Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 – September 2012 Editor: [email protected] Submission deadline for Newsletter – 22nd each month. NEXT MEETING: September 19th 2012 Brechin United Church doors open at 1230p and 630p Meetings start at 1p and 7p NEXT EXECUTIVE MEETING Sept 12th 1p Country Grocer PLEASE REMEMBER: Bring your: *Cup *Name Tag *Library Books *Completed Workshop registration form and fees *Donation placemats and quilts *Show and Share *Change for raffle tickets *Food Bank donation (this month think Lunch) COFFEE BREAK Thanks to all who bring treats for our break. September is for those whose last names start with A and B MEMBERSHIP/HOSPITALITY Please stop at the hospitality table to sign in and pick up your ticket for the name tag draw. You must be wearing your name tag in order to win. Please sign out if you leave early. WEB LIASON Sue Creba – Please send any photos or article for the website to: [email protected] From our Presidents Pen Welcome back everyone! Hope you had a pleasant and eventful summer. Yes, we did finally get some lovely warm weather. With our Quilt Show coming up in May 2013, the year should promise to be a busy one. If you have not volunteered to help with one of the committees, please consider doing so. “The more hands to help, the easier the work load”. Lillian Charron and Cathy Welte are our co-convenors. Please let them know that you are available and what you can do to help. Secondly, we hope you have been busy bees making all kinds of quilts for the quilt show. If everyone could submit one or two quilts, we will have an awesome quilt show. The “Call To Entry” form and “Some Rules to Play By” will be posted on the website. You will need an entry form for each quilt that you submit. Our September meeting should be a bit less chaotic with quite a few members having registered in May. For those who have not registered yet, please remember to bring your completed membership form and method of payment. REMEMBER that you must have renewed your membership by this September in order to enter your quilts in the Quilt Show for 2013. The Membership Form can be found on our website Also remember to bring back all those great library books and magazines that have graced your eyes over the summer. We will have guests from Denman Island to present a brief overview and trunk show pertaining to their “Creative Threads Conspiracy” Retreat. For those who missed the June Picnic, it was a great afternoon. The weather was perfect, the skits were excellent and the food, oh the food, it was delicious and lots of it. A huge Thank You to the Picnic Committee and to all those who participated in the presentations in order to make this a great event. Ginnie and I have “big shoes” to fill and we look forward to being your new co-presidents for the coming year. Co-Presidents Ginnie Thompson and Caroll Rumo Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 Quilt Show 2013 Report Well, hope you have all had a good summer and are ready to begin this exciting quilt year. With the upcoming quilt show, we have lots to do and certainly need more VOLUNTEERS to serve on the committees. We have had a couple of Quilt Show meetings and things are progressing nicely. We have made several changes and these will be announced at the Guild Meetings in the coming months. We hope that all our Members will support this show as we cannot do this alone. I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that this is a QUILT SHOW. The purpose of this event is to show the public what we do as a Guild…we can be proud of the various donations we make to charitable organizations throughout the year. It is not a judged show and we hope that each Member will have at least one entry for the show. We are known for our fabulous shows and we expect this Show to be as great as in previous years. However, we need each and every member to volunteer and help put this show together. We have most of our Committees filled, but there are a couple of crucial spots that need to be filled as soon as possible. PUBLICITY…the duties of this Committee has been divided up into certain categories. Gail Lambourne has graciously agreed to do the Media portion of this group Maggie Pickard has volunteered to take quilts and display them throughout various venues in Nanaimo prior to the Quilt Show.. We are hoping to show a few of the quilts that won ribbons in our previous shows. If you have one and would like to know more of the details, please contact Maggie Pickard [email protected] or Lillian Charron [email protected] Christine Hustins..has also volunteered to be responsible for contacting Guilds and Quilt Shops on Vancouver Island and the lower mainland to inform them of our upcoming show. Her duties will also include providing them with our advertising materials. We need someone to head this committee…I am currently assuming these responsibilities, but as the show gets closer, there is a lot of work to be done by Co Convener and so I am hoping that someone will come forward and accept this duty. We also need at least two people to take on the responsibilities of ordering posters, signs and banners and all other related advertising materials. If you would like to volunteer for this position or would like to have more information please contact Lillian Charron [email protected] PRIZES….We are looking for at least 3 volunteers to work on this committee. Duties would include: Contacting various small and local businesses to donate items to be given away to the public and guild members during the 3 day quilt show. You would be responsible to organize the prizes and do frequent draws throughout the day. If you are interested in volunteering to help with this committee, please contact Lillian Charron or Cathy Welte. A big THANK YOU to Val Ursulak for donating that beautiful hand appliquéd quilt and to Blanche Gates who, again, donated a gorgeous stack and wack quilt. We also have a hand bag, sewn by Bonnie Beil that will be filled with sewing notions and fabric. These items will be ready for display at the November meeting. We hope that everyone will be ready to sell loads of tickets for these Raffle Prizes. Cathy and I would like to extend a big THANK YOU to all the Members that have taken on the task of heading up or assisting on a Committee.. You have lots of work ahead of you, but you will get to know people better and best of all, it is not only interesting to see this all come together, but we do have fun. The end result is quite satisfying, so come and join us. Lillian Charron , Cathy Welte Co Conveners 2 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 NOTICE OF MOTION It was moved by Nancy Price-Munn and seconded by Penelope Woodwark “that due to the increase in the cost of printing, envelopes and postage all members, excluding honourary members, who receive hard copies of their N.Q.G. monthly newsletter will be required, as of May 2013, to pay $15.00 per annum for the current cost to produce and mail the newsletter.” Unanimous This motion will appear in the September newsletter and be voted on at the general guild meeting in October. Library News September 2012 September is here! Where did the summer go? Hope everyone has had a chance to read through all those library materials that were taken out in May! All materials are due back at the September meeting……please. If you are unable to attend, please phone a friend & ask them to return your materials. We welcome Judy McLoughlin to our library team. Judy will be our librarian-in-training this year with the idea of taking over the library next year. Also, Bonnie Palfry will be taking over the magazine section. See you at the September meeting. The Library Team Raffle Winners from June Picnic Raffle Draws: Greta Simmons, Yvonne Jans, Barbara Waine, Trish Kirk, Lil Kosmider, Sue Creba, Mickey Lemmon, Janet Knecht, Fran Nicklom, Tracy Irwin, DonaMae Bauer. Mystery Fabric winner: Marlene Jones Show & Share: Grace Ellen Copier & Philippa Zapf Block of the Month: Janet Knecht Placemat Committee Your Placemat Committee welcomes you to a new, exciting and challenging Guild season – culminating in showcasing all our members’ talents at our Material Magic Quilt Show in May 2013! Please remember to set aside a bit of time to make some placemats to decorate our tea room at the show, in addition to the ones we need for our charitable organizations at Christmas time. I did the math... if every member produces just two placemats, we would be in great shape placemat-wise! Size of finished placemat should be 12” x 18” – we will have some battings and backings available at our Guild meetings. A very sincere note of thanks to Bonnie Dimitry for donating several yards of very nice backing fabrics! Placemat Committee Ingrid Morton, Merle Armour 3 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 Donation Quilt Committee Report Welcome back everyone, time to stop thinking of smelling the summer flowers and start thinking of sewing the many quilts we all have on our to-do lists! The Donation Quilt Committee had an excellent year last year, distributing more than 170 quilts throughout the district, with a monetary value of over $15,000. So when I read articles in the newspaper about this organization or that donating $1000 to a charitable cause and being applauded for that, I think they have nothing on us! This guild is generous and caring, not to mention frugal with our quilting scraps! And now a new year begins. We have the usual goals of providing quilts to new moms, preemie babies, youth and adults in need throughout the greater Nanaimo area. We have completed the request for wheelchair quilts from Travellers Lodge and are now working on a similar project for Dufferin Place, beside the NRGH. This is a subsidized senior facility, like Travellers, so we can be quite sure there will be a place for our quilts and they will be well used. In fact the coordinator of activities is looking forward to having the wheelchair quilts to put over seniors when they go out of the facility on day trips, as well as for day to day use. We provided 28 wheelchair quilts to Travellers last year so that is a reasonable goal for this year also. For a full list of agencies we donate to and the specific measurements of quilt sizes please go the Nanaimo Quilt Guild website. There is an icon you can click on or you can access the page through the Membership icon. At the September Guild meeting we at the Donation table will be ready with pre-cut batting and various backing fabrics for you to use in your charity quilts so be sure to stop by and see us. And remember you can pre-order batting in a specific size to match your needs. Looking forward to seeing you all again. Christine Hustins [email protected] QUILT BEE 2013 The 2013 Quilt Bee will be on Saturday, January 26, 2013 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. All Quilt Bee quilts will be donated to Haven House in Nanaimo; a place of safe refuge for women and their children escaping from abusive home situations. Sign-up sheets (24 teams) will be available at the September Guild meeting. Each team supplies fabric for the top and the Guild provides batting and backing fabric for a lap-sized quilt (42” x 54”). If you are unable to be present at the Bee we welcome your participation by donation of a quilt. A Potluck Lunch will round out the day’s enjoyment so please bring your favorite dish to share. We also need 2—3 volunteers to set up the potluck table from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (no sewing required). Quilt Bee Committee Carole Phinney, Vicki Zoltay, Marlene Jones 4 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 The Food Bank As we start our new year, I’d like to extend our heart-felt appreciation to Norma Franks, who not only suggested to the membership that we could help many people in our community by making regular donations to the Loaves and Fishes Food Bank, but kept us aware of the on-going need, over the last four years. Now, as she takes a break from this responsibility, I hope to continue it with the same degree of commitment. For those new to the Guild, participation is definitely voluntary; I know many of our members donate through churches, other organizations, or at the check-out at the grocery stores. At each meeting, boxes will be at the left side of the stage. At the September meeting, donations of anything suitable for lunch boxes would be especially welcome. The Food Bank suggests these staples on an on-going basis: canned fruit or vegetables; canned fish; pasta, pasta sauce; and peanut butter. Each week over 1000 people in the Nanaimo area need help to meet their basic food needs. Over 30% of these are children! Whether you can donate ‘a can or a case’, any donation is welcome! Yvonne Jans 5 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 Retreat November 12 - 16th, 2012 Thanks to all the ladies who have made it possible for us to continue having the retreat. We have met the numbers required to continue. We will be accepting final payment at either the Sept or October guild meetings. If you can pay in September it would be greatly appreciated and you will avoid the mad rush in October. We are looking forward to see all of you ladies in November. Any questions please contact Dona Mae Bauer by e-mail or phone. (Robin will be away in October) 6 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 I am looking for an old quilt pattern of a small wall-hanging that has two grey-haired ladies on the front - one American, and one Canadian. If anyone has the pattern, I would very much appreciate hearing from you. Kathy Bush 250-758-1917 [email protected] DID YOU KNOW? - ‘NAME TAGS’ “A member said to another, “I’ve seen you at meetings but I don’t know your name.” It was an embarrassing moment that could have been avoided if we wore our name tags. Also, new guild members will find it easier to get to know all the members.” The above was printed in the November 1986 Newsletter and its message is just as important today as it was then. But have you ever wondered why some members have handmade name tags while the rest wear their Guild issued membership cards? When the Guild formed in 1984, it was suggested that each member wear a name tag so everyone could know who is who. Nobody wanted to wear the adhesive “Hello My Name is ….” labels, so the President (Gail Wylie) suggested each member make their own handmade name tag. To encourage members to participate, a monthly draw was started where only those wearing a name tag could enter their names and win a small prize. The name tags were as unique as the person who made them, they came in all shapes and sizes, and all types of needlework – quilted, patchwork, embroidered and even needlepoint on plastic canvas. Some decorated their tags with Guild or collector pins, and a few even had real pins and needles attached as the tags made the perfect “needle-rest” during hands-on programs. Sadly, the handmade tags met its demise in the fall of 2000. The Guild had grown to the point where each member was assigned a membership number. These numbers were printed on the membership card which came with a plastic card holder that could be hung around the neck so that the card could also be used as a name tag. Let’s revise the tradition and make it easier for everyone to know our name (our eye sight isn’t what it used to be) by making a handmade name tag and proudly wear it at all our meetings and workshops. Name tags make great introductory and conversation items. History Committee Marsha Whitmee & Greta Simmons 7 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 More CQA News HOW FAR CAN YOU STITCH? In honour of Canadian Quilt Month the CQA is challenging all member guilds and individual members to see how far across the country we can quilt in inches. The goal is to see how many accumulated inches quilters can sew in six months. This challenge will run from September 1, 2012 until February 28, 2013. Our guild has decided to take up the challenge. As the CQA liaison I have become your official “Inch Collector.” I will be submitting our total each month. Your job will be to measure and record the circumference of your project on a small piece of paper BEFORE bringing it to Show and Share. I will collect the slips, tally them up and submit our totals each month. I will be including the totals for our donation placemats as well. You can also submit measurements for all projects done during this time frame whether you bring them to share or not. This will be a cooperative project with quilters across the country but it will also be fun to see how far our guild gets on its own or how far individual satellite groups can stitch. If you forget to turn in your measurements at the meeting I will collect them by email ( [email protected]) up to the 20th of each month. I am looking forward to adding up lots of big numbers!!!! Wendie Harrington 8 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 Did you know that the CQA has a blog now? http://cqacanadianquilting.blogspot. ca/ It will touch base with members once a week and let them know up to date events being planned and also give tips on finding quilt related information on the website. CQA members are invited to ‘sign up’ by hitting the ‘follow’ button. So if this interests you, please join and spread the word. If you have a quilt you want to show off, or some quilt related news, send it to [email protected] This is a letter sent to Sidney Lloyd’s husband Bob and his family, with the completion of the challenge to use Sidney’s fabric to make articles for donation to the Comfort Quilt Society in her memory: June 12, 2012 Dear Bob and family, Last Fall, Margaret Carmichael, a member of our satellite quilt group called “The Thread Catchers”, brought your wonderful donation of all of Sidney’s fabrics to our sewing day. We decided as a group to create packages with corresponding colour choices, and then take them to our Nanaimo Quilter’s Guild and put out a challenge in Sidney’s memory. Each member who participated signed out a package, and agreed to incorporate the fabric into a placemat or lap quilt to be brought back and donated to the guild’s Comfort Quilt Society. These items are ultimately distributed to charitable organizations in Nanaimo including Haven House, Family Life, Meals on Wheels, The Telephone Answering Society, etc. Twenty-two guild members returned items, and five more have asked for an extension to complete theirs by September. We took pictures of the items and have enclosed them for you. We felt that this was a very honourable way to remember Sidney, our friend and fellow quilter, and it was a heart-warming project enjoyed by many members who knew and cared very much for her. Sidney’s friends were enthusiastic about the project and felt very good about using her fabrics to create something lovely and lasting for someone in need in our community. We hope that this brings some satisfaction and joy to you and to your family. Sidney will be fondly remembered in the hearts of many of us. Most sincerely The Thread Catchers, Margaret Carmichael, Gail Lambourne, Sandy Dobson, Leslie Millward, and Kathy Bush (and the members of the Nanaimo Quilter’s Guild) 9 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 June 20Th Wind Up Picnic at Bowen Park On behalf of Lorna Craig, the “Sew Sisters“ ; Christine Hustins, Grace Ellen Capier, Barbara Waine, Pat Ryan, Maggie Pichard, Sandra Hreno, and Myself, I would like to thank all the members that came out to the Wind Up Picnic on June 20th . Your attendance makes the success of the event. We had a total of 70 members in attendance along with two guests. The weather was perfect, the food delicious, (so much of it), the prizes numerous and the entertainment was so much fun! The Parade put on by the Material Magic Committee’s was a roaring success. It was the kick off for our picnic. We had a obstacle course that the members persevered through, hats off to the ladies for completing it in record times. The skits and songs were wonderful. Thanks to the various Satellite Groups that participated and made the event so much fun, lots of laughs all around. I am sure the pictures will be doing the rounds. Graham Gates once again provided the perfect music for the day and also accompanied many of the Satellite Groups during their performances. Thanks Graham for your time and for your patience while we all learned our songs. Thanks to Arlene Ackerman for the wonderful job as our MC. You kept things moving along smoothly, Arlene. Thanks! We would like to “Thank” the following businesses and individuals that donated prizes, materials, or services to make our June 20th, 2012 Windup Picnic such a success. (In Alphabetical Order) Arlene Ackerman BCAA Beauty Boutique-Shopper’s Drug Mart - North Nanaimo Birdhouse Long Arm Barbara Waine BMO- Rob Waine Marg Bradley Grace Ellen Capier Coast Realty Lorna Craig Fabricland Fran’s Quilting Studio Graham Gates Honey Salon and Day Spa Sandra Hreno Christine Hustins Julia’s Dress Shop Quilted Duck Maggie Pichard Pat Ryan Serge and Sew Snip & Stitch Starbuck’s ( North Island Hwy) The Stitcher’s Muse Swiss Chalet Triple T Party Rentals Debbie Van Otterloo Debbie Van Otterloo- co-chair for The June Picnic Committee 2012 10 After the June Picnic, Marg Bradley is missing a serving spoon. The one that went home with her is back to its owner. Marg’s is a silver coloured spoon(stainless steel). Marg will be at the September meeting or check with Lorna at the Hospitality table. Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 Program Committee Report Welcome back ladies. I trust your summer was great and you're ready for some serious quilting. The program committee has selected 5 tempting workshops. Some class samples will be available to view at the first meeting. It would be helpful to fill out a sign up sheet in advance. There will be a copy further along in this newsletter. We have invited Ionne McCauley to join us in October for a two day program on Design principles for Quilters. This class will help you find your creative inner self, with the use of shape, line, color, value, space and dimension. How to achieve unity, variety, and balance in a design. You will make small exercise pieces using fabrics to explore these all important elements and principles. Ionne says this class can benefit all levels of Quilters. Class dates are Sunday October14th and Sunday, October 28 . November will bring us Kathy Bush for a 2 day program as well. Her class will be on Creating a Wall Hanging from a Photo. You will turn your favorite photo or picture into a quilted wall hanging. The first day will be spent transferring and coping your piece, then enlarging, and numbering your piece. The second day will be concentrating on discussing your pieces and planning the sewing. The class will be Saturday November 10 and Saturday November 24 . Cathy Martino will teach us What Comes After Stippling. The date is Sunday February 24, 2013 and will be beneficial to the Intermediate Quilter. You will make samples of various background fill designs and discuss how to use them as over all designs. Different marking designs will also be shown. Embellishing Quilts with Beads will be our topic for Saturday March the 16, 2013 presented by Eileen Neill. Embellishing quilts and stitch work with beads and other objects is becoming more and more popular. You will learn basic and innovative ways to accomplish this. You will begin by making a small quilt and then use a variety of stitches to attach the beads. You will also explore edgings and fringes which are stunning on small pieces. On Saturday April 20, 2013 Sharon Pederson from the Comox Valley will show us a Double Wedding Ring Quilt the easy way, with emphasis on having a fun and relaxing time. She will have a template available for this class. Sharon comes with a wealth of worldwide quilting knowledge and considers this pattern a beginner's level. You will use applique and a rotary cutter. There is a lovely display of her work on her website The program committee has worked hard to bring you a wide variety of workshops. We'll only do five workshops this year due to this year's quilt show . We hope to fill all the classes so no out of “guild” money will be required. The full classes should pay for themselves. Please see the guild calendar for more info on the monthly program events. We look forward to seeing all of you in September. Janet Knecht. 11 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 NANAIMO QUILTERS’ GUILD 2012-2013 NQG PC WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FORM Please print your name and circle the dates of the workshops you wish to take. Name: _______________________________________ Phone: __________________________ WORKSHOP TITLE Design Principles for Quilters (2 day workshop) Instructor: Ionne McAuley All Levels Creating a Wall Hanging from a Photo (2 day workshop) Instructor: Kathy Bush Intermediate Level What Comes After Stippling? (1 day workshop) Instructor: Cathy Martino All Levels Embellishing Quilts with Beads (1 day workshop) Instructor: Eileen Neill All Levels Double Wedding Ring The Easy Way (1 day workshop) Instructor: Sharon Pederson All Levels Membership Number: ________________ Email: __________________________________ DATE TIME VENUE FEE PAID Sun. Oct 14 Sun. Oct 28 9:00am To 4:00pm Oliver Woods Community Centre $75.00 Cash Cheque MC/V Sat. Nov 10 Sat. Nov. 24 9:00am To 4:00pm Oliver Woods Community Centre $75.00 Cash Cheque MC/V Sunday Feb.24th 9:00am To 3:00pm Oliver Woods Community Centre $40.00 Cash Cheque MC/V Saturday March 16th 9:00am To 3:00pm Oliver Woods Community Centre $40.00 Cash Cheque MC/V Saturday April 20th 9:00am To 4:00pm Oliver Woods Community Centre $40.00 Cash Cheque MC/V Number of Classes: _________ Total Paid:_________________________ Receipt #_________ Circle method of payment: Cash / Cheque / Master Card / Visa ● ● ● Make cheques payable to: Nanaimo Quilters Guild Register at meetings or e-mail: Linda Campbell’s email is [email protected] Mail cheques to: Linda Campbell, 3230 Lauren Mary Place, Nanaimo BC, V9T 5R5 12 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 786 Goldstream Ave. Victoria BC V9B 2X6 250-478-2112 The Cloth Castle your Vancouver Island Handi Quilter, Husqvarna and Singer Sewing Machine headquarters! Studio frames, sit down quilting machines, embroidery machines and sewing machines. Sales, service and “sew” much more. Your one stop Sewing, Quilting and Knitting shop! Come and visit the largest shop on Vancouver Island! Picnic 2012 photo courtesy of Grace-Ellen Capier 13 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 Coreen Zerr Fiber Art Designer and Instructor 3648 Glen Oaks Drive, Nanaimo, BC Ph 250-756-1683 Cell 250619-7060 Email: [email protected] Website: Fall Workshops: See website for full details of descriptions and photos of samples September 22, 2012 Fabric Painting at Home Studio (weather sensitive) September 29 and 30th Fantasy Flare and Foiling Around (can attend one or two days) at home Studio Oct 11 and 18th Landscapes with a Fiber Dance (make a scene from a photograph) at Home Studio Oct 12 and 19th Open Studio for help with any project and Fibre Play in Landscape art at Home Studio October 13th Dancing with Your Feed dogs Down at Sweet Pea Quilting in Parksville Oct 20 and 21 Under the Sea Bradley Center PQHQG October 27th- Quilt as Desired at Sweet Pea Quilting in Parksville 14 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 Membership Reminder – Deadline for membership renewal for the coming year is September 30th 2012. If you wish to submit a quilt for the quilt show or be a vendor you must be a fully paid up member by September 30th 2012. The renewal form can be printed from the website – please bring the completed form, your payment and your name tag to the meeting September 19th. Thanks Your Smile for the Day courtesy Panda Therapy “Does this log make my butt look fat?” 15 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 16 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 More Picnic 2012 Photo’s courtesy Sandra Hreno 17 Nanaimo Quilters Guild Volume 29 Issue 1 18
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