January program: “One-Block Wonders” by Marsha Bray Friday, January 8, 7:30 p.m.

Volume 34, no. 7
January 2010
Inside this issue:
President’s message
Upcoming events
Guild meeting minutes
Honduras orphanage update
Ricky Tims visit on April 9
New guild website
Membership report
Charity project for February
Treasurer’s report
January program: “One-Block Wonders” by
Marsha Bray
Friday, January 8, 7:30 p.m.
Webster Groves Presbyterian Church
45 W. Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves
Are you intrigued by the One Block Wonder Quilt? OneBlock Wonders, One Fabric, One Shape, One-of-a-Kind
Quilts by Maxine Rosenthal uses the Kaleidoscope block's
shapes to create hexagons quickly with no fussy cuts and no mess-ups! Create
a complex look with simple techniques. Marsha Bray will show many examples, talk about the method, fabric selection and the many design opportunities.
Refreshments for January
Members supplying refreshments for January are:
If you are bringing a snack to the meeting, please remember that it needs to serve 20. Also you will be
assisting in preparing, serving, and cleaning up. You
may choose which activity you prefer, but everyone
who brings a snack needs to help out in the kitchen
as well.
New Members are invited...
On January 8, we will again have a “before the meeting” gathering at Llyellen’s behind the church on Moody Ave at
5:30 pm. All members are welcome, but we especially want to invite newer members (2007 -2009) to join us.
We will meet in the parking lot and walk over to the restaurant about 5:30 pm.
Questions? Glenda Bentz [email protected] or 314-909-8866.
Llywelyn’s Pub (http://www.llywelynspub.com/)
17 Moody (Webster Groves)
President’s Message
Upcoming Events
The holidays are great – but they sure do take away
from quilting time. I don’t really go overboard for the
holidays, but I do bake several kinds of cookies, my
special buttermilk fudge, and with family coming in
from two coasts, there are a lot of dinners to organize
and prepare. Not to mention cleaning and decorating
the house.
Guild Meetings
But after the holidays, I’m ready to get back in my
sewing room, start a new project, or maybe finish
one that had to be packed away to make room for the
festivities. And with a small baby around the house,
there was no place for pins and needles except to be
safely shut away in my sewing room – which also
seems to be the dumping ground for any clutter from
the kitchen or family room when we have guests.
With our charity sew-in coming up in February, why
not start on some blocks for one of the charity quilts?
Cindy and Melissa have provided us with patterns
and even some fabric. Epworth Children’s Center is
one of the worthiest charities around. The children
who come there often have nothing of their own. A
bright quilt on their beds makes their living space a
little happier.
I’m also excited about having a new vice president,
Russ Horne, who seems eager to jump in where
Irene left off. He’s very capable and already has
ideas that should help the guild run more smoothly
in coming months.
February 12: Sew-in for Charity to benefit Epworth Children’s Center
March 12: Karen and Harry Turner will give a charming
talk about using the Internet in our quilting. This will be
geared toward those not comfortable with computers as
well as more advanced users.
April 9: Ricky Tims (see page 4 for information about his
visit). For more information about Ricky, please visit his
website at http://www.rickytims.com/
American Quilter’s Society Quilt Show
Paducah Expo Center
Paducah, KY
April 21-24, 2010
NQA 41st Annual Quilt Show
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Columbus, OH
June 17-19, 2010
The sale of Ricky Tims tickets has begun, and
though we only sold 30 tickets at the first meeting,
we have several people who have taken tickets to sell
at other guilds and at The Quilted Fox. Be sure to
tell your friends about this very special event. We
want it to be a great success.
Meanwhile, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday
and are ready for the new year. I hope to see many of
you on January 8, when Marsha Bray will be our
Take care, and happy stitching!
Jerry Stroud
Minutes of the Meeting of December 11, 2009
submitted by Jean Ameduri
The meeting was opened by President Jerri Stroud. Our speaker was our own member/quilt appraiser Hallye Bone who spoke to us about Quilting in Hard Times. Based not only on books (in particular Little Heathens: Hard Times and High Spirits on an Iowa Farm During the Great Depression by Mildred Armstrong Kalish)
as well as memories of some quilting friends that lived in the Depression, the similarities between now and then
are: scrap quilts; the motive was to make a quilt for the bed, but make them as attractive as possible; quilt clubs
(now guilds); helped one another complete quilts; signature quilts; pieced backings; machine piecing and machine
quilting. How do we beat the hard times? Shop your own stash; overdye fabric; use solids (cheaper) along with
prints; finish your UFOs; shop your friend’s stash; make a quilt of t-shirts or clothes of a deceased relative; go to
thrift shops; use men’s ties, flannel shirts, or blue jeans; fabric sales at shops, the Internet, and garage sales.
Jerri Stroud announced at her request, Russ Horne has agreed to serve as the replacement for VicePresident Irene Mueller who married last week in Florida. All members voted in favor of this appointment.
Ricky Tims tickets are now available at meetings--one free for each member. Volunteers were requested to
take some tickets to sell to other local quilt groups. Advance tickets will be $10, $15 at the door.
Members who lost family members this month: Mary Ellen Adams, Peggy Renard, and Terry Kanyuck.
The 2009 Honduras Orphanage Charity Quilt Project netted 70 twin-size and 10 baby quilts. 95 boxes of
other supplies listed on their wish list are ready to be delivered to the Washington Overseas Mission.
The By-Laws Committee headed by Art Kruse has worked on modernization of the guidelines as well as
moving some of the items to standing rules. This will be covered within the next few months.
Webmistress Mary Ellen Adams reminded us to add the Thimble and Thread website
(www.thimbleandthreadstl.org) to your address book so it won’t be reported as spam when the website sends you
an e-mail message.
Jerri Stroud asked for a vote to approve the minutes as listed in the newsletter. Judy Nigh made the motion and Linda Banks seconded it. It passed unanimously.
Show and Tell ended the meeting.
Thanks for a Helping Hand
The following gracious volunteers helped to transport the 95 boxes of supplies requested on the wish list for the
Honduras Orphanage on December 13 to Washington, Missouri: Dan Barnridge (of the Washington Overseas Mission), Jean and Richard Ameduri, Mari and Gary McGuinness, Carol and Bill Williamson, and Judy and Sal
Lorino. Thank you all for being superb workers who quickly and efficiently got the job done!
Jean Ameduri, 2009 Charity Quilt Chairperson
Thimble & Thread Quilt Guild of
Greater St. Louis
Ricky Tims
A Quilter and His Music
Friday, April 9
7:30 p.m.
Lindbergh High School
4900 S. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63126
$10 in advance, $15 at the door
For more information, email:
[email protected] or
go to thimbleandthreadstl.org
To become a website member, go to http://www.thimbleandthreadstl.org/member/register. This will bring up a form
for you to enter your information. You pick your own username and password. Your screen name should be your
first and last name. It will only be visible once you log in. The sign-up form asks for your last name again, which is
used to put the names in alphabetical order on the member list. After you finish putting in your information, hit
submit and you will get a "thank you message."
Mary Ellen Adams is our web mistress, and she will be checking the signups against the roster to make sure only
members are signing up. Once you are approved, you will get a message sent to your email account indicating that
you are approved. Then you can go back to the site, http://www.thimbleandthreadstl.org, log in and see more articles, a member list, and be able to e-mail people through the site. You can also upload a picture, put in a biography
and, if you have it, your own website address.
The site has a lot of security, but like any other computer system, the ultimate security is up to the user. It's up to
you to protect your username and password to keep the site secure. This site has a lot of potential to help us grow
and learn as a quilting community. Let's go boldly into the future!
Membership Report from Glenda Bentz
We had 101 members present for
our December meeting. Two guests
were with us. One new and one former member joined our Guild.
up your free Ricky Tims ticket. Less
than 20 telephone books and membership cards are still waiting for
their owners.
Our next T&T Friendship Dinner
will be at Llyellen’s before the January meeting. We will gather in the
church parking lot at 5:30 pm. All
members are welcome, but we especially want to invite newer members
(2007 -2009) to join us.
If you wish to donate attendance
prizes, please call or email me.
I will publish an addendum for the
telephone book for the January
Additions to the roster:
Mike Ford
3173 Pinebrook
Arnold, MO 63010
Carol Anderson
707 Henlin Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63123
Watch for the following people who
joined our guild in December. Make
Please be sure to sign in at the
membership table in January. If you them at home in our Guild and anmissed the December meeting, pick swer their questions too!
Charity Project
Cindy Clifton and Melissa Hanthorn are coordinating this year’s charity project. We will be making quilts during
our meeting on February 12. Quilts can be from crib to bed size and should be sturdy enough for everyday use by
children. Cindy and Melissa have patterns you can use if you need suggestions.
To get ready for February, we suggest you do the following:
1. Make blocks in advance to bring to the meeting.
2. Call your guild friends and get a group together for the evening.
3. Set aside basic supplies to bring, including:
Sewing machine
Extension cord
Iron and ironing board
Rotary cutter and mat
The recipient of our charity quilts will be Epworth Children and Family Services (http://www.epworth.org/) which
is located at 110 N. Elm Ave. in Webster Groves. In describing Epworth, the agency’s website says:
For 140 years, Epworth Children & Family Services has provided our community with essential
youth development services that have helped thousands of children overcome severe emotional
and behavioral challenges. Epworth's innovative, holistic, and comprehensive treatment approach helps youth focus on solutions, build on inherent strengths and communicate more effectively. Over 2,000 youth and families turn to Epworth each year for emergency shelter, residential and intensive treatment, family reunification therapy, transitional and independent living programs, special education, foster family care and a 24-hour help line.
We hope you will join us for this worthwhile project.
Treasurer’s Report by Jeannette Larson
November 23 to December 18, 2009
Cash and Bank Accounts
Certificate of Deposit
Savings-Money Market
TOTAL Bank Accounts
Fabric Raffle
Library Fines & Sales
Newsletter Advertising
Newsletter Raffle
Optional Block
Ricky Tims Ticket Sales
Ways & Means
Food at meetings
Monthly Program Costs
Ricky Tims Presentation
Room Rental
Office Supplies
Super Bowl Sunday Sale and Sew-In Day!
February 7
11:00 am-4:00 pm
100’s of fabrics on sale
Some samples and books on sale
Mark your calendar now!
New for 2010
Join us to sew for the day (11 am -7pm). We’ll have a very special Quilted Fox kit for you to sew
up. Come and let us surprise you with a mystery quilt especially for Super Bowl Sunday. Don’t
wait to sign-up because space is limited and you won’t want to miss this special project.
Don’t forget—we’re open every Sunday from 12 – 4 pm
Visit us at: 10403 Clayton Road in La Chateau Village or call us at (314) 993-1181
Monday & Wednesday 10-5; Tuesday & Thursday 10-6:30;
Friday & Saturday 10-4:30; Sunday 12-4:00
Find our newsletter on our web page: www.quiltedfox.com
Thimble & Thread Quilt Guild of Greater St. Louis, Inc.
P.O. Box 19111
Saint Louis, MO 63119-19111
Newsletter submissions should be sent to:
Kathy Gaynor
(314) 845-8257 (h)
(314) 246-7811 (w)
[email protected]
Thimble & Thread Newsletter Ad Rates
Please furnish camera-ready copy or artwork. Display Ad Rates per month are:
Full page...$30
Half page...$20
Quarter page...$10
Business card size...$8
Guild Member Rates per month are:
Classified ads...$.04per word
Display ads...half the regular price.
Jerri Stroud
Irene Mueller
Jeannette Larson
Jean Ameduri
Glenda Bentz
Steve Zegel
Mary Ellen Adams
Baker’s Dozen
Community Srvc
Kathy Gaynor
Irene Mueller
Art Kruse
Judy Lorino
Cindy Clifton
Community Srvc
Fabric raffle
Fabric raffle
Newsletter raffle
Optional blocks
Quilt Show 2011
Melissa Hanthorn
Nancy Reeves
Marty Walsh
Liza Mitchell
Marylyn Simpson
Martha Caldwell
Rose Donnell