rr fi o<uar, Ao& ougidu4 alun{'ru[tol\uy n1:fl nul]Jouilfi nu1 r1fii bb nuutjuvtJl,l't:'tt1au uv,,t ddooo \ h9 Juu< tSol tJ:vtra-lvru6Ln:lnr: 4 t:uu V o S d ,,r0'ru?un1: L:{t:uuyn s9 vrqrsnrnu Asia Youth Leaders le]oord S L5{ O u u tua.ino tri'yd a.ira{il'to?u :luauLou9l I Q'IU?U aaa 6'ru4afrB6oou orolo o 1Ig q nd'u (rJ:stvrrrlvru) iurfi'u4afiBdoourJ:urufltyu fiuaru6'rrnr:n'rr16on unL:uu:vouilouilfinulnoula''ru siruru u nru rflud'ruuuil:vrufilyU r{ri'tuTn:lnr: Asia Youth Leaders terood il un:tfiuuiu aror:ruYorJ:vtrtu6u :vra'jrriufi ob - bb f,rurnl bddd Toa:rafiB 6oou oolo nr6'u (r.J:vru6d!u) rflufiilfrritorjrir'ldsjrurirraiurinGuufi,.irunr:n'qrrdonurjrirrluronlrfi , .U 1 U :1 u a u tA u ail :r n n m ru3rfi rir:r rdr u eirfinrruttndufinr:finrgr:ioarfiflul rfler tEtcr 6rroU:ur''ra'ilylndrrrfioy:ru$au avr< rfirutrurinriuufiaulor{rirrTn:rnr: r rirraYurinrBuufiaukfifinruarri6n:{nr}r:1uav16uo6'ruonar: Auru arill:nd.i1ua:in:1fid uafrB6oour]:vruoluu ,urA *-- L',o',rrdn,o, ,',r,rri"f; ; ;"; t"-i qlilivt ttnnao.iLrtu ,[t?{nao{tF]u n:.i[vrl\]J14.rurr: ooooo nrutuiufi bd flqun1nil bddd a1]J1:rl a ou n ril:1 ua s rd u q rfr il rfi:rtrfrfi Iy :. o-bbad-ddc(o lyr :ar :. o-tolodd-dc(ord aa <4J- a{ t:uu}J'l tvtoyt:'tu ttauyrQ'r:{u1 { rnafi:r!:ni rn:u{u ,.tr n {ldr rafu nr :{'or nr : fr rh } ;' l ud nr: f, n ur:Tr uu fi n ur I'u fl bu :ar fio'rur u nr : dr#n'l rui'l run t dud n .'f, n urfro uuf, nur. tt ft ti'u rr n.ruuu {d rur u n rr'n'rfn.t nur 1u:. o dleido snc(e'/en rio oou Ivr:ar: o dtodto oc(do " un:fl u:Jd'n uy{{ ix}r u:{anruu a oavrJfr qa rfi trunruqt 1n{or rduu,' n rlni{du gu?r : il fl {n tu r il's nqu (English Speech Contest) Iorqrhva.rri nt:uri.rt-uqum:uorinrurri'lnqu In:tnr: fi?sru-nfinur rr7rjru (English Spccch contest) ,fi'ndurfion-orrfionrinGou "Asia Youth Lcader 2015" a{ un:rfiuuiu arrr:origrltyytsl{ 4r-A 5u :sudxi'ufr te - zz frwrnru z5ss ,i'olna rynu^Gdoou t"^ady(AEoN t% club) urioaflx j y u * - yA n 1 : el : s r uh tn ur nhl ilry r r fr q r t: n do r ua s dq n r r.i r u n r : ofi rJ : r o n d ru r ra y n r : yr-gu fr nu f r ar anrufioE{ uoefin1:uanuJ6ounrrufiolu:ysi'uururvrfin-rrfl1r?rjaruIn:qnr:6u16n $ s il:srms u - lvtu lv l-Rfl uau tv oulro.l l R : ttt,s,Uu u4dori un[:uu:eoilxtuuflfl aaao u'lrJm 4-6 a tvrrst?a1 uas?[9tltur{nt:tr,t t v I v {{ugultiflo*n1Ht6{nqu t (English speech contest) ?uYl l1- 22 lrqun1nil 2558 -Atuvsd,,tSrO@ l. liln:xdlJfi:unr: uurilr ?il [n: {n1: fl {ronGyl:lilfyilht z. qararuuhf,rdrudrriu (2. r ) {al-n (2.2) f,al-n:dosrird',rf,nurlu:sd'ru-rurufinurluanrriufilsiYrnr::-u:0.:orndrfn 4 '-t n 6u s fl : : u fr r : n r 5 fi nu r th fi u g ru ( fl r{ s. ) ut o an r u fi n u r fi 'ldi1 nr : r{'n rf, a n o r n : do.r fi ri'rg vr 6 lvr u qafiGdoou t%ctd1r (2.: ) ptaru-rr : rr?ri ru ln :.r n r : (2. + ) p1a n-n : r s d'o r fi (z. s ) {arin : r v dol (z.o) flcru-n : os fr anr gt r{o r fi n (z.z ) darin : r v do I fi rfiuu) p.r l vr-n : G vdorfi or q r s il ui q : ai r ras h;rfi u u r r{ au 1 nrn u o r s fl :L? r; : ai u o qj 1 u rn ru.ri6 ru r : tu r, hi fi I : n rJ : y dr sr-: ua s l : n fi n si o f i a u: r rJ : y rd u t or ?r u.:n #o r r ra s dr u y 1u n r : do ar : fl 1u I d{ n qu o qllu rn rri6 n u (r& rg n dr u un c 3. nr:d{ronar:tuarin: y 4 j" oa c+ 6t s tu dil n : d d 1 ) rulu {u f,u vr ifi zs v{ rlHn'r 1{ e-mail flt lfl l{tonat : rtav dt m g A o v [l uu r: u { n 1] il R t u 1 o { nqu lu ?f ?'[or fil u-{{ nfi fi .r n 3. q u ru v l o e * fllil1:rrdiln:lfl1'21r [n:{n1: lnunr:n:on uRrSuuYtilfltu6lilu9t9t:{9t'tuytfl114u9t q n H u gt 6t q ]u v lu at]n : uas d{ro fl d 1 : n oju ul il zsss Iq ue; nr: ri'.r d rtil [email protected] il3O [email protected] (5yq Subject: English Spcech Contest) r.z) uio ri.rtuar-n:d'rusrlrro.:d eY- Yr]?r?o: slJ 27 raufi 388 ornr:rdnrsu uafiG6oourJrurmf,ulmu s a ouuqlil?yt tflflnao{r$tu ut,?{fiao{rstu (:vq4ruuoltonfl1: : English fli.1[yt?Iu141un: 10110 Speech Contest) toou v{fiuRlflu - ilouluu 2558 l.:ounhrdon fiufr 28-29 y{qunlnu 2ss8) (t.t) rin16on0tnrJalfluuE uacttn60{n21ilRru1o''.1r'tQU (Essay) fi{au-n:rilrdrur Stetua lfiUfiilsfl::Un1:n1:[llJ{1JuduYltil0URlU1O{nqU'(English Speech Contcst) (t.z) ri'n16onflriruu?r:oun-ordonufrururftdu 20 nu rrayil:enlfl,^ro,.i'ruvrxrarj'lryoi torunfi G6oourl:srms'lvre, 1u{ud'snr:d z- fi-'a'-'-'-nurou zsss q (http ://www.aeon.co.th./foundation) rnio hflrr?r j 2. :ouA{suurafl ({urdr$fi o al urj.r r?al 09.00 n ? { lyty'lu?t I u fi ol8{suu lAfl fiquruu zsss) dolufi,fi'n rflotrJ:rEl M Academy ornr:13n6 :rsrirSt{ #ro ltn il 1"4u i'u rrh: ourr",rririf urr.rOlfifi i - 16.00 ,fi'uaarnuriwiunlrr{on'tut0-{nqu turflario (z.t) n-orf,onloonr:hi'flr.iruni:n-ara^on t , t u rt|. mn[ucf't::ilfl 'l:n'l5rlfl {fl u tqnlHiln :oufi 1: rlnlu:vuvr?ar 3 utfi turi'rc?o "Reduce, Reusc and Recycle in your everyday life" : oilfi 2 : qolu: rorr?al 3u too ttl{lunt?tu9r (z.z) il: cn rnr{0fl a-{ tr nr:uds{u lfi Inuf,u aarno rnn-'ldofi norsn: : un1: nl: a,tvau t1{?A0urt{U{tlilEiln:ilou$rrr16{RtlU (Engtish Speech Contest) vauu :l{?aruymfl oilou l-6 . ld:-rLrfiu:6rinr rrasrrfti?:JIn:lnr: ..Asia youth d1r At-i 11 ali! il:cfi rut u : sn'jrlfufi o nd1j (AEON J% Club) I 6 - 22 fi lrl Leadcr 2015. Bl rn u 25sa'u"'n Iooryafi (:runcraunnlxrondl:uuu) v-vvA tl{?a?oruusnfi ououil 7-l0 . Tilnt:f,nut 4,ooo ut?t n3ourfiu:Grin: uau-) rr'r?ato{Iuurofl oueuil I t-15 . Tunl:f,ftu'r 3,(no rl'rm nSour6o:6rin: trauar :rrfloroltucGa . fi llrgffi frueYuii Uilfll:f,nul q e d Q: 2,ooo i r ozo utyt r$otrfiu:6u-er: g t'. I untt UUrlRnUfl [1'l: ?lJttl,{lt s U tB h9s d ae un:lfiuuiu lo: illnutniln: G 6oou r x 1-5-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba 261-8515, Japan FAX: 043-Z12-6461 Email: [email protected] ,/ECN TEL:043-272-6023 1%o Club Foundation 23 March 2015 Secretariat of Office of the Basic Education Commission REQUEST LETTER FOR SEIECTION OF PARTICIPANTS IN ' ASIAYOUTH LEADERS 2OL5 Dear Sir/Madam, On behalf of the AEON 10lo Club Foundation, firstly I would like to express my warmest greetings to you. We are a fo.undation established by AEON Group fapan to facilitate its Corporate Social Responsibility activities, has been contributing to environment conservation and community development, as returns of the profits we receive from our customers. In Thailand, we have carried out such program as AEON Scholarship programs for university, fapan-Thailand Teenage Ambassadors in 1.993 and2004, as well as Asia Eco-Leaders fnow called Asia Youth Leaders) in 2013. This yea4 we are going to hold the 'Asia Youth Leaders" from August 16 - ZZ, in Tianiin of China' 50 university students and 50 high school students from Thailand, Indonesia, fapan, China, Malaysia, and Vietnam are invited to participate in a dispussion on solutions to current environmental issues, and then propose them to the Tianjin government. The program aims at raising youth's awareness of environmental conservation and nurturing potential leaders of the next generation. We would appreciate it if the Basic Education Commission could support in selection of 5 senior high school students as representatives of your country to participate in the program, and provide us with the list and personal information of those students by May 25. 2015 fMondav). kindly refer to the enclosed Program Outline, Implementation Guidelines, Application forms, and Report on Asia Youth Leaders 2o'J,4 for further information. Please Thank you for your kind consideration, and we are looking forward to having your students in 'Asia Youth Leaders Program 2015". Yours sincerely, k#1 h Motoo TOMOMUM Secretary General, AEON 1% Club Foundation lEnclosed 1. 2, 3. 4. J ProgramOudine ImplementationGuidelines ApplicationMateriqls ReportonAsiaYouth Leaders 2074 AEON I% CLUB FOUNDATION 2015 ASIA YOUTH LEADERS PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM PART 1: PERSONAL INFORJVIATION Please fill in this form neatly in BLOCK Letters! Tick (E)the box that applies. Fields in BOLD LETTERS are essential. Name in Gender full (in fist Emalc language) I.ast Efemelt First Photo (4x3 ) \ickname Name in full (in f,nglish) Last First Current Address Tel/Fax (Optional) fel: Mobilc: Fax: E-mail(PC) Blood Date of birtl Age Dayl Passport Month/ 'l'ype Nationality , Year Number (Optional) Expiry datr Dav Emergency Full name: Contlct Schoo! name Month/ Year Relationship with applicant: Tel: University/ I Mobile: rrepartment (for University lchool ycar nnlwl Language skills Hobbies and interests (Optional) English score: TOEIC: TOEFL: IELTS: EIKEN: Other languages (optional) (please speciff languages and your lcvcls.) ALLERGY to Food, Medicines, Animals, etc,: Health EGood EI have problems rvith (please specif,) Is there anything you cannot EAT or DRINK (but not allergic to)? trNONl-l Il cannot eat (plcase speciff) APPUCATION FORM 1 PART 2: ESSAY Please ansrver l. rons ln Do you have any concerns about "environmental is@ - 2.Whydoyouchoosetoapplytothisprogram?Andhowdoyouttrinliiiry I' the undersigned, by signing this form, gurrantee thrt t shel! fully comply with the rules of this progrem, and thc law and regulations ofthe host country during thc coursc ofthe progr{m. Sienature Note: * lnformation submined hercby will be used for this program and regular correspondence with the AEON It will not be used for any other purposes. lolo Club only. t 1'o facilitate smooth communication, AEON l% Club shall send emails to all participants of the program (using Cc not Bcc function), and would like to receive your considcration and cooperation in the regard. APPUCATION FORM 2 o llCN 1olo Club Foundatlon ASIA YOUTH LEADERS 2O1S PROGRAM OUTLINE Program 1. title: ASIAYOUTH LEADERS 2015 Obiectives: 2. counties to strrdy and discuss about the host counFy's environmental, economic and social issues (in EnglishJ, and to harn the diversity of values through multilateral exchanges nurture global baders for the future inspection and discussion activities on real social and environmental issues o a High school section: to propose a campaign to raise people's awareness and call for their action [waste reduce, reuse and recycle) University section: to propose effective public policies for waste management fpolicies on waste separation, colhction, transport and disposal or incineration, etc.) 3. Schedule: L6 -zlAugust 2OLS(7 days) 4. Venue Theme 5. : : China (Tianjin city) .Tianiin Waste Management (FORA MORE BEAUTIFUL TIANJIN CITY) 6. Language: English 7. Participants : High University Countries school Coordinating high school teachers AEON 1olo Club staff, students other supporters ounih Indonesia 10 5 a L Vietram 10 5 1 L Mahvsia Thailand 5 I 1 1 L China Iaoan 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 IN TOTAL 1 1 2 7 1 I 8. Program: August [sat) (studenb from some country depart for Tianjin) August (Sun) Orientation, Wehome Reception 17 August (Mon) Ice-breaking activities 18 August (TueJ Lectures, Inspection & hearing from the citizen 19 August (Wed) Inspection on waste feahnent facilities 20 August (Thu) Group discussion 2L August (Fri) Presentation, Award ceremony, Farewell party 22 August (Sat) Returning ro each country 1-5 15 XThere will be a 'jPre-shrdy section" around July to provide basic knowhdge to the participanb before the program. 9, Expense: AEON 1% Club Foundation imphmentation will cover expenses for preparation and of the program (expenses for ffansportation, accommodation, meals, etc.) (except visa, passport application fees, and personal travel insurance). 10. For fu rther information: AEON 1olo CLUB Foundation 1-5-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba', 261-g515 JAPAN Tel: +81-43-212-6023 Fax: +81-42-?,LZ-646L Email: [email protected] Cc: Thanh LE [Ms.J Email: [email protected] o Asia Youth Leaders 20 11 Aetivity Bepel:l AEON Lo/o CIub Foundation 27 August20l4 AEON 1olo Club Foundation Asia Youth Leaders 2OL4 AEON 1olo Club Foundation have conducted the Asia Youth Leaders Program in Hanoi, Vietnam from 77 to 23 August We would like to report the activities of the program as follows. ( 1) [2] Program name : Asia Youth Leadels Overview: The program is a forum for high school and university students from Asian countries to get together, study and discuss social, economic, environmental issues of a hosting country, and then propose their suggestions to the local government. [3) Implementation period : t7 [4) Hosting country: Vietnam (Hanoi) [5) Theme: Air Pollution [ 6I [7 ) Participants : - 23 August 2014 12 students, University 10 students Japan school High school 11 students, University 12 students Vietnam High school 10 students, University 10 students (Torat 65 students) Indonesia High This year program's improvements 1. : Both high school.and university student programs have been implemented at the same time. In order to solve the problem of air pollution of the city, high school and university students, from the perspectives of citizens and govemments, respectively, have worked out effective campaigns and policies to propose to Hanoi Natural Resources and Environment Department. 2. This year progrctm, students have had opportunities to visit facilities related to air quality monitoring process, visit local schools to listen to the citizens'opinions, experience local public tmnsporg etc., which have helped them develop points of view closer to the civic life. [8] Program schedule: 17 Aug Departure, Orientation, Welcome Reception 18 Aug Experience 19 Aug O ' a gricu ltura I cu ltura I activities, Tea m bui ld i n g Lectures on lstatus of air pollution in Hanoil aBy Mr. TA NGOC oBy Mr. .By NGUYEN SoN, Hanoi Naturar Resources and Environment Department THU! Hanoi Transport Corporation Ms. BUI HA eUyEN, Action for Environment Organization (NGO) @ Hearing and Inspection oHigh school: Hearing from Alpha high school students auniversity : 20 Aug Visit and inspection at Center for Environment Monitoring @ Measuring pM2.5 concentration at intersections, bus park, station, hoter @ Using Hanoi bus, inspecting its services 21 Aug Group discussion 22 Aug @ Presentation 23 Aug @ Award Ceremony, Campaign & Solution proposals, Farewell Reception Retuming L@ ,,;,;:;:, Experiment on the gas emission from motorbikes Hearing from Hanoi Foreign Trade University ,"not ""a!ral Resources and Environment Department; .{Sll ,,il;.$! 5r.r-rnr.rs , :: rt*re; ::1! il, =:::::ti::: : Bbi .:a;,n,::i '':., eraae*iob : Campaign proposal by High schoot team Policy proposal by University team 1. Know it: provide the citizens of Hanoi with necessary information on air pollution as well as methods to improve the air quality through education in forms of contests, galleries and fairs. 2. Show it; Encourage people to transfer their knowledge into action by forming the Junior Eco police Team, collecting bus tickets and using cloth bags for discount at the Fair. 3. Go for it!: Keep people continue their actions by motivating them to use cloth bags, organizing Bike Days and collecting the Stamps for discoJnt at the Fair Keep the campaign running continuously and make the main event a celebration of the city. 2. Improving the quality of public transportation by creating mini-bus system and more quatity buses as well as by building more bus stops. Creating new governmental regulations by imposing no-motorcycles hours, 1ax increase and parking fee system. 3. Imposing higher tax rate non-environmental-friend ly industries. for [1 0l Photos: Reception & Icebreaking Activities (17 - lg Aug) >Team Building t Self-introduction among team members who have just I Selection of leader and sub leader for each team met each other for the first time >Welcome Reception tGreeting speech by Mr. Saita, Counselor of Embassy of t Students exchanging views with an honorable guest Japan in Vietnam t Indonesian students gathering around Mr. & Mrs. Sadikin, lVietnamese students playing the guitar and singing to Counselor of Embassy of Indonesia in Vietnam welcome Indonesian and Japanese friends t Welcome Reception Commemorative Photo (1st row, From the left) 5 & 6th place: Mr. & Mrs. Sadikin * Counselor, Embassy of Indonesia in Vietnam; 7th place: Mr. Pham Quang Hung - Acting Director General, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Education and Training; 8th place: Mr. Yukio Saita * Counselor, Embassy of Japan in Vietnam; 9th place: Mr. Yukio Konishi - Director, AEONMALL Vretnam Co., Ltd. >Icebreaking tStudents experiencing agricultural activities at Bavi Homestead (fish catching, rice planting, tea shoot picking, ethnic minority dance) and Inspection on Hanoi Air Pollution (19 - 2O Aug) >Lectures on Air Pollution in Hanoi tLecture on Hanoi air pollution status by a representative lMany studenls actively raising their hands to ask from Hanoi Natural Resources and Environment questions Department )School Visit and Hearing from the Students t Students participating the experiment on gas emission of t Students summarizin,g the iindings cf the experirnent t Listening to explanation on enrrironriental activities of motorbikes t Interviewing Alphe students i-egar-ding their daiiy lifestyle and the habit of usinq public transportation" Hanci Foreign Trade University students 'l Intervrevring l-lanoi Foreign Trade University s:udents t regarding their points of view on government policies Environment Monitoring Listening to the exola nation on the activities of Center for tsMeasurjng Pi,t 2.5 Concelrtration I Measur r; at tlai; :liiay-Lanc intersection : >I-CLL ! ccf centration t Measuring ei "i hci:,r Nhai ::ar !r 'l veasurinq -i ,:lL -.-lr- ':-,Jfl df:.cr irle: SUrin! P ' 5 t Getting on Har'oi bus and inspecting t Measuring inside the hotel fts services lroup Discussion, Presentation, Award Ceremony 121-22 Aug 'l"G roup Discussion & Preseut.ation f High school (ieft) anC ilniversity (r-ight):;rirCelnts disc,-rssing tTwo Japanese sildents expla;ninc aboui fhe Greer: Stamp s;l:ei'r for bu--r':, to prepare fortheir presentation I University students presenting their ideas. I >Award Ceremony & Proposal Submission I High school (left) and university (right) students receiving Certificate:; ci tlstprize r^.,;:inei;lieft Natu,-e I Re.:cu Highr;choci TeamD,riEiri: tj,:i,.,ersityTeamH)si!!rirac:-jiiLin,tf,:r;t!-:ei.proposals:. rces a ncj -,nvi ron i,rent Sepa rtn ,rl'1r , ; rnt 'li!i;i.:r-:r.iiir- t-,,.a:t i 1116 rj? E[if Lud.er* AIR POLLIJ?:*N IN HANOI -;'E i'rt t Ccn:i";e':is ' lC co;rq aillatic, ;peech f:-o,n i' fpr,;rg 1,nE,-, ,. zarticipati-_ n (JF P!-r:m Van r(hanh Hanoi )'Fardwell Reception tJapanese students performing a traditional dan,-: (11 I Th* !'o!;eii of Paliir-:i5;ants !' irr iiLr;a ; 1Indonesian students performing a traditionai ir;r:,r.r : $i,;j schooi. r.rtterwaros i wrii convince Lrletrl ro start usrrrg purrrL LrailspurLdLtutt ds I I I \._ wtrri I in order to reduce air pollution in my city. Through these small acts, we will continue it into a mass movement and change ii ri::o a hab;t (vrnich we c:rn p""n,.,'. thrc rgh -,:cia' =edia); fron, there I hope the oove.nment rvouid take the nol:ce i- rhe irnporlance or aii- qual f, ccnservation in m/ ccuntry ) I i I Sf.lANl fi;;,:;; rneC a iot fr-om the pr,,1gran:. I never really know befcre abou;t par-ticuiate matters, arci now I even get to test with the nrachine itself while golng around the city of Hanoi. I know now how much the impact air pollution brings to the environment and how it affects our lives. I wor-rld share the knowledge I received from the program to my friends and colleagues back home. Ms. Calista Riva 6 Ja<arta digh school \ ) I I I Mr. Ravio Patra Asri PadjaC aran Universitl,' FJapan I felt stuCens from other Asian countries v,i:rre very aggressive. 1.hey always had their opinrons and were i1,;1s, 1,-: .hare with other teamrnates. If they met someone for tl,. ,',:':,i ri5i:e :r:,;y were talkinq io that person and exchanged addresses,,r ,: i...'r;:eiii. 'i learned I have to improve my assertiveness like other students. tI of discussing about the environmental issue, it was also hard to gather all members' thought- rD onc'. Howeveq I felt exchanging the ,riev'; abu-ut r:ne issue rryith people Through the exper-ience Ms. Maria Yamazaki Ochanomizu Universjty - Ser' :; l:qh school from developirg countrir:s irom boftom of our hearts, made us uncicrstand curselves deeply in the consequence. 9 >Vietnam I myself had been fully aware of the air-polluted condition not only in Hanoi but also Vietnam and the whole planet as well. After being lectured and discussion, I think what I learnt the l'nost is the difference of how the problem is being carried out in each country. Everybody knows about air pollution but each country, each crtizen, with their conditions and budgets choose their best ways that may not be suitable for other areas but very appropriate for themselves. Before joining the program Ms. Tran Bao Chau Chu t/a:r An l-liqh School I learned that Asian countries share many things in common and at the same time, have great diversity. I improved myself a lot through working with my Asian friends, thanks to their creativity and professional style of working and cooperating. After this, I understood more about the ethnic diversity in Indonesia as well as the friendly and outgoing characteristics of Japanese, which is totally opposite to the image I had before. aCoordina'tor teacher : Mr. Nguyen Tl'an Thai hlam Univers i.r c":,r:i::al i::r. e'ic€s a:rC :i-r'' j'liti,)r, + I think, to our high school students, one week of the program has been a great chance fpr them to realize how it is difficult to express their thoughts and knowledge to the others if they cannot use Englisrh as a loo! effectively. I believe they will attempt to speak English more after the program. On the other hand, we have 1 student getting the 2nd prize,2 students getting the 1st Ms. Sanae Numahata Ochanomizu Univers,:y Senior hiql. schocl OGovern*iallli ' prize, which would provide them sense of achir:vernent and more self-confidence. It came to me that in order to becorne a global leadel not only comm.and of English but knowledge, education, w;ry oi thinking, personality are also very important factors. l '{t .\_-_----t Mr. Pham van Khanh Hanoi Deoartment of Natural Rr:sa.,r'ilr- .,lnd Envtronment I was really glad that the Asia Youth Leaders Prograrn was held in Hanoi this year: Environmental issues are now not only the problems of Vietnam, of the region, but also of the world. Therefore, the program that created chances for youth from different countries to gather and share their opinions and ideas with each other like this is very meaningful. I really hope that the program can be continuously conducted in many countries to solve other globai issues we are facing nowadays. 10 ,EON 10/o Club Foundation "ASIA YOUTH LEADERS 2OL5" ! M PLEMENTATION GUI DELI N ES Contents RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MAIN PARTIES l%Club CONCERNED............... Foundation .......2 .......2 1,. AEON 2. High schools, universities, and/or educational organizations.."........ ..............2 ) 3. lndividual participants .............. 3 SELECTION METHOD CRTTERTAAND il. method: .................. 7. Selection 2. Application 3. Selection criteria and participant 4. Submission il1. DEADLINES.......... materials:. ....................3 ..............4 qualifications: deadlines. CoNTACT INFORMATTON ...............3 ........... ......... 4 ..............4 ................ 4 l. RIGHTSANp RESFONSIBTUT|ESOF MA|N PARTIESCONCERNEp t. AEONl%OubFoundation A) Responsibilities: (a) Within its own capacity, ensuring the overall heahh and safety of participants during the (b) (c) Organizing all main events and activities of the program. Cooperating with high schools and universities to hold briefing meetings before departure for participants. (d) Providing concerning hjgh schools, universities and individual participants with necessary information and instruction of the program. Protecting individual's personal information; and upon request of individuals, refraining from publishingtheir information on website or social networks. program, (e) (f) Covering the following expenses: > All expenses for lodging transportation, meals, etc. in the hosting country during the B) Rights: (a) {b) (c) (d) Defining criteria for selecting participants of the program; and finalizingthe participant list. DisqualifiTing individuals who failto fulfill the requirement of the program, who negatively affects the safety of other participants and/orthe progll.ess of the program. Requesting the cooperation from concerning high schools and universities in holding briefing meetings for participants regarding the requirements and preparation for joining the program Requesting its local representatives to work directly with high schools or universities in some cases. 2. High sdrools, universiti,es, and/or educational organizations A. Responsiblities: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Screening selecting and submitting to AEON 1% Club Foundation the recommended participants together with application documents required by AEON t% Club Foundation bythe submission deadline (see Selection criteria and method for more detail). Ensuring the equality in participant selection based on AEON 1% Club Foundation's defined criteria. Cooperating with AEON L% Club Foundation (or its local representativeso) in holding briefi ng meeting (orientation meetings) before departure. Cooperating with AEON 7% Club Foundation in ensuring participants' heahh and safety before and duringthe program. Covering expenses for selection of participants (except special cases) and briefing nreetings. B. Rights: (a) Deciding suitable selection method based on city/school/university circumstances and AEON 1-% Club Foundation's selection criteria (b) RequestingAEON 1% Club Foundation for necessary information of the program. 3. lndividualpartlcipants A. Responsibilities: (a) (b) (c) Fulfilling all necessary application forms (as defined in Selection criteria below) and ensuring all information declared in the application is true. Participating in briefing meetings (orientation meetings and pre-studying for acquiring the background of the discussion theme). (f) Following the schedule of the program, and obeying rules and regulations of the program aswell as of the hostingmuntries. Being fully responsible for one's safety and health during the program. Joining group discussion and actively sharing contributing ideas to work out potential solutions or campaign tg environmental issues raised in the discussion. Filling out the qugstionnaire at the last day of the program. G) Sharing their experiences about (d) (e) understanding protectin (h) (i) g the program wtth others people in order to broaden of current environmental situation, and raising their awareness of their surround ing environment. Keeping AEON 1% Club Foundation updated of their contact information. Should there be any change to their contact information, the participants are supposed to inform AEON 1% Club Foundation immediately. The following expenditures shall be covered by individual participants F chosen (such as F : Any transportation charges incurred by the individuals before the final participants are for attending contest, interviews) and for attending briefing & pre-studying meetings. Any transportation charges incurred by the indi#duals from their living places to the gathering points for departure and vice versa. country. F . F Travelers'insurance Visa/passport application fee B. Rights: (a) Taking part in all activities of tl're program. (b) Refusing to participate in the program due to urgent problems with prior notice given to AEON (c) (d) II. 1.% Club Foundation. R.equestingthe protection of personal information Requesting necessary information regarding the schedule of the program, preparation for departure, etc. SEI.ECTION METHOD. CRTERAAND DEADLINE t. Selection method: & material screening, etc.), and then recommend/select qualified students based on the criteria below. (public examination, grade 1% Club Foundation together with the required documents. 2. Applicationmaterials: @ @ o @ APPLICATION FORM APPLTCATT ON QU ESTTON NAr RE/ESSAY HEALTH CERTIFICATE (followingAEON 1% Club Foundation format) PARENT CONSENT FORM (for High school pupils only) entvarr INFoRMATToN pRorECnoN FoRM @ @ Or PASSPORT COPY (lD CARD COPYfor Chinese participants) @ or DtGrrAL PHoro (JPEG, GrE BMP) 3. Selection criteria and participant qualifications: Educational Department or selected by AEON 1% Club Foundation to participate in the program. preferable. (Master degree students are NOTqualified) For discussion and presentation, either of the Qualffication levels is University Hieh school 5.0 t !ETTS Above TOEIC Above 550 Above 730 TOEFL Above 500 (PBT) Above 570 (PBT) Above 170 (CBT) Above 230 (CBT) Above 60 (lBT) Above 80 (lBT) Above EIKEN 2 Above EIKEN Pre-1 EIKEN (*): Above 6.5 (*) Pupilslstudents who have not got the above qualifications but have other certmcates or written prooft of equivalent English competence are also accepted. (*) Pupils/StudenB who are selected via Contests organized by the selection committee or schools/universities are also accepted. 4. Submissiondeadlines The list of recommended students and their filled-out application forms should be submitted by each city selection committee, university/high school to AEON Lo/o Club Foundation by Mav 29, 2015 (Fridav). III. CONTACT INFORMANON For further information or request, please contact: Thanh LE (Ms.) Email: [email protected] AEON 1%CLUB Foundation L-5-1 Na kase, M ihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, 261-8515 JAPAN Tel:+81-43-2L2-6O23 Fax+81-43-2L2-@6L Email: [email protected]
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