L UXTON S CHOOL N EWS December 2013 111 Polson Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2W 0M5 Phone: 589-4368 Fax: 586-2450 http://www.winnipegsd.ca/schools/luxton STAFF 2013-2014 Mr. Neil Wilcox - Principal Principal’s Message Ms Corrie Krakalovich - Head Secretary Mrs. Arlene Bell - Clerk Classroom Teachers: Mrs. St. Germain-Boehm - Kindergarten AM Mrs. St. Germain-Boehm - Nursery/ Kindergarten PM Ms Forster - Nursery AM/ Reading Recovery PM Mr. Schulz - Grade 2/3 Ms Martens - Alternative 1/2/3 This year 85% of parents and guardians attended our parent-teacher-student interviews; up 3% from last year at this time. It was obvious to me through sitting in on interviews and talking with families in the hallways that students, parents/ guardians, and teachers all benefit from meeting to discuss strengths, challenges, and next steps. We are a team and having clear information helps us reach our targets more successfully. Thank you for your support. If you were unable to make your meeting, please contact your child’s teacher to re-schedule. Ms Howard - Grade 1/2 Mrs. Jeffery - Grade 2/3 Ms Kuchma - Grade 1 Ms Velychko - Grade 4/5 Mr. Sisko - Grade 5/6 Ms Auty - Alternative 4/5/6 Mr. Janczuk - Learning Assistance Centre Support Staff Mr. Burdon - Phys. Ed. Mrs. Donogh - Library/Computer Ms Klueppel - The Arts Ms Braun - Resource/SERT Ms Hamilton - Guidance School Resource Officer - Const. Alexander Educational Assistants You may have noticed the large collection of lost and found clothing items on display during parent teacher interviews. It’s hard to imagine so much valuable clothing going unclaimed. These items were bundled up and given to a local shelter. In the hopes of avoiding another pile of lost and found clothing we have decided to partner up with Mabel’s Labels, a fundraising company that sells all kinds of label options for families to purchase and in turn raise money for the school. You can check out available labels at www.luxtonschool.mabelslabels.com. We work hard at Luxton to make sure everyone feels safe. We remind children everyday to keep their hands and feet to themselves, use kind words, and to care for each other. You can support us at school by reinforcing this message at home. Together we can help all Luxton students be successful. You will notice that all adult supervisors on the playground will be much more noticeable as they begin wearing brightly coloured safety vests. It will be easier for children to get the help of an adult if they can quickly and easily find one. Thank you to Parent Council for securing a donation of safety vests for all adults in our building. Mrs. Charlton Mrs. DerochieLotz Mr. Esposito Ms Lindgren Mrs. McNabb Ms Rissin Mrs. Roberts Ms Robinson-Dixon Mrs. Schalla Mrs. Sinclair Custodial Staff We will be presenting The Grinch Who Stole Christmas on Thursday, December 12th at 1:30 and 6:30 PM. If you are able to attend in the afternoon rather than the evening, please consider doing so. You will probably get a better view of the children. This would be a good time to bring grandparents or extended family. By offering an afternoon performance we are trying to reduce the number of folks in our gym in the evening. Our Kuamini group will be having both a silver collection and non-perishable food drive at the concert in an effort to help those less fortunate in our community. There will also be a number of holiday gift baskets up for grabs. Proceeds from the draws will help support school activities. We appreciate your support. Mr. O’Hanley - Head Custodian Mr. Ramdas - Days Mr. Tran - Evenings Whatever your family plans for the holidays, I wish you all the best. Mr. N. Wilcox Luxton School News Page 1 Calendar of Events School Hours/Supervision of Students 8:50 9:00 10: 25 11:30 12:00 12:55 1:00 2:10 3:25 First Bell - Students enter school Second Bell - Announcements; school day begins Recess - all grades Kindergarten/Nursery dismissal Lunch hour dismissal First Bell - Students enter school Second Bell—Afternoon classes begin Recess - all grades Dismissal Please do not send your child before 8:45 AM (unless they are going to the breakfast program at 8:30 AM) or before 12:50 PM as there is no supervision on the playground. Luxton School News Page 2 December 12 13 13 17 19 20 January 6 9 10 24 20 28 29 30 Winter Concert – 1:30 PM and 6:30 PM Room 26 Swimming at Cindy Klassen Early Years (1-3) Craft Morning Room 9, 13 and 16 Children’s Museum AM Room 27 Synchro all day Last day of School before Winter Break School reopens after Winter Break Common Area Training Common Area Training Immunizations for Gr. 4’s & Gr. 6 girls Artist in the school, Jamie Oliveiro, begins for 2 weeks PAC Meeting – 6:30 PM Assembly 9:15 AM Made in Manitoba Breakfast for all students PARENT COUNCIL CORNER Luxton School Lunch Program Here are just a few simple reminders: Milk is available daily for 10 cents Friday is chocolate milk AND prizes Please remember to send cutlery with the your child’s lunch (if required) We do not heat lunches Lunch Program fees are due at the beginning of each month December Fees $20.00 Fundraising Our perogy fund raiser is well under way. Orders need to be picked up on Thursday, December 5th between 3:00 and 5:00 PM. Thank you for your support, Mrs. Charla Smeall Fundraiser Coordinator Physical Education News Noon Hour Intramurals There have been many exciting soccer games during our lunch hour intramurals at Luxton School. Congratulations to all the girls and boys who have participated. Also, a big “Thank You” to all the grade 5 and 6 students who volunteered to score keep and referee the games. Please note that the December 18th Grade 1, 2 and 3 game has been changed and will be played on December 19th. Luxton’s Co-Ed Volleyball Teams November was a month of volleyball, not only in phys. Ed. Classes, but also with practices at 3:30 PM for Luxton’s Co-Ed Volleyball Teams. The girls and boys developed their bumping, volley and serving skills in preparation for tournaments with other schools on November 28th. Team members are: Noah B., Kayla M., Rachel H., Eleanor R., Bentley A., Cailee K., Ethan M., Lance L., Alyssa M., Darian F., Courtney R.T., Falyn J., Taty B., Santanna S., Chantel H., Logan D., Asa B., Chase K., Darius A.B., Josh L., Brenda L., Eden R., Alvin M. Coaches: Mr. Y. Sisko and Mr. F. Burdon Winnipeg School Division Cold Weather Guidelines Here are some guidelines in order to help you during the winter season when your child is getting ready for school. Check the wind chill before going outdoors in the winter, and individuals are to make sure they are well prepared for the weather. Even moderate wind chill values can be dangerous if individuals are outside for long periods. Environment Canada Info line for Temperature and Wind Chill: 204-983-2050 Luxton School News Page 3 Family Center News The month of November has flown by and the Holiday Season is upon us. December is shaping up to be a community filled month. We will be busy making ornaments, having a bake exchange and wrapping up December wit a Potluck Celebration. Things to Remember… The Family Centre has boots, shoes, jackets and scarves to loan or give to students who need or have forgotten to bring to school. We are still in need of warm winter mitts and snow pants in larger sizes. Thank you to all the parents who give so freely of their time to make smoothies, volunteer in the class and support the school. Please stop by and have a coffee or join an activity. The Family Centre is open to All Parents in the community. Happy Holidays, Delina Rissin PLEASE JOIN US IN THE FAMILY CENTER FOR SOME HOLIDAY FUN! WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4TH Handmade holiday ornaments We are also doing a photo shoot to complete our picture frames. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11TH AND 18TH Handmade snow globes, finish frames and ornaments Luxton School News Page 4 Cool weather is fast approaching. If your child is in need of a warm coat for the winter please contact Ms Rissin for more information and she will be able to put you in touch with the Koats for Kids program. FAMILY CENTRE DECEMBER 2013 S U N 1 M O N D A Y 2 D A Y T U E S D A Y 3 3 D A Y W E D N E S D A Y 4 4 D A Y MONDAY MORNING LITERACY 9:30 - 11:30 AM 8 9 D A Y 2 1 6 D A Y 2 3 1 0 D A Y 1 1 D A Y 4 1 7 D A Y D A Y 6 D A Y 1 7 2 1 8 D A Y 3 1 1 9 D A Y Christmas Day Boxing Day New Years Day Winter Break D A Y 1 4 2 0 D A Y 5 2 1 CELEBRATION 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (PLEASE SIGN UP) 2 6 A N 1 3 HOLIDAY POTLUCK 2 5 2 0 1 4 — J 5 GIVE AWAY FRIDAY ADULT CLOTHES EXCHANGE BAKE EXCHANGE FINISH ALL OUR HAND MADE HOLIDAY ORNAMENTS New Years Eve Luxton School News Page 5 1 2 HAND MADE SNOW GLOBES 2 4 3 0 6 GIVE AWAY FRIDAY TAKE OR LEAVE Winter Break 2 9 D A Y S A T WHAT YOU NEED MONDAY MORNING LITERACY 9:30 - 11:30 AM 2 2 5 F R I D A Y HAND MADE HOLIDAY ORNAMENTS MONDAY MORNING LITERACY 9:30 - 11:30 AM 1 5 5 T H U R S D A Y 2 7 2 8 Arts News - Ms S. Klueppel In the Arts we will be busy in the first half of the months rehearsing for the upcoming Winter concert "The Grinch who stole Christmas". The students are busy practising their songs and acting parts! Craft Club meets the following Thursdays from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM downstairs in the Art room. December 19th, January 9th,23rd, February 6th, and 27th. LIBRARY / LAB LOWDOWN BOOK CLUB The next meeting of Book Club is scheduled for *MONDAY, December 9th. It will be held in the library from 12:00 - 1:00. Patrols on duty at 1:00 must get spares. The MYRCA book and the TD CANADA GRADE 1 BOOK GIVEAWAY being discussed is Ungifted by Gordon Korman. Join us if you have read it, want to read it, or would like to hear about it What a wonderful afternoon with Loris Lesynski and Michael before you choose. Refreshments will be provided, but any Martchenko. Everyone had such a wonderful time and both extra treats are allowed at this seasonal event! authors have agreed to answer emails from any aspiring authors at Luxton. Watch for the event report in the upcoming MYRCA NEWS OUR SCHOOLS publication. THANK YOU TO ANNICK PRESS The MYRCA Challenge Poster is up in the library. All Grades 45-6’s will be trying to read 5 titles to vote for this year’s winner. Keep Reading! SEASONS GREETINGS FROM THE LIBRARY As always at this time of year, I wish all students and their families a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season! Keep warm with a good book over the holiday and remember to read to each other! Books are only great gifts if we keep sharing. The Canadian Children’s Book Centre produces a great holiday gift giving reading list. You can find it at: http://www.bookcentre.ca/files/Holiday_Reads_2013_f.pdf Mrs. Donogh Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, guardians, students and staff of Luxton School for supporting our Scholastic Book Fair. Sales reached $2740.55. The proceeds of the book fair are used to build up the library collection as well as support classroom libraries. Luxton School News Page 6 DECEMBER 2013 SUN MONDAY 1 2 8 9 15 16 TUESDAYT 3 WEDNESDYAAY 4 5 23 FRIDAY 6 SAT 7 Perogy Fundraiser order pick up 3:00 ‐ 5:00 PM 10 11 12 13 14 Winter Concert 1:30 PM and 6:30 PM Room 26 Swimming at Cindy Klassen 19 20 Room 27 Swimming at Cindy Klassen all day Last day of School before Winter Break 25 26 27 28 Christmas Day Boxing Day 17 18 Room 9, 13 and 16 Children’s Museum AM 22 THURSDAY 24 Early Years (1-3) Craft Morning 21 Winter Break 29 30 31 2014— J 1 New Years Eve New Years Day Winter Break Important dates in January 6 9 10 24 20 28 29 30 School reopens after Winter Break Common Area Training Common Area Training Immunizations for Gr. 4’s & Gr. 6 girls Artist in the school - Jamie Oliveiro - begins for 2 weeks PAC Meeting – 6:30 PM Assembly 9:15 AM Made in Manitoba Breakfast for all students 9:00 - 11:45 AM Luxton School News Page 7 Luxton School News Page 8
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