SYLLABUS MUS 207: Electronic Music Composition MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE WINTER 2015 Instructor: Office: Email: Telephone: Website: Mailbox: Office Hours: Dr. Bill Withem MMB 1030 [email protected] (810) 232-3505 Fine Arts & Social Sciences Division Office - MMB 2005 By appointment; call or email to schedule. Course Information Meeting Times: Friday 9-11:55am Room: MMB 1015 Lab Prerequisites: MUS 102, MUS 105 Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Text: None Materials: - Paper and pencil - OPTIONAL - USB Flash Drive or external hard drive Course Description A course designed for students to create music utilizing MIDI software. Available to students who have fundamental music theory and MIDI sequencing skills. Students will be introduced to the fundamental concepts of music composition: rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, timbre, register, dynamics, tempo, and form. Course Objectives 1. Demonstrate, through completed projects, familiarity with music concepts. 2. Demonstrate proficiency with music sequencing software and audio equipment. 3. Create pieces of music using software instruments, effects, and editing tools. 4. Identify and utilize stylistic differences of multiple genres of music. 5. Create songs with original lyrics. 6. Incorporate sampling or live audio into original music. 7. Demonstrate proficiency with organizing live musical event and building audience. 8. Incorporate sampling or live audio into original music. 9. Export original music in multiple formats: CD, mp3, or web-based. POLICIES Cultural Values Statement - Mott Community College faculty, staff and students are dedicated to creating a positive learning environment through appropriate appearance, responsible behavior, and respectful communication. Attendance - At the beginning of each class, attendance will be taken. If a student is late they will be counted absent, which will reduce their Participation Points and may also affect financial aid. If a student has 2 or more absences, excused or unexcused, within the first three weeks of the semester, it is recommended that they withdraw from the course. Also, if 4 or more absences accumulate during the semester, it is recommended that the student withdraw from the course. In compliance with Federal Legislation, an attendance record will be kept. “Guidelines require the college to keep attendance records in order for students to maintain their Title IV fund eligibility. Excessive absences may affect that eligibility.” Tardiness Policy - Promptness to class is expected. If a student arrives late, they will be counted absent, and their Participation Points will be reduced. Each new lecture is given once, and it occurs at the beginning of the class period. Frequent tardiness will result in the student missing lectures and losing several Participation Points, both of which will result in a lower overall grade. Professor Absences - In compliance with college policy, every effort will be made to provide an appropriate substitute to teach the class whenever the professor is absent, or to provide as much notice to students as possible if class is to be canceled. Emergency Closings - The college will be closed at the direction of the President when adverse weather or other conditions make it necessary. For closing information, call (810)232-8989. DisAbility Services - Mott Community College is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities and adheres to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) and the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended (2008) to provide effective auxiliary aids and services for qualified students with documented disabilities. Requests for accommodations by students with disabilities may be made by contacting DisAbility Services at 810-232-9181 or on the web at Once your eligibility for an accommodation has been determined, you will be issued an Instructor Notification Letter. Please present Instructor Notification Letters to instructors at the start of the semester and/or two weeks prior to the accommodation date (test, project, etc). Requests received after this date will be honored whenever possible. Withdrawal - Students withdrawing from courses need to complete a Withdrawal Form at the Admissions and Records Office located in the lower level of the Prahl College Center. Professors cannot withdraw a student from a class. Deadlines for withdrawal are: January 16: Last Day to Drop Full Refund; Web Advisor Registration Closes; Registration Advisement Closes January 21: Last Day to Drop Half Refund January 22: Date of Record March 27: Mid-Term Grades Due; Last Day to Change to Audit Status April 24: Last Day to Drop with "W" May 1: Last day of class Financial Aid - If you receive any type of financial aid assistance and are considering dropping this or any/all other classes, you must officially withdraw from class(es) through the Admissions and Records Office. Failure to do so may jeopardize your financial aid eligibility. If you have question, contact the Financial Aid Office; phone number (810)762-0114, Room 11 on the lower level of the Prahl College Center. Incomplete - A student must initiate a request for an "I" (Incomplete Grade) from an instructor. The "I" will be given at the sole discretion of the instructor. Typically an "I" will be given only when the student: • Has completed at least 75% of the class (excluding the final exam) but is unable to complete the class work because of extraordinary, unusual or unforeseen circumstances or other compelling reasons, • Has done passing work in the course and, • In the instructor's judgment, can complete the required work without repeating the course. CLASSROOM Cell Phone Policy - Cell phones are to be turned off and out of sight during the class period. If there is an extenuating circumstance that necessitates taking a call such as a family emergency, then you must notify the instructor before class. Otherwise, all cell phones will be silent and hidden during class time. Computer/Laptop Policy - Notebook or laptop computers may be used in class for taking notes ONLY. If they are discovered to be used for email or internet browsing, then they will be put up immediately. Tape Recording Policy - Tape recording lectures is acceptable in class. Plagiarism Policy - Plagiarism is unacceptable and may result in expulsion from Mott Community College (in compliance with the Student Code of Conduct). All coursework must be the student’s original work. Food and Drink - There is to be NO food or drink in visible sight in the computer lab at any time. ASSIGNMENTS / QUIZZES / EXAMS Assignments and Projects - All Garage Band assignments are to be completed and turned in by the conclusion of week eight. Logic assignments are to be completed and turned in by the final week. All assignments will be uploaded to your class share folder. Assignments not received by those due dates will be recorded with a grade of “0.” Both projects will be due on an announced date. They will be due COMPLETED; if not complete they will be counted as a grade of “0.” Concert Project - The class will participate in a concert on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 7pm. Attendance is mandatory. The event will last approximately one hour. The music presented will be selected from various completed music assignments throughout the semester. The class will build the audience by promoting the event in various ways: creating marketing materials, online advertising, and raising community awareness. Exams - There will be one Mid-Term Exam and one Final Exam given during the semester. Make-up Exams/Quizzes - There are NO make-up exams or quizzes, they will only be taken on the assigned day. If there is an extenuating circumstance it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor. Extra Credit - There is NO extra credit available in this course. PARTICIPATION / GRADING Participation - In-class participation will be recorded as points that are factored into the final grade. Points will be given for students who 1) attend class regularly and for the full time amount, 2) put forth solid effort to complete each assignment, and 3) contribute to a positive learning environment. If a student does not participate they will not receive any points for that day, which will result in a lower grade. Grading - All assignments, projects, exams, and participation will be used to determine the final grade in this course. The grading system will be based on the following: 40% - Assignments 20% - 2 Exams 20% - Concert Project 10% - 4 Quizzes 10% - Participation Grading System: 93 - 100% 87 - 92% 82 - 86% 77 - 81% 71 - 76% 66 - 70% 60 - 65% 0 - 59% 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0 Tips for Success: - Attend every class. - Keep your cell phone turned OFF during class. - Get to know your classmates; become study partners. - If a class is missed, contact a classmate to find out what was covered or announced. - Be respectful and professional to your instructor and classmates at all times. - If there are any problems or concerns regarding the class, communicate with the instructor. Do not wait until it is too late. SCHEDULE Week 1 - January 12 - 16 Syllabus and introduction; Class overview; What are the elements of musical composition?; Vocabulary; Melody; Assignment 1 - Create original melody; Introduce harmony Week 2 - Jan. 19 - 23 Assignment 2; read about minor keys; work in pairs; create minor chord progression; read about melody for quiz Week 3 - Jan. 26 - 30 Quiz 1 on Melody reading; melody discussion; extended harmonies; Assignment 3 (adding melody to Assignment 1); collaborative melody with 2-3 others; read about rhythms for homework Week 4 - February 2 - 6 Rhythm discussion; rhythmic experiments (imitation, dictation/re-recreate); Assignment 4 (create your own rhythm); Read about circle of fifths, modulating for homework Week 5 - Feb. 9 - 13 Chord inversions; chord experiments (‘name the progression’); circle of fifths; modulating keys; Assignment 5 Week 6 - Feb. 16 - 20 Quiz 2; Blues progression; exotic scales and modes; Song form; Assignment 6 Week 7 - Feb. 23 - 27 Song writing; lyrics; Assignment 7 Week 8 - March 2 - 6 Mid-term Exam; work session Mar. 9 - 13 (Spring Break) Week 9 - Mar. 16 - 20 Begin planning Concert Project; Field trip to graphic arts class (tentative); Assignment 8 (self proposed creative project) Week 10 - Mar. 23 - 27 Quiz 3; Assignment 9 Week 11 - Mar. 30 - April 3 Assignment 10 Week 12 - Apr. 6 - 10 Assignment 11 Week 13 - Apr. 13 - 17 Quiz 4; Assignment 12; Preparations for Concert Project Week 14 - Apr. 20 - 24 Wednesday 7pm: Concert Project (mandatory attendance); Friday: Reflection on Concert Project Week 15 - Apr. 27 - May 1 Final Exam MUSIC LAB USER AGREEMENT Between Dr. Withem and __________________________________________________ student’s name neatly written in MUS 207 Electronic Music Composition MUS 105 Introduction to Music Technology MUS 106 Advanced Music Technology MUS 108 Music Notation MUS 206 Scoring for Media MAET 270 Music Recording MAET 271 Music Post Production I understand that my ability to use the music technology computer lab is a privilege, which if abused, can be taken away. I agree to make the most effective use of my time in the computer lab, therefore I: - Will stay on task with music software by avoiding the following: - internet browsing, instant messaging, Facebook, Twitter, and email - Will stay on task with classwork by avoiding: - watching movies, working on other classwork - Will not invite people into the lab who are not enrolled in a music technology course - Will put my cell phone up and out of use - Will keep food and drink away from computer stations I understand that failure to follow these guidelines will result in a reduction in my participation points. Name: Date: ____________________________________ student’s signature ______________________
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