Neutralise poachers toprotecfturtles

Neutralise poachers
B P,'-.<f·Lf· )..0 IS 10' . . .'
birthday on. November 25
last year at Damanda Cafe in
Taman Suria Pehiduk. Once
aga,in, familiar faces were .
smiling around me, my family,
members of the Bosi. clan,
cousins, Penampang Lions Club
members, political comrades
and friends.
I had decided that as .one grows
older,one lllust never forget to the turtles. Probably millions of
celebrate one'sbirthday. If you hatchlings have been released
canmake a big one by all means from turtle . conservation
do it. Why Damanda cafe? Doris, .islands in Sabah safely to the
the owner is a new found friend sea. How many percent will
and a splendid cook. As always' return to their nesting beach?
Oswald Manggas entertained us Pr;obably, just 1 to 2%. For
with his two-piece band, and thi,s decades they migrate acr.oss the
timegettingahelpinghandfrom .ocean, feeding into maturity.
On their return to their nesting
. Edmund Wong with his guitar.
In Genesis 6:3 because of the ,beaches, the males and females
wickedness of Mankind, God . mate and the females go ashore
said, ~'I will not allow people to' to lay eggs. The males never see
live forever; they areinortal. the sandy beaches anymore;
From now.on theY wilUive no This is the pattern.or life cycle
of sea turtle.
longer than 120 years."
There are several species of
I read in the paper that the
longest living .person was a sea turtles. Sabah has more of
Japanese, who has justdied ,at. the Greens and Hawksbills. In
.the age of 117 Years. If you ask general, they live up to 80 years.
Tan Sri Simon Sipaunaboutage, Sea turtles live a challenging
he will tell you that attaining the life. They are predated from
ageof60 IS an achievement, and hatchlings t.o adultho.od. The
thereafter every day is a:b.onus. adults can die eatin.g
After seeingwpat old age will . plastic wastes which they think
and can do to\a person, I am are jellyfish.' They can get
inclined to say that a quality life hooked on long· linings or line
is what we seek. A quality life in fishing and drown in trawler's
your ripe old age is the answer nets and from aband.oned.
to life. !tcannot be denied that fish nets. Others are killed
a spiritual quality life is the orinjured by propellers. The
worse predicament is from
The Sabah State Legislative turtle ,poachers who are after
Assembly had just sat for the their meat and tortoise shells.
' Turtle poachers 'know that
third session in April. As' a
party whip, I was extremely the reptiles will be. found
elated to see the much improved around islands. where they
my lay. eggs. Besides "stealing"
comrades, Chan~oong Hin (Sri. their eggs, the poor creatures
Tanjung),andJunzWong(Likas).', are also catered away to be
For the latter, it was backto the slaughtered for their meat. In
assembly after serving his six- other cases, they are S.old to
m.onth suspension without pay. foreign vessels alive. Catching
On this note, Junz is challenging the males with nets is quite
the Speaker and government on easy given that they w.ould be
their action against him. The swimming a'round the islands
court is expected to rule on this mating while the females go to
case, . and naturally we look beaches to lay eggs.
forward to a decision in Junz's
Turtle conservation is a
global effort. The.hatchlings
When I started to continue travel 'around the globe on
writing on the subject of age, specific migration route bef.ore
I decided to focus on the sea .r eturning to the beaches their
turtles. When hundreds were mothers have deposited them.
slaughtered mercilessly in the They need to be protected all
islands.offKudat with gruesome. along the route.
pictures of the massacre, I felt
The protection is crucial
numb. The publicity led the to ensure they would finally
government to make promise to 'arrive' back to their nesting
take action to tackle the poachers. beaches. It takes decades to
When another massacre took reach sexual maturity; So ifthe
\>lace again recently offKudat, turtle poachers are not engaged
1think .enough is enough. The and neutralised, the efforts of
IDvernmenthas to do something, conservation by Sabah Parks,
more promises. .
BMI and turtle conservation
. \ raised the matter in the organisations in other countries
A~embly and engaged with the' would be futile.
Ch,ef Minister directly on this
As I have strongly stated in
issie. Again, the Chief Minister my press statemen~ and my
and Minister .of Tourism and address in the Sabah Assembly,
Env:ronment promised to d.o turtle poachers must be
something. I asked the Chief . countered vigorously. Are we
Miniszer, as chairman ofsecurity going to enforce the installation
to getRSSCom's help to curb this of the turtle e~udi:hg device
(TED)? The succe'ssful turtle
turtle~oachingactivity. After
all, theViholeseaboardalongthe c.onservation here has made
-east coas\fromthe southeast to . Sabah ·known to the world.
the porth,s under If People are coming t.o Sabah to
ESSCom ctnnot neutralise this " see for themselves the turtles,
turtle poacling, then n.othing swhn with them and not .only
and nobody lan.
. participate but also donate
Sea turtle&,are very gentle generously t.owards the turtle
reptiles"ven gracious and. conservation program.
beautifulcre~ures indeed~
Sea turtle is a major tourist
. Sabah Parks ald the Borneo 'attraction. I said it before and
Marine InstitUce (BMI) at I say it again, do we want to be
Vniversiti . Malaysia Sabah the country that contributes'
.(VMS) have been ~rking hard towards the failure of turtle
in protecting and Cli>n~erving conservation?