PHÁI ĐOÀN LIÊN MINH CHÂU ÂU TẠI VIỆT NAM DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION TO VIET NAM ỦY BAN DÂN TỘC COMMIITEE FOR ETHNIC MINORITIES AFFAIRS 13 April 2015 PRESS RELEASE The European Union contributes to the formulation of Ethnic Minority Policies and promotes the awareness of ethnic minorities rights in Viet Nam Dak Lak – Today, the Committee for Ethnic Minorities Affairs (CEMA) and the Delegation of the European Union to Viet Nam through the EU-Viet Nam Strategic Dialogue Facility co-organized a two day consultation workshop on “Building and Implementing Ethnic Policies to Ensure the Rights of Ethnic Minorities - Sharing European and Vietnamese Experiences”. The main aim of the workshop is to provide a platform for consultations and exchange of views between the participants regarding inputs and suggestions to the objectives of the socio-economic development for ethnic and mountainous areas programme in the period 2016- 2020 and in particular, to review the main achievements and challenges related to the policy formulation and implementation for ensuring the Rights of Ethnic Minorities. The workshop is also expected to improve the understanding and knowledge of human rights issues in Viet Nam with focus on the rights of ethnic minorities. It also aims at familiarizing Heads and officials of Central and Provincial level government agencies and CEMA-officials with key aspects of ethnic minority policies, laws and practices while also promoting awareness of ethnic minority rights through European and Vietnamese exchange of views on international standards of human rights and legal frameworks related to ethnic minority rights. The opening remarks of Vietnamese organizers mentioned that: "The workshop will bring us to the same direction to perform successfully the mission that Party and State assigned , contribute to the rapid and sustainable development for ethnic minority and mountainous areas, in order to further improve the lives of ethnic minorities and continue to ensure their rights in the future. Besides, the workshop will contribute to further tighten the cooperation between the CEMA and EUD together with other ministries, agencies, provinces, foreign countries, international organizations and donors, involving in investment, aid attraction for the socio- economic development of ethnic minorities and mountainous area ". Mr. Nguyen Xuan Duc, General Director of the Local Department II, Committee for Ethnic Minorities Affairs also shared that: "This is an important workshops, and very meaningful to CEMA and the Delegation of European in particular and for all participants from the ministries and departments from the central to local agencies, and from international organizations present at the workshop today - we all work together towards the ethnic minorities. Organizing the workshop is a very important step in the development and implementation of policies to protect the rights of ethnic minorities, it plays an important role in contributing to achieve the objective of the Project 2214 and other support activities for ethnic minorities in the integration context ". Mr. Juan Zaratiegui Biurrun, Politic Advisor of the Delegation of the European Union to Viet Nam also emphasized that: “European countries have a varied and rich number of ethnic communities. Geography, history, culture, and lately, migration, have defined different communities within the societies of Europe. This variety has undoubtedly enriched Europe´s culture, and contributed to the tolerant and open social values we enjoy today.” And he continued: ”In line with universal human rights standards, also subscribed by Vietnam, the EU and its Member States are committed to respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of ethnic minorities.” Key speakers at the workshop included Mr. Le Anh Tuan, Permanent Office, Vietnam National Committee of Human Rights, Ms. Tran Nu Ngọc Anh, Deputy Director of International Cooperation Department, CEMA, Mr. Tran Chi Thanh, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Phan Nguyen Hung, General Department of Security, Ministry of Public Security and representatives from the Committee for Ethnic Minorities Affairs . As the key European speaker, Ms. Ewa Chylinski, a Senior Expert of the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) shared the international experiences on developing and implementing the Universal Periodic Review recommendation plans. Ms Chylinski also presented European insights and expertise on formulating and implementing ethnic minority policies and ensuring the rights of ethnic minorities. There were over 60 participants from Viet Nam Government Agencies, including heads of provincial and district level departments and agencies from 14 provinces (Central and Southern Central Provinces). Two similar workshops supported by the European Union Delegation to Vietnam will also be conducted in Tra Vinh on 16-17 April and later in May 2015 in Lao Cai. Background Information: The EU-Vietnam Strategic Dialogue Facility is a three-year program (2013-2016) funded by the European Union which aims to support Viet Nam's development through the implementation of activities in areas covered by the EU-Viet Nam Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) signed in 2012. Media Contacts: Ms. Nguyen Lan Nhi, Information & Communication Officer, EU - Vietnam Strategic Dialogue Facility, Tel: +84 04. 35 16 26 96 Mobile: (+84) 983 841 907 Email:[email protected]. Ms. Tran Ngoc Lan Phuong, International Cooperation Officer,Committee for Ethnic Minorities Affairs, 80 Phan Đình Phùng, Hà Nội. Tel: (+84) 04 38 43 87 13 Mobile: (+84) 0947290787 Email:[email protected] 2
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