- Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

SRI WALUYANTI. Pengembangan Profesionalisme Berkelanjutan Guru SMK Melalui
Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran. Disertasi: Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan: (1) tingkat kompetensi awal guru, (2)
peningkatan kompetensi guru melalui program pengembangan profesionalisme berkelanjutan,
(3) kebutuhan materi pengembangan profesionalisme berkelanjutan guru SMK, dan (4)
model pengembangan profesionalisme guru yang mampu meningkatkan kompetensi guru
selaras dengan kenaikan jenjang jabatan fungsional guru.
Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan model Research and Development dari Richey
dan Klein (2009:8) terdiri dari tiga tahapan: (1) pengembangan model, (2) uji validasi internal
dan eksternal, dan (3) penggunaan model. Penelitian dibatasi sampai pada tahap ke-2. Pada
tahap pengembangan digunakan metode survey dan need assessment dengan kuesioner. Data
dianalisis menggunakan Rank-Order of Difference Scores. Validasi internal model
menggunakan metode expert review dengan Teknik Delphi dua putaran dan FGD. Validasi
eksternal dilakukan melalui uji coba pada subyek penelitian guru-guru SMK kompetensi
keahlian Teknik Audio Video di DI Yogyakarta. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik
stratified random sampling. Instrumen pengumpul data menggunakan kuesioner. Uji validasi
instrumen menggunakan analisis faktor diperoleh tingkat validitas 90,254% dalam kategori
sangat valid. Reliabilitas diukur dengan Alpha Cronbach, koefisien reliabilitas 0,954 dalam
kategori sangat reliabel.
Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) sebagian besar guru (65%) mempunyai kompetensi
awal dalam kategori rendah; (2) sebagian besar guru (85%) ingin meningkatkan kompetensi
hingga dalam kategori tinggi melalui pengembangan profesionalisme berkelanjutan,
pertumbuhan profesional terjadi di semua jenjang jabatan fungsional guru kecuali guru
pembina bersifat stagnan; (3) hambatan pengembangan profesionalisme berkelanjutan guru
adalah guru pada umumnya bersifat pasif, menunggu arahan dinas atau koordinator sekolah;
(4) sebagian besar guru mendukung standar kompetensi dibuat berjenjang, pengembangan
sistem penilaian kinerja dan uji ulang kompetensi secara periodik; (5) terdapat kesamaan
kebutuhan materi pengembangan di semua jenjang jabatan fungsional guru, yaitu pemahaman
karakteristik peserta didik, pembelajaran mendidik, pembelajaran keterampilan abad 21 dan
refleksi pengembangan profesionalisme berkelanjutan; (6) guru membutuhkan program
tambahan dalam MGMP yaitu kajian materi dan kebijakan, magang di industri dan layanan
kebutuhan materi pengembangan profesionalisme guru berbasis web; (7) model terdiri
komponen filosofis, teoritis, metodologis dan school practice; (8) standar kualifikasi
kompetensi berjenjang dan standar penilaian kenaikan jenjang dapat dijadikan panduan guru
dalam menetapkan tahapan pengembangan peran, kapasitas dan tanggungjawab profesional;
(9) model memiliki efek pembelajaran profesionalisme guru; (10) stakeholder berpendapat
bahwa perbedaan tuntutan kompetensi guru antar jenjang jelas, cakupan area kerja
profesional guru mampu menggambarkan kompleksitas pengajaran, dan pemetaan
kompetensi guru lebih riil dan bermakna.
Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Profesionalisme Berkelanjutan, Guru SMK, MGMP
SRI WALUYANTI: Developing VHS Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development
through the Subject Matter Teacher Forum (SMTF). Dissertation. Yogyakarta: Graduate
School, Yogyakarta State University, 2015.
This study aims to investigate: (1) initial competency level of teachers, (2) the
improve of teachers' competence through continuing professional development programs, (3)
continuing professional development material needs of vocational high school (VHS)
teachers’, and (4) teacher professional development model that is able to improve the
competence of teachers in line with the increase in the functional hierarchy of teachers.
The research approach was the research and development model by Richey and Klein
(2009: 8), consisting of three steps: (1) model development, (2) internal and external
validation tests, and (3) model implementation. The study was limited to the second step. The
development step employed the survey method and needs assessment using questionnaires.
The data were analyzed by means of the Rank-Order of Difference Scores. The internal
validation of the model used the expert review method with the Delphi Technique in two
cycles and FGD. The external validation was conducted through a tryout involving research
subjects who were VHS teachers of the Audio Video Engineering expertise competency in
Yogyakarta Special Territory. The sample was selected by means of the stratified random
sampling technique. The data collecting instrument was a questionnaire. The instrument
validity was assessed by the factor analysis and the validity coefficient was 90.254%, which
was very valid. The reliability was assessed by Cronbach’s Alpha and the reliability
coefficient was 0.954, which was very reliable.
The results of the study are as follows. (1) Most teachers have a low initial
competency. (2) Most teachers want to improve their competency to the high level through
the continuing professional development; professional growth takes place in all levels of
teachers’ professional positions but senior teachers are stagnant. (3) The constraint in
teachers’ continuing professional development was the fact that teachers were passive,
waiting for the guidance from the agency office or school coordinator. (4) Most teachers
support the tiered standard of competence, development of performance appraisal system and
periodic competency re-testing. (5) There are similarities in needs for development materials
in all levels of teachers’ professional positions, i.e. understanding of students’ characteristics,
educational learning, 21st century skills learning, and continuing professional development.
(6) Teachers need additional programs at SMTF, including materials and policy studies,
industrial apprenticeship, and web-based services for the needs of teachers’ professional
development. (7) The model consists of philosophical, theoretical, methodological, and
school practice components. (8) Qualification standards and assessment standards of
competence tiered level rise can be used as a guide in determining the stage of development
of the teacher's role, capacity and professional responsibility. (9) There is an effect of
professional learning in the model for teachers’ continuing professional development. (10)
Stakeholders state that differences in demands for teachers’ competencies among levels are
clear, scopes of the areas of teachers’ professional work can describe teaching complexities,
and the teacher competency mapping is more realistic and meaningful.
Keywords: Continuing Professional Development, VHS Teachers’, SMTF.