BN 30_The e-textbook of the Cochrane neurological

The e-textbook of the Cochrane Neurological Reviews
MG Celani, TA Cantisani, M Congedo, C Cusi,
K. Mahan, G. Settembri, M. Dragoni
Cochrane Neurological Field –
Health Authority of Umbria – Perugia, Italy
Reviews identification
Every three months from the Cohrane Library …
The Cochrane Neurological Field (CNF) promotes an easy approach to Cochrane
neurological reviews by providing a browse list organized as a neurological textbook
index. This e-textbook was planned as comprehensive as possible, with the aim to
disseminate reviews, to provide a straightforward way to reach new audiences with
various cultural needs and diverse educational backgrounds among neurology health
professionals. This approach could be appreciated by students and consumers as well,
in order to share updated evidence with people not used to systematic research in
the Cochrane database
The e-textbook of Cochrane neurological reviews is organized by titles
and chapters, with the possibility to "turn the pages", each review title
is followed by the abstract and the plain language summary.
Reviews of shared interest between categories are flagged. This
enhances the multidisciplinary and multiprofessional aspects of a single
review and is crucial for different specialities to increase the channel
of relationships.
The ten most read and appreciated are highlighted. Comments and
evaluations by readers are encouraged.
Every three months since the year 2000 the CNF has
highlighted all reviews of neurological interest in the Cochrane
Library new issue.
In light of an evidence based approach, we decided to carry out
a project with the aim to understand differences between
clinical neurological practice. Six neurologists, located in
different countries, willing to give their contribution to the
Cochrane Neurological Field, were contacted. They were
representative of different geographical areas: Africa, China,
Brazil, Germany and Italy. By integrating the participants
understanding of neurology we created a disease list which
reflects the interest regarding neurology in the world; thanks to
this work our “textbook index” is comprehensive of a wide
range of interests and different practice in various contexts.
Since 2009 these reviews are blindly selected from the Library,
by two Italian neurologists belonging to different contexts: each
title is ascribed to a topic within the index, a list of 27
categories and 35 sub-categories.
Classification is discussed by two other independent neurologists
who also find reviews that are of ‘shared interest’ with
neurology and other disciplines (i.e. neurology and urology, etc).
We would like to present the e-textbook of Cochrane Neurological Systematic Reviews
and offer the possibility to “surf it” and create a space to begin exchange and discussion
with health professionals, students, patients, caregivers, citizens and policy makers in
different realities.
We Thank Promovideo,
a Crossmedia Agency