Public Meeting April 30, 2015 EAST RUTHERFORD BOARD OF EDUCATION PUBLIC MEETING AGENDA Alfred Faust Middle School New Gymnasium April 30, 2015 7:00 PM NOTE: Be advised that the Board may recess into executive session at any time during the meeting CALL TO ORDER - President OPENING STATEMENT - President The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of the Act, the East Rutherford Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place thereof published in The Record and South Bergenite Newspapers and posted in the vestibule of the Borough Hall and Public Library. Copies of agendas are available 48 hours prior to said meetings in the Board of Education office and are posted on the East Rutherford School website – SALUTE TO FLAG & MOMENT OF SILENCE ROLL CALL Mrs. Maria Caruso Mr. Dennis Monks Mrs. Teresa Sawka Mr. Richard Vartan Mrs. Kathleen Winston Mr. Paul Weiss Mrs. Debra Zoller ANNOUNCEMENT OF FIRE EXIT LOCATIONS - President As a courtesy to all in attendance, please silence all cell phones and paging equipment during this meeting. Mission Statement: The East Rutherford Public Schools are committed to the achievement of individual academic excellence by achieving the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards through high quality teaching, learning and community involvement, which results in students being well prepared to meet future educational challenges and to contribute to society. Recognizing the needs of students, the East Rutherford school community strives to teach pupils how to learn effectively and attempt to motivate them to continuous learning throughout life. Students are encouraged to understand themselves, accept their worth, fulfill their potential, and become effective and responsible citizens in a democratic society and in a multicultural world. Page 1 of 10 Public Meeting April 30, 2015 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS ONLY President Opens the Hearing of Citizens: In accordance with the Bylaw 0167-Public Participation in Board Meeting, any citizen present who wishes to be heard on agenda items only, should raise his/her hand to be recognized, state name and address. Each statement made by a participant shall be limited to the discretion of the Board President. Any citizen wishing to be heard on non-agenda items may do so after new business. The hearing of citizens shall be limited to sixty minutes. CORRESPONDENCE TO MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION None REPORTS TO THE BOARD – March 2015 Business Administrator’s Report - Mr. James Olobardi Committee Meeting updates LJ’s (TJ Rocco) Food Service report for the months of March 2015 shows a monthly net income for the ERBOE of $ 5,626.61 and yearly net income of $23,600.48. Interim Superintendent’s Report - Mr. Joseph Abate McKenzie Wildcat Safety Patrol Program student presentation Award Presentation for Teachers Of The Year – Philip Cocozzo (Faust) and David Higgins (McKenzie) ADOPTION OF PRIOR BOARD MEETING MINUTES Motion by Member __________, second by Member __________ to approve the following minutes; Approve that the public & executive minutes of the following meeting dates; as transcribed, be received and filed. March 16, 2015 Public Meeting Minutes March 26, 2015 Public Meeting Minutes March 26, 2015 Executive Session Minutes S1. APPROVAL OF FIRE AND EMERGENCY DRILL REPORT Motion by Member __________, second by Member __________ to approve S1 through S4 as follows; SCHOOL Faust School Faust School Faust Annex McKenzie School McKenzie School McKenzie School TYPE OF DRILL Lock-Down Fire Fire Lockdown Non-Fire Evacuation Fire DATE TIME 3/27/15 4/22/15 4/23/15 2:00 PM 1:40 PM 2:10 PM Page 2 of 10 Public Meeting April 30, 2015 S2. APPROVAL OF ENROLLMENT REPORT SCHOOL Faust McKenzie Special Services- In District Special Services – Out of District Tuition Students Home Instruction TOTAL ENROLLMENT 300 468 103 17 0 0 S3. APPROVAL OF HARRASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING MONTHLY REPORT NUMBER OF ALLEGED INCIDENTS 1 0 DATE/SCHOOL Faust McKenzie NUMBER OF VERIFIED INCIDENTS 0 0 S4. APPROVAL OF FIELD TRIP AND/OR TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS; Code S4.1 Date of Transportation Faust/Gr. 5 5th Gr. Teachers 4/2/15 John Hansen Boro of East Rutherford 4/16/15 Faust/Gr.7 Merceds Fox 4/17/15 Faust/Gr. 5 Jesse Romano 4/17/15 Faust/Band Jeff Schweikhardt 4/24/15 5/19/15 S4.2 5/20/15 S4.3 5/11/15 S4.4 6/4/15 S4.5 6/2/15 School/Gr. Requested by Whom/ Date of Request Destination/ Time Hudson County Courthouse Jersey City, NJ Approximate Number of Seats Occupied Cost to Parent/BOE 76 Purpose/ Goal $0 Provide Interactive Experience related to Local Goverment Citi Field, New York 40 $0 Little Lg. to Mets Baseball Game Stony Hill Inn, Hackensack, NJ 18 $0 Learn about Occupations McKenzie School 20 $0 Meet Pen Pals Becton H.S. 40 $0 Rehersal for Spring Concert ROLL CALL S1 – S4 MC ___ DM ___ TS ___ RV ___ PW ___ KW ___ DZ ___ CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (Richard Vartan, Chairperson, Paul Weiss, Maria Causo) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, consider resolutions : No New Business Page 3 of 10 Public Meeting April 30, 2015 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (Maria Caruso, Chairperson, Richard Vartan, Kathy Winston) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, consider resolutions P1 to P10: Motion by Member __________, second by Member __________ to approve P1 through P10 as follows; P1. APPOINTMENTS / SALARY GUIDE MOVEMENT Code Stipend/ Salary Effective Date Name Action Position Step P1.1 Renee Folja Extension of work day Certified Teacher Aide Step 7, Certified Aide Guide $21.73/hour P1.2 Ashely Voshell Appointment Substitute School Nurse N/A $125/day As needed P1.3 TBD Appointment Extended School Year staff N/A P1.4 Suzanne Lucas Acknowledgement Student teacher – Junior Practicum N/A N/A 9-8-15 – 12-21-15 6/1/15 – 6/18/15 (14 days total) Discussion Extend daily work hours from 4.75 to 7.75 for 14 days total to cover sick leave absence Pending receipt of County Nurse Substitute Certificate Names/salary rates/effective dates to be available for 4/30/15 meeting Social Studies grades 7&8 K. Barone cooperating teacher P2. APPROVAL OF TRAVEL EXPENDITURES Approve the following workshops/conferences for Board approval for the following staff members for workshops and travel expenses as authorized by Board Resolution adopted on 11/5/07: Code P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 Date 5/13/15 5/16/15 5/5/15 Registration Cost Employee Workshop/Location K. Webb K. Winston K. Winston Pediatric Problems, Emergencies – Cherry Hill, NJ NJSBA Delegates Assembly Bergen County School Board Assoc. $189.99 $0.00 $0.00 Mileage and Tolls Total Cost to Board $54.56 $0.00 $0.00 $244.55 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL $ Sub yes N/A N/A $244.55 P3. APPROVAL OF SOURCE 4 TEACHERS SUBSTITUTE LIST Approve the list of Source 4 Teachers substitutes for April, 2015 as shown in Attachment P3. P4. APPOINTMENT OF STAFF FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Motion to approve the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint staff members for the 2015-2016 school year as listed on Attachment P4. P5. REQUEST FOR MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE Motion to approve the request for a medical leave of absence for employee #0130 beginning April 16, 2015. Return to work date to be determined pending medical clearance. Page 4 of 10 Public Meeting April 30, 2015 P6. ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGNATION – C. KOZIOL Motion to accept, with regret, the resignation of Christine Koziol, effective April 10, 2015. P7. ACCEPTANCE OF RETIREMENT NOTIFICATION – R. CARUSO Motion to accept, with regret, the retirement notification from Richard Caruso, effective July 1, 2015. P8. ACCEPTANCE OF RETIREMENT NOTIFICATION – J. PILAT Motion to accept, with regret, the retirement notification from Janet Pilat, effective July 1, 2015. P9. REQUEST FOR MATERNITY LEAVE OF ABSENCE Motion to approve the request for maternity leave of absence for employee #0207 from September 1, 2015 through November 27, 2015 (anticipated return to work on Novemer 30, 2015). Employee will utilize accumulated sick days from September 1, 2015 through Novembe 27, 2015. P10. ACCEPTANCE OF RETIREMENT NOTIFICATION – A. JANKOWSKI Motion to accept, with regret, the retirement notification from Annette Jankowski, effective July 1, 2015. ROLL CALL P1 – P10 MC ___ DM ___ TS ___ RV ___ PW ___ KW ___ DZ ___ PHYSICAL FACILITIES COMMITTEE (Dennis Monks, Chairperson, Paul Weiss, Maria Caruso) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools in consultation with the Business Administrator/Board Secretary consider resolutions PF1. APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO USE FACILITIES AS FOLLOWS: Code Application Date / # PF1.1 3/30/15 #17 PF1.2 3/31/15 #18 Requested by/ Organization K. Felten/ ER Police Dept. Jane Egan/ Meadowlands YMCA Purpose Open to the Public Day(s) Month/Year Time Allotment McKenzie – Gymnasium & 4 – 4th Gr. classrooms Jr. Police Academy No M-F June 22 – July 1, 2015 9:00 – 3:00 pm McKenzie – Gymnasium Before/After Care Program No M-F Sept. 2015 – June 2016 7:00 – 8:30 am 2:30 – 6:30 pm Location Requested ROLL CALL PF1 MC ___ DM ___ TS ___ RV ___ PW ___ KW ___ DZ ___ Page 5 of 10 Discussion Public Meeting April 30, 2015 COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE (Teresa Sawka, Chairperson Richard Vartan, Kathy Winston) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools in consultation with the Business Administrator/Board Secretary consider resolutions No New Business TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE (Paul Weiss,Chairperson, Teresa Sawka, Dennis Monks) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools in consultation with the Business Administrator/Board Secretary consider resolutions No New Business NEGOTIATIONS COMMITTEE (Paul Weiss,Chairperson, Teresa Sawka, Richard Vartan) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools in consultation with the Business Administrator/Board Secretary consider resolutions No New Business FINANCE COMMITTEE (Kathy Winston, Chairperson, Teresa Sawka, Debbie Zoller) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools in consultation with the Business Administrator/Board Secretary consider resolutions F1 to F13: Motion by Member __________, second by Member __________ to approve F1 through F13 as follows; F1. VERIFICATION OF SUFFICIENT FUNDS REMAINING IN BUDGET Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-2.11(c) certifies and accepts that as of March 2015 after review of the appropriate sections of the monthly financial reports of James Olobardi, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, and the Treasurer of School Monies Report, to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the District’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. F2. APPROVAL OF BILL LISTS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve payment of bills and claims that have been certified by the Board Secretary and filed in the Business Office as shown in Attachment F2. Current Expense Food Service Account Special Activity Account Construction Account TOTAL $1,370,645.13 $29,264.16 $4,314.86 $97,102.83 $1,501,326.98 Page 6 of 10 Attachment F2 Attachment F2 Attachment F2 Attachment F2 3/27/15 – 4/30/15 3/27/15 – 4/30/15 3/27/15 – 4/30/15 3/27/15 – 4/30/15 Public Meeting April 30, 2015 F3. APPROVAL OF TRANSFERS Approve the list of transfers for March 2015 as shown in Attachment F3. F4. APPROVAL OF TREASURER AND BOARD SECRETARY’S REPORTS Approve the Treasurer and Board Secretary’s Reports for the month ending March 2015 which are in agreement and on file in the Board of Education Office as shown in Attachment F4. F5. APPROVAL OF PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR The Board of Education of East Rutherford hereby adopts the following proposed budget for 2015-2016 school year: The proposed budget includes sufficient funds to provide curriculum and instruction which will enable all students to achieve the core Curriculum Content Standards, and is in compliance with N.J.S.A. 18A and N.J.A.C. Title 6 and 6A. Expenditures General Current Expense $14,476,785 Capital Outlay 259,760 Special Revenue Fund 291,669 Repayment of Debt 723,665 Total Expenditures $15,751,879 Revenue Budgeted Fund Balance 0 Local Tax Levy Current $13,677,157 Debt Service 723,665 Budgeted Fund Balance 139,699 Debt Service Misc Revenue 15,300 Tuition 85,000 Transfer from Capital Reserve 0 State Aid Current 819,389 Special Revenue Fund 291,669 Total Revenue $15,751,879 As per NJAC 6A:23B-1.2(b), the proposed budget provides for a maximum expenditure amount that may be allotted for travel and expense reimbursement. The School Business Administrator shall track and record these costs to insure that the maximum amount is not exceeded. Be it further resolved, that the 2015-2016 school district budget does not include any automatic adjustments and/or banked cap, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:7F-39(e), in the amount of $ 0 as an adjustment for health care costs. Be it further resolved, that the district’s general tax requirements to support the proposed 2015-2016 Page 7 of 10 Public Meeting April 30, 2015 budget, as stipulated by the East Rutherford Board of Education Finance Committee and East Rutherford Borough Municipal Officials, as follows: General Fund: Debt Service: $13,677,157 723,665 Total: $14,400,822 Be it further resolved, that the Superintendent and Business Administrator be authorized to implement the 2015-2016 school district budget. F6. APPROVAL TO ESTABLISH PRE-KINDERGARTEN TUITION RATE FOR 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent in consultation with the Business Administrator, to approve and establish a tuition rate of $1,650.00 per child for the 2015-2016 Pre-k program held at McKenzie School as shown in Attachment F6. F7. APPROVAL OF SHARED TECHNOLOGY SERVICES AGREEMENT – BERGEN COUNTY TECHNICAL SCHOOLS Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent in consultation with the Business Administrator, to approve the Shared Services Agreement between Bergen County Technical Schools and the East Rutherford Board of Education for the period July 01, 2015 through June 30, 2016 as shown in Attachment F7. F8. APPROVAL OF EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR CONTRACT - BERGEN COUNTY SPECIAL SERVICES CODE F9.1 STUDENT I.D.# 100311282 SERVICE(s) REQUESTED PROVIDER DATE & TIME Extended School Year Tuition July 2015 Bergen County Special Services Washington School July 6 – July 29, 2015 8:30 am – 1:30 pm COST(s) $4,400.00 including up to six related services. $62.00 for additional services, each session each week. F9. RESOLUTION TO AGREE TO CONTRACT WITH BERGEN COUNTY SPECIAL SERVICES FOR NON-PUBLIC SCHOOLS UNDER CHAPTERS 192 AND 193 WHEREAS, The lea is a body corporate organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A: 10-1. WHEREAS, the BCSSSD is a body corporate organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey pursuant to N.J.S.A.18A:46-29. WHEREAS, the LEA is required by law to provide remedial and ausiliary services to eligible students attending non-public schools within the public school district served by the LEA. N.J.S.A. 18A:46-19.1, et seq. (Laws of 1977,Chapter 193); N.J.S.A. 18A:46A-1, et seq. (Laws of 1977, Chapter 192) WHEREAS, the BCSSSD is empowered by las to contract with another agency to provide the remedial and auxiliary services required under Chapters 192 and 193 of the Laws of 1977 pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:46A-1 through N.J.S.A.18A:46A-1through N.J.S.A 18A-17 Page 8 of 10 Public Meeting April 30, 2015 WHEREAS, the LEA and BCSSSD hereby agree that the BCSSSD will provide those remedial and auxiliary Services set forth in N.J.S.A. 18A:46-9 et seq., and N.J.S.A. 18A:46A-1, et seq., which services shall be limited to examination, classification, speech correction, as well as the instruction, evaluation, and the necessary equipment, supplies, administration and supervision inherent in proving English as a second language instruction, supplemental instruction, home instruction and compensatory education instruction, as appropriate, to eligible New Jersey resident students attending non-public schools within the public school district for which the LEA is responsible. F10. APPROVAL OF ANNUAL SUPPORT AGREEMENT – CCP PRODUCTIONS, INC. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent in consultation with the Business Administrator, to approve the Annual Support Agreement with CCP Productions, Inc. for the period July 01, 2015 through June 30, 2016, in the amount of $2,216.00 as shown in Attachment F10. F11. APPROVAL OF ANNUAL APPRAISAL AGREEMENT – AMERICAN APPRAISAL ASSOCIATES, INC. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent in consultation with the Business Administrator, to approve the Annual Appraisal Agreement for Property Record Outsourcing Services for fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, in the amount of $1,200.00 as shown in Attachment F11. F12. APPROVAL OF TUITIONS, RELATED SERVICES, TRANSPORTATION FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent in consultation with the Business Administrator and the Student Services Director, that the Board approve the following contracts for service provided to student’s currently enrolled in programs operated by the East Rutherford Board of Education. CODE STUDENT I.D.# SERVICE(s) REQUESTED PROVIDER DATE & TIME F13.1 5380212612 Annual School Tuition 2015 Washington Academy March 9, 2015 – June 30, 2015 COST(s) $247.15 per diem 68 billable days F13. APPROVAL OF OUT-OF-DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED BY THE PARENT OF STUDENT #7557464385 Upon the recommendation of the Business Administrator in consultation with the Director of Student Services to approve travel reimbursement for student# 7557464385 to The Children’s Institute (approx. 19 miles to/from) at a daily rate of $20.00 per day from 3/30/15 to 6/25/15 to be paid on a monthly basis. ROLL CALL F1 – F13 MC ___ DM ___ TS ___ RV ___ PW ___ KW ___ DZ ___ Page 9 of 10 Public Meeting April 30, 2015 NEW BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC President Opens the Hearing of Citizens: In accordance with the Bylaws 0167-Public Participation in Board Meeting, any citizen present who wishes to be heard should raise his/her hand to be recognized, state name and address and limit remarks to five minutes in accordance with board policy. Matters of a personal nature must first been exhausted through the proper channels. The hearing of citizens shall be limited to sixty minutes. President Closes the Hearing of Citizens: EXECUTIVE/CLOSED SESSION Motion by Member __________, second by Member __________ WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act and the East Rutherford Board of Education reserve the right within the constraints of State Law to sit in Executive Session; and WHEREAS, there now exists a need for this Board to meet in Executive Session; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the East Rutherford Board of Education recess into Executive Session to discuss legal; attorney client privilege information; contractual and personnel matters. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Executive Session will be made available upon a determination by the Board that the disclosure of the minutes will not detrimentally affect any right or interest of the Board; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the public will be informed: 1. When the Board reconvenes to the regular business portion of this meeting this evening; or 2. At a later date, undetermined at this time. RECONVENE PUBLIC SESSION Motion by Member __________, second by Member __________ ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING: Thursday, May 28, 2015, 7:00 P.M. Page 10 of 10
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