A.B.F. Azienda Bergamasca Formazione Azienda speciale della provincia di Bergamo www.abf.eu e_mail [email protected] Here we ! TRAINING OFFER Nature and articulation of offer Countenances in "Die" Legal framework •Legge 53/03 •Dlgs 226, art 27, c.2: Agreement State-Region Conference on: – Identifying the roles of different levels, related to occupational areas, based on the needs of the territory divided into specific professional profiles – Minimum standards for basic skills training linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, historical, social and economic profile necessary to achieve educational, cultural and professional student, as well as skills specific to each professional. •Legge regionale 19/07 Completion of compulsory education and respect for the planning of timely guidance as to the 2010/2011 System of certification of skills and recognition of credits • It is assured to capitalize all forms of learning in terms of expertise knowledge and skills • The certification is related to national standards and community which ensures effective skills that can be shipped in regional and European level • It allows to make transparent what the student knows and what it does • Certifies all those skills learned outside of a training QRSP (Quadro Regionale degli Standard Professionali) Model definition and description of the standards are: Knowledge Skills Ability A first set of professional standards contained Skills and Abilities • Skills to know to apply the knowledge and skills to be able to address the issues that act independently • Skills are a font size of application, whether that is operational skills in a narrow sense, relational or cognitive. Repertoire professional communities - regional 1) Agricola Operatore/trice agricolo/a 1.1 Operatore/trice in floro-orto-frutticoltura, vivaismo e giardinaggio (QS) 1.2 Addetto/a all’allevamento (QS) 2) Food, hotel and catering Operatore/trice dell’alimentazione 2.1 Addetto/a alla trasformazione degli alimenti (QS) Operatore/trice della ristorazione 2.2 Addetto/a alla panificazione e pasticceria (QS) 2.3 Operatore/trice di sala e bar (QS) 2.4 Aiuto cuoco (QS) 3) Environmental Operatore/trice ambientale 3.1 Addetto ai servizi ecologici e ambientali 4) Artistic craftsmanship Operatore/trice dell’artigianato artistico 4.1Ceramista (QS) 4.2 Addetto/a alle lavorazioni di oreficeria (QS) 4.3 Addetto/a alla lavorazione del vetro (QS) 4.4 Intagliatore/trice e scultore/trice in legno (QS) 4.5 addetto/a alla lavorazione del marmo e dei metalli (QS) 5) Business services 5.1 Operatore/trice dei servizi di impresa 6) Chemical and biological Operatore/trice chimico/a e biologico/a 6.1 Addetto/a alla lavorazione delle materie plastiche (QS) 6.2 Addetto/a alle produzioni biologiche (QS) Repertoire professional communities - regional - continues 7) Sales, sales and transport Operatore/trice commerciale 7.1 Addetto/a alle vendite 7.2 Addetto/a alla ricezione e spedizione merci 8) Communication and Entertainment Operatore/trice dello spettacolo 8.1 Addetto audio/video (QS) 9) Construction and land Operatore/trice edile 9.1 Muratore intonacatore (QS) 9.2 Cementista carpentiere (QO) 9.3 Stuccatore/trice decoratore/trice (QO) 9.4 Piastrellista mosaicista (QO) 9.5 Addetto/a al recupero e al restauro edile (QO) 10) Electrical and electronic Operatore/trice elettrico/a e elettronico/a 10.1 Installatore manutentore impianti civili e industriali (QS) 10.2 Montatore manutentore elettro-meccanico (QS) 10.3 Installatore/manutentore elettrico in ambito informatico (QS) 11) Aesthetics Operatore/trice per le cure estetiche 11.1 acconciatore/trice maschile e femminile (QS) 11.2 estetista (QS) Repertoire professional communities - regional - end 12) Multimedia graphics Operatore/trice grafico/a 12.1 Addetto/a Prestampa (QS) 12.2 Stampa offset (QS) 12.3 Legatoria/ cartotecnica (QS) 13) Wood, furniture and furnishings Operatore/trice del legno e dell’arredamento (QS) 13.1 Addetto/a alle lavorazioni di falegnameria (QS) 14) Metallurgy and mechanical Operatore/trice meccanico/a 14.1 Operatore/trice alle macchine utensili (QS) 14.2 Montatore-manutentore meccanico (QS) 14.3 Saldocarpentiere (QS) 14.4 Termoidraulico (QS) 14.5 Meccanico d’auto (QS) 15) Textile & Fashion Operatore/trice dell’abbigliamento 15.1 Sarto/a e modellista (QS) 15.2 Addetto/a alle confezioni industriali (QS) 15.3 Tessitore/orditore (QS) 16) Tourist Operatore/trice turistico/a 16.1 Addetto/a ai servizi turistici (QS) Provincia di Bergamo Assessorato Istruzione Formazione Attività Produttive ABF - Azienda Bergamasca Formazione Azienda Speciale della Provincia di Bergamo Azienda Bergamasca Formazione (Azienda speciale della Provincia di Bergamo) Vilminore Clusone San Giovanni Bianco Albino Curno Trescore Balneario Bergamo Caravaggio Aree di intervento Diritto Dovere Istruzione Formazione Formativo) LIFELONG LEARNING EXTRA DUTY TRAINING DISADVANTAGE APPRENTICESHIP (Corsi in Obbligo Activities ABF • • • Corsi in O.I. e DDIF Corsi triennali Corsi di IV anno ─ Corsi post qualifica/diploma ─ ─ ─ ─ Corsi triennali, dote formazione, dote lavoro Legge 13 Collocamento Mirato Detenuti ─ Corsi personalizzati ─ Estetica, acconciature, R.T. per autoveicoli ─ ─ ASA/OSS Corsi serali di qualifica per adulti ─ Informatica, Inglese, Cad, …. Specializzazione Svantaggio sociale • Orientamento • Successo formativo • Formazione abilitante • Formazione Continua • ─ ─ Formazione Permanente Activities ABF • Apprendistato • Formazione per aziende • Servizi al lavoro (dote Lavoro) • Certificazione competenze ─ Legge Treu ─ Legge Biagi ─ Legge 236 ─ Fondo Impresa ─ Fondi Interprofessionali ─ Bilancio di competenze, Formazione, Scouting aziendale, Counseling orientativo… ─ Ricollocazione ─ Accompagnamento al Lavoro ─ In ambiti formali, non formali e informali Standard dei DDIF • The minimum annual hours of lessons for all institutions of the three-year courses of dispensing DDIF and valid for the performance of OA is calculated at 990 hours. This includes the share of hours for the Regions and the teaching of Catholic religion. It is also divided into one common share of 842 hours per year and offer specific training in a flexible, calculated at a minimum of 148 hours per year. • The proportion of hourly flexibility is designed to activate different types of activities, including optional character, identified by educational institutions with regard to spatial characteristics and its users and in particular with regard to specific actions and measures of surveillance of the different development skills and / or themes / areas since the specific interests and aptitudes of pupils. • The annual minimum time paths of the fourth year and the year is also set in 990 additional hours. • The educational programming will develop educational and cultural dimensions of different macro-areas and observing the relative percentages indicative timetable. These percentages refer to the total length of routes. PERSONALIZATION Centrality of the student and its successful training “education and training strategy in place to achieve the same goals with different routes.” Obiettivi di apprendimento educativi culturali professionali Aree e Figure professionali Meccanico Acconciatore/trice Servizi all’impresa Obiettivi specifici di apprendimento ABOUT EDUCATIONAL, CULTURAL AND PROFESSIONAL (Decreto Legislativo 226/2005 Allegato A) Educational dimension Growth and development the person as central process educational and training Cultural dimension Raising the educational level of students to Order to encourage their participation in the values Culture, Civilization and social life and to contribute to their development Professional dimension Take an active role working with appropriate skills To use independently of the techniques, methods and technologies Average reference present in the workplace Data for the courses conducted in ABF: DDIF CFP Primo anno Secondo anno Terzo anno Quarto anno corsi alunni ore corsi alunni ore corsi alunni ore corsi alunni ore Bergamo 6 154 6044 6 138 5977 6 140 6391 3 63 2987 Albino 3 72 3150 2 45 3150 2 36 2100 1 17 990 Clusone 2 46 1980 2 35 1980 2 33 2100 1 21 990 Curno 3 73 2970 3 64 2970 3 57 3150 S. Giovanni 3 57 2970 4 65 3960 3 58 2970 1 17 990 Trescore 3 75 2970 3 71 2970 3 62 3150 totali 20 477 20084 20 418 21007 19 386 19861 6 118 5957 Other courses ABF Di cui disabili in integrazione in corsi base Doti disabili (ex FLAD e artig. art.) Bergamo 33 43 Albino 12 19 CFP Clusone 9 Curno 16 Caravaggio 12 11 S. Giovanni B. 8 Trescore 19 12 16 CFP Doti lavoro Disabili Legge 13 mirato Legge 13 numerico Colloqui Inserimenti Colloqui Inserimenti 13 12 2 20 1 Albino 29 3 33 3 Clusone 3 1 13 - Curno 25 12 29 7 Caravaggio 54 40 21 2 7 2 14 6 5 1 13 3 135 61 143 22 Bergamo S. Giovanni 5 Trescore totale 97 113 totale 18 Apprenticeship CFP Moduli trasversali Moduli professionalizzanti Corsi tutor Aziendali - ore 12 Azioni acco mpa gna ment o Riconosciment o crediti formativi 5 27 15 27 15 corsi alunni ore corsi alunni ore Bergamo 35 455 1400 75 900 3000 Albino 3 39 120 3 37 400 Clusone 1 16 40 4 36 160 2 Curno 3 37 120 4 52 160 2 S. Giovanni 1 11 40 2 24 80 Trescore 2 29 80 1 10 40 totali 45 587 1845 89 1059 3840 9 Continuing Education CFP autofinanziata Fondi interprofessionali Doti formazione lavoro Doti Cassa Integrazione in Deroga Doti Riempiego 210 corsi alunni ore corsi alunni ore Bergamo 35 433 5958 4 43 68 180 214 Albino 33 550 1785 2 17 48 91 295 Clusone 5 7 Curno 1 29 150 1 9 44 103 608 S. Giovanni 1 7 75 3 20 136 24 204 Trescore 46 654 1787 2 14 48 130 260 totali 116 1678 9755 12 103 344 528 1588 65 - 275 Centro Formazione Professionale San Giovanni Bianco Data for the courses offered CFP San Giovanni Bianco CFP Corsi alunni Ore a corso DDIF 4 180 990 DDIF IV anno tecnico 1 17 990 Dote Lavoro 1 27 800 Dote per disabili 9 12 Apprendisti 1 11 Doti ammortizzatore sociale 30 332 Fondi impresa 3 20 Corsi autofinanziati 1 8 totali 50 607 40 75 AREA Continuing Education durata orario Preparazione patente europea del computer ECDL 120 serale Perfezionamento della lingua inglese Preliminary English Test PET 120 serale Lingua Inglese - livello intermedio 70 serale Lingua Inglese - livello base 70 serale Utilizzo software gestionale - Office 70 serale Utilizzo software gestionale - Contabilità 70 mattino Cad Edile 70 serale Corso AREA Disadvantage and APPRENTICESHIP durata orario 900 diurno Corso durata orario Apprendisti extra obbligo formativo (>18 anni) 120/160 diurno Apprendisti in Diritto Dovere Istruzione Formazione (< 18 anni) 240/280 Diurno Corso Formazione Lavoro Allievi Disabili Art. 49 legge 30/03 e Dgls 176/03 AREA EXTRA DUTY TRAINING Corso Operatore/trice Socio Sanitario durata orario 1.000 diurno AREAS / DISCIPLINES OF ROUTES Areas / Basic Disciplines Area languages: Italian / English. Technology Area: Computer. Scientific area: math / science. Area historical socio-economic history / geography / economics and law. Motor education Religion (optional) Administrative services company Beauty treatments hairdressers and hairstylists Professional disciplines Professional disciplines Theory and Communication techniques Pro Lab Business Organization of women's hairstyles and Technical and Men and beauty administrative Hygiene and physiological management Psychology Computer Specialist Marketing Business English Organization Mechanical Professional disciplines Mechanical workshop Mechanical Technology Mechanical Design Security Autocad CNC Pneumatics Automation Artistic craftsmanship Professional disciplines Carpentry workshop Papermaking workshop Important is the period of combined school and work being done by II school year The territorial net • Openday • Brochure • Exhibitions • Contacts with primary schools to grade II • Direct contacts with local companies TRAINING OFFER CFP di San Giovanni Bianco EDUCATION LAW DUTY TRAINING: •People active in mechanical / a •Operator / her services firm •Hairdresser / her male and female •People active in the artistic CONTINUING EDUCATION •Take care of dependent persons •English basic level •English intermediate level •English Advanced •Preparation for the European Computer Driving Licence •Office ECDL Concepts Technology Information Computer use File Management Word Processing Excel Access Power Point Networks Computer courses DDIF • Hours are devoted to each sector-specific information for greater expertise in their field: • Hairdressers: accounting program, special programs on hairstyles • Business services: Using different programs and exam preparation courses ECDL • Mechanics: using drawing programs like AutoCAD and progeCAD and numerical control Conclusion The computer as you can see it in all courses that are held within our structure. This shows how important it is to have a basic knowledge of computer science to enter into employment or to get involved or retrain. Depending on the type of stroke and other technical specialists both inside and outside. We took the need for businesses, where unlike education courses, engages in the need for targeted computer market with the purpose of knowledge by the user of information technology. Here, we have positive deferred by companies which are our children prepared for their needs, even in the import / export.
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