ISSUE 01 APRIL 2015 East Lothian and Midlothian Public Protection Newsletter This issue Public Protection in East Lothian & Midlothian P.1 Violence Against Women & Girls P.2 Public Protection Launch Child Protection P.3 Adult Support & Protection P.4 Upcoming events / contact details P.4 During the week of 20th—24th April we are formally launching our integrated approach to Public Protection and hope to see many of you at one of the events. There are still some spaces available at two events on Tuesday 21st April 2015 and Wednesday 22nd April 2015. Further information is available on the back page. If you are unable to make either of these dates we are having an “open house” at the Public Protection Office on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th April, when you are welcome to pop in for a coffee and meet the team. We are keen to hear your views and suggestions about where we go from here. Public Protection in East Lothian and Midlothian Public Protection includes some of the most critical areas of work for our organisations. In East Lothian and Midlothian, we recognise that while structures in Public Protection have evolved separately, the reality for most service users is that their needs often span more than one category, for example many children or adults at risk of harm live in households where domestic violence is an issue. The Public Protection Team supports operational staff across partner agencies, by providing a level of expert advice and promoting consistency of practice. The team includes Adult Support and Protection, Child Protection and Violence Against Women and Girls staff and maintains strong links with partners in Offender Management and Midlothian and East Lothian Drug and Alcohol Partnership (MELDAP). With a number of staff from the Police Public Protection Unit due to join us this month we are moving towards an operational “hub” with a staff presence from social work, police and health. This will take forward our vision of an integrated approach to all aspects of Public Protection “across the lifespan” and will promote the understanding of the impact of trauma at all ages and stages of life. The East and Midlothian Public Protection Committee (EMPPC) was established in July 2014 and replaced the Adult Protection Committee, Child Protection Committee, Offender Management Committee and Violence Against Women Partnership and ensures robust links with the Midlothian and East Lothian Drug and Alcohol Partnership (MELDAP). The Committee has now met five times and there are improvement plans in place and available on our website for each of the key areas. The Committee is chaired by Anne Neilson (Assistant Director - Public Protection, NHS Lothian) and membership is comprised of senior representatives from across the core services. A full membership list is available on our website: Public_Protection_front_page/EMPPC_-_membership_list_-_7-04-15.pdf This approach is strongly endorsed by the East and Midlothian Critical Services Oversight Group (CSOG) comprising chief officers of all our partner agencies, who have led its evolution and will continue to provide governance and scrutiny of this critical area of work across both local authority areas. East Lothian and Midlothian Public Protection Newsletter Issue 01 Violence Against Women and Girls East and Midlothian Violence Against Women Delivery Group has a strategic Improvement Plan which can be accessed on our website. This is based on Equally Safe, Scotland’s strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls. We are always keen to hear from practitioners who have a specific interest in this field and there are opportunities to be involved in our delivery of the plan in different ways, particularly in the delivery of training. Please contact Lindsey The Domestic Abuse Service The Public Protection Office now has a Domestic Abuse Service including two Domestic Abuse Advisors, a MARAC Co-ordinator and the Service is managed by the Strategy Coordinator for Violence Against Women. Byrne if you would like to discuss this further. Reminder of the Common Core The Common Core was published in June 2012. It describes the skills, knowledge, understanding and values that everyone should have if they work with children, young people and their families, whether they are paid or unpaid. The essential characteristics are explicitly cross-referenced to the guiding principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The values set out in the Common Core, stem from the Getting it Right for Thanks to a grant from the Big Lottery we were able to create the Support to Maintain Independent Living Effectively (S.M.I.L.E) Project and domestic abuse support in the area has expanded considerably. Available support now includes: A weekend response service where victims of domestic incidents which involved the Police are contacted within 48 hours and offered a risk assessment and safety planning One central hub for all referrals for domestic abuse support [email protected] A single screening service to ensure the victim is allocated to the most suitable service Two full time Domestic Abuse Advisors who now work with victims at high risk as well as very high risk Women’s Aid East and Midlothian who have a support service for women and for children as well as refuge accommodation in both areas Two additional specialist workers at Women’s Aid East and Midlothian - one for women with co-occurring domestic abuse and substance misuse and one focusing on supporting women to become independent A four weekly Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) for victims at very high risk of harm or homicide A Court Service (Edinburgh Domestic Abuse Court Service) which links directly to the Procurator Fiscal to ensure the victim’s views are heard in court Access to equipment to increase safety in the home including alarms and mobile phones Every Child approach. The Scottish Government would encourage all organisations to continue to refer to this guidance in planning for the deployment All partner agencies are working together to: Promote a smoother pathway of support for victims of domestic abuse Reduce the number of agencies making contact with victims of domestic abuse Provide prompt support tailored to the individual’s needs Support victims to feel safer in their own homes and development of staff: Publications/2012/06/5565 Please feel free to contact our team at the Public Protection Office if you require any further information. East Lothian and Midlothian Public Protection Newsletter Issue 01 With Scotland The With Scotland 2014 Annual Report is now available to download. It will be of particular interest to those working in Child Protection and Adult Support and Protection in Scotland. It contains an overview of key activity throughout 2014 and provides E-safety In response to increasing concerns in relation to the use of social technology to target and in turn abuse vulnerable people, a small multi-agency working group has established an action plan to begin to recognise and in turn address the areas of raising awareness , training, curriculum for excellence and participation. This in turn has led to the establishment of an East Lothian and Midlothian E-safety Forum. This forum is represented by key agency individuals who will be responsible for linking in with staff within their agency to ensure that a consistent approach and response across both East Lothian and Midlothian is reached when tackling the issue of E-safety. The forum plans to meet three times per year and is chaired by Shirley Lawson (Education Support Officer for ICT, East Lothian Council). Child Sexual Exploitation East Lothian and Midlothian are very aware of the impact of the Rotherham Report and have in consultation with the Public Protection Office and colleagues from key agencies set up a short life working group to look at the recommendations and to ensure that we are addressing the findings across both areas. We have developed a procedure for responding to the sexual exploitation of children and adults. This document is currently in draft however once signed off will be distributed with briefings and implemented across all agencies. An action plan has also been developed focusing on the four key areas of prevention and identification, intervention, disruption and recovery. We will be offering targeted training to all relevant staff in particular foster carers and residential staff to make them aware of child sexual exploitation. accessible links to briefings and toolkits we published last year, such as the Child Protection and Disability Toolkit. Child Death Review Steering Groups A Child Death Review Working Group was set up to consider whether Scotland should have a national child death review system. In its report, it recommended that Scotland should introduce a national child death review system and that a Steering Group be established to develop the process and to identify costs and funding ( East Lothian and Midlothian Disability Forum Publications/2014/04/55 99). A Child Death The Scottish Government recently established a National Disability Network. The Public Protection Committee has a representative that attends this network and we are really keen to ensure that the work of the network and any other work that is happening nationally is shared and where appropriate rolled out across our local areas. In order to do this we have agreed to establish a local East Lothian and Midlothian Disability Forum. The first meeting of the forum will take place in May 2015. East Lothian and Midlothian Public Protection Newsletter Issue 01 Review Steering Group has now been set up and intends to report to Ministers at the end of July. Financial Harm Financial Harm is the most reported type of harm across East Lothian and Midlothian in relation to Adult Support and Protection. Paul Comley (National Co-ordinator for Adult Support and Protection across Scotland) also co-ordinates the National Group tackling Financial Harm, consisting of public and private sector agencies. The Information Commissioner for Scotland has made it clear to banks and building societies that Data Protection is an enabler and not a disabler to the prevention and investigation of financial harm and given the clear message that they are expected to share information. East and Midlothian Public Protection Committee has reviewed our Financial Harm training which covers all aspects of Financial Harm including scam mail and the Adult Support and Protection Lead Officer would highly recommend this training for all frontline staff. Upcoming Upcoming Events Events East and Midlothian Public Protection Launch event on Tuesday 21st April 2015 (1pm-4pm). A multi-agency event which will be of interest to practitioners in any of the key areas. Contact: [email protected] SMILE (Support to Maintain Independent Living Effectively) launch on Wednesday 22nd April 2015 (9:30am-12pm). This will be your opportunity to hear about the local picture of domestic abuse and what is available for those wishing to seek support. Contact: [email protected] For a full list of Public Protection training events please visit our website: Adult Support and Protection Briefings As you are aware a number of briefings have taken place across East Lothian and Midlothian Councils to assist with the implementation of the joint Adult Support and Protection Policy and Procedures on 1st April 2015. Public Protection Office contact details Anne Thompson (Public Protection Team Manager) 0131 653 5151 / A final date of 13th May 2015 has been scheduled for those staff that have been unable to attend. [email protected] Denice Lilley (Adult Support and Protection Lead Officer) 0131 653 5158 / [email protected] Lesley Watson (Child Protection Lead Officer) 0131 653 5157 / [email protected] Lindsey Byrne (Violence Against Women Strategy Co-ordinator / Domestic Abuse Service Manager) 0131 653 5155 / [email protected] Alison Porter (Domestic Abuse Advisor) 0131 653 5153 / [email protected] Caroline Hall (Domestic Abuse Advisor) 0131 653 5159 / [email protected] Michelle Williams (MARAC Co-ordinator) 0131 653 5156 / [email protected] Helen Skinner (Training and Development Officer - Adult Protection) 0131 653 5154 / [email protected] Andrew Main (Senior Business Support Administrator) 01875 824 093 / [email protected] Bernadette Stein (Admin Assistant) 0131 653 5152 / [email protected] East Lothian and Midlothian Public Protection Newsletter Issue 01 East Lothian & Midlothian Public Protection Office F28-29 Brunton Hall Ladywell Way Musselburgh EH21 6AF
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