, serum PRL concentrations were not normally distributed and, as an intrinsic feature of the RIA, had variances that increased at both the high and low ends of the range. Rounding of out-of-range values to the calculated assay limit artificially reduces the variance associated with precisely those samples that intrinsically have the highest variances. Parametric statistics are sensitive to this artifact and the truncation of any normal distribution in transformed data. Therefore, more conservative nonparametric techniques that employ ranking and do not assign increased weight to extreme values were used for analyses. As there is no nonparametric equivalent to the repeated measures ANOVA, pairwise Wilcoxon matched-pairs, signedrank tests were used to retain individual female identity and to permit comparisons between time points within a single day of sampling. Since such analyses involved 66 comparisons per day, the typical significance level of 0.05 would have resulted in an unacceptable level of type III statistical 817 errors. Instead, a critical significance level of 0.0125 was used. For the averaged values, any sample significantly different from the nadir sample for those animals was considered to represent a PRL surge. For comparisons of PRL concentrations between 1) different days, 2) Day 6 and out-of-phase control females, and 3) Day 15 pregnant and CB 154-treated females, independence between values was retained by calculating a mean concentration for an individual female (the average of her 12 samples) and using that value in analyses. The first two comparisons used a one-way factorial ANOVA, while the latter used an unpaired t-test. Provided that the overall ANOVA was significant, post hoc analyses used the Fisher PLSD (Probable Least Squares Difference) test. All of these tests had a critical significance level of 0.05. Mean PRL concentrations were associated with large variances. These could have been the result of 1) similar patterns but different absolute levels of hormone in different individuals, 2) similar absolute hormone levels across females but variation in the timing of peak and nadir values, 3) fundamental differences between females in the occurrence of peak values, or 4) a combination of the above. The repeated sampling of individual females allowed direct assessment of interindividual variability in PRL concentrations and secretion patterns. As the amplitude of PRL peaks differed across females but every female had at least one sample at the lower limit of the assay, peaks were defined within each female's profile as 70% of the highest level detected (i.e., the highest PRL sample = 100%). Thus every female had, by definition, at least one peak (except those for which the value never rose above the lower limit of the assay). The total number of peaks was counted for each female and used in analyses. For each litter, mean pup weight per day was calculated and used in analyses. Pup weights were normally distributed. Pup weights from CB 154-treated females were compared against those for controls for each lactation day via a repeated one-way ANOVA with a critical significance of 0.05. RESULTS Of the 68 females used in this study, pregnancy-blocking responses occurred in 10.3%. All remaining females successfully gave birth on Day 18, with no significant difference found in litter size between females or experimental groups (mean = 6.02 0.02 pups; range = 3-8). With repeated sampling, hematocrit decreased from 63.4 0.7 in the first sample to 44.3 0.8 in the seventh sample and beyond. No laterality between eyes in hematocrit was detected. Five days were required for hematocrit to recover to initial values after the 16-h sampling. Serum Levels of PRL and P4 Figure 1 shows the 24-h patterns found in serum levels of PRL across pregnancy. On Days 3 and 6, significant peaks 818 EDWARDS ET AL. Day 3 .I r.P Day 6 ii::?.. .?. - :: t E c r-Ir- U Day 9 ,LO 2 .9to . . . . .· . bo IC-, 8 0 2 4] E . . . . .- . .- .- -5> :.i..::-?:~:,:~:.:.:-:.:&5~O 330 0D 12 Day .@Ba a .. 2 _ 10 ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .?B .......... BB ~~ ?: 4?4.:t~~~~~~~~~ B: aBX~~~~~~~~~~~g, 1 n.@0?a , ..... Ba 55 .....,,,Bl;:,a,, ,,:',Bii: Bi a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i- ?: iil.ffi0Ei, A o! BBB · i i · -i , , ,. , igii15 ·. · Day i. ii · ie I . .· 3 3, ,-- 220 iii : il??? :<S; +/ w 1 O' ??? . ia~~~~~~ia '--@B'' -5i:itiiii:: ~ @000?ili ii40|ii i~~~~~~~~::::::::--:-:-iliiii a ,i',444ii~~~~j i,ii titititt:·: a . .?B i~~~~~~~~~~ililli Pi 5 @W: :!:g gggggg ?g i~~i Bililil? | CaaB ° a iji ,i~iiiititii 0;it : s? 'itiiiiii ;<@ i~~~~~li~~i i~~~~~lX E~~::: 5.Li. i?? 4 .EHi O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time (hours) FIG. 1. Mean SEM PRL concentration in the serum over a 24-h period on Days 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 of the 18-day pregnancy. The number of repeatedly sampled females for each day is shown in parentheses. Asterisks denote significant peaks of PRL relative to nadir values indicated with (t) (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed ranks, p < 0.0125). Shaded areas depict the dark phase of the 14L:10D photoperiod. occurred within 2 h of lights-on (dawn) and 2 h of lightsoff (dusk). A diurnal elevation in mean serum PRL was found at 1300 h on both days, but was not statistically significant because of the large variance between females (range: 0.033 Lgml-'-1.744 ,ag-ml-'). Peak levels of PRL were also ob- 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time (hours) FIG. 2. Mean + SEM P4 concentration in the serum over a 24-h period on Days 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 of pregnancy. Sample sizes are shown in Figure 1. No significant differences between times within a day were detected. Shaded areas depict the dark phase of the 14L:10D photoperiod. served near dawn on Day 9, although the dusk surge was absent. There were no PRL peaks on Day 12 of pregnancy. On Day 15, both dawn and dusk surges were present (z > 2.20, p < 0.0125). On average, surge levels that were statistically significant were 0.90 + 0.07 Ig ml - ' (n = 69). Average levels of PRL per day changed significantly across gestation (F4 ,34 = 4.95,p < 0.01), with the value for Day 12 819 PROLACTIN SECRETION DURING GESTATION IN PHODOPUS - 2- a, lav 5 [av 6 7 flav --- .: Day3 I-. 2 _ I '7 T T I E T\ tJ 0 t 11 .1 -;1 i1 1' . - 1 I : I I 1 . 1 1 1 :J I. 1 Time (hours) FIG. 3. Mean SEM PRL concentration in the serum over a 24-h period from females sampled 12 h out of phase on Days 5/6 (n = 6) and 6/ 7 (n = 7). Asterisks denote significant surge peaks of PRL relative to all nadir values indicated with (t) (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed ranks, p < 0.0125). The vertical line within the 10-h dark phase is provided for ease of comparison with the Day 6 data in Figure 1. .. . being significantly lower than those for all other days in post hoc analyses (Fisher PLSD, p < 0.05). Figure 2 shows the 24-h patterns found in serum levels of P4 across pregnancy. No significant changes were detected within any day (p > 0.26 in all cases). Correspondingly, there was no significant correlation between serum concentrations of PRL and P4 within a given female (R = 0.08). Mean P4 concentrations varied significantly across gestation (F4, 30 = 27.34, p < 0.01), with the value for Day 15 being significantly higher at 24.2 0.9 ng-ml-l than that of any of the other days (average 8.9 + 0.2 ng ml-'). Pooled data across Days 3-12 of gestation showed significant variation between those females in mean serum P4 concentrations (F28, 347 = 8.42, p < 0.01), with individual females exhibiting values consistently higher or lower than the mean in successive samples. Conversely, late-pregnant females (Day 15) had higher absolute concentrations of P4 and higher standard errors on the mean values, but interindividual variability did not contribute significantly to this result. Individual females showed a range of P4 levels during the day. Experimental Controls PRL levels from midday on Day 5 through midday on Day 7 are shown in Figure 3. All initial values at 0100 h in Figure 1 were low, leading to a potential concern that the sampling paradigm was affecting PRL levels. The out-of-phase females not only replicated the low value at 0100 h on Day 6 and the overall pattern across Day 6 (correlation, R = 0.77), but began with an initial value that was a significant peak at 1300 h on Day 5 (p = 0.009) and showed a second initial value over 0.75 RIg-ml-' at 1300 h on Day 6. Matching the dusk and dawn PRL peaks on Days 3 and 6 in Figure 1, significant peaks were detected at each 2100 h and 0300 h on Days 5, 6, and 7 (p = 0.009). Interindividual Variability Figure 4 shows individual PRL serum profiles over 24 h for each sampling day. Each female had nadir values at or a To 0 i - 14 Day15 I i (...I 2 4 .1 10 14 1. Time (hours) 2 Day 9 ......:., ......... 2i ii ? i 2 Z 10 14 1 22 Time (hours) FIG. 4. Individual profiles of serum PRL over 24 h on Days 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 of pregnancy. Asterisks denote significant surge peaks of PRL for each female (defined as > 70% of the maximum PRL concentration for that individual). Shaded areas depict the dark phase of the 14L:10D photoperiod. 820 EDWARDS ET AL. CB-154 Treatment (N=5) U. 1.0 '-- ~ '0.5 30S e *i . o -- (N=5) 30 9 E m 20 Ioo ............. · · II 0 4 8 · · 12 16 Time (hours) FIG. 5. Mean + SEM serum concentration of (a) PRL and (b) P4 over a 24-h period on Day 15 of pregnancy after three daily injections of 50 .g of CB 154 {(Days 13-15). The number of repeatedly sampled females is shown in parentheses. The majority of PRL samples are at the lower limit of sensitivity of the assay and may actually be significantly lower than shown. Shaded areas depict the dark phase of the 14L:10D photoperiod. slightly above the lower limit of the assay. The number of peak values varied significantly across gestation days (ANOVA; F4,34 = 8.60, p < 0.01). Comparisons across days showed Day 3, 6, and 15 females to be similar, having, on average, 2.8 + 0.4 peak values per day, while Day 9 and 12 females were significantly lower at 1.6 ± 0.2 and 0.6 + 0.3 peak values per day (Fisher PLSD, p < 0.05). On Day 3, both dawn and dusk peaks were apparent in 5 of 7 females, and a significant diurnal peak at 1300 ( 2 h) was present in 4 of 7 females. Between females, pulses were asynchronous and differed in amplitude. The number of peak values per day ranged from 1 to 3. On Day 6, PRL peaks were more tightly entrained to dusk and dawn. All 7 females had a dawn surge, 4 females had diurnal peak values at 1300 h (+ 2 h), and 1 female failed to have a dusk surge. On Day 9 of gestation, 5 of 8 females failed to show a dusk PRL peak value, with 2 of those females also lacking a dawn peak value. Those 2 females did, however, have diurnal peak values. On Day 12 of gestation, 4 of 7 females had serum PRL at the lower limit of assay sensitivity for the entire day. The other 3 had either one dawn peak value (n = 2) or two diurnal peak values (n = 1). On Day 15, peaks had resumed in all females at dusk and dawn and in 3 of 6 females during the day. Role of Late-Gestation PRL Surges PRL as a luteotropin. Figure 5 shows the 24-h serum profile of PRL and P4 on Day 15 of gestation after the 3-day CB 154 regimen. PRL surges were abolished by the CB 154 injection regime. Average PRL levels in the serum (0.104 + 0.034 pxg-ml-') were significantly lower than for the untreated Day 15 females shown in Figure 1 (t9 = 3.13, p = 0.01). Although PRL surges were eliminated, mean serum P4 remained high (24.8 + 0.9 ng ml - l) and were similar to those of untreated Day 15 females in concentration (Fig. 2; t = -0.18,p = 0.86) and in temporal pattern (correlation, R = 0.73). No signs of pregnancy failure (e.g., vaginal bleeding) were detected after injections. All females gave birth as expected on the 18th day following mating. PRL as a mammotropin and/or lactogen. Analyses failed to detect any difference in P4 concentration at 1900 h on Day 15 between animals that had been injected with oil (n = 8), 50 Ig CB 154 (n = 8), and 300 jig CB 154 (n = 5) relative to 1) each other (F,22 = 0.54, p = 0.59) or to 2) samples taken at 1900 h from repeatedly sampled females as represented in Figures 2 and 5 (F4, 31 = 0.30, p = 0.87). In all cases, the mean P4 concentration was 22.8 + 1.4 ngml-1. Serum PRL concentrations differed significantly across the three groups (F220 = 6 .95,p < 0.01). For females treated with 50 g (0.040 + 0.007 jig-ml - ') and those treated with 300 jig (0.044 + 0.010 [ig-ml-') CB 154, concentrations were similar, low, and repeatedly at the lower limit of the assay compared to the significantly higher (0.728 + 0.232 VIg-ml - ') level in oil-injected females (Fisher PLSD, p < 0.05). The latter was similar to levels found in repeatedly sampled females on Day 15 at 1900 h (t1 2 = 0.46,p = 0.65). Teats were not visible through the ventral pelage of CB 154- and oil-treated females on Day 13 of gestation; however, teats were prominent in both groups by Day 15, being visibly swollen and protruding through the ventral pelage. No significant difference in mean pup weight for the first 6 days of lactation was found between litters from oil- and CB 154 (50 and 300 ,ug)-injected females (p > 0.68 in both cases). Mean pup weight at birth (1. 51 0.05 g) had doubled by Day 4 and reached 3.91 + 0.18 g by Day 6. Milk was visible in pup stomachs on each of the 6 lactation days for both oil- and CB 154-treated groups, with no difference in overall quantity noted. Mortality rate of the pups, however, differed with experimental treatment. CB 154-injected females cannibalized more of their young than oil-injected controls (contingency table analyses; X12 = 4.91, p < 0.05). Pups were observed either 1) completely missing from the home cage with traces of blood on the wood chip bedding, 2) partially cannibalized with their remains found on the bedding, or 3) in the process of being cannibalized. The mean number of pups cannibalized per litter was 1.83 + 0.48. No female cannibalized her entire litter. The number of litters that were partially destroyed was significantly greater for CB 154-injected females than for oil-injected controls (X 2 = 5.16, p < 0.025). PROLACTIN SECRETION DURING GESTATION IN PHODOPUS DISCUSSION The repeated sampling protocol of this study demonstrated a coitally induced PRL surge profile similar to that obtained when the 24-h pattern on Day 3 of pregnancy was compiled from females sampled only once [4]. The two daily surges (dusk and dawn) were sensitive to photoperiod but not tightly entrained by the light:dark cycle. A significant midday surge on Day 2 of preimplantation was reported by Erb and Wynne-Edwards [4] and was thought to be the first endocrine commitment to a pregnancy. In the present study, significant midday peak values were detected in 4 of 7 females on Day 3 and as a general pattern on Day 5, with weak evidence of diurnal surges on Days 3, 6, and 7. Therefore, these results suggest that a midday surge is a feature of the pituitary PRL secretion pattern during the first half of pregnancy. However, detection of peak values within a Djungarian hamster population is complicated by interindividual variability in the precise timing and occurrence of surges. Such interindividual variability contrasts with findings for pregnant and pseudopregnant rats, in which daily surges of PRL are synchronous among females within a colony in the presence of a given photoperiod [2, 26]. Thus, while coital stimulation induces a monophasic PRL surge pattern (dusk surge only) in the golden hamster [7] and a biphasic pattern in the rat [2] and mouse [3], it appears that the general trend in the Djungarian hamster is a triphasic PRL secretion pattern. However, it remains a possibility that the other species also have more frequent surges that are not detected because females are not synchronous with respect to their occurrence. During early pregnancy or an induced pseudopregnancy in the rat, PRL surges maintain the integrity of CL P4 production, which in turn renders the myometrium quiescent and allows for successful implantation [22, 27]. Surges of PRL were absent during midgestation and reestablished in the late term. Thus, we reject the hypothesis that the PRL secretion pattern persists throughout gestation and that Edwards et al. [1] failed to detect continuing PRL surges with the once-a-day sample paradigm. Just prior to parturition, a peak of pituitary PRL in the serum occurs in the rat and mouse [28,29] and may be analogous to the proestrous PRL surge. However, that single surge bears little resemblance to the phasic pattern found in the serum of late-pregnant Djungarian hamsters at least 3 days before parturition (Day 15) and probably from Days 14 through 17 [1]. A number of neuronal factors appear to play a role in the stimulation and inhibition of PRL surges [30]. Hypothalamic dopamine (DA) neurons provide the major tonic inhibition of PRL release, and lowering of DAergic tone is required for expression of the twice-daily surge pattern of PRL in the rat [31]. Since the dusk surge terminates 24 h earlier than the dawn surge during midgestation in the rat [32], separate neural mechanisms were thought to control each surge [2]. Further studies have confirmed this hypoth- 821 esis ([6] for review) and have shown that each surge oscillator differentially stimulates the release of several hypothalamic neuromodulators that may inhibit DA neurons [33] and/or directly stimulate the release of PRL from lactotroph cells [34]. Similar to what is observed in the rat, the dusk surge (and midday surge) in the Djungarian hamster terminates, prior to the dawn surge, by Day 9 of pregnancy. If the analogy to the rat is correct, than at least two separate control systems are necessary to regulate the coitally induced PRL secretion pattern in the pregnant Djungarian hamster. In the mid- and late-pregnant rat, mouse, and golden hamster, continued secretion of CL P4 requires placental and/ or embryonic secretion of PRL-like factors (i.e., placental lactogens) and possibly LH-like factors having luteotropic activity (see [6] for review). Such factors are likely candidates for luteal maintenance in the late-pregnant Djungarian hamster, since reduction of PRL concentrations with CB 154 failed to affect serum P4 concentrations or pregnancy success. In addition, the responsiveness to PRL of luteal cells decreases from early pregnancy to mid- and late pregnancy in the rat [22, 35] and golden hamster [36], suggesting that the resumption of PRL surges may not be detected by lateterm CL. Nevertheless, while the present study does not provide any support for a luteotropic role of late-gestation pituitary PRL, it is still possible that the greatly reduced PRL levels that remained following CB 154 treatment contributed to luteal function. In the rat and mouse, the termination and continued suppression of PRL surges at and beyond midpregnancy is suggested to result primarily from a short-loop negative feedback effect of placental lactogens on the control of PRL release [6,37]. Accordingly, pituitary PRL surges terminate earlier (2 days) in pregnant than in pseudopregnant rats [38]. Such pituitary inhibition does not occur in the Djungarian hamster, since the late-pregnancy PRL secretion pattern is not suppressed and the termination of dusk surges in pregnant and pseudopregnant females occurs with a similar time course [5]. Midgestation termination of PRL surges may, instead, be an intrinsic property of the circadian pacemaker that drives the PRL secretory oscillators and overall rhythm. Reactivation of the pituitary pneumonic must therefore involve a stimulatory signal. Estrogen, secreted by late-term CL and the preovulatory follicles that appear in the ovary on Day 12 of Djungarian hamster pregnancy [1], is one possible candidate. Estrogen increases the magnitude and enhances the duration of the dusk PRL surge in pregnant rats when elevated serum P4 levels of pregnancy are maintained [32]. Additionally, in cycling rats, rising estradiol concentrations facilitate the preovulatory surge of PRL by blocking the inhibitory influence of dopamine on lactotrope secretion [39-41]. A similar mechanism may be involved in the late-pregnant Djungarian hamster. During late pregnancy, the mammary gland undergoes considerable growth and differentiation in preparation for 822 EDWARDS ET AL. lactation. PRL and hormones with PRL-like bioactivities participate with steroids (estrogen and corticosterone) and other peptides in regulating growth responses and synthesis of milk proteins [8]. Since the CL did not appear to be responsive to pituitary PRL surges during late gestation in the Djungarian hamster, responsiveness of mammary tissue was investigated through teat development and lactational ability of the dam. Teat development was advanced in both oiland CB 154-treated females on Day 15, suggesting that the late-term PRL surges in the Djungarian hamster were not required for mammary gland development. This does not, however, preclude a role for other PRL-like proteins that may be present in the maternal circulation at that time. The rat, for example, has at least eight different forms of PRLlike proteins that vary temporally in their synthesis and secretion into the maternal circulation during pregnancy [6]. Milk was visible in all pup stomachs following CB 154 treatment. Therefore, this CB 154 treatment regime did not prevent lactation. However, although 3-day injections of 50 or 300 g CB 154 significantly decreased PRL concentrations throughout Day 15 with no sign of recovery, the total duration of the effect was not known. Djungarian hamsters may rely on other endocrine signals for the initiation of lactogenesis; or metabolic clearance of CB 154 prior to parturition on Day 18 may have allowed PRL to rebound. Another possible role of PRL secretion during late gestation is the regulation of the onset of maternal behavior towards the pups. It is well documented that the endocrine system of the pregnant and parturient mammal plays an important role in preparing the female to care for her young postpartum (see [42] for review). Research using hypophysectomized female rats has indicated that PRL and PRL-like molecules help stimulate the onset of maternal behavior [43, 44]. Suppression of endogenous PRL release prevented the rapid onset of maternal behavior (as measured by pup retrieval, grouping of pups in nest, and crouching over the nest) toward rat young and resulted in partial cannibalization of litters [45]. In the current study, CB 154-treated females also routinely killed a few pups from each litter. A deficit in overall quantity of milk production may have been the stimulus promoting this behavior as a means of increasing the chances of survival of the remaining pups. The absence of midgestation PRL surges and the resumption of PRL surges in late gestation reported by Edwards et al. [1] were clearly confirmed by the present study. In addition, interindividual variability in the amplitude, timing, and occurrence of PRL surges was demonstrated, with the dusk and dawn surges most robust and the midday surge most variable. Reliable evidence for resumption of the Day 6 PRL surge pattern on Day 15 of pregnancy was also found. However, these late-gestation PRL surges are not critical for luteal function. Neither could we demonstrate a mammogenic or lactogenic role for the late-pregnancy surges, although weak evidence for a role in maternal behavior was found. REFERENCES 1. Edwards HE, Jenkins KL, Mucklow LC, Erb GE, Wynne-Edwards KE. Endocrinology of the pregnant Djungarian hamster, Phodopus campbelli. J Reprod Fertil 1994; 101:1-8. 2. GunnetJW, Freeman ME. The mating-induced release of prolactin: a unique neuroendocrine response. Endocr Rev 1983; 4:44-60. 3. Barkley MS, Bradford GE, Geschwind II. The pattern of plasma prolactin concentration during the first half of mouse gestation. Biol Rprod 1978; 19:291296. 4. Erb GE, Wynne-Edwards KE. Prolactin, follicle-stimulatinghormone, and luteinizing hormone during preimplantation in the Djungariari hamster (Phodopus campbelli). Biol Reprod 1994; 50:1328-1333. 5. Edwards HE, Wynne-Edwards KE. 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