The Penny Newsletter 2013

Castlemaine Steiner School
PO Box 473 Castlemaine 3450
Tel: (03) 5479 2000
Fax: (03) 5470 6237
The Penny
FRIDAY 14th June
Term 2 Week 9
2013 Term Dates:
Term 2:
Tues 16th April – Fri 21st June
Term 3:
Tues 16th July – Fri 20th Sept
To fan the spark of thinking into flame
By my own strong endeavour,
To read life’s inner meaning
Out of the cosmic spirit’s fount of strength:
This is my summer heritage,
My autumn solace and my winter hope.
From The Calendar of the Soul by Rudolf Steiner
Term 4:
Tues 8th October – Fri 13th Dec
Dates to Diary:
Fri 21st Jun Winter Festival
Wed 23rd Oct - Open Day
Mon 15th Jul Pupil Free Day – Planning Day
Mon 4th Nov - Report Writing Day
Fri 23rd Aug - Curriculum Day
Tue 5th Nov Public Holiday – Melbourne Cup
Fri 20th Sep Pupil Free Day – Parent Teacher Interviews
Sat 9th Nov - Spring Fair
Mon 7th Oct Pupil Free Day – Planning Day
Thur 12th Dec - Class 8 Graduation
The Penny
Playgroup News
Porridge Hot, warming up our cold hands
and dancing around the mulberry bush
putting on all our warm winter clothing.
Cold Winters in the Wood,
I saw him pass,
Crinkling up fallen leaves
Along the grass.
A little gnome comes to the rescue when
the Big Giant in our story has cold feet.
The gnome finds two pieces of pretty
stuff and wraps up his frozen feet until
they are warm again.
Bleak Winters in the wood,
The birds have flown,
Leaving the naked trees
Shivering alone.
Kind Winters in the wood,
I saw him go,
Crowned with a coronet,
Of crystal snow.
Our final two weeks of Playgroup for
Term 2 have been filled with making our
Winter Solstice lanterns and brewing
spicy chai tea. King Winter has come
to Playgroup as we sing about Pease
We were graced last week to receive a
beautiful and unique handmade wooden
tree from Christian King, a master
furniture maker and parent in our school.
Thank you most sincerely Christian for
your beautiful gift made from the heart.
We will treasure the “wheel tree” in many
a story to come for all children to enjoy.
Sadly, we also say “goodbye” to many of
our big four year old children and their
Kindergarten News
Prep News
Winter showers, Winter rain
Wash the earth all clean again.
The Sunlight fast is dwindling.
My little lamp needs kindling
It’s beam shines far in darkest night,
Dear lantern guide me with your light.
Now winter is here we have really needed
our raincoats and gumboots outside.
Thank you also for the changes of
clothing in bags that we need to draw on
at times.
We are busy making lanterns in
preparation for the Winter Festival on
the morning of Thursday 20th June. If
weather permits, an evening lantern walk
may be an optional evening activity.
I will be attending an Early Childhood
conference in Sydney over the holidays
and would really appreciate if the hens
and “Patch” our guinea-pig could be
cared for at someone’s place.
P.S. Thank you to Mary who has been
spending time in the Kindergarten,
allowing Helen time to attend some
administrative matters. The Children
have enjoyed getting to know her.
parents. They are flying our coop and
landing over in Helen’s Kindergarten to
begin their Ring-a-Rosie journey. It has
been a pleasure to have had you all in the
Playgroup program each child and family
adding a unique and special contribution
to our playgroup community. I will miss
you all very much but look forward to
waving hello over the playgroup fence.
Much love always.
I would like to wish all playgroup families
and extended families a safe, restful and
joyful holiday in the mood of winter.
Happy Midwinter lantern walking in your
gardens. May your little candles shine
forever bright.
Until Term 3, best wishes to you all.
Love Tania Chaffey.
We are busy preparing for our Winter Festival, making lanterns and wooden candle
holders. Please read your invitation to the Festival carefully, taking special note on
the guidelines for any photographs being taken. If you have any queries please don’t
hesitate to ask me.
The children are enjoying our morning circle about the gnomes, who go out into the
garden to gather seeds for their King.
The children are very excited to be looking after “Snow White” the lamb. Thank you
Farmer Phil for letting us do this special job each year. If you would like to help look after
“Snow White” for a weekend or part of the holidays, please let me know.
We look forward to sharing our very special Winter Fesitval with you on Thursday 20th
June at 5.45pm. (Please be on time!!).
Love Heather
P.S. If you would like to take home your child’s sleeping sack for washing over the
holidays please pick up on Thursday afternoon.
Love Helen
Castlemaine Steiner School, PO Box 473 Castlemaine 3450
Tel: (03) 5479 2000 Fax: (03) 5470 6237
The Penny
Class 1 News
Class 6 News
Lots of counting, lots of patterns, lots of
mud & sand – all happening in Class One.
We had a lovely walk the gentle rain this
week and enjoyed being able to walk
through puddles & squelch through mud.
We noticed birds, mushrooms & lots of
ripples in the water.
Keep warm.
Thank you to all families for the kind
wishes for my family. Thank you
also to all parents who attended our
class meeting the previous week – an
important time to surround our young
people together and support each
other to enable them to have the best
experience possible through this time of
amazing development in so many ways –
very much appreciated.
Class 2 News
As the wintry weather sets in, Class 2 has
been immersed in the story of the King
of Ireland’s Son. A wonderful story of
love and adventure. The children have
had the good fortune to have Jonathon,
our student teacher, telling this story and
conducting the Main Lesson.
Class 6 were delightful (by their
accounts!) as expected whilst I was away
and completed our Mineralogy Main
Lesson very well. We will be going on a
number of local excursions throughout
the rest of the year to look at the geology
of our area.
This month is a busy one for class
birthdays which means lots of cakes
for us all. Thank you to all parents
for providing such wonderful treats.
Thanks also to all involved in our Class
Fundraising Thursday.
Much love Diana and Danilo.
We have had a great discussion about the
rich study of history and geography of
different cultures that we experience at
school – reliving some stories, plays etc.
Our timeline goes back 10,000 years to
Ancient India (of course our Indigenous
studies go back much further) and now
we are entering Ancient Rome. Whilst
listening to a translation of the Aeneid
– Aeneas journey from Troy to Italy by
the great poet Virgil – the foundations of
Rome are about to be laid.
Warm wishes Lyn.
French News
Music News
Don’t forget to take your instruments
home over the holidays.
Little Yarra Concert
Class 8 News - Bottle Rockets
From the Garden
Class 4 children weaving a barrier around
the emerging bulbs to stop little feet
stepping on them.
Class 7 & Class 8 recently enjoyed a
cooking session during which we baked
“madeleines” – little French teacakes
flavoured with orange zest. We have
some excellent chefs (with excellent
appetites!) in both classes. Bravo!
If any parent would like to borrow the
madeleine baking moulds, they are
currently stored in the Class 8 Kitchen
with spare copies of the recipe. Bon
Castlemaine Steiner School, PO Box 473 Castlemaine 3450
Tel: (03) 5479 2000 Fax: (03) 5470 6237
The Penny
School News
For hire
The Multipurpose room and the
Eurythmy room are available for
community use. Please contact the office
for rates and further information.
Thank you to everyone that attended
the Annual General Meeting on 29 May,
2013. Special thanks to Father Ken
Parker who provided some philosophical
discussion through a wonderful poem
by Robert Frost and to Jessica Odgers,
a past-pupil who spoke to Amanda
Colebrook (Educational Director) about
her life after Steiner School. Thank you
to Jeanette, Libby and Leonie who really
showed the high calibre of our music
teachers and Jenni, Ken and Tanya in the
office who collated the Annual Report. The 2012 Annual Report is available from
the front office.
From Nicole Peterson – our new
Eurythmy Teacher
New teacher seeking accommodation: Early office closure on Thursday’s
The office will close @ 4pm each
Thursday to allow the office staff to
attend the Cultural Meetings.
Absent or Late
You can now text the office on 0407 124
508. Please remember to include your
name, your child’s name and the reason
why your child is absent.
Update email addresses
Please remember to update the office if
you have a new email address or any of
your details have changed.
Giving Tree
One of the stories in assembly is that of
a family far away and long ago, facing
difficult times in winter. This reminds
us of those closer to home who may be
struggling and in need of support. “The
Giving Tree” was a much loved tradition,
instigated by Ruth Wittig, at the Ghilgai
School when I was teaching there with
Children and families are invited to
bring a gift of non-perishable food to
place under the tree as they come into
assembly, or a small handmade plaything
(i.e. pom pom) to hang on the empty
The Giving Tree will be in the
multipurpose room for the next few
weeks. All contributions will go to local
families in need through the Salvation
I would love somewhere quiet
and beautiful to live in or close to
Castlemaine. I arrive in Australia June
18th, and begin teaching in Term 3. A
good bungalow, with high ceilings and
a wood stove, would be wonderful! Do
you have anywhere to rent? Or any
temporary accommodation to offer for
the weeks of my arrival? It can be very
simple - I’m happy in quite rustic settings,
so don’t be too shy to offer the old garden
shed if it could be transformed into a
space for me to feel at home. I also do
well in luxury! For the moment email is
my best contact: nicoleclairepeterson@ or leaving a message on +1
530 938 1402.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you, Nicole.
From the Board
Kathryn 0410 719 451 or
[email protected]
The Board of Directors are delighted
to announce that following the AGM,
Deborah Neale was elected as a Board
member. Thank you to Andrew Dimsey
and Michael Gersch who were also
nominated. Deborah joins Linda MiraBateman and Kathy Teasdale as new
members for 2013.
From Arabella, Parents & Friends & The
College of Teachers.
Craft Group News.
Craft group will be taking a little break
over the winter months, running a couple
of workshops instead of meeting weekly.
Our first workshop will be in the holidays,
Wed 26th, and we will be making Steiner
doll heads. We will meet at Rose’s house
at 10.00 and stay for a shared lunch please bring something.
It would be great if you could let me know
if you are intending to come along. As
always, children welcome.
Cake & Produce Stall
The Class Three market stall which was to
be next Thursday 20th June, will actually
be on Friday instead to help celebrate the
end of term.
Castlemaine Steiner School, PO Box 473 Castlemaine 3450
Tel: (03) 5479 2000 Fax: (03) 5470 6237
The Penny
A note from past student Freyah
It was lovely to receive such a warm
welcome when I came back to visit the
school last week and see how much it
has grown! I started kindergarten at
Whitegums in 1989 and then moved to
the Penny school for prep in 1990. In
Grade 3 we built what is now known as
the ‘mud hut’ in the Grade 1 yard. This
was the first structure built on the current
school site when it was just a sheep
paddock. I was in Grade 5 or 6 when the
school moved from the Penny School to
Rilens Road.
Since leaving the school in Grade 6 I went
to Sophia Mundi in Melbourne for a few
years (taught by John Wright) and then
eventually moved to South Australia. I
have been fortunate to do a lot of travel
and have studied in Birmingham UK
and also lived in London where I worked
at London Zoo. I now live and work in
Adelaide. It was great to see how much
the school has developed and is such
a beautiful place for children to grow. I
really enjoyed catching up with people
from childhood who helped me become
who I am today.
Thanks for making the visit special.
Study Group
All parents are invited to join a weekly
study group with the School’s Educational
Director Amanda Colebrook. The group
will be an informal and open forum,
exploring anthroposophy and opening
with the autobiography of Rudolph
Steiner. Friday’s at 2.00pm in the parent
room annexe.
continued on from last fortnight...
Parent Information
Fairy Tale Hunger – By Helmut von Kugelgen
The Child’s soul has an overpowering need to let fairy tale substance flow through itself, just as the human body needs to let substance
circulate through it. Rudolf Steiner.
A true fairy tale speaks pictorially of transformation, enchantment, release, telling over and over in this way the secrets of human
existence. Man’s spiritual origin, his challenges, his victories and deliverances, all are described in child-language for a childlike
humanity. And a child can accept this imagery as a foretelling and forewarning. The so-called “gruesome” scene of the little goatchildren dancing around the well in which the wolf has just been drowned, which an intellectual adult things he should regard as
shocking, is to the child nothing else than the blessed victory of good over evil. A child proclaims his victory by the trust with which he
is so marvellously endowed for his first steps on his life path.
A healthy three or four year old will listen a hundred times to the story of the “The Star Pennies” with an interest that steadily increases
from evening to evening. There is no more convincing proof that this that the child is experiencing an “Imagination”, a soul-picture,
from the fairy tale. It is only the intellect that has already had enough when it has heard it once. A work of art, a poetic creation, a
religious truth, continues to move us, to stir us with ever fresh power. It fills us with a pure delight; we are uplifted and strengthened for
whatever activity we are engaged in.
Everyone needs a field, a working space, for his inner life, for his willing and feeling soul, even for his thinking soul: and a child needs
such a space in which his soul forces can be active just as much as any adult. If I do not offer him the imagery and the language
of fairy tales, his soul space will be filled by the vulgar and ordinary: auto and plane models, concern about money. Empty, trivial
commonplaces take over and a field full of weeds is the result.
As a child’s treasure of words increases, so too does his capacity for experiences and; with it, his creativeness, his inner wealth. The
fairy tales the children hear over and over go directly into their imaginative play. They become the princess and frogs and giants; and
it actually comes about that the children of a first grade that has had fairy tales do surpass their peers, who have been deprived of the
fairy tale world; they have a greater range of feeling, they ‘experience more’, and they are able to express themselves more fully in
words or crayons or perhaps “only” in the power of pure reverence. They are able to listen more carefully, and they can more easily
unfold joyful, creative initiative.
Castlemaine Steiner School, PO Box 473 Castlemaine 3450
Tel: (03) 5479 2000 Fax: (03) 5470 6237
The Penny
Community Classifieds
* The content of the following notices does not necessarily reflect the views of the Castlemaine Steiner School and Kindergarten.
Coeliac Victoria & Tasmania
Kids School Holiday Activity - Friday 12
July, 2013 - 10.00-11.30am
Castlemaine Town Hall, 25 Lyttleton St
Invitation to children aged 8-12 following
a gluten free diet
Join us in making ALL GLUTEN FREE
cupcakes & pizza plus other activities
Members $10 and non members $15 per
(note: all children must be accompanied
by an adult)
Register your interest early by calling
Mandy at CVT on 03 9808 5566
Shakespeare Company Actors and
Directors will take you through the
physical craft of creating comedy and
how to celebrate the rich tapestry of
Shakespeare’s language. We’ll play with
famous scenes to best suit the group and
work with a selection of plays and cast
you in a role to bring out a new side of
At the end of the busy week, impress
family and friends in a showcase of
scenes and new skills.
WHEN: Monday 1 - Saturday 6 JULY 2013,
10AM - 4PM
WHERE: Athenaeum Theatre, 188 Collins
Street, Melbourne, 3000
COST: $400.00 inc GST
Village Winter Festival
Free Lantern making workshops for
children of all ages. Parental supervision
required. Children will also learn the
Winter song which will be performed at
the upcoming Winter Festival (Saturday
June 22nd from 5pm till late)
Workshop dates (2 sessions): Saturday
the 8th and Saturday the 15th of June
Time: 1pm till 4pm1
Library foyer Castlemaine
July School Holiday Workshop 1 - 6
July 2013 For Ages 13 - 16
Calling all young actors to get busy in the
school holidays creating Shakespeare’s
best clowns and heroes. In an action
packed week of physical comedy,
text exploration and characterization,
you’ll be surprised at how fast these
colourful characters will form. Australian
Phone: 1300 122 344
[email protected]
Family fun Day (celebrating birth)
Sunday June 16th 2013, Daylesford Town
Hal, $10 per adult and children are free...
A fun filled day full of music- Cider House
String Band, Mbira , Songs by Rohan, and
DJ Mark jazzing up your winter day blues;
a marvellous magic show, face-painting,
story -telling and fun craft activities for
children of all ages, “pop up op shop”,
homemade chai and cake, silent auction,
hot delicious home-made soup and bread
for dinner.
A fabulous fundraiser to support an
amazing local independent midwife. All
proceeds to go towards her legal costs.
House swap or Rental for Term 4
2013 to February 2014.
We are a family of 4 looking at coming to
visit family for Term 4 2013. We would
like to do a HOUSE SWAP as preference
but may be able to rent our property to
For you, our home is available from the
end of September to early February 2014. We have a huge 4 bedroom house in Alice
Springs. We have a lap pool with great
views of the Mac Donnell Ranges. Our
local Steiner school is small and we have
a very supportive community. Call or email us for more details: Jo Ruby
0411 96 1188 [email protected]
Needle Felting Workshop For
For those who missed my first workshop.
Saturday15 of June, from 10-3p.m cost
$60 incl materials. We will learn how
to make a hanging doll, you get to
decide the colours and the style of your
doll. Half deposit is needed to secure
your spot, please write to Camila at
[email protected] if interested.
Happy making!!
Needle Felting workshop for
(9y and Up) this coming school holidays,
DAYS: 3rd of July and 10 of July from
9.30-12.30. Cost of each workshop will
be $30 per person. If you are interested
please write to Camila at camiserra@ We are going to learn how
to make mermaids, each child will leave
with their own handmade mermaid, lots
of fun!! Happy making!!!
Castlemaine Steiner School, PO Box 473 Castlemaine 3450
Tel: (03) 5479 2000 Fax: (03) 5470 6237
The Penny
Community Classifieds
* The content of the following notices does not necessarily reflect the views of the Castlemaine Steiner School and Kindergarten.
Dance & Movement
The Wellbush Vineyard Open Day
Discover Nia - One practice that offers
fun and expressive modalities blended
together all in one class. The flexibility
of yoga, The core strength of pilates, The
mindfulness of meditation, The power of
martial arts, The joy of dance. So gentle
on the joints we dance barefoot. Suitable
to all abilities, easy and adaptable.
Lynn & David Wallace invite you to an
afternoon of sumptuous wine, good food
and fine music. Sunday 7th July – 12noon
– 4pm. Enjoy our winter orchard warmed
by open fires and a glass of Wellbush
wine. Be entertained by “The Wellbush”
string quartet. Tuck into our gourmet
BBQ (vegetarian options), cheese plates
and sweet delights. Free Entry. Cnr
Clifton Roads & Huntly-Fosterville Road,
Castlemaine Botanic Gardens Tea Rooms
Friday 11.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
For enquires/booking contact: fusionique
body mind Ph: Vicki 0423 955 958.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
(MHF A) Course
Castlemaine District Community Health 13 Mostyn Street, Castlemaine VIC 3450
Kathmandu blue hoody (Abel Class 6) and
Kathmandu black thermal long sleeve
top (Eva Class 8). Please call of any
knowledge if whereabouts of found. 54
706 945.
House Sitter Wanted
When: 16/08/2013 - 23/08/2013 (Two
Fridays - 9.15 to 4.30pm)
Cost: Free for those who live/work in Mt
Alexander Shire ($100 and $50 others)
If you’re interested in attending this 14hour Youth MHFA course, please contact:
Heather 5479 1000 or [email protected].
Sweet Little Souls
Babies & Children’s Clothing in Superfine
Organic Merino Wool & Fair Trade Silk.
Lost – two tops
We are looking for someone to house sit
in the last week of the winter holidays.
Warm house in Central Castlemaine.
Lovely lazy dog, chooks and rabbit to
feed. Please call Joanna 0425 840 984.
Ray Bradfield Rooms, Castlemaine.
Saturday, Sunday 29th and 30th June
IOam Till 5
Vintage jewellery, hats, crockery,
framed prints, vinyl records, retro
mens and womens clothing, shoes,
accessories,musical instruments and
much more!!
Castlemaine Steiner School, PO Box 473 Castlemaine 3450
Tel: (03) 5479 2000 Fax: (03) 5470 6237