EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) Effect of welding parameters on Phase Transformations and Rigidity of Welding Finite Element Method Ala Abedinzadeh1, Amir Mostafapour2 1 Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 2 University of Tabriz ABSTRACT This study investigates the effect of phase transformations during welding operations on the hardness of the weld parts in low carbon and medium carbon Steelswith the use of software Tool ANSYS And MATLAB The software coding using a three dimensional finite element study of the piece. This paper examines a number of phase transformations during continuous cooling process and the formation of martensite in the area affected by acne and pimples HAZ and Deals. Changes in volume of austenite to martensite transformation process can be used to determine the amount of martensite formed by the application and the relationship between the amount of martensite and hardness, and The hardness profile of the weld to weld determined by the distance from the center. One of the major problems of welded structures composed of martensite in the region HAZ and its role in the hardness of the weld. In this study it is shown that the properties of low carbon steels with lower job martensite, but mediumcarbon steels with properties suitable job martensite. In this phase changes and the formation of martensite and thermal conductivity have been independently investigated. In this paper, the simulation the welding process and to measure the hardness of the weld, act like has been implemented in two stages. KEY WORDS: Martensite, hardness, phase transformations, Finite element Background: One of the major problems of welded structures composed of martensite in the region HAZ and its role in the hardness of the weld. Formation of martensite phase transformation and the effect on the stiffness and tension of welding residual is very important. Stress Residual welding may develop cracks and reduce the buckling and... Parameters such as welding, preheat and then and the number of passes welding of structural changes resulting from effective. 1 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) Austenite to martensite steel in some phase change cooling time has important effects on stiffness and tension residue of the process and its distortion. The martensitic phase transformation without diffusion or displacement Where individual atoms and therefore does not require thermal activation and the change of shear and by displacement of the mass of the atom Performed. The martensite phase or displacement by a martensitic transformation where a group of atoms are obtained alloys of iron - carbon steel, Atom Carbon in the octahedral spaces Network bcc Confined and therefore soluble carbon bcc To greatly increase the volume of the crystal lattice of bcc To bct Converts Where the parameter c The larger of the two other network parameters a Is. [1] Therefore when martensite formed is an increase in the volume of metal and plastic deformation will occur this increase in volume and the critical role distortion and stress Residual weld area and region HAZ It had. Model the finite element method: In this phase changes and the formation of martensite and thermal conductivity have been studied independently. In this paper, the simulation the welding process and to measure the hardness of the weld Act like has been implemented in two stages. 1- Similar to determine the thermal history of the welding process and thermal conductivity 2. The temperature history and determine the phase changes in each element First step: In this paper, the process of welding and thermal conductivity were investigated in a three-dimensional plot of the thermal history of each element is at any time to complete Back. The pieces were shown below. Since the piece is symmetric so like Building on half of it has been done. These fragment 13,735 elements and the length and width and height respectively 1 0, mm 10 0, mm 8 May Is. 2 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) Figure 1 - View three-dimensional plot of simulated To determine the effect of carbon on phase transformations in steel welding process two types, one with low carbon (ck15) and the average carbon (ck45) has been studied. The specific characteristics of the steel table (1) and Fig. (2) Is shown. [2] Table 1. Chemical composition of alloy steels ck45, ck15 Steel C Si Mn P S Cr ck15 0.15 0.22 0.41 0.021 0.024 0.06 ck45 0.44 0.22 0.66 0.022 0.029 0.15 Figure 2. The graph of changes in physical properties depending on temperature Elise temperature heat source and its: The welding TIG During the welding process without the use of welding electrodes with a heat source model is implemented. In welding TIG the electrode is connected to the negative. 3 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) In the car these four mechanisms of welding joints Is: [3] 1. Continuous electron kinetic energy in the arc 2. The influence of the thermal electron density on the surface working 3. Existence of radiation from the arc 4. The heat transfer surface of the plasma arc working The first mechanism is the most energy sources. In this model, of the model the double ellipsoidal heat source was used as the method. Thermal model Oval Dual diversity: The welding TIG During the welding process without the use of welding electrodes with a heat source model is implemented. In welding TIG the electrode is connected to the negative. In this model, of the model The double ellipsoidal heat source method was used [3] Figure 3 - the ellipsoid heat source Dual Diversity The welding heat source model is a combination of two ellipses Astragalus is considered continuous motion used. The analytical solution for the model The Limited almost impossible. So often the way Numerical model to solve Used welding. Finite element method is a reliable method for obtaining the temperature distribution during the welding process that is used by many researchers. 4 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) Temperature distribution in each of the oval Milk vetch is presented in the form varies, so that the equations of the heat in the middle of front and rear as follow [4] (1) (2) In the above equations a , B, c 1, c 2 Fixed Experimental and f r, f f To Defined Used. In the above equations extension f Front of the semi-circle Diversity and extensions r about half of its dorsal. Variable Q The amount of heat input Depending on the severity of the I and voltage U and the efficiency η and is defined as follows. Q = I. U. η (6) Fixed parameters the equations in Table (2) have come. [5] Table 2. The constants The equations (2) and (1) fr c b a 2 a 1 Parameter ff 0.67 1.33 5 3.5mm 10 5 Value mm mm mm 5 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) Heat transfer: Due to the high temperatures generated in the boiling heat transfer by convection and by radiation is performed A., Due to the temperature dependence of heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer coefficient to increase the accuracy of the model is as follows: . [6] 0 <T <500 0 C α h = 0.0668T (W / m) 500 0 C <T α h = 0.231T - 82.1 (W / m) For temperatures simple carbon steels A equations . [7] (7) 1, A 3 Obtained from the following A 1 = 723 - 10.7Mn - 16.9Ni + 29Si + 16.9Cr + 290As + 6.4W A 3 = 912 - 203 - 15.2Ni + 44.7Si + 104V + 31.5Mo + 13.1W - 30Mn - 11Cr - 20Cu + 700P + 400Al + 120As + 400Ti (8) Phase transformations: During continuous cooling of austenite structure fcc The martensite lattice structure bct Phase change and increase the volume Result. The volume changes during phase transformations in shape (4) have come. Figure 4. Diagram of volume changes in temperature 6 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) The martensitic transformation of the period t 8/5 And the percentage of martensite transformation of two steel ck15, ck45 Using the diagram CCT The two cases were austenitized at 900 and 1050 ° C for 5 min was plotted in the figure below. To determine the phase transformation to a three-dimensional plot of the relationship Koistinen- Marburger Use . [8] ( M s ≥T ) f m (T) = f (1-exp (-k (M s -T))) (9) F m (T): The amount of martensite at a specified temperature T K: Constant factor in percent for carbon steel (k = 0.011) T Temperature pieces per minute M S : Austenite to martensite transformation temperature at which it begins Back. M s = 561- 474C- 33Mn -17Ni- 17Cr - 21Mo (1 0) Temperature M S to change the phase steels ck15, ck45 Table (3) it is stated. Table 3 transformation temperature of the metal to steel ck45, ck15 M f C) 280 140 (0 Ms C) 476 328 (0 A 3 C) 843 787 (0 A 1 C) 726 724 (0 steel ck15 ck45 During the welding process, the strain resulting in an increase in the volume of austenite to martensite microstructure during the transition phase. Therefore, possible variations in the amount stated in the following manner. [9] (11) In this regard, Volume changes due to phase transformations. The relationship between volume and percentage of martensite martensitic transformation is expressed as follows: back, 7 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) (12) In this regard, T C Δ The temperature during the cooling device Work and C εΔ Constant volume of the steel ck45, ck15 Respectively 2.88 × 10 -3, 8 × 10 -3 Is. And martensite hardness equation: After determining the amount of martensite in the degree of difficulty of each element must be determined which elements. The hardness of the martensite carbon content in a way that depends on the hardness of martensite increases with increasing carbon content. For steels studied ck45, ck15 Relationship between hardness and martensite in the form of (5) It is stated. Figure 5. The relationship between hardness and percentage of martensite steel ck45 Using the Software MATLAB and between access to each of the following statements concerning the hardness of martensite in steel CK45, CK15 Expressed . HRC = 1.2124 × 10 -6 X 4 - 1.9846 × 10 -4 X 3 +8.2311 × 10 - 3 X 2 + 2.3226 × 10 -1 X + 30.157 (13) X Percentage of martensite 8 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) HRC Hardness in Rockwell C Results: As stated earlier in this article, I will be the first welding process using heat as ellipses Double Extra and thermodynamic properties ck45, ck15 And the conductivity Variable temperature using software ANSYS A three-dimensional simulation Then for each element of the History of temperature as a function of time obtained The . For example, the temperature history of the work piece In the figure below (6) Has come. Figure 6: Elements of temperature versus time history For example, elements of the thermal history of the weld surface in the form of (7) are expressed. Figure 7 - The history of central Germany boiling temperature versus time Temperature distribution diagram for welding pieces Figure (8). 9 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) Figure (8) - Temperature distribution diagram of the welding zone Accurate to express the results of simulation, modeling and mesh sample in Figure (9) is considered. Figure (9) - Typical mesh and named Then determines the temperature history for each element in Software MATLAB Using a using equations 8, 9, 10, 12 in each element is determined by the amount of martensite And then using the relationship in terms of Rockwell 13 hardness C Expressed A. For the validation of simulation the practical test is performed to evaluate the hardness of the metal and x Make the hardness testing, hardness and percentage of martensite as a practical measurement and simulation results the following table is used for comparison. 10 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) Table 4. Results of hardness and percentage of martensite steel welding CK45 Rockwell Of The hardness martensite maximum temperature 58 100 1750 58 100 1650 57 98 1550 55 95 1490 52 90 1150 49 80 860 46 65 720 Number ninety N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 Simulation of welding processes for the steel ck45, ck15 the amount of martensite obtained by welding two pieces obtained as follows: The following results show that the properties of low carbon steels with higher carbon martensitic steels properties of martensite job creation, but a little more difficult as a result of higher welding. Table 5. The percentage of martensite steel obtained for two ck45, ck15 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 Germany 24 65 91 95 98 98 Drsdmartnzyt ck15 4 11 16 18 21 22 Drsdmartnzyt ck45 In steel ck45 After determination of martensite formed in each element using the software ANSYS And use of relevant difficult to determine the percentage of martensite The difficulty of each element based on the distance from the center of the weld on the surface of the element to be determined . Figure 10 shows the percentage of martensite in terms of distance from the center of the weld. 11 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) Figure 10 - The martensite transformation in terms of distance from the line of welding Figure (11) In terms of hardness Vickers hardness can be seen in various welding . Figure 8. Vickers hardness of welding in welding in different areas Effect of welding parameters: The relationship between hardness and martensite for each piece of nodes in the simulated welding table (6) is expressed. 12 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) Table 6 - Results of hardness and percentage of martensite steel welding CK45 Energy Weld 600 [J / mm] Of The martensite maximum temperature 84 2470 65 2360 54 2140 46 1900 42 1620 36 1380 Energy Weld 400 [J / mm] Of The martensite maximum temperature 100 1750 98 1680 95 1550 90 1410 85 1340 75 1100 Germany E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 To investigate the effect of welding parameters on the structural change of the mode is used for simulation. In the first case, the welding current of 200 m.a and a voltage of 12 V and a welding speed of 3 mm per second and the rate of return of 5.0 is used in this case, the energy input of 400 joules boiling mm. In the second case, the welding current of 300 m.a and a voltage of 20 V and 5.0 welding speed of 5 mm per second and the rate of return is that in this case the energy J 600 mm weld input. To increase energy and reduce the cooling rate of martensite formed for welding with high input energy decreases. For maximum results, and the percentage of martensite in the table (7) is shown. Table 7 - The hardness of martensite and welded to two different modes Rockwell Of The hardness martensite maximum temperature 58 100 1750 58 100 1650 57 98 1550 55 95 1490 52 90 1150 49 80 860 46 65 720 Number ninety N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 Conclusion Similar The welding process with oval heat source Dual-like species Phase transitions in three-dimensional finite element simulation of welding TIG And 13 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.2 (2015) determine the martensite transformation from welding area and determine the percentage of martensite hardness profile of the steel Carbon and carbonaverage results obtained. 1- The phase transformation in low carbon steels in the region of weldments HAZ Consequently there is less job martensite properties of martensite resulting in lower areas. 2 - In the medium-carbon steels with high job martensite properties in the weld region and a high percentage of martensite and hardness in the weld region was observed in the weld region back. 3. 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