Anderson’s Bay
Grant’s Braes
Wednesday 6th of May 2015
Greetings. Kia ora. Talofa lava. Malo e lelei. Kia orana. Bula vinaka. Namaste. Malo ni.
Fakaalofa lahi atu.
As you may be aware, the rolls at our four schools are very healthy. Whilst this is positive news for
our schools and our wider communities, we have a joint responsibility to ensure that overcrowding
does not become a problem in the future. Traditionally, schools at risk of becoming overcrowded
have been required to develop enrolment schemes and consult about these on an individual basis.
However, the boards of our four schools have been collaborating during the past 18 months and
working with the Ministry of Education to develop joint enrolment schemes across this area of
Dunedin. This is an innovative approach to enrolment schemes and a first for New Zealand.
New enrolment schemes at Anderson’s Bay, Grant’s Braes and Musselburgh schools are being
considered. Tainui School already has an enrolment scheme in operation. Our Boards of Trustees
have jointly prepared draft schemes, which we are now required to consult you about. Please note
that any of the newly proposed enrolment schemes may become operational at different times in
the future due to individual circumstances at each school.
Details of the four enrolment schemes are enclosed. A map pertaining to your school is also
included. This shows any overlap/s with neighbouring schools. All maps and further information
can be viewed by going to or by visiting your local school’s office.
There are three purposes of an enrolment scheme. These are to;
1. avoid overcrowding at our schools
2. ensure enrolment selection is carried out in a fair and transparent manner
3. enable the Ministry of Education to make best use of existing networks of state schools.
The introduction of an enrolment scheme will not affect children currently enrolled at each
school. Currently enrolled means that the child has turned five, and is enrolled and has started
attending school. For children who have not yet enrolled, the enrolment scheme means;
if they live within a home zone, then they have the right to enrol at that school
if they live outside the zone, they will only be able to enrol if there are places available.
The Education Act specifies the order of priority for enrolling out of zone students. This order is;
1. siblings of current students
2. siblings of former students
3. children of former students
4. children of board employees
5. all other students.
If more children within any one of these priority groups wish to enrol than there are places available,
then a ballot must be conducted to determine who is offered a place.
Before making any decisions about these new enrolment schemes, including when they are likely
to become operational, we would like to hear the views of both current and prospective parents and
whānau, and others in our wider community.
Please submit your comments by going to or sending a letter to your local school. All comments must be
received by noon on Friday the 5th of June 2015.
All submissions will be considered jointly, unless you wish for only one school’s board to specifically
consider your comments.
We appreciate that this process may cause uncertainty for some parents and whānau. We will keep
you informed as the process develops by posting up-to-date information on the website listed above,
and by notifying you in our school newsletters.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please don’t hesitate to contact the board chairs or
principals of our schools if you have any queries.
Yours faithfully
Nicholas Green
Steve Coombe
Wendy Watterston
Bevan Townsend
Board Chair
Anderson’s Bay School
Board Chair
Grant’s Braes School
Board Chair
Musselburgh School
Board Chair
Tainui School