EUREKA 2015 - Fifth international workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Management and Decision Support April 22 GM TIME 09:00-09:30 ACTIVITY Opening Session Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Speeches Welcome Speech Welcome Speech Special Presentation TIME 9:30-10:30 TIME 10:45-12:15 Dr. Luis Noreña Franco (Director de la División de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería UAM) Dr. Silvia Gonazalez Brambilia (UAM Organization Committe) Dr. Rafael Alejandro Espin Andrade, Eureka Iberoamerica Coordinator, Co - Executive Secretary of Eureka Internati ACTIVITY Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Keynote Speech Granular Fuzzy Models and Modeling: New Conceptual and Algorithmic Developments ACTIVITY Session Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Chair: Catalina Alberto, Miguel Angel Curchod An Agent Based Approach to Modelize the Evolution of Environmental Risk Perception in Social Groups CATEGORIZATION OF FINANCIAL ASSETS USING NON- PARAMETRIC DEA METHODS Artificial Neural Network: Propagation of Inputs Uncertainty Proyection pursuit algorithms to detect outliers. Data Envelopment Analysis to Analyze the Administration of Justice HORARIO 13:00-15:00 HORARIO 15:00-16:30 Dr. Witold Pedrycz ACTIVIDAD Lunch ACTIVIDAD Session Javier Britch and Claudia Marina Sánchez Hernán Pablo Guevel Sebastian Diez, Marcelo Ferreyra, Luciana Sampo, Juan Facundo Lopez, Néstor Rojas and Javier Britch Maria Ines Stimolo and Pablo Ortiz Catalina Lucía Alberto, Miguel Angel Curchod and Noelia Azcona Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Chair: Eduardo Fernández, Juan Carlos Leyva PORTFOLIO OPTIMIZATION FROM A SET OF PREFERENCE ORDERED PROJECTS USING AN ANT COLONY BASED MULTIOBJECTIVE AP-PROACH S. Samantha Bastiani, Eduardo Fernández, Claudia Gómez and Laura Cruz Determination of competitiveness for the tourist destinations in the Northwest of Mexico Martin Leon Santiesteban, Pavel Anselmo Alvarez Carrillo and Diego Alonso Gastelum Chavira Gastelum Chavira A new fuzzy logic-based model for aggregating multi-criteria preferences Eduardo Fernandez, Julio C. Picos and Jorge Navarro A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm to Exploit a Fuzzy Outranking Relation of a Medium-sized Set of Alternatives to Construct a Ranking Jaime Solano, Juan Leyva and Diego Gastelum A function of linguistic difference for use in ELECTRE III-linguistic Jorge Rodríguez, Juan Leyva, Luis Martínez HORARIO 16:45-18:15 ACTIVIDAD Session Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Chair: Rafael Alejandro Espin Andrade, Carlos Cruz Archimedean-Compensatory fuzzy logic systems Knowledge Discovery by Compensatory Fuzzy Rough Predicates Interpretability of a logical theory: the case of the Compensatory Fuzzy Logic Compensatory fuzzy logic procedure for human resources based on competences Risk Analysis by Compensatory Fuzzy Logic: The case of Green Park HORARIO 18:30-20:30 ACTIVIDAD Welcome Brindis Rafael Alejandro Espin Andrade and Erick González Caballero Rafael Aejandro Espin Andrade and Erick González Caballero Rafael Alejandro Espin Andrade, Erick González Caballero, Witold Pedrycz and Eduardo Fernandez Gonzalez Alejandra Duarte, Denisse Liliana Ballardo and Rafael Alejandro Espin Ofelia del Carmen Leal, Rafael Alejandro espin Andrade Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Welcome brindis April 23 HORARIO ACTIVIDAD Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 9:00-10:00 Meeting EUREKA International meeting HORARIO 10:15-11:45 ACTIVIDAD Session Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Chair: Susana Montes, Ann Nowé Gray Scale Edge Detection using Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relations Knowledge discovering in data clustering by self-discovered type-2 fuzzy predicates First results on the ordering of random variables on a poset Gray Scale Edge Detection using Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relations HORARIO 12:00-13:30 ACTIVIDAD Session Agustina Bouchet, Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Virginia Ballarín, Irene Diaz and Susana Montes Diego Sebastián Comas, Gustavo Meschino, Ann Nowé and Virginia Ballarin Tania Iglesias, Bernard De Baets, Susana Díaz, Ignacio Montes and Susana Montes Agustina Bouchet, Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Virginia Ballarín, Irene Diaz and Susana Montes Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Chair: Rafael Bello, Ann Nowé Two-level clustering methodology for smart metering data SentiWordNet 4.0 and SpanishSentiWordNet assisting Polarity Detection Analysis on personnel selection for team in a competitive environment Improving the IRBASIR Algorithm with Bayesian Networks Methodology for discovery of implicit knowledge in Medical Records Multi-classifier Model developed using Genetic Algorithms to predict Arterial hypertension in Cuban children HORARIO 13:30-15:30 HORARIO 15:30-16:30 HORARIO 16:30-18:00 Leticia Arco, Gladys Casas and Ann Nowé Mario Amores, Claudia Borroto and Leticia Arco Marilyn Bello, Maria M. García and Rafael Bello Lenniet Coello, Yaima Filiberto, Rafael Bello and Rafael Falcon Ivett E. Fuentes, Damny Magdaleno and María M. García Leidys Cabrera Hernández, Alejandro Morales Hernández, Gladys Casas Cardoso and Yailen Martínez Jiménez ACTIVIDAD Lunch ACTIVIDAD Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Keynote Speech How to deal with undesired non-monotonicity in machine learning and decison making? ACTIVIDAD Session Bernard de Baets Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Chair: Josué Figueroa, Huei Diana Lee BIG DATA: BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Silvia González-Brambila, Mihaela Juganaru-Mathieu and Luis Hoyos-Reyes TSP in Partitioning with Tabu Search María Beatríz Bernábe, Rogelio Gonzalez, Ramirez Javier, Jorge Alberto Ruiz-Vanoye, Blanca Bermudez and José Eduardo Espinosa Rosales Signal Feature Extraction using Granular Computing. Comparative analysis with frequency and time descriptors applied to dynamic laser speckle patterns Ana Dai Pra, Lucia Passoni, Hernan Sendra, Marcelo Trivi and Hector Rabal Feature selection for multi-label learning: a systematic literature review and some experimental evaluations Newton Spolaôr and Huei Lee Method for Monitoring Colonoscopy Examinations in Real Renato Time Bobsin by Internet Machado, Feng Chung Wu, Huei Diana Lee, ClÁudio Saddy Rodrigues Coy, JoÃo JosÉ Fagundes, Raquel Franco Leal, Maria De Lourdes Ayrizono, Newton SpÔ HORARIO 18:00-19:15 ACTIVIDAD Session Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Chair: Alejandro Rossete, Tatiana Delgado Contribution for a sustainable development of engineering courses sharing online experiments Integration of FuzzyPred to KNIME Towards a Spatially Enabled Society supported by Linked Data Big Data architecture for Social Media Sentiment Analysis supporting Context Aware Recommendation Systems April 24 HORARIO 09:00-10:30 ACTIVIDAD Session Alberto Cardoso Ernesto Álvarez González, Orenia Lapeira Mena, Taymi Ceruto Cordovés, Alejandro Rosete Suárez and Rafael Espín Andrade Tatiana Delgado and Abbas Rajabifard Giosvany Miranda and Tatiana Delgado Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Chair: Jun Liu, Luis Martínez Trading off likelihood against condition number in Kriging model selection IT success factor analysis – A case study An Evidential Reasoning Framework for Decision Making in the Medical Domain Measuring Inconsistency in Data and Knowledge Driven Rule-Based System Improving group recommendations with consensus reaching processes HORARIO 10:45-12:15 ACTIVIDAD Session Glenn Hawe Stefan Wunderlich Fiona Browne and Jun Liu Jun Liu and Yang Xu Francisco Moya, Jorge Castro, Francisco José Quesada, Iván Palomares and Luis Martínez Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Chair: Kiril Tenekedjiev, Robert Laurini Web services integration between two different solutions for sustainability management OUTLIER DETECTION IN REGRESSION ANALYSIS USING MULTIPLE TESTING PROCEDURES TESTING EQUALITY OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL CONTINUOUS DISTRIBUTIONS USING BOOTSTRAP KUIPER TEST OVER FUZZY SAMPLES Frank Medel-González, Jorge Marx Gómez and Lourdes García-Ávila Neli Mihaylova, Natalia Nikolova and Kiril Tenekedjiev Natalia Nikolova, Neli Mihaylova and Kiril Tenekedjiev A Primer of Basic and Applicative Geographic Knowledge Robert Laurini HORARIO 13:00-15:00 GM TIME 15:00-16:30 ACTIVIDAD Lunch ACTIVITY Session Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 Chair: Maikel Leyva, Rafael Alejandro Espín Andrade Difficulties faced by students, for opti-mal development of competencies of a particular subject Compensatory fuzzy logic in social network analysis A new technique for the recommenda-tion of educational materials in virtual learning environments based oncompen-satoryfuzzy logic Enterprise architecture and aggregation operators for projects portfolio selection Computing with words for modelling project portfolio interdependencies GM TIME 16:45-17:45 ACTIVITY Keynote Speech Juan Pablo Ortiz Cinco Rafael Bello Lara, Maikel Leyva and Rafael Espin Andrade Susana Gonzalez Espinosa, Rafael Bello Lara and Maikel Leyva Lianet Cabrera Rodríguez, Yainelys Rivero Gutiérrez and Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vázquez Ameirys Betancourt-Vázquez, Karina Pérez-Teruel, Mikel Leyva-Vázquez Place: Casa Galván - Auditorio 2 El Robot Aprendiz GM TIME 17:45-18:45 HORARIO 18:45 HORARIO Dr. Eduardo Morales Manzanares ACTIVITY Keynote Speech Lecciones para Maximizar el Valor de las Tecnologías de Información Place: Casa Galván ACTIVIDAD Closure Session Lugar: Casa Galván ACTIVIDAD Farewell Dinner Lugar: Casa Galván Farewell Dinner Dr. Carlos Zozaya Gorostiza
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