CHARTERED SURVEYORS, LAND AGENTS, RICS VALUERS RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL AGENTS Established 1743 FREEHOLD SHOP AND MAISONETTE FOR SALE -£375,000 FEATURES • Located within the principal shopping area of East Grinstead • Good access to town centre amenities • Building size 1,919 sq ft (178.28 sq m) • Planning granted for conversion of upper floors to 3 flats TOWN CENTRE LOCATION • Alternative use potential subject to planning 18 & 18A LONDON ROAD, EAST GRINSTEAD RH19 1AG Retail and residential building located in a prime location in East Grinstead offering investment, development or alternative use potential. LOCATION The property is situated in a prominent position close to London Road’s junction with the High Street within the heart of the prime retail area of East Grinstead. Major retailers nearby include Boots, WH Smith, Holland & Barrett, Fat Face, Greggs and The Edinburgh Woollen Mill. The railway station with services to London via East Croydon and the bus terminus are both within approximately 0.5 miles. Junction 10 of the M23 motorway is approx 6 miles distant giving access to Gatwick Airport and M25 to the north. DESCRIPTION The property provides a lock-up retail shop with a good useable basement and has until recently traded as Cash Zone with previous uses including a cafe and a takeaway. The two upper floors are approached via an entrance door off the street and provide living accommodation. The building has a gross frontage of 4.93 m. The shop has a depth of 14.05 m with a width of 3.85 m widening to 4.05 m. At the rear are WCs, kitchenette and access to the basement storage area. The first floor provides a large living room, with a front aspect, opening to an L-shaped kitchen with fitted cupboards and work surfaces incorporating a range of appliances. An inner hall with fitted store cupboards leads to a shower room and WC and a door to a roof garden. Internal stairs lead to the second floor which comprises two double bedrooms (about 4.28 m x 4.43 m and 4.28 m x 3.41m) and a store room. There are uPVC double glazed doors and windows. 208 High Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 3JB - Tel: 01483 300233 Established 1743 92 High Street, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3DF - Tel: 01342 410122 18 & 18A LONDON ROAD, EAST GRINSTEAD RH19 1AG ACCOMMODATION (QHUJ\3HUIRUPDQFH&HUWLILFDWH D/RQGRQ5RDG ($67*5,167($' 5+$* The property comprises 1,919 sq ft of accommodation with areas as follows: 'ZHOOLQJW\SH 7RSIORRUPDLVRQHWWH 'DWHRIDVVHVVPHQW 2FWREHU 'DWHRIFHUWLILFDWH 2FWREHU 5HIHUHQFHQXPEHU 7\SHRIDVVHVVPHQW 5G6$3H[LVWLQJGZHOOLQJ 7RWDOIORRUDUHD Pð 7KLVKRPH VSHUIRUPDQFHLVUDWHGLQWHUPVRIWKHHQHUJ\XVHSHUVTXDUHPHWUHRIIORRUDUHDHQHUJ\HIILFLHQF\EDVHGRQ IXHOFRVWVDQGHQYLURQPHQWDOLPSDFWEDVHGRQFDUERQGLR[LGH&2ðHPLVVLRQV (QYLURQPHQWDO,PSDFW&2ð5DWLQJ (QHUJ\(IILFLHQF\5DWLQJ &XUUHQW 3RWHQWLDO &XUUHQW 3RWHQWLDO 9HU\HQYLURQPHQWDOO\IULHQGO\ORZHU&2 HPLVVLRQV 9HU\HQHUJ\HIILFLHQWORZHUUXQQLQJFRVWV Ground floor shop – 618 sq ft (57.44 sq m) net internal Basement storage – 383 sq ft (35.56 sq m) net internal First floor residential – 493 sq ft (45.80 sq m) Second floor residential – 425 sq ft (39.48 sq m) The areas are internal and approximate. ð 1RWHQHUJ\HIILFLHQWKLJKHUUXQQLQJFRVWV (QJODQG:DOHV 1RWHQYLURQPHQWDOO\IULHQGO\KLJKHU&2 HPLVVLRQV ð (8'LUHFWLYH (& 7KHHQHUJ\HIILFLHQF\UDWLQJLVDPHDVXUHRIWKH RYHUDOOHIILFLHQF\RIDKRPH7KHKLJKHUWKHUDWLQJ WKHPRUHHQHUJ\HIILFLHQWWKHKRPHLVDQGWKHORZHU WKHIXHOELOOVDUHOLNHO\WREH (VWLPDWHGHQHUJ\XVHFDUERQGLR[LGH&2ðHPLVVLRQVDQGIXHOFRVWVRIWKLVKRPH The shop property has an Energy Performance Asset Rating of 104 within Band E. The upper parts have an Energy Efficiency Rating of 34 within Band F. TERMS Offers are invited in excess of £375,000 for the freehold with vacant possession. Subject to contract and exclusive of VAT. 3RWHQWLDO N:KPðSHU\HDU WRQQHVSHU\HDU SHU\HDU SHU\HDU SHU\HDU 5HPHPEHUWRORRNIRUWKH(QHUJ\6DYLQJ7UXVW5HFRPPHQGHGORJRZKHQEX\LQJHQHUJ\HIILFLHQWSURGXFWV ,W VDTXLFNDQGHDV\ZD\WRLGHQWLI\WKHPRVWHQHUJ\HIILFLHQWSURGXFWVRQWKHPDUNHW 7KLV(3&DQGUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVUHSRUWPD\EHJLYHQWRWKH(QHUJ\6DYLQJ7UXVWWRSURYLGH\RXZLWK LQIRUPDWLRQRQLPSURYLQJ\RXUGZHOOLQJ¶VHQHUJ\SHUIRUPDQFH The shop has a rateable value of £15,500 and the residential accommodation Council Tax Band C. EPC &XUUHQW N:KPð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lanning consent was granted on 16th July 2007 ref: 07/01384/FUL for the conversion and extension of the first and second floors to provide three one-bedroom flats. (8'LUHFWLYH (& (QHUJ\XVH &DUERQGLR[LGHHPLVVLRQV /LJKWLQJ +HDWLQJ +RWZDWHU PLANNING (QJODQG:DOHV 7KHHQYLURQPHQWDOLPSDFWUDWLQJLVDPHDVXUHRID KRPH VLPSDFWRQWKHHQYLURQPHQWLQWHUPVRIFDUERQ GLR[LGH&2 HPLVVLRQV7KHKLJKHUWKHUDWLQJWKH OHVVLPSDFWLWKDVRQWKHHQYLURQPHQW VIEWING AND FURTHER INFORMATION Viewing and further information from the joint selling agents: Richard Grassly [email protected] RH & RW Clutton LLP 01342 410122 or 01483 300233 NOTICE: RH & RW Clutton (and their joint agents where applicable) for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property for whom they act, give notice that (i) these particulars are a general outline only, for the guidance of prospective tenants or purchasers, and do not constitute the whole of any part of an offer or contract. (ii) RH & RW Clutton cannot guarantee the accuracy of any description, dimensions, references to condition and other details Philip Baker – [email protected] Park & Bailey Commercial 01342 321272 contained herein and prospective purchasers or tenants must not rely on them as statements of fact or representations and must satisfy themselves as to their accuracy. (iii) the vendor does not make or give, and neither RH & RW Clutton nor any person in the employ of RH & RW Clutton has any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to this property. JANUARY 2015 208 High Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 3JB Tel: 01483 300233 92 High Street, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3DF Tel: 01342 410122 Est.1743
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