2014 | 2015 Hand-Crafted IN THE UNITED STATES Avindy jewelry is predominantly hand-crafted in a historic loft studio in Atlanta, Georgia, employing ancient metalsmithing and beading techniques, while always keeping an eye toward the flair of the season. Each piece reflects a level of artistry and an adherence to the company’s heritage that keeps their devoted clientele collecting Avindy year after year. GLOBAL ARTISAN COLLABORATION Avindy celebrates the launch of their ‘Global Artisan Collaboration.” Owners Avril & Cindy spent the last year forging relationships with artisan studios around the globe to add a new layer of historic and cultural context to Avindy’s look. With each glimpse into the design world of other artisans, they drew new inspiration and collaborated on designs. From the blacksmith in the Grand Bazaar, Istanbul to the stonecutter in Jaipur, India, Avril & Cindy share their passion with these artisans for the earth’s gems and the beauty of heritage jewelry. O U R S TO RY Mother-daughter founders, Avril and Cindy, combine their passion for found objects steeped in history, design, and nature. Together they create Avindy jewelry with a reverence to years of world travel and a philosophy built on the beauty of handmade craftsmanship. Avindy jewelry incorporates a distinct blend of gemstones, diamonds, antiqued metals, intricate chains, rare beads and hand carved pieces. Over the years, Avril and Cindy, both lawyers, took time away from their careers to nurture their creativity at the family cabin nestled high in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The first Avindy collection was inspired by a worldly mix of antique fine jewelry, bohemian trade beads, intricate African seed bead work, the subtle textures of nature, and an affinity for layering textiles, chains, and leather. It was the artisanal blend of these elements that lay the foundation for what is now Avindy’s signature look. 4 5 RUBIES IN THE ROUGH 6 Faceted and polished rough rubi es provide an unexpected burst of color and depth among layers of Peruvian opals, aurora aquamari ne, green mysti c topaz, brushed gold brass and 7 chalcedony. 8 organic ruby on opals 223.1262C turquoise on Plum Gems 222.1236C ombre aquamarine layers 224.1017C ruby and opal wrap 428.155C rubies in the rough bracelet 101.1650C t o p a z o va l a q u a w r a p 42.111G 10 Draping Rubies 198.3275C dancing briolettes in plums 101.1655C ruby bezels 140.1036C Ruby plum gemstone bursts 598.175C whiskey quartz sprinkles 598.165C stormy mystic wispies 598.171C ruby and turquoise geo ring 79.723 T u r q u o i s e o r g a n i c o va l r i n g 79.725 Hidden ruby ring 79.726 sideways pear ring 79.724 hidden chalcedony ring 79.727 chalcedony cushion ring 79.728 sky blue topaz cushion ring 79,729 13 WARM NEUTRALS Diamond cut smoky quartz, labradori te, chocola te spi nel, gold pyri te and cream aquamari ne crea te a soft yet bold look for the season. Neutral shades of druzy li e i n contrast to hammered brushed gold and mixed metal chai ns come tog ether as versa ti le necklaces and wrap bracelets. draping pyrite 198.3276C gold druzy dramatic teardrop 140.1037C M i x e d M e ta l C h a i n s 199.1041C long 199.1042C 16 hidden gemstones 198.3272C bronze pyrite twisted links 198.3274C t o p a z o va l o n s p i n e l 42.110G polished pyrite and spinel wrap 428.156C Brushed gold and champagne wrap 428.153C bronze pyrite geometric wrap 428.159C labradorite on Seed 428.160C smoky grey wrap 428.162C bronze bead wrap 428.163C M i x e d M e ta l C h a i n W r a p 428.161C 19 druzy studs 606.147C golden kites 75.500 labradorite coins 598.168C labradorite slices 606.151C champagne quartz sprinkles 598.170C g o l d e n o va l s 75.501 grey quartz wispies 598.167C warm neutral gemstone bursts 598.166C p av e o va l ta s s e l s 598.169C cream aquamarine drops 598.161C labradorite pillows 606.149C citrine pillows 606.148C gold pyrite drops 598.160C 20 22 bronze bead layers 228.1008C grey bead layers 228.1009C organic labradorite on spinel 226.1012C shimmer necklace in gray 225.2022C hinged topaz crown bezel bangle 74.403 gold druzy pair of pears 74.404 rose Cut Medley Bracelet 74.402 R O S E G O L D o n bl a c k co r d 7 4 . 4 0 1 P av e s m o k y o va l b r a c e l e t 140.1030C a q u a C h a lc e d o n y 1 4 0 . 1 0 2 9 C 25 26 chocolate spinel trio 223.1261C draping chains on champagne 224.1018C dancing briolettes in warm neutrals 101.1654C P o l i s h e d P y r i t e Ta s s e l 120.1130C pyrite and topaz circles 10.808G 28 h a z y g r a y d r u z y o va l 10.800G labradorite dots 10.796G chocolate spinel dots 10.797G Sliding Gold nuggets 101.1651C hidden gems in gold facets 101.1652C 29 owl 71.100 spiderweb 71.101 seahorse 71.102 31 BLUES of the earth A moody mix of gemstones in shaded hues including lapis lazuli, kyani te, sapphire, ioli te, African blue opals, blue aga te and abalone. v i n ta g e l a p i s l a z u l i w r a p 428.158C d r u z y ta b l e t o n s a p p h i r e s 140.1031C v i n ta g e l a p i s i n b r u s h e d g o l d 428.154C sapphire gem bracelet 428.148C chunky lapis lazuli wrap 428.152C lapis lazuli drops 598.176C lapis sprinkles 598.164C iolite wispies 598.172C sapphire and lapis bursts 598.173C sapphire hoops 75.516 sapphire abacus ring 79.702 35 blue agate on gold discs 140.1038C blue agate cuff 79.740 37 topaz circle on sapphires 10.803G golden nugget in sapphires 10.801G blues of the earth Necklace 199.1040C 38 evil eye 10.804G C a s c a d i n g k ya n i t e 10.805G blue sapphire dots 10.799G blue sapphire row 101.1639C lapis and sapphires on pyrite 104.1185C sapphire channel hoops 75.516 L a p i s Ta p e r i n g T e a r d r o p s 1 0 1 . 1 6 5 9 C - a d j us t a bl e t o 1 8 ” sapphire abacus ring 79.702 40 FALL PASTELS Ease i nto Fall wi th a soft earthy mix of Peruvian opals, andaluci te, ca t’s eye aga te, and aurora aquamari ne set against a crisp backdrop of brushed gold and faceted whiskey quartz. 44 aquamarine dots 10.798G c i r c l e ta s s e l s w i t h c r e a m a q u a 51.258G dancing briolettes in aqua 101.1657C | $54 aquamarine row 101.1640C | $34 cascading gems in aquas 10.806G cascading gems in fall colors 10.802G opal shimmer necklace in aqua 226.1011C peruvian opal toggle wrap 198.3271C dancing bead wrap with opals 428.157C chunky opal wrap 428.151C 47 Cat’s Eye Agate NeckLace 101.1653C Peruvian opal Bibb Necklace 222.1235C fall pastel gems on pyrite 104.1184C pastel gem bracelet 428.149C opal links necklace 198.3273C 49 Aquamarine Gemstone Bursts 598.174C Stormy Green Mystic Wispies 598.171C Champagne quartz Sprinkles 598.170C cream aqua drops 598.161C 51 Dainty necklaces measure 16” + 1 1/2” Extension chain peruvian opal trio 101.1644C bronze pyrite nuggets 101.1642C s a p p h i r e s o l i ta i r e 101.1643C green garnet 101.1645C s e e i m a g e t o t h e r igh t 52 r u b y s o l i ta i r e 101.1646C a f r i c a n b l u e o p a l s o l i ta i r e 101.1658CC cream aquamarine on spinel 101.1648C whiskey quartz on opals 101.1656C champagne quartz on cream Aqua 101.1647C cream aquamarine on rubies 101.1649C ruby row 101.1641C aquamarine row 101.1640C gold pyrite row 101.1636C labradorite row 101.1638C chocolate spinel row 101.1637C sapphire row 101.1639C 55 56 labradorite dots 10.796G spinel dots 10.797G aqua dots 10.798G sapphire dots 10.799G cascading lapis lazuli 10.799G cascading aquamarine 10.806G cascading plums 10.807G cascading warm neutrals 10.802G C i r c l e ta s s e l s o n C r e a m a q u a 51.262G C i r c l e ta s s e l s o n s p i n e l 51.259G C i r c l e ta s s e l s o n l a b r a d o r i t e 51.260G C i r c l e ta s s e l s o n s a p p h i r e s 51.261G IMPULSE BANGLES AND CUFFS Polished brass, vi ntag e detai ls, mother of pearl i nlay, hi ng ed clasps and anci ent marki ngs gi ve these bracelets disti nction. Brass bracelets are handmade i n India, gold vermei l hi ng ed cu ffs a re m a d e i n Tu r ke y . 58 60 mother of pearl hinge bangle 79.736 Cream Enamel Bangles, set of 2 79.742 everyday cuff 79.739 Woven Cuff 79.741 1 Etched Bangle 79.733 v i n ta g e d e ta i l s b a n g l e s , s e t o f 5 79.738 Chevron Set of 2 79.735 chunky Hinge Bangle 79.734 61 FACETS Intri ca tely cut g emstones i n handcrafted bezels carved wi th textures an set among pave zirconia stones, our ‘Facets’ Collection celebra tes our g lobal collabora tion wi th artisan fami li es around the world to employ anci ent craftsmanship techniques in setting and stone cutting. labradorite slice 140.1046C smoky quartz slice 140.1032C chalcedony slice 140.1033C Onyx slice 140.1034C pyrite teardrop 140.1049C labradorite teardrop 140.1047C periwinkle teardrop 140.1043C chalcedony teardrop 140.1044C sapphire corundum teardrop 140.1050C RUBY c o r . 1 4 0 . 1 0 4 8 C - N O T S H O W N onyx 140.1042C - NOT SHOWN 65 smoky quartz in firey bezel 75.520 lemon quartz in firey bezel 75.521 pink chalcedony in firey bezel 75.523 chalcedony in firey bezel 75.522 b l u e q u a r t z s w i r ly s t u d s 75.525 c h a l c e d o n y s w i r ly s t u d s 75.524 moonstone studs 606.121C chalcedony studs 606.120C m o o n s t o n e p e t i t e o va l s 606.123C chalcedony 606.122C full circle ring, blue quarttz 79.730 full circle ring, lemon quarttz 79.731C full circle ring, chalcedony 79.732C 67 chalceddny cushions 606.127C | $64 ruby corundum cushions 606.139C | $64 turquoise cushions 606.140C | $64 w h i t e 6 0 6 . 1 3 8 C | $ 6 4 - n o t show n pyrite cushions 606.141C onyx cushions 606.135C sapphire corundum cushions 606.137C chalcedony teardrops 606.131C ruby corundum teardrops 606.142C pyrite teardrops 606.144C sapphire corundum slices 606.136C chalcedony pebbles 606.125C o n y x 6 0 6 . C - n o t show n smoky quartz teardrops 606.146C o n y x 6 0 6 . 1 4 5 C - n o t show n 68 onyx slices 606.134C chalcedony slices 606.129C Smoky Quartz Slice Earrings 606.124 sapphire corundum teardrops 606.143C 69 THE ROMANTICS Elegant enough for a bride yet classic enough for everyday, The Romantics reflect our affi ni ty for pi eces tha t are delica te yet important. With rose cut zircon stones, tangled rose gold vermei l, pave edges and hammered gold, this collection pays homag e to thousands of years of master craftsmanship, wi th a hint of a modern edge. ta n g l e d v i n e w i t h r o s e c u t z i r c o n gold 71.106 r o s e g o l d 7 1 . 1 0 7 - p ic t u r e d o n r igh t ta n g l e d v i n e e a r r i n g s i n r o s e 75.504 72 ta n g l e d v i n e b r a c e l e t i n r o s e 74.400 ta n g l e d v i n e e a r r i n g s i n g o l d 75.503 r o s e c u t o va l , g o l d gold 79.703 s i lv e r 7 9 . 7 0 6 - n o t show n rose cut circle, gold 79.704 rose cut circle, rose 79.705 chunky hammered band gold 79.707 s i lv e r 7 9 . 7 0 8 - n o t show n chunky band with stone 79.709 rose cut circles, gold 75.505 r o s e c u t o va l s , g o l d 75.506 rose cut pears, gold 75.507 s i lv e r 7 5 . 5 1 0 - n o t show n rose cut circles, rose 75.511 s i lv e r 7 5 . 5 0 8 - n o t show n r o s e c u t o va l s , s i lv e r 75.509 rose cut studs, gold 75.512 75 76 medley medallion 71.108 medallion earrings 75.502 r o s e c u t o va l s o l i ta i r e rose 71.104 r o s e c u t o va l s o l i ta i r e s i lv e r 7 1 . 1 0 5 criss cross drops 75.514 r o s e c u t o va l s o l i ta i r e GOLD 7 1 . 1 0 3 p av e c r e s c e n t b a r 140.1045C chocolate studs 75.513 77 78 Ruby Channel Hoops 75.515 sapphire channel hoops 75.516 emerald channel hoops 75.517 pearl channel hoops 75.518 METALS Avi ndy’s Metals Collection reflects the puri ty and freedom of a pristine, blank canvas upon which Avindy applies an endless pala te of textures, shapes, etchi ngs and orna te carvi ngs. The limi tless freedom of the metals medium and the wholesome na ture of diamonds and topaz serve as the perfect foundation for Avindy’s attention to detai l. Every vi ntage medallion, hammered gold circle, and bezel set stone pays homag e to thousands of years of craftsmanship. 81 p av e t o p a z c i r c l e , g o l d 10.759G saloon circle with topaz 10.767G topaz bubble hoop gold 20.224G s i lv e r 2 0 . 2 2 3 - n o t show n p av e t o p a z c i r c l e , s i lv e r 10.760 h a m m e r e d o va l w i t h t o p a z c l u s t e r s gold 20.224G s i lv e r 2 0 . 2 2 3 - n o t show n organic topaz bezel gold 10.750G s i lv e r 1 0 . 7 4 9 - n o t show n four topaz bezel circle 10.766G wirey circle with topaz GOLD 1 0 . 7 8 2 G SILVER 1 0 . 7 8 8 pod with topaz GOLD 1 0 . 7 9 0 G s i lv e r 1 0 . 7 9 1 long topaz moondance pendant 10.794G FOUR t o p a z b e z e l s 10.777 hammered circle with dangle GOLD 1 0 . 7 6 5 G 83 S i lv e r 1 0 . 7 7 8 HAMMERED CIRCLES WITH TOPAZ DOT gold 51.241G HAMMERED CIRCLES WITH TOPAZ d a n g l e SILVER 5 1 . 2 5 0 Organic circles with topaz gold 51.237G OPEN CIRCLES WITH MILAG r a i n t o p a z s i lv e r 5 1 . 2 4 6 GOLD 5 1 . 2 4 7 G - n o t show n SALOON c i r c l e s w i t h t o p a z gold 51.255G Missing Links with topaz gold 51.211G S i lv e r 5 1 . 2 1 0 - n o t show n PAVE TOPAZ CIRCLES s i LVER 5 0 . 2 4 8 - N O T S H O W N GOLD 5 0 . 2 4 9 G FOUR t o p a z b e z e l s SILVER 5 1 . 2 4 4 FOUR t o p a z b e z e l s GOLD 5 1 . 2 4 5 G ORGANIC b e z e l s w i t h t o p a z s i LVER 5 1 . 2 3 6 Wirey Circles with topaz GOLD 5 1 . 2 5 6 G SILVER 5 1 . 2 5 1 - n o t show n hammered circles with topaz bezel GOLD 5 1 . 2 5 7 G TOPAZ MOONS gold 51.182G TOPAZ BUBBLE HOOPS s i lv e r 5 1 . 1 6 1 GOLD 5 1 . 1 6 2 G 85 NEUTRAL GOLD success key with topaz 16.176 peace key with topaz 16.177 love key with topaz 16.178 h e a lt h k e y 16.180G happy key 16.179G love key 16.181G diamond heart 10.764GG diamond arrow gold 10.743G SILVER 1 0 . 7 4 2 chunky cross, gold topaz 10.763G plain 10.761G ORGANIC b e z e l s w i t h t o p a z gold 10.792G Wirey Circles with topaz gold 10.793G SILVER 1 0 . 7 8 6 c h u n k y c r o s s , s i lv e r plain 10.762 87 missing link, seafoam 10.770B missing link, champagne 10.769B p av e c h e v r o n , g o l d 10.780G double chevron, Gold 10.745G p av e c h e v r o n , s i lv e r 10.779 d o u b l e c h e v r o n , S i lv e r 10.744 missing link on dots gold 10.714G s i lv e r 1 0 . 7 1 3 small link 10.717G 89 t o p a z i n t h e r o u g h , s i lv e r topaz in the rough, gold 90.255 90.255 t o p a z x s i lv e r topaz x gold 90.281 o n ly ava il a bl e i n si z e s 6 , 7 , 8 90.280G o n ly ava il a bl e i n si z e s 6 , 7 , 8 t o p a z t i p s i n s i lv e r IT e m n a m e 90.252 o n e si z e o n ly, a d j us ta bl e 90.251G o n e si z e o n ly, a d j us ta bl e 91 hammered skinny s t u d s o l i ta i r e b e z e l s o l i ta i r e four bezels six bezel cluster 90.273G s i lv e r 9 0 . 2 7 2 90.275G 90.274 90.277G 90.276 90.279G s i lv e r 9 0 . 2 7 8 pears gold asscher cut zircon p av e o va l g o l d Milgrain diamond gold gold 90.259G s i lv e r 9 0 . 2 5 8 gold 90.235YG s i lv e r 9 0 . 2 3 5 A S gold 90.265G s i lv e r 9 0 . 2 6 4 gold 90.271G s i lv e r 9 0 . 2 7 0 gol d 9 0 . 1 2 0 G silv e r 9 0 . 1 2 0 square band gol d 9 0 . 2 4 2 G silv e r 9 0 . 2 4 1 channel band studded band gol d 9 0 . 2 2 6 Y G silv e r 9 0 . 2 2 7 A S gol d 9 0 . 2 3 8 G silv e r 9 0 . 2 3 7 p av e c i r l c e g o l d gold 90.268G s i lv e r 9 0 . 2 6 7 92 beaded band p av e b a n d gol d 9 0 . 2 4 4 G silv e r 9 0 . 2 4 3 gol d 9 0 . 2 6 6 G silv e r 9 0 . 2 6 9 93 V i nta g e S ta m p D i a m o nd L et t er Ta g w i t h pav e t o pa z da ng l e silver 10.638 gold 10.637G T E R M S A N D CO N D I T I O N S V i nta g e S ta m p D i a m o nd L et t er Ta g s ORDERS Minimum opening order is $500. No minimums on reorders. silver 10.636 gold 10.635G Backorders may be shipped without notice within 30 days of original delivery. V i nta g e S ta m p D i a m o nd L et t er Ta g w i t h t o pa z da ng l e Orders can be submitted by phone, fax or email and must be accompanied by a signed PO. silver 10.634 gold 10.633G Purchase orders are binding. Because our products are handmade to order, orders cannot be cancelled beyond 10 days of order submission. Late cancellations will result in an invoice for 20% of the original order. PAYMENT TERMS Pre-payment is required for the initial three orders. We accept payment by American Express, Visa, MC, company check or wire transfer. For Net 30 terms after initial three orders, please submit trade references to Avindy. A late payment of 1.5% will be added to orders past due. A $25 fee will be charged for returned checks. SHIPPING Orders are shipped from our studio in Atlanta, Georgia, via FedEx or UPS. RETURNS Avindy jewelry is all handmade. Small variations in the color, size and texture of the gemstones are part of the natural beauty of our jewelry. Returns will not be accepted without an RA number. Please send returns to Avindy’s studio. REPRESENTED BY AESTHETIC MOVEMENT www.aestheticmovement.com a/m chicago showroom [email protected] 170 North Sangamon a/m new york showroom & studio 9-20 35th Avenue, Suite 3F Chicago, Illinois 60607 Tel: 312 576 8222 Fax: 800.783.5013 Long Island City, New York 11106 a/m los angeles showroom Tel: 718 797 5750 Fax: 800.783.5013 818 S. Broadway, Suite 700 a/m atlanta showroom Americasmart Bldg. 1, 10-D-16 Los Angeles, California 90014 Tel: 323 559 1840 240 Peachtree St, NW a/m las vegas showroom Atlanta, Georgia 30303 World Market Center Tel: 404 749 5005 Fax: 800.783.5013 455 S. Grand Central Parkway, C-1023 avindy studio & office 227 Sandy Springs Place Building 500 / Suite # 520 Atlanta, Georgia 30328 Tel: 404 709 2320 Fax: 404 709 2325 [email protected] / www.avindy.com Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 Tel: 718 797 5750 Fax: 800.783.5013
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