On-the-Job Training Program (OJT)
FAQ’s about On-the-Job Training:
What is On-the-Job Training?
The On-the-Job Training
(OJT) program is a financial incentive to assist
businesses in this tough
economy. The program
helps create opportunities
for the unemployed and
disadvantage citizens in New Jersey.
The OJT program is a Federally funded
program in which the employers receive
wage reimbursement for the cost associated
with training new employees, which can help
need additional staff trained with specialized
General Requirements
OJT funded trainees cannot replace
employees laid off within six (6) months prior to the date of your application.
OJT trainees must at least be paid the
applicable state or federal minimum wage,
$8.50 an hour, or whichever is higher or
appropriate in similar position.
Positions must be full-time and lead to
permanent employment.
standardized OJT contract with your company. That
contract will contain all of the terms of agreement for
both Essex County and your company. Then, we will
start to identify and screen candidates for positions
with your company.
How long will the process take to get the OJT
No longer than the normal hiring process. An individual
can be hired as soon as the effective date of the
Reimbursement Determination
Percentage of Wages
based on the number of Employees
90% wage reimbursement ~ 50 or fewer employees
75% wage reimbursement ~ 51 to 200 employees
50% wage reimbursement ~ 250+ employees
negotiated contract award letter.
Who selects the OJT trainees/employees?
BOTH, your company can select candidates and Essex
County can refer clients to your company. ALL
compensate for the cost associated with
enhanced training and loss of production.
OJT training can assist employers who are
looking to expand their businesses and who
How do we get the process started?
Contact the OJT Coordinator to discuss and process a
candidates MUST meet the approved OJT’s assessment
Can companies re-hire previously released (laidoff) employees?
YES, your company can re-hire former employees but
it must be for a different position for which they will
need training and they meet the OJT’s assessment
What if an employer has already selected a
candidate for On-the-Job Training?
If an employer has already selected a candidate and the
individual is approved by OJT staff as eligible the OJT
Coordinator can start the process for OJT with the
selected candidate.
How many On-the-Job Training
Contracts can an Employer Receive?
20% of the Total Workforce
minus OJT Trainees
Example: 100 employees, no OJT contracts exist but up to
20 contracts can be awarded to your company.
Employer Financial
Employers could receive both an OJT and WOTC
tax credit. WOTC are available to employers
who hire qualified residents. The employer can
claim up to a maximum yearly tax credit of
$4,200. The WOTC becomes effective after
the OJT is completed.