Paper B – HEE Business Plan 2015-16

Paper B
Health Education East Midlands Governing Body
20 May 2015
Health Education England Business Plan 2015/16a
U Multi-Professional Education and Training
To present the HEE Business Plan and the draft HEEM Local Delivery Plan for 2015/16 to the
and alignment
Body to demonstrate
with HEE
Purpose of this paper
Why is it important?
HEE have published the Business Plan for 2015/16. Each LETB is required to set out a delivery
plan in support of the HEE Business Plan and to meet the local priorities agreed by the LETB to
deliver our LETB Strategy.
HEE are working with LETBs to agree how the Mandate will be delivered and therefore further
changes may be made to the HEEM delivery plan.
How it links to our strategic priorities
Our purpose is to develop and retain a safe and sustainable workforce for healthcare in the East
Midlands. We experience particular challenges in this particularly for some staff groups and for
parts of our geography. Ensuring that we have prioritised our plans to respond to changes in
service need and service design will ensure that we are able to design, develop and commission a
workforce fit for the future. Our strategic priorities will be developed from our approach to
transformation, supporting vanguards and recruitment, retention and optimisation of the current
What are the implications/options/possibilities/risks/consequences/impacts?
The over-riding aim of the HEE Mandate and Business Plan for 2015/16 is to deliver high quality,
effective, compassionate care; through the development of the right people with the right skills and
the right values. Delivering world class compassionate care is dependent on the quality of the
education and training available both formal and informal throughout a healthcare professionals
career. The consequences of not prioritizing our Local Delivery Plan based on service need is that
there will be a shortfall in appropriately trained staff across our health communities with
mismatched investment and a slower pace of change in service transformation.
What action/output/come is required?
The LETB are requested to:
• Note HEE Business Plan 2015/16
• Approve the draft HEEM Delivery Plan for 2015/16
Suggested resolution
Ensure Mandate requirements which HEEM will deliver are specified in the plan.
Ensure priorities agreed with Governing Body members and arising from Workforce Plans are
specified in the plan
Set clear objectives for programme work following agreement if workforce work streams
Identify resources to support delivery
Author: David Farrelly, Local Director
Date of paper: May 2015
HEE Business Priorities
We believe we need to make stronger connections between the organisational objectives,
and those of our individual staff in 2015 – each team member’s objectives should be in line
with those of HEE as well as helping to achieve them locally and nationally.
We're often reminded about the HEE mission statement, we have strategy meetings and
staff briefings where the ‘big picture’ is revealed to us, and we're even invited to participate
in some business decisions and engagement sessions. But do we connect our day-to-day
activities and how they contribute to the wider and national strategic priorities?
The diagram below is how we believe this can be considered:
HEE Business Priorities
Business Priority
Multi Professional
Identify the need for and act to deliver a multi-professional primary
Primary and
and community care workforce (including dentistry) which is able to
Community Care
meet the needs of current and future service requirements. Failure to
address this could prevent the successful implementation of the Five
Year Forward View and delivery of high quality services to current
End of Life Care
Implement actions to support end of life care from “One Chance to
get it Right”. This aims to support patients at all times in their lives,
including supporting their choice of where to die.
Mental Health Care Ensure a greater focus on mental health workforce, including
and Workforce
supporting the delivery of the IAPT workforce, increase number of
psychiatrists, greater focus on perinatal mental health, and early
intervention and, liaison psychiatry services. We need to ensure
parity of esteem between physical and mental health care, that is,
equality in how we think about and value these, and HEE needs to
ensure the mental health workforce is able to grow and develop to
meet new service demand and requirements.
Working to ensure that the tools and training opportunities are
available to all staff by the end of 2018, which aims to improve the
experience of people with dementia when they are in NHS and care
settings by increasing staff awareness
Support for NHS England on Bubb report: ‘Winterbourne View – Time
for Change’ to develop the Learning Disabilities workforce to deliver
new care models in new settings and ensure this workforce is of the
right size with appropriate development and values to deliver the
quality care this vulnerable group deserves.
Deliver the increased midwifery commissions planned for by HEE in
2015/16 and whilst working through our annual planning process,
assess the demand required to ensure sufficient midwives and
maternity staff are available to provide personalised 1:1 care and
ensure sufficient staff are trained to meet this demand.
Health Visitors
Commission sufficient Health Visitor (HV) training places to ensure a
sustainable workforce to reflect Local Authority (LA) commissioning of
HV services. Well-resourced health visiting services help ensure that
children have the critical positive start to life.
Prevention and
Work with PHE, NHS England, DH and other system leaders to
Public Health
deliver the action plan for the prevention and public health agenda
across the healthcare system.
To address the current supply of staff in current shortage areas,
including Nursing (increasing commissions, Return To Practice
initiatives), and Urgent and Emergency Care (such as Emergency
Cabinet, Paramedics, new roles for physician associates and
pharmacists within EC)
Training Attrition
Reduce avoidable attrition from training programmes by a third to
maximise future supply and return from the investment we make.
Veterans’ Health
Supporting veterans’ health to target support for veterans with
complex needs.
HEE Transformation Priorities
Self Management
Lead work on the Future Patient, to pilot and evaluate approaches for
education and training programmes for people & carers in areas of
self-care, self-management, and prevention.
Shape of Training
Take the lead in England to develop a detailed feasibility assessment
of proposals within the Shape of Training review, including proposals
to move the point of registration.
We aim to educate and train doctors who are able to provide general
care in broad specialty areas across a range of different settings, and
to ensure sustainable and flexible careers to meet the changing
needs of the public.
Shape of Caring
Following consultation take forward agreed proposals within the
Shape of Caring review, including increasing flexibility across training
pathways, an increased focus on care assistant roles, and the need
to ensure nurses are supported in their development over the whole
of their careers.
Cavendish: Care
Play a leadership role in continuing to implement the relevant
recommendations of the Cavendish Review by improving the
capability of the care assistant workforce in support of integrated care
models and flexible care teams.
Talent for Care
Implement the Talent for Care strategic framework and the take up of
the employer partnership pledge to drive the development of the
healthcare support workforce and provide opportunities for effective
career progression and maximisation of individuals’ capabilities and
Implement the Widening Participation strategy, including developing
evidence about effective approaches to widening participation
through research and evaluation. This aims to ensure diversity of the
workforce to represent the communities it serves, raise aspirations
and support flexible methods for entering training.
Demand Led/
Continuing to develop and implement the approach to demand led/
Service Based
service based workforce planning by piloting a life cycle approach
starting with children and young people so that we can embed a
method for planning the future workforce based upon the needs of
future patients, so that care is more person centred.
Genomics and Bio- Lead on the workforce implications of, and develop a training strategy
for genomics and Bio-informatics to actively develop the current
workforce to equip them with the skills to utilise in the near term,
developments in genetics within the management of populations and
their health conditions.
Innovation and
Supporting the National Information Board (NIB) strategy for the
health and care workforce to embrace information/data/technology to
ensure the workforce is willing and able to embrace innovation and
takes full advantage of new technology and the use of information to
enhance patient care.
One HEE Priorities
One HEE Culture We are one organisation with one vision and one set of values and principles,
with an open, transparent and honest culture. We provide a safe and
supportive environment for staff to do a great job, and recognise and value
achievements and those who make a difference.
Values and
We will ensure greater visibility of values and principles which both unite and
bind us within our work and align our values and principles to business
processes whilst ensuring they are central to decision making. We aim to
develop a defined behavioural framework, with dispersed leadership at all
levels, and encourage all staff to challenge poor values and behaviours if
Smarter Ways of We will continue to review and improve how we work across teams, offices
and HEE as a whole, and how to be more effective within our teams and
wider function with less resource. We celebrate successes and learn from
mistakes, ultimately ensuring improving patient care and experience is at the
heart of what we do.
Alignment of
We will establish clear accountabilities at individual, team, local and national
levels and ensure our decision making processes are transparent, clear and
also seek for staff input and feedback. The quality of care, patient safety,
values and commercial effectiveness will continue to be at the heart.
We will continue to develop our staff to ensure they are capable and
confident in their current roles, whilst ensuring they get exposure to other
teams and projects within HEE and that development needs are met.
We will ensure both high performance and under performance are addressed
and Talent
and supported by a framework centred on positive staff experience. We will
ensure our people have the right skills, values and behaviours to deliver on
purpose, and that talent is celebrated and supported in line with the
individual’s career aspirations. We will support aspiring managers by creating
opportunities to develop where possible.
Developing our
We will develop and support our managers to feel more confident with their
responsibilities, and in managing their teams and priorities.
We will ensure there are effective development processes in place to drive
continuous improvement, innovation and research practice. Innovation can
happen at all levels; we will develop a mechanism to share great ideas and
encourage local support for implementation.
Adopt and
Effective collaboration across organisational, professional and system
Spread of Good
boundaries by tapping into the ideas, skills, knowledge and experience
available within the organisation and our partners to help facilitate effective
change for patients in an increasingly complex world.
Communications We will develop a clear, shared vision and alignment around the strategy, and
and Engagement shape a positively engaged workforce where each individual’s contribution is
listened to and genuinely considered. We will continue to act on staff
feedback and engage staff to design and deliver initiatives.
Health and
We will continue to encourage a good work-life blend and support staff in
times of high pressure or health issues. We will continue to proactively
engage staff with the need to focus on their own physical, mental and social
wellbeing, as well as encouraging them to make a positive contribution to the