R2 STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // SAMPLE 12.05.2015 STRENGTHS PROFILER R2 Strengths Profiler Introduction and Profile Summary Welcome to your R2 Strengths Profile. attribute in each quadrant. Below is your Profile Summary, showing you your top Profile Summary Your Highest RS Realised Strength Your Highest LB Learned Behaviour Your Highest Highest Strengths Family Communicating Lowest Strengths Family Relating Improver WK Weakness Your Highest Judgement Adherence US Unrealised Strength Pride By discovering, developing and making the most of your strengths, your R2 Strengths Profile will help you to: Know more about yourself, what motivates you and why. Improve your performance and achieve your goals. Be more engaged, confident, happier and productive. Increase effective delegation and strengthen team relationships. Better develop your career and your future. Enhance performance review conversations. STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 1 R2 Strengths Profiler 4M Model The R2 Strengths Profiler measures 60 attributes across the three dimensions of performance, energy and use. Your responses are classified into one of the four quadrants of the R2 Strengths Profiler 4M Model. The 4M Model below shows each of the four quadrants, together with advice about what to do with the attributes in that quadrant. This is a dynamic model, helping you to see exactly where you are now, and where you want to be in the future. Use the 4M Model to help you identify what you need to do for your performance, growth and development. Perform well Perform well Energising Energising Lower use Higher use 4M: Maximise Unrealised Strengths Perform poorly De-energising Variable use 4M: Minimise Weaknesses 4M: Marshal Realised Strengths Perform well De-energising Variable use 4M: Moderate Learned Behaviours Unrealised strengths are the things you find energising and perform well, but don’t use so often. Maximise for development, career advancement, and to reach your goals. Realised strengths are the things you find energising, perform well, and use often. Marshal them for outstanding performance by dialling them up and down, depending on your situation. Weaknesses are the things you find it hard to do well and find draining. Minimise to make them irrelevant by knowing what to work on, what to avoid, and what to pass on to others! Learned behaviours are the things you have learned to do well, but that don’t energise you. Moderate to prevent burnout by using them less and working from your strengths more. STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 2 R2 Strengths Profiler Strengths Families The Strengths Families are conceptual groupings of strengths that share related characteristics. They are designed to provide a useful framework for looking at the patterns of strengths in your Profile. See below for the strengths that are included in each of the five Strengths Families. Being 14 Our way of being in the world Communicating 8 How we give and receive information Motivating Our drive towards action 13 Relating 11 How we relate to others Thinking Our approach to situations 14 Authenticity Counterpoint Action Compassion Adherence Centred Explainer Adventure Connector Creativity Courage Feedback Bounceback Detail Curiosity Humour Catalyst Emotional Awareness Gratitude Listener Change Agent Empathic Connection Humility Narrator Competitive Enabler Judgement Legacy Scribe Drive Equality Optimism Mission Spotlight Efficacy Esteem Builder Order Moral Compass Growth Personalisation Planful Personal Responsibility Improver Persuasion Prevention Persistence Rapport Builder Reconfiguration Resilience Relationship Deepener Resolver Pride Self-awareness Service Work Ethic Unconditionality Incubator Innovation Strategic Awareness Time Optimiser Your highest Strengths Family across the Your lowest Strengths Family across the 60 strengths falls within Communicating 60 strengths falls within Relating What is it that you love to communicate? Everything, or How would you describe your relationships with others? It may something specific? Know what sits behind your passion, so just mean your energy is more at the surface level, rather than you can focus on ensuring excellent delivery. in deeper relationships, or vice versa. Consider how you could combine your other strengths to Consider when it might be appropriate to work with someone deliver your message - with more meaning, influence, positivity who enjoys relationships more than you do. This could be or impact. across projects, in meetings, or when someone is suffering. Consider your audience. Whether you love to write, narrate, or What strengths can you use to soften your approach, or to explain, you may have to flex your approach to suit your build rapport with others? Explore the strengths you do have, context. that you could lean on to enhance your relationships. Know when it’s time to let others have their say, as well as You might only need to enjoy one or two Relating strengths to knowing when it is time to be heard yourself. be good enough. Concentrate on making the most of the strengths you do have in this family. STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 3 R2 Strengths Profiler Quadrant Profile Below is your unique Quadrant Profile, with each quadrant rank ordered with the highest scoring attribute ranked first. Your Quadrant Profile includes up to 7 each of realised and unrealised strengths, up to 4 learned behaviours, and up to 3 weaknesses. If you have any less than this, it’s because your responses leaned more heavily to the other quadrants. The icons next to each strength show to which Strengths Family that strength belongs. There are five Strengths Families: Being, Communicating, Motivating, Relating and Thinking. B Pride Judgement T R Empathic Connection Persuasion R T Creativity Authenticity B C Explainer Humour C T Optimism Drive M T Order Counterpoint C R Compassion Growth M Unrealised Strengths Realised Strengths T Adherence Improver M T Planful Time Optimiser T C Scribe Adventure M Service B Weaknesses STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample Learned Behaviours 4 R2 Strengths Profiler Full 60 at a Glance Being Communicating Motivating Relating US Thinking RS Unrealised Strengths Being Strengths are about our way of being in the world. Communicating Strengths are about how we give and receive information. Motivating Strengths are about the things that drive us toward action. Relating Strengths are about how we relate to others. Thinking Strengths are about what we pay attention to and how we approach situations. Realised Strengths WK LB Weaknesses US 7% WK 0% 1 2 3 RS 50% LB 43% 4 5 6 7 US 13% WK 13% 8 9 RS 63% LB 13% US 0% WK 0% RS 46% LB 54% 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 US 18% WK 0% 1 2 3 RS 27% LB 55% 4 5 6 US 21% WK 14% 7 8 9 Learned Behaviours RS 36% LB 29% 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 sion pas Com er Ord m imis Opt er lain Exp ity on ativ ecti Cre onn ic C path Em e Prid ibe Scr ful Plan ce eren Adh ality ition ond Unc r bato der Incu Buil port Rap tive peti Com t alys Cat e enc sist Per tor nec n Con atio alis son Per tred nt Cen Age nge Cha acy Leg ty iosi Cur ess acy aren Effic c Aw tegi Stra tion ven Pre r r ene ene eep List ip D ss nsh atio rene Rel Awa nal otio Em ility Hum bler Ena vice Ser re entu Adv iser ptim eO Tim r rove Imp ce ilien Res on vati Inno r olve Res k bac nce Bou ality Equ ck dba Fee t tligh Spo rage Cou ail Det der Buil em ass Este omp al C Mor e titud Gra tion gura onfi Rec y ibilit on ons Acti esp al R son Per r rato Nar sion Mis ess aren -aw Self thic rk E Wo wth t Gro poin nter Cou e Driv our Hum y ticit hen Aut sion sua Per ent gem Jud RS LB Legends RS LB WK WK US US STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 5 R2 Strengths Profiler Full 60 Feedback Realised Strengths 1 2 3 4 Judgement 5 Drive You make good decisions both quickly and easily. You are extremely self-motivated, with an inner drive that pushes you on to achieve more. You enjoy assessing the situation, evidence and facts, being confident that you will reach the right decision. As soon as you complete one task, you don’t wait to be told what to do, you move on to the next. Your decisions stand up to robust challenge, and you typically turn out to be right. You love to set stretching goals and targets for yourself. Marshal Use your strength wisely and volunteer to act as a sounding board for others who might not have this strength. Be a role model for new starters or act as a mentor, showing others how you approach the decisions you make. Marshal A stretch target for you could be to relax a little! When your Drive is high, it is critical that you are clear about what you want to achieve. Otherwise, you could be driving around in circles. Persuasion 6 Counterpoint You are extremely effective at convincing others and bringing them around to your point of view. You love to bring an alternative perspective to any situation. You love to make a good case for what you want. You see things differently from others, and can present a range of alternatives for any scenario. You choose your language, words and methods carefully, in order to win agreement from others. You enjoying bringing things into the discussion that other people have missed. Marshal Combine your talent for persuasion with purpose. Combine your strengths to deliver the message effectively, considering your audience. Is a softer approach needed, or do you need to build the business case? Marshal Ensure that your alternative perspective is adding value, rather than obstructing ideas. Consider how you deliver your message and what forum might be most appropriate to do so. Authenticity 7 Growth Whatever you do, you do it with genuine conviction and without pretence. Whatever you are doing, you look for ways to develop yourself further. You always keep to your own values and beliefs, no matter what other people may want you to do. You actively seek out activities, skills, knowledge, or new ways of working that will help you grow. You are proud to stand up for what you believe in, doing things in a way that is right for you. You love to invite feedback on your performance, acting on both positive and negative comments. Marshal Know when you need to stand strong, as well as when you need to flex a little. Remember that not everyone holds the same values as you. Marshal Don’t forget to stand back at times and celebrate how much you have already learned and achieved. Be proud of yourself and how you have developed! Humour 8 Work Ethic 24/7 You love making people laugh and look for every opportunity to do so. You are an extremely hard worker, putting a lot of effort and energy into your work and everything you do. You are able see the funny side of things and like to share this with others. You enjoy putting in extra hours. You are well-used to working long hours over a long period of time. You have the ability to crack a joke or tell a story that lightens the mood and gives enjoyment to others. You work much harder than others, and you enjoy doing so. Marshal Practice reading your audience and the situation to understand when it is appropriate to use your Humour. Think of ways you can really add value with your talent in your workplace. Marshal Don’t burn out. Work out what projects require this level of commitment, rather than apply this to everything. That way, you can ensure that your work remains highly energising for you. STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 6 R2 Strengths Profiler Full 60 Feedback Realised Strengths Self-awareness 9 13 Action You enjoy spending time and focusing effort on understanding your behaviour, emotions, and responses to different situations. You feel compelled to act immediately and decisively. You have a deep awareness of your strengths and weaknesses. You are much more comfortable with forward momentum than you are with careful strategy and reflection. Your behaviour never surprises you or catches you off guard. Getting started is the only way for you. You will learn as you go along and if it doesn’t work, then at least you tried. Marshal Put this strength to good use by making sure you are working on the right things, at the right time, with the right people. Try not to over-analyse and make sure you relax in situations too! Marshal Be careful not to crash or take others down the wrong path. Try to pause before important decisions or ask others for their input. 10 Mission 14 Reconfiguration You derive great fulfilment from doing things that give your life meaning and purpose. You love re-arranging resources and adapting plans to meet the changing demands of new situations. You could be focused on one or many different things that provide purpose. You sense when to stay on track and when to change to become more effective. How you spend your time, your decisions and your future plans are all aligned to your sense of mission and purpose in life. Your adaptability means that you are always looking for the best possible fit for when the context changes. Marshal Meaning doesn’t always have to be long term or earthshattering. What are the small things in life to which you can attribute meaning and purpose? Practice mindfulness to connect to something bigger. Marshal Try and achieve a mix between being static and dynamic in the areas of your life. If work is requiring your immense flexibility, you might try a calmer home life. 11 Narrator 15 Gratitude Telling stories comes very naturally to you. You are constantly aware of how fortunate you are and the positive things that you have in your life. As ordinary events happen, you picture how they might be spun into an anecdote or story to tell others. You naturally notice and appreciate the good things that happen to you. You see the power of stories to convey morals, insights, values, humour, and many other lessons. You take nothing and nobody for granted. Marshal There may be times when you simply need to deliver the facts. Know when and what to share with your audience. Be conscious of time, allowing others the opportunity to speak as well. Marshal Find different ways to be grateful. Write a journal, text a friend, email your manager, write a blog or sing a song. Varying your gratitude will help to keep you from appearing inauthentic. 12 Personal Responsibility 16 Moral Compass You are always true to your word, knowing that if you make a promise, then you are sure to keep it. You are acutely aware of the difference between right and wrong. You never blame others, but take ownership of everything that you do. You always act in accordance with what you believe is right. You are seen as someone who is always prepared to do what you have committed to do. Your decisions and your actions are always guided by your ethics and values. Marshal When did you last delegate or say no? As you always deliver on your commitments, it might be a good idea to practice saying these, as well as pushing back, if you feel you’re getting overloaded. Marshal Appreciate that others could have a different moral code than you in certain situations and you may need to compromise. Volunteer to become a sounding board for others in ethical matters. STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 7 R2 Strengths Profiler Full 60 Feedback Realised Strengths 17 Esteem Builder 21 Feedback Your words and actions help people to build their self-confidence and self-esteem. You enjoy giving people both positive and negative feedback. You clearly see the potential and possibility in people, helping people to recognise it for themselves. You believe people need to know what they have done well, so that they can build on it and progress. You love to help others to believe in themselves, helping them to achieve what they are capable of achieving. You give people accurate developmental feedback so that they know where they can improve. Marshal Praising others too often can be perceived as inauthentic. Practice doing it at the right time, in the right way, and also don’t forget to offer others development feedback. Marshal Know when feedback will be welcome and balance both types, positive and negative. Give people a chance to tell you how they think they have performed in advance of your feedback as well. 18 Detail 22 Equality You have a natural ability to focus on the smallest detail. Being fair and equitable is at the heart of who you are. You get a buzz from spotting inaccuracies. Errors just seem to jump out at you. You consider everyone to be your equal, giving great attention to issues of fairness and equality. You would never submit anything yourself that contained a mistake. Your own actions and decisions are as fair and equitable as possible. Marshal Don’t become fixated on finding every error and inaccuracy when the situation doesn’t demand it. Occasionally work needs to be good enough and get delivered. Recognise when you need to be comfortable be this. Marshal Perhaps don’t always look to put yourself in situations where you are required to champion equality. Instead, try to work with your existing priorities and with the people around you to ensure fairness. 19 Courage 23 Bounceback While you may well feel afraid sometimes, you never let your fear get in the way of what you want to do. Whatever setback or disappointment you come up against, it just makes you more determined to succeed. You are excited by participating in activities that make you feel nervous or scared. You love to pick yourself up very quickly from setbacks, using them as a springboard to spur you on. You feel the fear and do it anyway. You go on to achieve more than you would have done otherwise, proving your success to yourself and others. Marshal Be mindful that others might not share your Courage when you are leading or working with others. Know when you will also need to demonstrate stability, as well as knowing when to hold back. Marshal If you have recently experienced a setback, as well as harnessing your drive to get back up and succeed, try to take a little time out to reflect on your experiences and rest a little too. 20 Spotlight 24 Resolver Whether in a meeting or in a social gathering, you naturally speak up and hold the floor. You love solving problems. The more complicated the problem, the better. You love capturing people’s interest and attention, and find this easy to do. You will always go the extra mile to find a solution, getting to the root of the problem. You find that you can get people to listen to you and focus on what you’re saying or doing, whatever the distractions. You’re never beaten by a problem, but the problems are often beaten by you. Marshal Ensure you use your Spotlight for a good reason; to achieve an outcome. That way you can rest it when it isn’t required, giving others a chance to shine as well. Marshal Remember to spot when a problem can’t be resolved and giving up is the best option. You can also ask for help too! STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 8 R2 Strengths Profiler Full 60 Feedback Realised Strengths 25 Innovation You are highly driven to want to invent things that are better than what has been done before. You look at things from a different perspective to others and think ’out of the box’. You look beyond what exists when coming up with new ideas, inventions and approaches. Marshal You may not know how to implement your ideas, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t share your thoughts. Think about how your ideas will really add value and how you can contribute. 26 Resilience You have a tremendous ability to overcome adversity and take setbacks in your stride. You find the resources you need and pick yourself back up, even in difficult circumstances. You know that you have the strength to cope with, and recover from, anything that life throws at you. Marshal You will no doubt be a role model to others with your strength to cope. Balance this by showing how you sometimes need a moment to recover, or show your emotional side when it’s appropriate to do so. STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 9 R2 Strengths Profiler Full 60 Feedback Learned Behaviours 1 2 3 4 Improver 5 Enabler You have learned to suggest, and seek to make, improvements. You have learned how to help people to do things for themselves. You try to think of ways to develop systems, processes, and methods so that they are more effective. You are able to provide support and encouragement, while giving people tasks and challenges that will stretch them. You have learned to be on the lookout for better approaches and ways of doing things. You know it is important to help others grow and develop by encouraging them out of their comfort zone. Moderate It may be frustrating, for whatever reason, to action the improvements you would like to make. Does it really need improving? Can someone else do it, or can you work with others to share the tasks? Moderate Align your enabling skills towards your goals. Who in your team, or at home, can you support to learn a new skill to ease your own workload, allowing you to move on to other things? Time Optimiser 6 Humility You have learned that it is important not to waste time, finding ways to squeeze as much as you can into every minute. You are a humble person, never allowing yourself to be bigheaded or boastful. You try to ensure you use your time productively. When a job is done well, you have learned to ensure credit is given to other people. Whatever situation you are in, you have learned to make the most of your time. You know that you depend on others for your success. You strive to appreciate and value their support. Moderate Review your to do lists carefully and make sure you are realistic about what is achievable each day. Try to relax when timings don’t work out - there is always tomorrow! Moderate Don’t feel you always have to be humble. It is okay to speak about your own successes, at the same time as praising others for their work. Adventure 7 Emotional Awareness You have learned to deal with risk or the untried. You have learned how to gauge people’s emotions and feelings. You cope with experiences that are outside of your comfort zone. You try to sense how people feel, by picking up on the subtle clues and messages they give. You know that putting yourself into new and challenging situations will allow you to test yourself. You have learned how to interpret people’s emotions accurately, so that what they are feeling is clear to you. Moderate Take yourself outside of your comfort zone when necessary in order to grow and reach your goals, not for the sake of it. Moderate Use it when the situation requires you to evaluate people’s emotions and where you know you will add value, rather than just for the sake of it. Service 8 Relationship Deepener You try to help people as much as you can. You have learned how to build deep relationships with people that will last over time. You have learned that it can be beneficial to go above and beyond what you need to do for people. You know that it can be beneficial to really get to know someone, and for them to really know you. You try to focus on satisfying people’s needs and meeting their requirements. You have learned to allow time for your relationships to develop slowly. Moderate If this has been overplayed, use it only when you have to, giving yourself a while to recover. You can still help others you probably just don’t need to go the extra mile every time. Moderate It isn’t possible to have this depth of relationship with everyone. Invest time in those you have a true connection with, but don’t be too hard on yourself about not getting to know everyone deeply. STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 10 R2 Strengths Profiler Full 60 Feedback Learned Behaviours Listener 9 13 Curiosity You have learned to take an interest in what people have to say. You know that it is important to be open to new ideas. You know it is important to listen - not just to the words, but to how those words are used. You look to seek out new information when you can. You try to listen to everything that someone says. You often ask questions, or make your own enquiries, to learn more about the topics you come across. Moderate Listening and paying full attention for long periods of time can be tiring. When this is necessary, take a step back and just enjoy the conversation as it is. That way you get to have your say as well! Moderate Don’t start from scratch. Think of ways you can get support from colleagues to help build on the information that you or they have already. 10 Prevention 14 Legacy You have learned to think ahead and anticipate problems before they happen. You believe that it is important to consider future generations and to leave a legacy through what you do. You try to notice the little things that might be out of place or going wrong, and then deal with them. You have learned how to work on things that will make a difference over the long term. You know that by acting in this way, you can head off future problems. You try to ensure that what you do will outlast you and continue to make a positive contribution. Moderate It might be hard to think about future issues when there are enough problems today. Focus on the problems that are more important, or those that align with your goals, as a priority. Moderate To be productive continually for future generations is not always possible, so remember to take time to enjoy the moment and indulge yourself occasionally. 11 Strategic Awareness 15 Change Agent You have learned to take an interest in understanding changes in the wider world that could impact on your plans. You know of the real benefits of change and you are at ease when involved with and bringing about change. You are able to develop and shift long term plans effectively. You have learned how to be an advocate for new developments and are able to do this when required. You try to ensure that you take steps to deal with whatever future circumstances may arise. You put others at ease through your ability to deal with change. Moderate A balance of the short and longer term picture is ideal. Try to work practically with detailed tasks when you need to, as well as working on the future. Moderate Think about connecting deeper with the reasons for the change and the positive outcome predicted, especially if it is a longer term project. 12 Efficacy 16 Centred You have learned how to be more confident in your own abilities. You have learned to remain grounded in whatever situation you find yourself. You try to believe in yourself, knowing that this will help you to achieve your goals. You have taken time to understand who and what you are, being able to portray a natural sense of self-assurance which you are able to maintain almost always. You know that if you set your mind to something and work hard, you are more likely to achieve it. Whatever challenges life throws at you, you have learned to be poised and composed, and are rarely shaken. Moderate What would make this a little less effort? Playing to strengths ensures success, as does the right recognition for your work and accurate feedback so you can grow. Moderate Balance out those activities which test your selfassurance with those you have more confidence in. It’s great to be out of your comfort zone and gain rapid growth, but know your limits before you burnout. STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 11 R2 Strengths Profiler Full 60 Feedback Learned Behaviours 17 Personalisation 21 Competitive You have learned to notice the subtle differences in people that make everyone unique. You have learned to measure your abilities and achievements relative to others, in order to gauge your progress and success. You know how to recognise people’s different motivations, as well as their likes, dislikes, preferences and strengths. You know that winning is important, and you try to ensure that you beat the competition in everything you do. You understand that what is right for one person might be wrong for another. You feel good when you are first, but if this doesn’t happen, you know you need to be better. Moderate It can be tiring to pay attention to everyone’s unique differences. Sometimes take a step back, and use this only when you need to, instead trying just to engage naturally with others. Moderate Don’t put too much pressure on yourself in being the best at everything. Focus on where and when it is important to be the best, but also on when you can allow others a chance to win. 18 Connector 22 Rapport Builder You have learned how to make connections between the people that you meet. You have learned how to start conversations with people quickly and easily. You notice when people have shared interests or something in common, and you make links between them. You are comfortable meeting people for the first time. You have acquired strategies that help you to bring people together effectively for their mutual benefit. You are able quickly to find something that is of interest to you both, helping to establish a relationship. Moderate Limit your connecting abilities by focusing on what you and they want to achieve. How can you ensure others are returning the favour too? Tell them what you need as well. Moderate If it’s tiring, avoid situations where you have to do this daily. Focus on doing this well when you need to, doing so for shorter periods of time. 19 Persistence 23 Incubator You have learned to keep going even when faced with difficult challenges and frustrations. You know that it can be beneficial to ponder and reflect when necessary. You know that success in the face of adversity requires extra effort and determination. You have learned to take moments out of your day so that you can think things through. You have learned never to give up, even if you find it tough going. You are able to allow time and space to be absorbed in your own thoughts. Moderate What strengths can you draw on when faced with adversity? Can you focus on the goal, a positive future, or just your motivation to succeed? If not, remember why this project or goal is important, and know when it may be time to give up. Moderate When you start feeling tired by thinking too much about something, ask someone else for their opinion. They might bring a different perspective and help you make decisions quicker. 20 Catalyst 24 Unconditionality You have learned how to mobilise and inspire people to get things done. You have learned how to accept and respect people for who they are. You try hard not to be judgemental. You are able to get new projects off the ground and put ideas into action by involving others. You have learned not to be fazed by the way that people are, or even the things that they do. You have learned techniques and skills that help to get people motivated and get things moving. You know that everyone is valuable in their own right. Moderate It can take a lot of effort to start new things, so be prepared. How are you going to influence? What are the key benefits for driving this idea forward? Read your audience, so you know how to respond to anyone who is less positive. Moderate You may find it hard to be honest sometimes when it’s actually required. Others will respect your opinion due to your non-judgemental nature, so be more confident about saying what needs to be said sometimes. STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 12 R2 Strengths Profiler Full 60 Feedback Weaknesses 1 Adherence You are not the sort of person who is motivated by carefully following guidelines, rules and guidelines. You may be uncomfortable completing tasks that have clear steps and stages. Minimise Be realistic on the impact this is having on you. Although you may not invent rules, you might not be breaking them either. 2 Planful You may find it hard, before starting tasks, to think carefully and establish timeframes. For you, having a plan is not essential, since you prefer just to see how things work out in practice. Minimise Check any of your strengths aren’t in overdrive and so preventing you from spending time planning. Borrow other people’s spreadsheets or planning methodologies and get to good enough, if necessary. 3 Scribe You may not enjoy writing and it doesn’t come naturally to you. You prefer to focus on other forms of communication, leaving others to use the written word. Minimise Don’t leave it to the last minute, but find a partner to work with who can edit your work. In this technology-enabled world, try to find another effective way of communicating that is a better fit for you. STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 13 R2 Strengths Profiler Full 60 Feedback Unrealised Strengths 1 2 3 4 Pride 5 Optimism You take pride in what you do. You tend to see the best side of any situation, with a steady belief that things will work out well in the future. You like to deliver work that is of the highest standard and quality, getting it right first time. Having this belief keeps you strong and enables you to stay positive, even when things become difficult. You tend to set high standards for yourself, and like the recognition of others for the quality of your work. You often find that you can look on the bright side of life. Maximise How can you set high standards for others, creating processes or ways of working to improve the current quality of output at work? Maximise Use your Optimism to help your colleagues through challenging times. Share your positive thoughts with them and then work through the obstacles together, using your other strengths! Empathic Connection 6 Order You tend to have a natural connection with other people. You like being well-organised. Everything has its place, both at work and home. You are tuned in to others and can feel what they are feeling. Your order and organisation mean that you are able to be as effective as possible in everything you do. You like to put yourself ’in another person’s shoes’, so you can see things from their point of view. You know where things are and what to do when - because you have usually organised things in advance. Maximise Volunteer! There are many ways to do this, from being a school governor to working in a charity shop. What do your other strengths tell you about what would be right for you? Maximise Are there any clubs you belong to that could do with help in organising games and events? You will know people who are less organised than you, so share your tips to make life a little easier. Creativity 7 Compassion You like to be creative. You want the best for everyone and offer sympathy and support to others. You enjoy coming up with or combining existing ideas, images, colours, tastes or concepts. When people are unhappy, you tend to look for the right thing to say. You like trying things that have not been tried before, linking things in novel and imaginative ways. You often take action to help people in whatever way you can. Maximise How could you help embed more creativity in your workplace or even at home? Every time you approach a task, think how you could do it differently to achieve a better result. Maximise Look out for those you can reach out to and support. Focus on those who have had a significant absence of support in the past. Explainer You like to simplify things so that a wide range of people can easily understand them. You can take a complex idea and express it simply and clearly. You enjoy coming up with different ways of explaining the same thing. Maximise Where can you get involved? Training new members of your team, helping others to present complex reports, simplifying answers to questions for the young and older generations? STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 14 R2 Strengths Profiler Putting the 4M Model into Action Marshal Realised Strengths 1 Go deeper 4 Combine strengths Understand your strengths in relation to your situation and context. Combine your strengths by using them together to maximise their impact. Recognise what you love to do and do well. Use the strengths for which you want to be known. What combinations have proved successful before? How can you rely on them again? What results do you achieve by using these strengths? There are many strengths combinations and dynamics available. Choose the right one for you. 2 Align strengths to goals Be clear about what you want to achieve, both now and in the future. Reflect on which strengths will be most effective in helping you achieve these goals. Don’t just rely on 1 or 2 of your favourites - use the full range of your strengths! 3 Compensate with strengths Be specific about the areas where you struggle – use a strength to compensate. Which strengths can help you overcome that learned behaviour or weakness? 5 Don’t overplay Do any strengths feel unsustainable in how you’re using them? Watch out that you don’t take a strength too far for the situation and context. Dial strengths up or down according to the need, rather than just your preference. 6 Enhance As you use your strengths, reflect on what is going really well. What isn’t working so well and could be better? Refine your actions based on your learning and feedback. You may not find a like-for-like match. Be creative – how can a strength deliver the same outcome? Moderate Learned Behaviours 1 Stop using it 4 Find a complementary partner If a learned behaviour is really draining, can you simply stop using it? Find someone who would be energised by taking on the things that drain you. What would the impact be to you and others if you stopped using it? Swap the things that drain them for something that you enjoy, to get the work done between you. 2 Re-focus your role 5 Adopt strengths-based team working Can you re-organise your work so that you use it less frequently? Re-allocate how things are done using a ‘team strengths’ approach. Are there responsibilities you can delegate, or can you swap tasks with others? Consider tasks, objectives and responsibilities according to people’s strengths, not just their role. 3 Organise tasks 6 Don’t overuse it List out the activities you have to do this week. Highlight the draining ones. It’s in this quadrant because it’s lower energy for you – this could be because you’re overplaying it. Sandwich the activities that drain you between the activities that play to your strengths. Can you re-energise these tasks, or use the learned behaviour less, to improve your motivation? STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 15 R2 Strengths Profiler Putting the 4M Model into Action Minimise Weaknesses 1 Be honest 4 Find a complementary partner Tell others about your weaknesses when relevant. No-one is good at everything. Swap strengths with someone who has a strength where you have a weakness. Sharing weaknesses creates more open relationships, allowing others to offer their strengths. Compensate for something that drains them, by using one of your strengths to get the job done. 2 Re-shape the role 5 Be a strengths-based team Re-organise what you do, to use the weakness less or not at all. Re-allocate how things are done using a ‘team strengths’ approach. Delegate to others, or re-arrange the way that work gets done. Consider tasks, objectives and responsibilities according to people’s strengths, not just their role. 3 Use strengths to compensate 6 Try some development Use one or more of your strengths to compensate for your weakness. If you have to, learn to perform the weakness to a level of competence, minimising the impact. Focus on the outcome, rather than the process. See which strengths will get you there instead. Focus on being good enough, so that the weakness doesn’t undermine your performance. Maximise Unrealised Strengths 1 Identify your unrealised strengths 4 Develop Which of your unrealised strengths are you most passionate about using? Improve your use of the strength even more, with formal learning and development as required. Which will make the most difference to you in achieving your goals? Who has this strength and uses it successfully? What can you learn from them? 2 Find the opportunity 5 Expand your reach Which strengths will help you get things done or fill a gap at work? As you develop, take on bigger or more complex activities and tasks. Use this strength to improve things, or to deliver new projects that require something different. Try out the strength in new situations and environments. 3 Practise 6 Evaluate If you haven’t used this strength much before, you might need to practise it. As you maximise an unrealised strength, evaluate how you get on. Ask for feedback. Watch out for when you learn things quickly and easily, a true sign of a strength and potential for growth. Did you get the results you expected? What have you learned? What can you improve? STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 16 R2 Strengths Profiler Where next? The R2 Strengths Profiler Product Suite... R2 Strengths Expert Profile R2 Strengths Team Profile Explore your full set Improve performance by helping team of 60 attributes including your members understand their strengths and Strengths Families. weaknesses, then deliver results through having the right people doing the right things. R2 Strengths Profiler Training.. R2 Strengths Profiler R2 Strengths Team Profiler Accreditation Accreditation Become an Accredited R2 Practitioner, Become an Accredited R2 Team helping people realise their strengths Practitioner and support teams and achieve their goals. to work together to achieve great results. To get in touch +44 (0) 2476 323 363 [email protected] The Strengths Book www.amazon.co.uk www.amazon.com www.capp.co www.r2profiler.com www.jobmi.com About Capp Capp are the strengths experts. For more than 10 years we have helped people to discover their strengths and make the most of them. This is what the R2 Strengths Profiler is all about – as you now know! Our vision is all about matching the world to their perfect job. We do this through assessing what people love to do and do well – their strengths – and understanding the roles and environments where they will find their best fit. Explore our Jobmi platform if you want to know more – see www.jobmi.com STRENGTHS EXPERT PROFILE // Sample 17
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