President’s Message Spring 2015 Preventing and Dealing With Allegations Allegations and related investigations can be extremely stressful and isolating. We are here to support and assist you through the process. Counselling and additional support are also available through the Employee Assistance Plan (EAP). Even allegations that appear to you to be frivolous or entirely false can result in F&CS and/or criminal investigations. Many can also result in discipline by the school board and complaints to the Ontario College of Teachers. At the first hint of any allegation against you that could potentially lead to a criminal or F&CS investigation, you should immediately contact the local and the provincial office of ETFO for advice and support. When an allegation is made, the board will assign you to home with pay pending the outcome of any investigation. The board will await the outcome of any F&CS or police investigation before conducting its own investigation. You should refrain from providing any comments on the situation and should instead direct any such enquiries to the school principal. If you are contacted by anyone as a potential witness to alleged misconduct, you should contact ETFO-Waterloo or ETFO provincial Professional Relations Services for advice. Teachers are compassionate and caring individuals who are in a position of trust. They are often the first person to whom a child will disclose abuse, or other deeply personal information. Here are some professional tips on how to avoid allegations of boundary violations: • Avoid sending e-mails to students and do not give out your personal e-mail address; • Keep parents or guardians informed by phone or written communication about any issues concerning their child; • If a disclosure raises an issue of abuse, report it to the CAS/CFS directly; • Any suggestions made to students about themselves or their work should be professional in nature; • Maintain professional communications and relationships with students and their families; • Participate only in board-approved activities off of the school property (e.g. school trips, tournaments, etc); • Know and ensure adherence to board policies, practices, and procedures related to physical contact regarding Special Needs students (e.g. restraint); • Except in an emergency, do not have a student alone in your vehicle; • Never have a student overnight to your home or cottage; • If you need to speak to students after class, keep it short and professional; • If you must detain a student after class, or speak to a student privately at any time, keep your door open; • Involve appropriate third parties with the student if issues of concern arise; • Be aware that your gestures or words Greg Weiler may be misinterpreted, give thought to your communications with students; • If a parent raises a concern about your communications or gestures involving their child, raise it immediately with your principal or another board administrator; • Call ETFO if you need help or have concerns about a situation involving a student. An ETFO member faced with an investigation into his or her conduct by either the OCT, the police, or the CAS/CFS should immediately call the local ETFO office and also Professional Relations Services at ETFO provincial at 1-888-838-3836 or 416- 962-3836. Members of ETFO are required to cooperate with these agencies, but are also entitled to seek advice before giving any statements. Investigators from these agencies take notes of any comments whatsoever made by teachers. Teachers are reminded that any comments or statements they make may be used against them later. 610 Wabanaki Drive • Kitchener, ON N2C 2K4 • Phone: 519.896.7172 • Fax: 519.896.7082 • Executive: President: Greg Weiler, Vice-Presidents: Nancy Hutcheson, Ali Lyon, Joanne Threndyle, Associate Vice-Presidents: Lynn Buckley, Kim Stenhouse, Executive members: Mike Beetham, Carolyn Boyne, Kim Johnstone, Matthew Hunter, Trish Morgan, Jeff Pelich, Kristie Stanzel, Susan Watt A MESSAGE FROM THE VICE-PRESIDENT Get Involved! As a member of ETFO-Waterloo there are many opportunities for you to get involved in a variety of activities. Your level of involvement can be as simple as attending one of our Celebration dinners, being involved as a Rep at your school, serving on one of our committees, or a host of other options. Spring brings a myriad of activities and opportunities to look at ways to become involved next year. Nominate a deserving colleague for an ETFO-Waterloo award. We have many awards, which are presented to our members at the June Celebration Dinner. Deadline for nominations is April 16th. You can get a form from your Fed Rep or on MemberHub. Come to a workshop! Keep your eye on MemberHub and the website for awesome workshop opportunities put on by members for members. Thursday, June 11th we will be honouring retirees and award winners. Stay tuned for ticket sales and details on a fun night at Bingemans. Come to a General Membership Meeting. These meeting are held 3 times a year and are open to all ETFO Waterloo members. Come and be a part of the local decision making for your Federation. Our next meeting is Tuesday May 26th at 4:45 at Bingemans. We will elective our released officers and Executive for next year. Join a committee! We have over 20 committees in Waterloo! Soon you will have an opportunity to join one for 2015-2016. Keep your eyes open for the committee involvement sheet. If you aren’t sure what one to join, look for one that interests you and sign up. Become a Fed Rep or alternate for your worksite. In June, each worksite will need to send us the name of a member or two to serve as reps at our monthly Rep Council meetings. If monthly feels like too much, you can split the job with others. Become a delegate to the AGM. Each August, members from across the province come together for 4 days in Toronto to conduct the Provincial business of the Federation. Consider putting your name forward to be a delegate or an alternate for this. It is an excellent opportunity to learn more about how the Federation works. Dress up and come out to a Celebration dinner. In November we honour 25 year members and New teachers. This year, on Visit our website or follow us on twitter @ETFOWaterloo or like us on Facebook ETFOWR. Joanne Threndyle Run for an executive position. At the Business meeting on May 26th, we will be electing released officers and Executive. There are 4 released positions and 10 nonreleased executive positions. Watch for the call for nominations coming out soon and consider throwing your hat into the ring! There has never been a more important time to get involved in the many activities that are ETFO Waterloo. Your voice makes a difference. We encourage all members to get involved because We are ETFOWaterloo. Through your involvement you help build a stronger union in the workplace and beyond! Re-Thinking White Privilege On Monday, March 30, 2015 the Equity and Social Justice Committee hosted an exciting new ETFO provincial workshop presented by co-writer Emily Hasting-Speck and Waterloo Region’s own Susan Watt. ETFO members and other community members were led through discussions about the often invisible advantages from which people of white skin benefit as part of society. Participants shared some of the ways privilege and disadvantage had affected their experiences. Participants left with valuable resources and plenty to think about. Most importantly, we left with new tools and language to continue the conversation and to make our learning spaces more truly pluralistic and inclusive. ETFO Helps Labour Celebrate International Women’s Day March 7, the 2nd Annual Waterloo Region International Women's Day Breakfast was held at the UNIFOR Hall in Kitchener. This event was organized and sponsored by ETFO and other unions to celebrate the work of women around the globe. International Women's Day recognizes the achievements of women and celebrates our contributions to Canada and the world. The day pays tribute to the efforts of women in politics, science, academia, media, the arts, sports and the home. International Women’s Day is also a time of spreading awareness that many women around the world continue the struggle to participate equally in their communities. Members of ETFO-WR’s Status of Women Committee and the ETFO-OT Status of Women Committee attended, along with about 320 other people. The lively event included guest speakers, lunch, raffle draws and door prizes and raised $5622 for women's shelters in Waterloo region. (Left) The Paulander Literacy Club - Laura Michael, Kelly Griggs, Tyler Yantzi and Devon Girt. (Top right) Anne Thaler of The Literacy Group, Waterloo Region. (Bottom right ) Deb McCarter - Stanley Park Community Centre. Teachers Give Back Not only are ETFO-Waterloo members very dedicated professionals, committed to excellence in teaching, many of us also volunteer in countless ways in our community. Some coach, some lead youth groups or choirs, read to children in hospital, assist seniors and… the list is endless. Thank you to ETFO’s 2015 IWD committee member Deb The Political Action - Public McCarter for all her work making Relations Committee has been this a successful event. recognizing this volunteer work and, where possible, making a donation of up to $50 to the organizations where teachers volunteer and raising the profile of teachers in our community. For more information on how to apply or how to nominate a colleague, please see the application form in the Files section of General Membership. Suddaby Learning Skills Night ETFO-Waterloo Region teachers teamed up with members of admin and school council at Suddaby Public School to host their first ever Learning Skills Information Night for parents and students after school on Wed., March 25th. Suddaby has a tradition of hosting an annual Family Math Night but this year decided to focus on learning skills. We all recognize that children do their best when schools and families work together, so parents and students were given the opportunity to participate in fun learning demonstrations to illustrate some of the learning skills. They also asked questions, and learned how these same skills can be practised and nurtured at home. We welcomed more than 120 families, and are working on plans to offer this fun and informative evening again in next year. A MESSAGE FROM THE VICE-PRESIDENT Staffing FAQ’s We will have an Enrolment Transfer. Are there situations where the least senior teacher is exempt form being the enrolment transfer? All teachers can be declared ETs except teachers on statutory maternity or parental leave and teachers off on Long Term Disability. During staffing the administration has to staff their school using their existing staff. Programming requirements, such as French can create a “trump situation” with an ET. If there is a need for a French teacher and the French teacher is the lowest in seniority, the French teacher will be skipped and a more senior teacher would then become the ET. A teacher just decided to VT at my school. Can the principal now offer the job to an existing staff member? Yes. The principal has the ability to place a teacher currently on staff into the assignment or post it. The decision is left to the principal. Can I be assigned to teach outside of my divisional qualifications? Such assignments can be made by mutual agreement. If a teacher desires to teach in a given division they should become qualified to ensure consideration. Teachers at senior schools, especially, should be mindful of this to avoid the additional possibility of becoming an enrolment transfer as a result of being unqualified in the intermediate division. How many jobs can I apply to? During the Voluntary Transfer and Enrollment Transfer posting, teachers may apply to up to 4 positions for which they are qualified and which are equivalent to their current contract FTE. During the first, Second and Third General postings there is no limit to the number of positions a teacher can apply to. Who must a principal interview? Principals are required to conduct interviews with the 3 applicants who have the greatest ETFO seniority. In the event that 5 or fewer applicants apply to a posting, all applicants will be interviewed. When can interviews take place? Interviews must take place outside of a teachers’ instructional day, as there is no release time allotted for interviews. Teachers are not to be interviewed on weekends, recognizing that Friday evening is not considered part of the weekend. Can a teacher participate in the interview? I’d like to be involved in deciding who my teaching partner will be. No. Teachers cannot be involved with the interview process of any ETFO member - this includes LTOs and DECEs. It is ETFO’s position that no Get ready, it’s coming and it’s big... ECU’s Mortgage & Win! Amazing prizes to be won! Competitive mortgage rates! Don’t miss out! Welcome home. Ali Lyon member participate in the assessment of or reporting on another member’s classroom practices. I need time to think before accepting a job. How much time can I ask for? Once a teacher has received an offer of a position the teacher has 24 hours to accept or decline the offer. After a teacher accepts an offer, the teacher may not accept another offer during that posting. I was successful in attaining a job through the VT process but my dream job is on the 1st General Posting. Can I apply to it? Yes. Participating in one posting does not prevent you from participating in others. Ali Lyon Vice President ETFO Waterloo AS A MEMBER YOU GET MORE. THEN YOU GET MORE. ETFO Waterloo members get extensive coverage, personalized service and bundled savings packages. Home+Auto Insurance 1-800-563-0677 (Group ID Code: W5) Johnson Inc. (“Johnson”) is a licensed insurance intermediary. Home and auto policies are primarily underwritten by Unifund Assurance Company (“Unifund”). Unifund and Johnson share common ownership. Eligibility requirements, limitations and exclusions may apply. (MVM.08.2014) HOME+AUTO INSURANCE Requests for Medical Information or Concerns Around Absences So you have been asked to provide medical information or discuss an absence… Your health and medical circumstances are your personal information. Your doctor is often aware of a range of personal situations or medical conditions you have, much of which has nothing to do with your work or your ability to teach. So when you are asked by your employer to provide medical information, stop to consider what is being asked and why. While you may be obliged to provide some information and you may choose to provide other information, do not inadvertently open the door to exposing more of your personal medical and other information than is necessary. What should I do if I am asked to provide medical information or discuss an absence? Contact the ETFO local with any concerns about any request for medical information or request to discuss an absence. We will be able to clarify whether the request raises concerns from a collective agreement or other perspective. We can assist you in thinking of how to approach your doctor and how to respond to the school board. What kind of information may reasonably be requested? Our collective agreement provides that, for absences of six (6) consecutive days, the teacher will provide medical documentation from a qualified health care practitioner, including: confirmation of an active treatment plan; indication of any referral to another medical practitioner; delineation of limitations; indication of the date of reassessment The collective agreement further stipulates that, where there is a concern over a pattern of absences, the Board may request a meeting with the teacher and the Union to discuss the concern. Following the meeting, the Board may request supporting medical documentation. When does a request for medical information go too far? The reasonableness of a request for medical information will depend on the particular circumstances. However, you should be concerned if your administrator or employer is requesting information such as details of the diagnosis of your condition, treatment details including medications, or other forms of therapy, or information about causes of the condition. How is sought? medical information The WRDSB has a standard set of forms they ask doctors to fill out. ETFO works hard to be aware of what forms the board is sending out and to object when the forms request more information than a board may be reasonably entitled to know. Even where a form is regularly used without objection, it still may not properly apply to your circumstances. Even if the form is acceptable, you need to understand what is being sought by the questions so that you can discuss this with your doctor and ensure that your privacy interests are protected even though some information is being disclosed. You should also make sure you review the completed form before it is sent to your board. Medical details are personal information warranting privacy protection whether they come from you or your doctor. If you would not want your doctor exposing certain personal information, then be careful not to feel pressured into sharing it yourself in a call from a disability manager or board representative. I don’t want to make waves or be seen as difficult. You do not have the right to refuse all requests for medical information regardless of the circumstances. But there are limits on what you can be required to provide. Asserting rights which limit the amount of personal information that is shared with your employer is not being uncooperative. Often, the request for medical information comes when you feel unwell and vulnerable: all the more reason to seek assistance from your Federation representatives. For further information contact Ali Lyon or Greg Weiler at the local ETFO office. DAY OF MOURNING Remember A day to those killed or injured in the workplace, and RENEW commitment to WORKER HEALTH, SAFETY and WELL-BEING 1-800-668-4284 WE ARE ETFO ETFO members are front and centre in our ongoing “We are ETFO” campaign. The search is in for members who are proud to be part of ETFO-WR and who reflect the diversity of our union. We want our members to participate in a photo shoot. Members who are chosen will be asked to sign a standard release form. Photos may be used to promote ETFO-WR campaigns, activities and events. If you’re interested in participating in a short photo shoot with ETFOWR colleagues, please send an email, along with a photograph of yourself (even a “selfie” is ok!) to Nancy Hutcheson via WaterWorks. Locations and dates will be chosen to suit your schedule, in consultation with Nancy. Pension and Retirement MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS BENEFITS We’re nearing the time of year when some people begin to consider retirement. If you are thinking of retiring in the near future, there are many factors to consider, not the least of which is your pension. To get an overview of your pension, visit the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) web site ( ETFO members who purchase car insurance from OTIP save up to 50% on home insurance As well, you can use OTTP’s pension calculator tool to get an idea of your personal situation, or speak with a pension specialist at OTPP regarding the specifics of your pension. If you need further information, you can also contact Jennifer Mitchell at ETFO provincial. ([email protected]) Thinking of Retiring? Congratulations! But before you go, please send a a digital photo or photos of yourself to Nancy Hutcheson for inclusion in our retiree slide show at the June 11 Celebration Dinner. Photos should be received by June 4. In Remembrance It is with sadness and sympathy that we acknowledge the early passing of one of our members. Call 1-800-267-6847 or visit to complete a quote This is a one-time discount (of up to 50%) and is only applicable to new multi-line home and auto policies underwritten by Traders General Insurance Company, part of the Aviva Insurance Company of Canada. OTIP and Aviva have the right to withdraw this offer at any time. Must reside in Ontario to be eligible for this discount. ® Kim Howey A MESSAGE FROM THE VICE-PRESIDENT It’s Time For a Change Canada’s workplaces have changed over the past 50 years – teaching is a prime example! - but public policy hasn’t kept up. The federal election this year is our chance to get Canada moving in a better direction. Here are two key issues, as examples: Health Care Publicly funded, universal health care is a part of Canada’s identity. Access to health care based on need, not wealth or privilege, is central to our values. It’s also smart economics. Our system costs less and delivers more than the market-driven alternative in the U.S. We have better outcomes on key indicators like infant mortality and life expectancy. Health care costs in the U.S. are also a major cause of personal bankruptcy, as opposed to Canada where everyone is covered. However, in the past nine years, the government has not enforced the Canada Health Act, has refused to sign a new Health Accord, and has slashed $36 billion from federal health care funding. This leaves the door open to for-profit health care and leaves too many people out in the cold. Retirement Security Currently, seniors comprise about 16% of the population. Within a generation, that number will be 25%. Between now and 2022, over 3 million workers are expected to retire – but many of them know they can’t afford to. Half of today’s middle-income earners born between 1945 and 1970 face a drop of at least 25% in their standard of living on retiring. Shrinking access to workplace pensions is a big part of this puzzle. Today, less than 40% of workers have a workplace pension. In the private sector, that number is fewer than 25%. For young workers (under age 29) the number drops to just 13%. Most workers with a pension have a union to thank, but union density is dropping. Expanding the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is by far the simplest and most cost-effective way to ensure a secure Nancy Hutcheson and adequate retirement income that would be accessible to virtually all working Canadians, including those who are self-employed. We can’t afford four more years of a government that ignores public health care and pension experts in favour of banks and insurance companies who benefit most from this government’s direction. It’s time for a change. (Source: Canadian Labour Congress: The Issues, 2015) Coming Events April 17 ETFO PD Day April 20 New Members’ Workshop April 21 Retirement 101 (Last session) April 23 Health and Safety Training for reps April 24 Wing Ding, Edelweiss April 25 Landfill Tour April 27 French as a Second Language Workshop April 28 National Day of Mourning April 30 Rep Council May 2 Day With a Difference May 4 Deadline for Nominations for ETFO-WR Election May 7 Stewards’ Information Meeting May 12 Professional Development Workshop May 12 Labour Council May 19 Professional Development Workshop May 26 ETFO-WR Annual Meeting and Elections June 9 Labour Council June 11 Celebration Dinner June 12 Wing Ding, Boston Pizza on Ira Needles June 18 Rep Council End of Year BBQ June 22 ETFO Golf Tournament June 26 Last Day of School Follow us on Twitter @ETFOWaterloo Visit us online at and ETFOWR
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