Rules for maintenance

Rules for maintenance
Rules covering maintenance carried
out by Idealis
Rules covering maintenance
1. Planning and performing the work
The examination periods of Wageningen UR will be taken into account during the
performance of the work. If possible, no work that causes inconvenience will be carried out
during examination periods and the study week before the examination. If such work is
unavoidable, the inconvenience will be kept to a minimum. Work that covers a longer
period of time will be planned in such a way that the fewest Wageningen UR examination
periods fall within that period. The implementation of urgent work will be given precedence.
2. Announcement of the work
At the beginning of the calendar year Idealis will provide the tenant representatives with
information about all important work that Idealis is planning to carry out at the building
during that year. If possible, that information will include a planning schedule.
Some time before the work is started the relevant residential chairperson will be asked
whether, and if so, how tenants will be informed about the performance of the work. The
following principles will apply:
Work being carried out in general and freely accessible areas (such as stairways,
halls, entrances, access roads and car parks) that is not directly related to the
tenants will be announced via digipost and ‘My Idealis’, as well as on the bulletin
board in the entrance hall of your complex.
Work that is directly related to the tenants and/or affects the common areas
(behind the door to the corridor) will be announced at least one week and at most
two weeks beforehand via digipost and ‘My Idealis’, as well as on the bulletin board
in the entrance hall of your complex. If possible, a time indication will be given
before the work starts.
When work is being carried out in a room, we will give tenants the opportunity to
let us know in good time that the work can only be carried out by appointment. In
that case, an appointment will be made in advance.
Draft announcements will be submitted to the tenant representatives in advance for
3. Working hours
The work will in principle be performed between 8.00 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Where possible,
the work in the rooms/homes/appartments will not be carried out until after 9.00 a.m.
4. Access to corridors
Personnel wishing to enter a corridor will first announce themselves at the corridor using
the corridor or kitchen bell. If there is no bell or the door to the corridor is not opened, the
personnel will be permitted to open the door to the corridor themselves. The personnel will
explain the purpose of their visit to any tenants that are present.
5. Access to rooms
Personnel who have to carry out work in a room will ring the bell or knock on the door
before entering the room. They will first wait a few seconds for a response from the tenant.
If they are not invited to enter the room and the tenant has not indicated that an
appointment must be made, the personnel will open the door in order to carry out the
work. If the tenant has asked for an appointment to be made, a new appointment will be
made: the personnel will then not enter the room. Idealis will charge tenants for any extra
costs incurred as a result of non-compliance with agreements made by the tenants.
Personnel are only permitted to enter residential areas without permission in emergencies.
6. Compulsory identification
Personnel can identify themselves with an identity and visitor's card on the request of a
7. Inconvenience
Nuisance - of any nature whatsoever - will be kept to a minimum. The personnel are not
permitted to use radios.
8. Smoking ban
Employees are prohibited from smoking in the complexes.
9. Cleaning work
After doing the work, the contractor will ensure that any contaminated Idealis property
resulting from this work is thoroughly cleaned and dust free. The contractor will carry out
these cleaning activities daily before leaving the premises. If necessary, the personal
property of tenants will be protected against contamination or damage.
10. Complaints
Tenants with complaints about non-compliance with the rules should contact the caretaker
directly, preferably by e-mail. If the complaint is not resolved, or if the contractor continues
to ignore the code of conduct, the complaint will go through the standard complaints
Code of Conduct for Contractors
Contractors will receive a copy of this document after start-up consultations for a project
commissioned by Idealis. This code of conduct is based on the provisions of the General Terms and
Conditions of Idealis Contractors and the maintenance rules, as published on the Internet for our
1. Proof of Identity
The contractor must supply its employees and subcontractors with a document, as
designated in the Proof of Identity Act and with a visitor's pass. This pass serves as a
general verification that the work is being carried on orders by Idealis. At the request of a
tenant or Idealis staff member, each person working on the premises must be able to
provide proof of identity by showing his or her identity card / visitor's pass.
2. Working Hours
The work should be carried out in the building between 08.00 hours and 16.30 hours
and in the rooms and apartments, starting at 9.00 hours. No work is allowed during
exams and examination periods, holidays or weekends. No work is allowed prior to the
study week preceding an exam week that could cause prolonged, intrusive (noise)
pollution. To do any work outside the above times, prior permission must be received from
Idealis. The work should be carried out without interruption. Note: Contractors can
download the exam and examination roster via the Idealis website or request a copy from
your Idealis contact.
3. Announcement of Work on or in Corridors, Rooms, Accommodations and Apartments
General announcements:
At least five weekdays before the work begins, Idealis will announce the start of the total work
in a general letter. At least five weekdays in advance, the contractor should place notifications
at corridor, room, accommodation and apartment levels. These notifications should state when
the work will start, what kind of work will be done and how long it will last.
Notifications at corridor, room, accommodation and apartment levels:
The letters will be issued by Idealis following the general announcement. The contractor should
then add any specific information, such as dates and working hours. At least five weekdays
before the work starts, the letters should be visibly posted in consultation with Idealis or by the
contractor. As part of its competence, the contractor is responsible for entering into and
complying with these agreements. In case of non-compliance with an agreement by the
contractor, the contractor shall pay a fine in the amount of €100.00, excluding VAT, for each
such agreement.
4. Issue and Return of Keys
Issue of keys
Keys for the purpose of doing the work may be obtained from the caretaker between
07.45 hours and 08.45 hours. Outside these hours, keys will be issued by appointment
only. It may be possible to retain the (main) key longer than one day. This must be
coordinated with the caretaker by signing a receipt-of-key statement, which describes the
consequences in case the key is lost. This differs per type of key; and is included in the
General Terms and Conditions of Idealis Contractors. These terms and conditions also allow
for picking up and returning the keys daily.
Returning the keys
The return of keys must be coordinated with the caretaker and must be handed over in
person. This can take place on weekdays before 16.15 hours. The caretaker will then sign
the receipt-of-key statement. If not otherwise possible, the key can be left in the
caretaker's key safe. The contractor should then notify the caretaker of this by email. The
contractor will remain responsible for the key until the caretaker replies by email that the
returned keys have been received.
5. Entering Corridors, Rooms, Accommodations and Apartments
Entering accommodations and apartments:
Personnel who have to carry out work in an accommodation/apartment will ring the bell or
knock on the door of the accommodation/apartment in question. If no one answers the
door, the contractor should leave a note that he found no one at home. The contractor
should then make a new appointment with the tenants in question. The costs incurred
because tenants and/or third parties fail to keep the appointments for work ordered by
Idealis will not be reimbursed by Idealis. Personnel are only permitted to enter residential
areas without permission in case of an emergency.
Access to corridors
Personnel wishing to enter a corridor will first announce themselves at the corridor using
the corridor or kitchen bell. If there is no bell or the door to the corridor is not opened, the
personnel will be permitted to open the door to the corridor themselves. The personnel will
explain the purpose of their visit to any tenants that are present.
Access to rooms
Personnel who have to carry out work in a specific room will ring the bell or knock on the
door before entering the room. They will first wait a few seconds for a response from the
tenant. If they are not invited to enter the room and the tenant had not indicated that an
appointment had to be made, the personnel will open the door in order to carry out the
work. If a tenant had asked to make an appointment, then a new appointment will be
made. The costs incurred because tenants and/or third parties fail to keep the
appointments for work ordered by Idealis will not be reimbursed by Idealis. Personnel are
only permitted to enter residential areas without permission in case of an emergency.
6. Noise Pollution
Noise pollution, in any form whatsoever, must be kept to a minimum. The personnel are
not permitted to use radios.
7. Smoking Prohibited
Smoking is not allowed in our student complexes.
8. Delivering and Removing Tools and Equipment
The contractor is responsible for arranging the delivery of tools and equipment from its
suppliers, including loading and unloading. Loading and unloading should take place in
consultation with Idealis to avoid any inconvenience for the users.
No assumptions should be made that various work will be done by Idealis or by a local
Idealis representative, or that this person will provide material or manpower assistance.
Deliveries of tools and equipment by parcel post and the like should take place at the
offices of the contractor.
9. Cleaning Work
The contractor must thoroughly clean and dust any contamination of Idealis property
caused by doing the work. The cleaning should be done and the area cleaned up every day
before the end of the working day. If necessary, the personal property of tenants should be
protected from contamination and damage.
10. Waste Products
The contractor guarantees that any (chemical-waste) substances used or released during
performance of the work will be used with great care and, after use, removed or disposed
of in the prescribed manner, in compliance with current environmental legislation. Valid
proof in writing of removal or disposal should be shown to Idealis. The contractor may not
issue a separate invoice for waste products that are covered by this agreement. The
contractor shall indemnify Idealis and its consultant from liability to third parties relating to
contamination of the environment and constituting a danger to public health.