Marseille 2015, April 7 th – 10th , 2015 Program of the 29th PATT

Marseille 2015, April 7th – 10th, 2015
Program of the 29th PATT Conference
« Plurality and complementarity of approaches in Design & Technology Education»
Mardi 7 avril 2015
Welcome of the participants
PATT29 the opening statement :
Pr. Jacques Ginestié, directeur de l’ESPE et directeur d’ADEF,
Pr. Marc De Vies, directeur de PATT association,
Pr. Yvon Berland, Président de l’université d’Aix Marseille,
Pr. Bernard Beignier, Recteur de l’académie d’Aix Marseille
Chairman :
- Affinity for Technology - A Potential Instrument to Measure Pupils’ Attitude Towards Technology? - Karin Güdel, University of
Applied Sciences, Basel, Switzerland & Anni Heitzmann, University of Applied Sciences, Bern, Switzerland ; Mueller Andreas, University
of Geneva, Switzerland.
- How do male and female secondary students’ attitudes towards technology evolve? - Jan Ardies, Sven De Maeyer, David
Gijbels, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
- Opportunities to Grow and Sustain Technology and Engineering education in the U.S. - Edward M. Reeve, Utah State University,
Logan, USA.
-The Girls who succeed within higher technical education – why do they choose and who are they? Four profiles emerge
through the use of cluster analysis - Susanne Engstrom, Uppsala university, Sweden.
Chairman :
- STEM – Calculate & Controls Robots: Hands-On Mathematics and technology - Yair Zadoc, College for Academic Studies Or
Yehuda, Israel.
- Assessment of Technology in Early Childhood and Lower Primary School using Dimensions of Learning - Wendy Fox-Turnbull University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
- Reflective Writing for Design and Technology: shifting the focus from justification to critique - Belinda von Mengersen, National
School of Arts Australian Catholic University, Australia.
- The relationship between primary school technology & engineering camp participation and the likelihood of pursuing future
education in technology & engineering related subject – Len Litowitz, Millersville University of Pennsylvania, USA.
- Pupil visions of a robot future – David Barlex, Education Consultant, London, England
Coffee break
Chairman :
- Four Teacher Profiles within Technology Teaching –
Susanne Engstrom & Johnny Hager ; Uppsala University,
- Visions for technology education in Malta, brief history and
current issues - Carmel Navarro & Sarah Pule, University of
Malta, Malte.
- Facts for youngsters - contextualised technology or
fragmented artefacts? A study on portrayals of technology in
picture books from a gender perspective - Cecilia Axell ,
Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden ; & Johan Boström,
Linnaeus University, Sweden
Chairman :
- Manahi’s Red Chocolate Sunglasses: The Impact of a Learning
Experience Outside the Classroom on a Five-year-old Student’s
Technological Practice - Louise Milne, University of Waikato, New
- The Purpose of Technology Education in Preschool - Swedish
Preschool Staff’s Descriptions - Pernilla Sundqvist, Tor Nilsson &
Peter Gustafsson, - Malardalen University, Sweden.
- Mapping young pupil’s attitudes and capabilities in Design
and Technology - Tony Lawler, Goldsmiths London University ; Kim
Olliff-Cooper, King Alfred School London, UK
- Focusing on a specific learning content in primary technology
- Pupil’s perceptions of design and technology education in education - Eva Björkholm & Nina Kilbrink, KTH Royal Institute of
England and Wales: Emergent findings - David Wooff ; Edge Technology, Sweden.
Hill University, UK ; Dawne Bell, Edge Hill University, UK ; Matt
McLean & Mike Martin,, Liverpool John Moore’s University, UK.
Mercredi 8 Avril 2015
8h30 -10h30
Chairman :
- Education for Sustainable Development within Textile
Technology: A Case Study of Two Schools - Sarah Davies,
Nottingham Trent University, England ; Yvette Hail , Colonel Frank
Seely School, Nottingham.
- First Practical Step to Achieve Education for Sustainable
Development (ESD) in the Context of Thailand's Design
Education: Exploring a Transformative Pedagogical Approach
- Treechada Chotiratanapinun, University of London, England.
- Technology education in the new curriculum of the republic
of Burundi: changes and constraints - Joël Lebeaume,
Université Paris Descartes, France.
- Industrial technology & engineering sciences in France – The
diciplinarisation process and its impact on technology
education - Christian Hamon, Joël Lebeaume, Université Paris
Descartes, France.
10h30- 10h45
Chairman :
- Technological experiments in technology education - Per
Norström, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
- Where do design insights come from and how can they be
nurtured in the technology classroom? - Nigel B Goodwin,
Faculty of Education & Social Work, University of Sydney.
- Teaching and learning system thinking in technology Maria Svensson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden ; Ake
Ingerman, University of Gothenburg, Sweden & Anders Berglund,
Uppsala University, Sweden.
- Food technology education: preparation for life and work?
Marion Rutland, University of Roehampton, London, UK&
Gwyneth Owen-Jackson, Open University, London, UK.
Coffee break
Chairman :
- Cognitive load as a key element of instructional design and its implications for Initial Technology Teacher Education - Niall
Seery & Thomas Delahunty, University of Limerick, Ireland.
- Transfer of ‘knowing that, knowing how and knowing with’: the development of expertise - Lars Björklund, Linköping University,
Sweden; Nina Kilbrink, Karlstad University, Sweden.
- Cognitive Processes as Indicators for Student Aptitude in Engineering Design - Greg Strimel, West Virginia University, USA.
- Challenging Design Thinking in the Classroom - David Spendlove, University of Manchester, UK.
Chairman :
- Functional analysis and its tools: how teachers use them to study technical systems with 11-14 years old pupils in France Marjolaine Chatoney, Fabrice Gunther & Fatma Said, ESPE/Aix- Marseille University, France.
- Fair Play? Engineering Competitions in Science and Technology Education - Terry Wilkinson, York University, Faculty of
Education, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- It takes a Village: The value of partnership working in Design and Technology Teacher Education - Susan V McLaren,
University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Design and Technology education going ‘Slow’? The potential ‘Slow Knowledge’ for speeding up learning - Kay Stables,
Goldsmiths, University of London, UK.
16h30 – 18h30
Boat trip
Jeudi 9 avril 2015
Chairman :
- The Experiential Domain: Enhancing Traditional Practice in D&T Education - Adrian O`Connor, Niall Seery & Donal Canty ; University
of Limerick, Ireland.
- The digital pedagogy and the teachers of technology education – Pascale Brandt Pomares, ESPE/Aix- Marseille University, France.
- Designing an e-portfolio environment for assessment of a collaborative technology project – Richard Edward, University of Waikato.
- The ICT learning in Design & Technology curriculum – Eric Tortochot, ESPE/Aix- Marseille University , France.
Coffee break
Chairman :
- Design Teaching and Representation of the Designer Profession: How Students' Representations can Impact their Learning
Activity - Christophe Moineau, ADEF/Aix- Marseille University , France.
- Coding scheme comparisons: Methods used in examining student cognitive processes while engaged in engineering design
tasks- Michael E. Grubbs & John G. Wells ; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.
- New paradigm in design‐manufacturing 3D's chain for training. Case of design and manufacturing in a « Fab Lab for education» Stéphane Brunel & Philippe Girard, Université de Bordeaux, ESPE Aquitaine, France.
- “More sausage and less sizzle” The effectiveness of product design experts mentoring pre-service technology teacher education
students - Nigel B Goodwin, University of Sydney, Australia.
Chairman :
- The RAIFFET, a network for support and development of TVET in teacher training institutions in Africa. Jacques Ginestié, ESPE/AixMarseille-Université, France.
- Importance of Key Engineering and Technology Concepts and Skills for all High School Students: Comparing Perceptions of
University Engineering Educators and High School Technology Teachers - Michael Hacker, Hofstra University, USA ; Moshe Barak, Ben
Gurion, University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.
- Developing Civil Technology teachers’ professional knowledge through communities of practice - Francois van As, University of
Johannesburg, South Africa.
The black box and beyond: introducing a conceptual model as a learning tool for developing knowledge about technological
systems - Jonas Hallström, Claes Klasander, Linköping University, Sweden, & Maria Svensson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Work plans in technology. A study of technology education practice in Sweden- Lena Gumaelius, Inga-Britt Skogh ; Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Coffee break
Chairman :
- A model for design activity in technological education - Patrice Laisney, Aix Marseille Université, France.
- A comparative analysis of patterns of girls’ attitudes towards D&T: The Case of Botswana and Swaziland- Michael Gaotlhobogw,;
University of Botswana, Gaborone.
- Kindergarten Student Teachers' Attitudes Towards and Perceptions of Technology: The Impact of a One Year Pre-Service Course Osnat Dagan ; Beit Berl College, Kfar Saba, Israel.
- Gender and Age Analyses of PhD Students’ Perceptions Toward the Technology Education Profession- Gene Martin, Texas State
University, San Marcos, USA ; John Ritz, Old Dominion University, Virginia, USA.
- Swedish Students’ view on Technology: Results from a pilot study using an adaptation of the PATT-SQ questionnaire- Johan
Svenningsson, Magnus Hultén, Jonas Hallström ; Linköping University, Sweden.
Soirée de gala
Vendredi 10 avril 2015
Chairman :
- How is time experienced during work-based training? Perspectives of trainee engineers and their tutors - Abdelkarim Zaid, Univ
Lille Nord de France, France & Joël Lebeaume, Université Paris Descartes, France.
- The implications of the philosophy of technology for the academic majors of technology student teachers - Piet Ankiewicz,
University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Enhancing sustainable development in technology education - Sonja Virtanen & Mikko Vario ; University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
- How secure are Design and Technology trainee teachers in their understanding of designing, as portrayed in the latest
National Curriculum documentation? - Stephanie Atkinson, University of Sunderland, England.
Coffee break
Chairman :
- Swedish Teachers’ Views of Assessing Technological Systems in Compulsory School - Patrick Schooner, Claes Klasander &
Jonas Hallström, Linköping University, Sweden.
- Assessing design & technology skills in primary education - Hanno van Keulen, Windesheim Flevoland University of Applied
Science, the Netherlands.
- Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of technology and technology education – Mike Forret, Richard Edwards, University of Waikato,
New Zealand & Bruce Granshaw, Victoria University, New Zealand.
- What do others think the point of design and technology education is? - Alison Hardy & Kaylie Gyekye, Claire Wainwright,
Nottingham Trent University, England.
Chairman :
- Teacher perspectives on pedagogical modelling and explaining in Design and Technology: a Q Methodology Study - Matt
McLain, Liverpool John Moores University; David Barlex, Educational Consultant; Dawne Bell Edge Hill University & Alison Hardy,
Nottingham Trent University, England.
- An explorative study of the Swedish Technology subject from the teacher’s perspective - Charlotta Nordlöf, Gunnar Höst, Claes
Klasander, Jonas Hallström, ; Linköping University, Sweden.
- PATT in TE - Lázaro Moreno Herrera, Stockholm University, Sweden.
- TE in Finland - Eila Lindfors, University of Turku, Finland.
- Creating links between the design and technology curriculum and global perspectives – an investigation of trainee teachers’
perceptions - Carolyn Nozedar, Angela Sandwith, Faculty of Education and Society, England.
Issues and perspectives of the conference – Marc De Vries & Jacques Ginestié
Closing conference – Marjolaine Chatoney
French wine & cheese party