S U P P L E M E N TA L R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M Ecological Society of America (ESA) 100th Annual Meeting & Exposition Baltimore Convention Center • Baltimore, Maryland • August 9–14, 2015 Please read all of the instructions below carefully BEFORE completing this form. Your completed form may be faxed to ESA Headquarters at (202) 833-8775, scanned and sent as an email message attachment to [email protected], or mailed to 1990 M Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036 USA. Full payment for fees due MUST accompany your Supplemental Registration Form. All fees are quoted in US Dollars. Payment may be made by business check, personal check, travelers’ check, money order, or credit card. (Credit card payments will not be processed unless the expiration date is provided.) Payments must be made in US Dollars and checks must be payable to the Ecological Society of America. ESA accepts credit card payments by MasterCard or VISA ONLY. ESA does NOT accept American Express, Discover, or Diners Club. ESA also does NOT accept purchase orders. The ESA Federal ID number is 37-0913411. All sections of the Supplemental Registration Form marked with an asterisk (*) MUST be filled out completely. Complete Section B and pay the $45.00 Guest Fee to register an adult (i.e., person age 18 or older) who will accompany you as a guest at the ESA 100th Annual Meeting. This will provide him/her with LIMITED access to meeting programs and amenities. For details, visit www.esa.org/baltimore/registration/registration-fees. If an adult will accompany you at the meeting and he/she wishes to attend the full scientific program, he/ she MUST complete a separate Meeting Registration Form and pay applicable fees to register independently. You may register each child or youth (infant through 17 years of age) who will accompany you at the meeting at no charge. (See Section C.) Registered children and youths are entitled to the same LIMITED access to meeting programs and amenities as registered adult guests. ESA reserves the right to cancel any activity for which the minimum enrollment is not reached and will post updates on filled or canceled activities on the Annual Meeting page of the ESA website as Annual Meeting Alerts. (See www.esa.org/baltimore.) Because cancellation decisions will be made in mid-June, we urge you to register for optional Field Trips and/or Workshops (see Sections E and F) no later than Thursday, June 18, 2015. You are responsible for reading and adhering to the provisos outlined in information posted about these activities on the ESA website. Also, because many Field Trips and Workshops occur concurrently – either on the same days or during overlapping time slots – please be sure not to register for more than one activity during any given time slot. To register as a member of the media (with press credentials) or a pre-approved VIP guest, please provide your contact information either via email to Liza Lester, ESA Communications Officer ([email protected]), or Tricia Crocker, ESA Registrar ([email protected]), respectively, or by telephone at 202-833-8773. Members of the media, exhibitors, and/or VIP guests who wish to request Field Trip, Workshop, Ticketed Event or Guest Registration should complete and return this Supplemental Registration Form. *Section A. Contact Information * = Required Information (You MUST complete this Section.) *Last Name (Family Name): *First Name (Forename):Middle Initial: *Mailing Address for Meeting Information: *City, State/Province:*Zip/Postal Code: *Country: *Daytime Phone #:Fax #: Email Address: Affiliation: Please provide the name and phone number of an emergency contact. Section B. Adult Guest Registration To request Adult Guest Registration, indicate the name of each adult guest age 18 or older accompanying you at the ESA 100th Annual Meeting. Registered adult guests may participate in Field Trips and/or Ticketed Events with payment of the $45 Guest Fee and any applicable activity fee(s). NameAssess Guest Fee $45 ❑ $45 ❑ Page 1 Section C. Child/Youth Guest Registration CODEDESCRIPTION To request Child/Youth Guest Registration, please indicate the name of each child or youth (infant through 17 years of age) accompanying you at the ESA 100th Annual Meeting. Registered children and youths may participate in Field Trips and/or Ticketed Events – except where otherwise noted – with payment of the applicable activity fee(s). No $45 Guest Fee payment is required. FT-9 NameAge Section D. Special Requests If you prefer vegetarian meals, please check here. ❑ If you require asssistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please check here. ❑ Please provide a brief description of special services or accommodations you require. FEE PER NO. OF TOTAL PERSON PARTICIPANTS COST Urban Bioblitz Along Sites of Baltimore's Upper Middle Branch and Watershed 263 Departs Sunday, August 9, at 9 am; Returns at 3 pm $57 X _____ = $ _______ FT-10 Green Infrastructure in a Revitalizing Dense Urban Neighborhood Departs Sunday, August 9, at 9:45 am; Returns at 2 pm $25 X _____ = $ _______ FT-11 Long-term Ecological Research Sites in Baltimore Departs Sunday, August 9, at 10:15 am; Returns at 3 pm $65 X _____ = $ _______ FT-12 Baltimore Harbor Boat Trip: Exploring an Urban Aquatic Ecosystem Departs Tuesday, August 11, at 1 pm; Returns at 6 pm $50 X _____ = $ _______ FT-13 Battlefield Ecology Departs Wednesday, August 12, at 7 am; Returns at 1 pm $62 X _____ = $ _______ FT-14 A Hike Along the Gwynns Falls Trail Departs Wednesday, August 12, at 10 am; Returns at 2 pm $45 X _____ = $ _______ FT-15 Field Sampling Methods for the National Vegetation Classification Departs on Wednesday, August 12, at 12 pm; Returns at 5 p $65 X _____ = $ _______ FT-16 Greenbelt, Maryland: An Ecological Perspective on a New Town Departs Thursday, August 13, at 9:30 am; Returns at 6 pm $42 X _____ = $ _______ $63 X _____ = $ _______ FT-17 Ecologists Go to Washington: Exploring the Frontier of Ecology and Public Policy Departs Friday, August 14, at 7:30 am; Returns at 9:30 pm Section F. Workshops Section E. Field Trips PLEASE NOTE: All trips are full- or half-day unless otherwise notes. All depart from and return to the Baltimore Convention Center. All fees are quoted in US Dollars. FEE PER NO. OF TOTAL CODEDESCRIPTION PERSON PARTICIPANTS COST PLEASE NOTE: All fees are quoted in US Dollars. Several workshops (i.e., WK-1, WK-2, WK-26, WK-35, WK-37, and WK-49) are offered at no charge, but advance registration is required. Others (i.e., WK-30 through WK-34, WK-39 through WK-48, and WK-50 through WK-54) also are offered at no charge, but no advance registration is required. The latter are not listed below. FEE PER NO. OF TOTAL CODEDESCRIPTION PERSON PARTICIPANTS COST FT-1 A NEON Site Tour: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Departs Saturday, August 8, at 7:30 am; Returns at 3:30 pm WK-1 Embedding Authentic Ecology Research in Introductory Lab Courses Saturday, August 8, 8 am to 5 pm NA X _____ NA FT-2 Biodiversity and History Along the Potomac River - George Washington’s Plantation and Four Parks including Great Falls on the Potomac of the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Virginia Departs Saturday, August 8, at 8 am; Returns at 7 pm $74 WK-2 Life Under the City: Assessment of Urban Soils Saturday, August 8, 8 am to 11:30 am NA X _____ NA X _____ = $ _______ FT-3 Canoe Trip: Natural and Cultural History of the Potomac River Departs Saturday, August 8, at 8 am; Returns at 5 pm $125 X _____ = $ _______ WK-3 Connecting Students to Ecology through Culture: An Ethnobiological Approach Saturday, August 8, 8 am to 11:30 am $25 X _____ = $ _______ FT-4 Ecological Science and Grassroots Planning: Defining Research Departs Saturday, August 8, at 9 am; Returns at 3:30 pm $45 X _____ = $ _______ WK-4 Introduction to R for Ecologists Saturday, August 8, 8 am to 11:30 am $25 X _____ = $ _______ FT-5 From Land to Water: Grassland Restoration and Ecology of the Chester River Departs Sunday, August 9, at 7 am; Returns at 3:30 pm WK-5 Individual Stochasticity: How to Model, Measure, and Interpret It Saturday, August 8, 8 am to 11:30 am $83 X _____ = $ _______ FT-6 Vegetation, Flora, and Ecology of the Potomac Gorge Departs Sunday, August 9, at 7:30 am; Returns at 5 pm $52 X _____ = $ _______ FT-7 Soldiers Delight Natural Environment Area Departs Sunday, August 9, at 8 am; Returns at 1 pm FT-8 Ecology and Tribal Cultures of North America - A Trip to the National Museums! Departs Sunday, August 9, at 8:30 am; Returns at 5 pm $65 $25 $35 X _____ = $ _______ $25 X _____ = WK-6 Educating the Interdisciplinary Ecologist: Creating Educational Ecosystems to Help PhD Students Succeed, Get Hired, and Push Boundaries Saturday, August 8, 8 am to 11:30 am $25 X _____ = $ _______ X _____ = $ _______ WK-7 Introduction to Community Data Analysis Using the Vegan Package in R Saturday, August 8, 12 pm to 5 pm $25 X _____ = $ _______ X _____ = $ _______ WK-8 COMPADRE: The Era of Comparative Plant Demography Saturday, August 8, 12 pm to 5 pm $25 X _____ = $ _______ Page 2 $ _______ CODEDESCRIPTION WK-9 Engaging K-12 Educators in Teaching and Learning about Urban Ecosystems Saturday, August 8, 12 pm to 5 pm WK-10 Sampling for Species Using Environmental DNA (eDNA): Applications, Methods, and Analysis Saturday, August 8, 12 pm to 5 pm WK-11 FEE PER NO. OF TOTAL PERSON PARTICIPANTS COST $25 $30 X _____ = $ _______ X _____ = $ _______ CODEDESCRIPTION FEE PER NO. OF TOTAL PERSON PARTICIPANTS COST WK-29 Communicating Science Vividly Sunday, August 9, 12 pm to 5 pm $25 WK-35 Career Hour: Networking Night! Become a Networking Rock Star Monday, August 10, 8 pm to 10 pm NA X _____ NA WK-36 Breaking the Ice with STEAM: Synthesis Innovation, and Improved Scientific Outreach through Artistic Collaboration Monday, August 10, 8 pm to 10 pm NA - - X _____ NA X _____ = $ _______ Saturday Night Special! Get the Job: Early-Career Professional Development in Networking, Accessing Hidden (and Creating Your Own) Career Opportunities, Managing Your Research Reputation, and Partnering with Mentors Saturday, August 8, 5 pm to 9 pm $10 X _____ = $ _______ WK-12 Increasing Openness in Science Research: Lessons and Best Practices Sunday, August 9, 8 am to 11:30 am $25 WK-38 Dismissing Science: Causes, Effects, Risks, and Responses W I T H D R A W N Tuesday, August 11, 11:30 am to 1:15 pm NA X _____ NA X _____ = $ _______ WK-13 A Hands-On Primer for Working with Big Data in R Sunday, August 9, 8 am to 5 pm WK-49 Developing Ecology Research Modules for Introductory Lab Courses Thursday, August 13, 11:30 am to 1:15 pm NA $30 X _____ = $ _______ WK-14 Advanced Community Data Analysis Using the vegan Package in R Sunday, August 9, 8 am to 11:30 am $25 X _____ = $ _______ WK-37 Opportunities and Strategies for Securing Ecology-student Funding Monday, August 10, 8 pm to 10 pm NA WK-15 Connecting with Community Groups: Clear and Compelling Public Communication Sunday, August 9, 8 am to 11:30 am $25 X _____ = $ _______ WK-16 Simple App Creation for Ecologists using MIT App Inventor Sunday, August 9, 8 am to 5 pm $25 X _____ = $ _______ WK-17 Structural Equation Modeling: An Introduction Sunday, August 9, 8 am to 5 pm $25 X _____ = $ _______ PLEASE NOTE: All fees are quoted in US Dollars. CODEDESCRIPTION Student Mixer Fee includes refreshments and one free beverage. Tuesday August 11, 6:30 pm - 8 pm $10 X _____ = $ _______ TK-2 Student Mentor/Mentee Breakfast Fee includes bagels and coffee. Tuesday, August 11, 7 am - 8 am $5 X _____ = $ _______ NEON, Inc., Membership Breakfast Fee includes buffet breakfast. Tuesday, August 11, 7:30 am - 9 am $10 X _____ = $ _______ Sunrise 5K Fun Run and Walk in Baltimore Fee includes water and commemorative token. Wednesday, August 12, 5:30 am - 7 am $15 X _____ = $ _______ TK-5 Diversity Luncheon Fee includes lunch. Thursday, August 13, 11:30 am - 1:15 pm CHICKEN $26 X _____ = $ _______ $26 X _____ = $ _______ $20 X _____ = $ _______ $15 X _____ = $ _______ $25 X _____ = $ _______ WK-19 Time Saving Tools and Services for Ecological Applications Utilizing MODIM Products Sunday, August 9, 8 am to 11:30 am $25 X _____ = $ _______ WK-20 Hands-On Tutorial in Empirical Dynamic Modeling and Convergent Cross-Mapping Sunday, August 9, 8 am to 11:30 am TK-4 $25 X _____ = $ _______ WK-21 Exploring Diverse Career Pathways in Ecology Sunday, August 9, 8 am to 5 pm $25 X _____ = $ _______ X _____ = $ _______ WK-23 7th Annual Resources for Ecology Education: Fair and Share Sunday, August 9, 12 pm to 5 pm $30 X _____ = $ _______ WK-24 Tips & Tools for Entrepreneurial Ecologist Sunday, August 9, 12 pm to 5 pm $25 X _____ = $ _______ WK-25 Ecological Network Analysis Sunday, August 9, 12 pm to 5 pm $25 X _____ = $ _______ WK-26 Population and Ecological Data Tools and Services Sunday, August 9, 12 pm to 5 pm NA X _____ FEE PER NO. OF TOTAL PERSON PARTICIPANTS COST TK-1 TK-3 $25 NA Section G: Ticketed Events WK-18 Learning Across Natural and Social Sciences: Using a Social and Ecological Framework Sunday, August 9, 8 am to 11:30 am WK-22 Operationalisation of Ecological Public Health: Integrating Ecosystem Services into Health Impact Assessment Sunday, August 9, 8 am to 11:30 am X _____ TK-6 VEGETARIAN ESA 100 Year Birthday Bash Fee includes souvenir beer mug, beer tastes, food truck samples, and live entertainment. Thursday, August 14, 7 pm - 9 pm Non-Student admission Student admission Section I: Real/Brown Student Travel Fund Contribution NA WK-27 Demography in a Continuous World: New Advances in Integral Projection Models (IPMs) Sunday, August 9, 12 pm to 5 pm $25 X _____ = $ _______ We invite you to make a voluntary contribution to the ESA Real/Brown Student Travel Fund, which provides travel grants for students to attend the ESA Annual Meeting. You may select an amount in increments of $10 from $10 to $100. (All amounts are quoted in US Dollars.) Thank you. WK-28 Data Visualization Using R and ggplot Sunday, August 9, 12 pm to 5 pm $25 X _____ = $ _______ ❑ $10 Page 3 ❑ $20 ❑ $30 ❑ $40 ❑ $50 ❑ $60 ❑ $70 ❑ $80 ❑ $90 ❑ $100 Section J: Payment Information (You MUST complete this Section.) * = Required Information PLEASE NOTE: Credit card payments CANNOT be processed unless the card expiration date is provided. A $25 Processing Fee will be assessed for returned checks OR invalid credit cards. Requests for refunds must be received in writing (mail, fax, email) no later than July 1, 2015. All refunds will be issued AFTER the meeting by October 1, 2015, and are assessed a $25 Processing Fee. ● ● ● ● CHARGES Section B: Registration Fees Subtotal $____________ Section C: Adult Guest Registration Fees Subtotal $____________ Section F: Field Trip Fees Subtotal $____________ Section G: Workshop Fees Subtotal $____________ Section H: Ticketed Event Fees Subtotal $____________ Section I: Real/Brown Student Travel Fund Contribution Subtotal $____________ TOTAL PAYMENT AMOUNT $____________ ❑ Check for fees enclosed (Check number ______________) OR *Card Type: ❑ MasterCard or ❑ VISA *Name as it appears on Card: *Card Number:*Expiration Date: Check here to authorize ESA to use the above for charges related to the ESA 100th Annual Meeting. ❑ Once received, your Meeting Registration Form and payment will be processed by ESA. This can take 10 to 14 business days. Once processing is completed, a Confirmation Notice will be sent to you. If you do not receive a Confirmation Notice within 30 days, please contact Tricia Crocker at ESA (by phone at 202-833-8773 or by email at [email protected]). We appreciate your patience. Page 4
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