GLASS AND WINDOW CLEANER YOU’LL NEED: + 2 cups water + 1/2 cup white or cider vinegar + 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol (70% concentration) + 1 to 2 drops of essential oil for smell-orange or lemon is recommended (optional) + spray bottle DIRECTIONS: 1. Combine the ingredients and store them in a spray bottle. 2. Spray on cloth first, then apply to glass. Hint: don't clean windows on a hot, sunny day, as the solution may dry too quickly and leave streaks. ALL PURPOSE CLEANER & DEODORIZER YOU’LL NEED: + 4 tablespoons baking soda + 1 quart warm water + bowl/bucket/container DIRECTIONS: 1. Mix ingredients in container 2. Dampen your sponge or cloth 3. Scrub (It's that easy! LAUNDRY DETERGENT YOU’LL NEED: + 1 bar of soap (Dr. Bronner’s, Ivory, or other natural bar soap) + 1 cup borax + 1 cup washing soda DIRECTIONS: 1. Grate soap until finely ground. 2. In large bowl, mix soap, borax, and washing soda. 3. To make this powder usable in cold water, blend well in blender or food processor. Let dust settle before opening lid. 4. Store in closed container. 5. Use between a tablespoon to ¼ cup per load of laundry, dependent on size and dirtiness. DRYER SHEETS YOU’LL NEED: + 5-inch squares of cotton cloth (old t-shirts will work!) + 3-5 drops of essential oil DIRECTIONS: 1. Apply 3-5 drops of essential oil to cloth 2. Throw in dryer with clothes for 2-3 loads 3. Add more oil and repeat! WOOL DRYER BALLS (Dryer Sheet and Fabric Softener Replacement) YOU’LL NEED: + Skein of 100% wool yarn (NOT labeled “super wash” or “machine washable”) + Scissors + Pantyhose (if you have old pantyhose with runs, this is the perfect use) + Blunt tipped needle or crochet hook + Short length of string or cotton/acrylic yarn DIRECTIONS: 1. Wrap yarn into a ball until desired size (about tennis ball sized-softball sized) 2. Use blunt tipped needle or crochet hook to tuck the end of the thread under several layers of yarn. Pull through and cut the end. 3. Repeat until you have 4-6 balls. 4. Cut the leg off an old pair of pantyhose. Put first ball into the toe of the old pantyhose, tie off with string, and repeat. Tie with string in between each ball until the leg is filled. It should look like a caterpillar. 5. Throw the yarn caterpillar into the wash with towels, using a hot wash cycle and a cold rinse cycle. 6. Dry at the hottest dryer setting. 7. Untie pantyhose and check for felting. You may need to repeat washing several times until felting occurs. When you scrape your nail over the dryer ball and the strands do not separate, it’s ready. 8. Use 4-6 balls when drying clothes. This will decrease drying time, soften fabric, and keep it from getting staticy.
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