COMMUNITY NEWS Page 6A FANNIN SENTINEL7KXUVGD\-DQXDU\ 375 N. Main St. Hiawassee, GA 706-896-1234 GIFT CASH For Your CARDS Get BRMAA Reception highlights new artists $UHFHSWLRQ-DQDWWKH%OXH Ridge Mountains Arts Association IHDWXUHG WKH ZRUNV RI 7RP .HOOV in the Richard Low Evans Gallery DQG.HLWK%XUJHVV$UWLVWLQ5HVLGHQFH .HOOV LV DQ DFFRPSOLVKHG %\'RUD:DOWHUVSenior Staff Writer photographer and artist whose works are a variety of subjects and images. His work will be on exhibit through Feb. 22. Nature dominates the works of Burgess with warm colors throughout. His work will be at the Association through March 29. Artist Luba Wiessner is repreVHQWHG LQ WKH 6WXGLR *DOOH\ 7KH $UW$VVRFLDWLRQLVRSHQ7XHVGD\ WKURXJK6XQGD\DPWRSP Trade your Gift Cards for Cash!!! Get Cash for your partly used, unused, unwanted GIFT and REFUND Cards Get all the CASH for YOUR GOLD, SILVER & COINS No One Will Treat You Better.... ....or Pay You More !! Bill and Wanda Jefferson Marsha Murphy and Marilyn WIlliamson OBITUARIES Mr. Wayne Huffman Wayne Franklin Huffman of Blue Ridge was the son of the late Harold Wayne and Willie Brinkley Huffman. He was born and spent his life within the city limits of Blue Ridge and was a true native son. He graduated from Blue Ridge High School as the youngest member of his class and spent his early years delivering groceries and working at the Rexall Pharmacy. After High School, he served in WKH86$UP\LQ.RUHDUHWXUQLQJ KRPHWRDWWHQG7UXHWW0F&RQQHOO College. In 1961 he went to work at the Copper Company in Copperhill, 7HQQHVVHH IRU ZKLFK KH ZRUNHG Mrs. Anna Lee Stepp Mrs. Anna Lee Stepp, age 95 of Blue Ridge, passed away FriGD\ -DQ DW KHU KRPH following a period of declining health. 6KH ZDV ERUQ -XO\ LQ McCaysville, GA to the late Antonio and Eva Lee Carver Nari . She was preceded in death by her KXVEDQG$/6WHSSLQDIWHU for 35 years. In 1963, he met and married his wife of 51 years, &KDUORWWH ³$QQ´ %HDYHUV 7KH\ worked, raised their children, and spent their lives in Blue Ridge. In retirement, Wayne entered public service and served as a city councilman for four full terms. He often received the highest number of votes and also served as Mayor Pro-tem. He served many years overseeing the Water Department DQGDOVRVHUYHGDVRI¿FHPDQDJHU He was a faithful visitor to the Blue Ridge Pharmacy every day and loved the Braves and football, especially the Falcons and the µ'DZJV¶ He was a faithful husband, father, and friend. He was a Christian and a man who cared about his community. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Blue Ridge. He was preceded in death by his parents and two sisters, Pat Huffman Galloway and Hildred +XIIPDQ.LUNSDWULFN Wayne is survived by his wife of 51 years, Ann. Children, Charlotte Huffman Hyatt of Mineral Bluff, Brian Huffman of Blue Ridge, Gary Huffman of Mineral Bluff, Bert Huffman of Atlanta, DQG 7HUHVD -RQHV RI 3ULQFHWRQ .< RQH 6LVWHU 6XH +XIIPDQ :LOOLDPV RI .HQQHVDZ EURWKHUV James Huffman of Morganton DQG6FRWW+XIIPDQRI.HQQHVDZ HLJKW JUDQGFKLOGUHQ IRXU JUHDW grandchildren, nieces, nephews Brooke Nations and Keith Burgess Jan Diamond and many friends survive. Funeral services were held at 2 SP6DWXUGD\-DQIURP the Akins of Blue Ridge Chapel with Reverend David Whitener RI¿FLDWLQJ Music was by Brian Huffman and Alisa Stanley. Interment followed in the Chastain Memorial Park. Pallbearers were Weston Huffman, Andrew Hyatt, Jim Robinson, John Watkins, Johnny Scearce, and Rob Stewart. Honorary pallbearers were all present and former Mayor and City Council Members of Blue Ridge, all city employees of the last 16 years, Bill Prather, Bill Walden Jr., John Cochran, Dale Dyer, Dr. Jack 5RRI 7HG :HDYHU 1/ 3UDWKHU Associaiton President Ron Zadroga with Michael and Dana Hasson and the morning gang, Donna Whitener, and Robert Green. Donations in memory of Mr. Huffman may be made to the American Heart Association or the charity of your choice. Akins Funeral Home of Blue Ridge was in charge of arrangements. 66 years of marriage. A.L. Stepp was a former Fannin County Commissioner. Mrs. Stepp was the oldest member of McCaysville First Baptist Church, a former Cub Scout leader, a charter member of the Pink Ladies at Fannin Regional Hospital, a member of McCaysville Garden Club, a home maker, and enjoyed playing the piano. She was the oldest of eight siblings who all predeceased her. Survivors include: son, Jack 1DQF\6WHSSVRQ-RH6KLUOH\ 6WHSSVRQ-HUU\+DUULHWW6WHSS GDXJKWHU/LQGD3KLO6PLWKVRQ -RQ6DQGL6WHSSGDXJKWHU$XGUH\ -HUU\ :KLWHKHDG JUDQGchildren, Jamann Stepp, Javonne Smith, Brent Stepp, Whitney Stepp, Hilary Padovano, Cameron Smith, Amy Wheeler, Adam Smith, Suzanne Davenport, Eliz- abeth Stepp, Bonni Whitehead, DQG .DW\ :KLWHKHDG 1LQHWHHQ great grandchildren also survive. Funeral services: Sunday, Jan. DWSPDWWKH)LQFK Cochran Funeral Home in McCaysville with the Rev. Mathew 0F'DQLHO RI¿FLDWLQJ ,QWHUPHQW will follow in Copper Ridge Memorial Gardens. 7KHIDPLO\ZLOOUHFHLYHIULHQGV at the Finch-Cochran Funeral +RPH6XQGD\-DQIURP SPSP ,QOLHXRIÀRZHUVWKHIDPLO\UHquest that donations may be made to Snack In A Backpack, P.O. Box (SZRUWK*$ Arrangements entrusted to the Finch-Cochran Funeral Home of McCaysville, GA. You may send condolences to the family and sign the guest register at www. Reel Memories NO. 304 Fannin County Tea Party Patriots to meet Feb. 6 Speaker will be an authority on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). You won’t want to miss this meeting! Fannin County Middle School Thursday, Feb. 6 at 6 p.m. Everyone Welcome to attend. James Maitland Stewart Part 2 By William V. Reynolds Despite being underweight IRUKLVKHLJKW-DPHVZDV¿QDOO\ able to persuade the Air Corps to recruit him as a private. Because he was a college graduate and a licensed commercial pilot, he applied for an Air Corps commission and pilot rating. He received his commission as a Second Lieutenant Jan. 19, 1942 shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Being a celebrity, James was in demand for public appearances even after enlisting in the Air Corps. Although he did these assignments, he wanted to be involved in combat or at least in combat support. In August 1943, James was assigned to the 445th Bomb Group as operations of¿FHURIWKHUG%RPEDUGPHQW Squadron. Finally his group was transferred to Norfolk, England where he participated in bombing raids on Germany. On March 22, 1944, James led the bombing mission on Berlin. James continued to make missions, uncredited, for the duration of the war serving in a number of staff positions including that of presiding over a court-martial. He continued to play a role in the U.S. Air Force Reserve after the war reaching the rank of Briga- dier General. As a member of the U.S. Air Force Reserve, he participated in an unpublicized raid during the Vietnam war. Returning from World War II, James reassessed his movie roles and decided that he needed to make a change. Some say his characters became tougher with the possible exception of his faYRULWH¿OP,W¶VD:RQGHUIXO/LIH made in 1946. During this period, James associated himself with some of the leading directors of the time. Anthony Mann cast him in Westerns such as Winchester ¶ 2WKHU :HVWHUQV IROlowed like Bend of the River 7KH 1DNHG 6SXU 7KH)DU&RXQWU\DQG7KH 0DQIURP/DUDPLH Alfred Hitchcock would also call on James to make several of his suspense thrillers such as Rope 5HDU :LQGRZ 7KH0DQ:KR.QHZ7RR0XFK DQG 9HUWLJR ,Q WKHVDQGV-DPHV¶VFDUHHU FRQWLQXHG ZLWK 2WWR 3UHPLQJHU¶V $QDWRP\RID0XUGHU7ZR5RGH 7RJHWKHU 7KH 0DQ :KR 6KRW/LEHUW\9DODQFHDQG +RZ WKH:HVW:DV:RQ +HZRXOGFRQWLQXHWRPDNH¿OPV LQ D YDULHW\ RI JHQUHV XQWLO 7KH City, County, State & U.S. Officials Names and Addresses Rep. David Ralston )D[ [email protected] Sen. Steve Gooch )D[ U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson [email protected] )D[ U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss )D[ U.S. Congressman Doug Collins )D[ James Maitland Stewart 6KRRWLVWZLWK-RKQ:D\QH James received two Academy awards, one for lifetime achievePHQWLQ¿OP+HUHFHLYHGVHYHUDO nominations and other awards for his military service as well. He SDVVHG DZD\ -XO\ DW WKH DJHRI+HLVEXULHGDW)RUHVW Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California. +HUH¶VD5HHO0HPRULHVVDOXWH to James Maitland Stewart, a.k.a. Jimmy Stewart and a thank you for his contribution to the Western genre. William V. Reynolds is a local author and his novels are availDEOH DW 7KH &XULRVLW\ 6KRS LQ 0XUSK\6KHQDQLJDQ¶V'LQHUDQG 3DW¶V &RXQWU\ .LWFKHQ LQ 0FCaysville, Mercier Orchards and Ingles in Blue Ridge, and Book Nook in Blairsville. Review all of his books by going to www. and reading an excerpt from each one of his books. You may order online also. His latest book “Murder in the Okefenokee” is now available in e-format. Commission Chairman Bill Simonds )D[ Mayor Donna Whitener )D[
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