Trisha Curtis, Director of Research, Upstream and Midstream Energy Policy Research Foundation, Inc. (EPRINC) DUG Bakken and Niobrara - Hart Energy - Denver, CO April 2nd, 2015 Bakken - Diamond in the Rough Appreciating the complexities of Bakken crude in a low oil price environment Photo by Trisha Curtis 2 About EPRINC • • Oil and Gas Journal • Embassy Series • Presentations at Imperial College London, Colombia University, Wyoming Pipeline Authority, EPA, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies • Infrastructure Paper • Department of Energy – Quadrennial Energy Review • Department of Defense • Rin App 3 What sets the Bakken apart? • Globally coveted rocks • 10,000 plus feet so more expensive to drill • Break evens vary • Good and stable crude quality • Distance from markets – cost of transportation • Rail accidents • And other crudes going to those markets (has to go east or west) • Bakken’s complexities make it tricky in the short-term in a low oil price environment • The Bakken is the best known shale/tight/unconventional oil play in the world and there is still a lot to learn. Long-term attraction/investment will continue • This is a boom and bust business. Right now it is busting, but it will boom again ------• Broader market • Put Bakken in context • Issues 4 North American Oil Production 14000 Thousand Barrels Per Day 12000 Canadian Crude Oil Production 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil Mbbl/d U.S. 9.226 mbd (Dec 2014) Canada 3.677 mbd (Oct 2014) North America = 12.9 mbd 0 Source: EIA 5 When oil prices started to slip Several events taken together along with lowered expectations of Chinese and European economic growth caused oil prices to weaken • 9 mbd plus U.S. production • Some strong non-OPEC production in 2014 • significant volumes of crude moving from the U.S. to Canada displacing African barrels • Libyan crude unexpectedly comes on the market • ISIS is pushing barrels on the market • Draghi spooks markets with negative inflation expectations for Europe in Jackson Hole Sept 2014 • People begin to actually believe the negative data out of China Saudi’s take… Source: Energy Aspects, Aug 24th, 2014, WSJ Nov 4 2014 6 EPRINC Production Evaluation…what production could be… 20 Potential outcome with decline in prices 18 16 Production mbd 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 0-25 2012 2014 25-35 2016 2018 35-42 2020 2022 42-50 2024 2026 2028 2030 50+ Source: EPRINC/Ponderosa 7 7 CAPP’s Canadian crude oil forecast EPRINC LINE 2015 likely to be revised slightly lower with additional postponements and cancellations in some future projects Source: CAPP 2014, “Crude Oil Forecast. Markets, and Transportation” 8 US Crude Oil Production and 2015/2016 Possible Projection 12000 Likely trend prior to oil price drop 10000 8000 6000 4000 Dec 2014 (latest available data) oil production was just above 9.2 mbd 2000 Possible outcome of modest growth with a slight uptick in late 2016 should prices begin to improve Apr-16 Mar-14 Feb-12 Jan-10 Dec-07 Nov-05 Oct-03 Sep-01 Aug-99 Jul-97 Jun-95 May-93 Apr-91 Mar-89 Feb-87 Jan-85 Dec-82 Nov-80 Oct-78 Sep-76 Aug-74 Jul-72 Jun-70 May-68 Apr-66 Mar-64 Feb-62 Jan-60 0 Source: EIA, EPRINC 9 9 U.S. exports of crude oil Bakken and Gulf Coast crude being sent to eastern Canada pushing out light MENA barrels further Over 500,000 b/d to depressing prices Canada in Jan with most to eastern Canadian refineries – capacity about 800,000 b/d 600 Thousand Barrels Per Day 500 400 300 Gulf Coast (PADD 3) Exports of Crude Oil Mbbl/d U.S. Exports of Crude Oil Mbbl/d 200 -over 100,000 b/d from ND 100 Nov-14 Jul-14 Mar-14 Nov-13 Jul-13 Mar-13 Nov-12 Jul-12 Mar-12 Nov-11 Jul-11 Mar-11 Nov-10 Jul-10 Mar-10 Nov-09 Jul-09 Mar-09 Nov-08 Jul-08 Mar-08 Nov-07 Jul-07 Mar-07 Nov-06 Jul-06 Mar-06 Nov-05 0 Source: HPDI Aug 2014 10 OCT - 1 4 JA N - 1 4 AP R- 1 3 J UL - 1 2 OCT- 1 1 JA N - 1 1 AP R- 1 0 J UL - 0 9 OCT - 0 8 JA N - 0 8 AP R- 0 7 J UL - 0 6 OCT - 0 5 JA N - 0 5 AP R- 0 4 3000 J UL - 0 3 OCT - 0 2 JA N - 0 2 AP R- 0 1 J UL - 0 0 OCT - 9 9 JA N - 9 9 AP R- 9 8 J UL - 9 7 OCT - 9 6 JA N - 9 6 AP R- 9 5 J UL - 9 4 OCT - 9 3 JA N - 9 3 AP R- 9 2 JUL - 9 1 OCT - 9 0 JA N - 9 0 Thousand Barrels Per Day U.S. imports of Canadian crude oil 3500 Dec 2014 - 3.3 mbd 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Source: EIA 11 Cushing stockpiles and WTI 60000 50000 $160 $140 $120 Thousand Barrels 40000 30000 20000 $100 $80 $60 $40 10000 0 $20 Weekly Cushing OK Ending Stocks excluding SPR of Crude Oil Thousand Barrels Cushing OK WTI Spot Price FOB $/bbl $- Source: EIA 12 1/07/2000 6/09/2000 11/10/2000 4/12/2001 9/14/2001 2/15/2002 7/19/2002 12/20/2002 5/23/2003 10/24/2003 3/26/2004 8/27/2004 1/28/2005 7/01/2005 12/02/2005 5/05/2006 10/06/2006 3/09/2007 8/10/2007 1/11/2008 6/13/2008 11/14/2008 4/17/2009 9/18/2009 2/19/2010 7/23/2010 12/22/2010 5/27/2011 10/28/2011 3/30/2012 8/31/2012 2/01/2013 7/03/2013 12/06/2013 5/09/2014 10/10/2014 3/13/2015 # of Rigs U.S. rigs and WTI 2,500 $160 $140 2,000 $120 1,500 $100 $80 1,000 $60 500 $40 $20 0 $- Oil Gas Total Cushing OK WTI Spot Price FOB $/bbl Source: Baker Hughes 13 Permian takes the biggest rig dive 600 500 Williston Total 400 300 Permian Total Eagle Ford Total 200 100 0 Source: Baker Hughes 14 Shale oil play production 2,000,000 Permian 1.7 mbd 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 Barrels Per Day Eagle Ford 1.5 mbd 1,200,000 1,000,000 North Dakota 1.2 mbd 800,000 600,000 400,000 Colorado 251,000 b/d 200,000 North Dakota Permian Basin Wyoming Jan-15 Oct-14 Jul-14 Apr-14 Jan-14 Jul-13 Apr-13 Jan-13 Oct-12 Jul-12 Apr-12 Jan-12 Oct-11 Jul-11 Apr-11 Jan-11 Oct-10 Jul-10 Apr-10 Jan-10 Oct-09 Jul-09 Apr-09 Jan-09 Oct-08 Jul-08 Apr-08 Jan-08 Oct-07 Jul-07 Apr-07 Jan-07 Eagle Ford Oct-13 Wyoming 216,000 b/d - Colorado Source: HPDI March 29, 2015, EIA, NDPA 15 ND Crude Forecast 16 Able to sell more bonds and take on more debt Source: Deep Debt Keeps Oil Firms Pumping Producers Have Increased Their Borrowings by 55% Since 2010 By ERIN AILWORTH, RUSSELL GOLD and TIMOTHY PUKO January 6, 2015 17 17 Drilling more and completing less • Recent conference calls suggest completion costs are roughly 60% of well costs • Pressuring service costs lower, drilling, but not completing • Refracing can work, but need to test it and need a good wellbore to start with • ND wells waiting on completion are about 1,000 and likely similar across the country • Reservoir performance, completion best practices, and cost reduction? • Job losses and ability to quickly turn on production…? 18 Technology advances and then oil prices drop Source: Continental Resources March Investor Presentation, Permission granted Source: The American Oil and Gas Reporter, Dec 2011; Continental Resources November 2014 Investor Presentation; Cosima Theloy and Steve Sonnenberg, SPE Paper 168870, presented Denver Aug 2013, “Integrating Geology and Engineering: Implications for Production in the Bakken Play, Williston Basin” 19 19 A little dive into ND data January 2015 – 825 wells WOC Dec – 750 Nov – 775 Oct 2014 – 650 Sept 2014 – 610 Source: NDIC 2014 avg - 646 2013 avg - 478 20 20 Infrastructure and Pricing 21 January 2015 Williston Basin Crude Transportation Williston Basin Production: 1.3 mbd North Dakota: 1,190,511 b/d South Dakota: 4,686 b/d Eastern Montana: 78,000* b/d Tesoro Refinery: 68,000 b/d Truck to Canadian Pipeline: 12,000 b/d Rail: 762,258 b/d Pipeline: 472,939 b/d (up about 40,000 b/d from Aug 2014) Source: NDPA, EPRINC Estimates 22 Low Jan-15 Oct-14 Jul-14 Apr-14 Jan-14 Oct-13 Jul-13 Apr-13 Jan-13 Oct-12 Jul-12 Apr-12 Jan-12 Oct-11 Jul-11 Apr-11 Jan-11 Oct-10 Jul-10 Apr-10 Jan-10 Oct-09 Jul-09 Apr-09 Jan-09 Oct-08 Jul-08 Apr-08 Jan-08 Oct-07 Jul-07 Apr-07 Jan-07 Barrels Per Day Williston Basin Rail Estimates 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 - High Source: NDPA 23 EIA’s New Rail Data Source EIA March 31, 2015: 24 Regional Pricing Disparities Source: Map from AFPM, Flint Hills, EIA, CME Group, and estimates 25 Price Comparison $160.00 $140.00 $120.00 $100.00 $80.00 $60.00 $40.00 $20.00 WTI Bakken (North Dakota Light Sweet Flint Hills) WCS (Western Canadian Select) Jan-15 Oct-14 Jul-14 Apr-14 Jan-14 Oct-13 Jul-13 Apr-13 Jan-13 Oct-12 Jul-12 Apr-12 Jan-12 Oct-11 Jul-11 Apr-11 Jan-11 Oct-10 Jul-10 Apr-10 Jan-10 Oct-09 Jul-09 Apr-09 Jan-09 Oct-08 Jul-08 Apr-08 Jan-08 $0.00 Brent Source: EIA, Flint Hills, CME Group,, Bloomberg 26 Bakken netbacks under pressure Good crude, but not close to major markets $57 4/1/15 $34 West Coast by Rail $10 - $15 Gulf by Rail $10 - $15 Gulf by Pipe $11* Cushing by Rail $10 - $15 Cushing $50 by Pipe $9* $57 East Coast by Rail $10 - $15 $55 Source: Flint Hills ND Light Sweet, *Estimates from RBN blog Feb 2015 27 27 Refining/Downstream 28 Bakken Quality Comparison Source: Continental Resources March Investor Presentation, Permission granted 29 Bakken crude quality In comparison to other light sweet crudes being produced in the U.S., the Bakken shakes out well • Natural fit for more simple East Coast refineries • Good resid cracking feed properties • East Coast will continue to be a long-term home for Bakken crude • Decent distillate yield • High level of reformer feed can cause some naptha handling issues 30 Bakken Pipeline and Refinery Capacity Source: NDPA 31 Bakken transportation optionality Rail… 32 Do exports matter for Bakken crude? Yes. Not as important as Gulf, but more room for Bakken crude to move throughout the U.S. Source: Drilling Info and EOG Investor Presentation 33 Additional Challenges and Regulatory Uncertainty 34 Oil Conditioning Rules Effective April 1, 2015 35 BLM Fracking Regulations It is really going to be about implementation Really seems to be about proper casing and frac water management Submit detailed information about the proposed operation, including wellbore geology, the location of faults and fractures, the depths of all usable water, estimated volume of fluid to be used, and estimated direction and length of fractures, to the BLM with the APD or a Sundry Notice and Report on Wells (Form 3160–5) as a Notice of Intent (NOI) to hydraulically fracture an existing well; Source, USGS Source: 36 Crude by Rail Accidents LAC MAGENTIC: AP PHOTO/THE CANADIAN PRESS, PAUL CHIASSON 37 Continued… • • • • • • • • • • • • • July 6, 2013, a run-away train crashed and exploded in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, killing 47 people and destroying parts of the town November 8, 2013, about 12 cars derailed in a unit train of 90 cars carrying crude oil near Aliceville, Alabama (45 miles SW Tuscaloosa). Nobody was injured, but three of the cars exploded. December 30, 2013, a train hauling grain derailed near Casselton, ND hitting a 106 car unit train of crude oil which caused 18 crude tank cars to derail causing a massive explosion and fireball January 7, 2014, a Canadian National train jumped tracks in Plaster Rock, New Brunswick. 15 cars derailed and caught fire. The train was carrying propane and crude oil from Western Canada January 20, 2014, a CSX train derailed in Pennsylvania on a railroad bridge and close a busy expressway (Schuylkill), but did not leak any crude oil. January 31, 2014, a CN train carry heavy Canadian crude and other products derailed and leaked in New Augusta, MS February 13, 2014, 21 of 120 NS cars carrying heavy Canadian crude derailed in Vandergrift, PA April 30, 2014, oil tanks cars on CSX derailed and caught fire in Lynchburg, VA (3 of 15 cars that derailed caught fire). Nobody was injured by 300 people were evacuated temporarily January 31, 2015, tank cars derailed in CSX in Philadelphia, PA, but did not rupture February 14, 2015, 29 of 100 cars derailed on CN in Timmins, Ontario transporting crude and product, 7 out of the 29 caught fire February 16, 2015, 26 cars in a 109 CSX unit train carrying Bakken crude derailed in Mount Carbon, VA. 19 of the 26 cars caught fire. A home was destroyed and a person was injured. Drinking water was contaminated. The psi was said to be 13.9 which would be above the new standard to set to be implemented in ND in April at 13.7. March 5, 2015, 21 of 105 carrying Bakken crude derailed on BNSF in Galena, IL. At least 2 cars caught fire March 7, 2015, 39 cars derailed on a 94 car CN train in Gogama, Ontario carrying heavy Canadian crude. 7 cars caught fire and 5 entered the Makami River 38 Recent Sandia Report “This initial investigation identified gaps in important crude oil characterization data, uncertainty regarding how best to sample and analyze crude oil to ensure that its properties are accurately determined, and deficiencies in the understanding of how crude oil properties impact its potential for accidental ignition, combustion, and explosion.” 39 Conclusions • Bakken’s complexities will continue and potentially be exacerbated in a low oil price environment (drilling costs, transportation costs and issues, etc.) • In the long run, the Bakken is a stable and well understood production platform which will attract long-term investment 40
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