All-‐Star Cheer and Dance Program Packet 2015-‐2016 Tryout Dates Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Thursday, May 21, 2015 The 2015-2016 Evolution Cheer tryouts will be held for boys and girls ages 3-18 (age of August 31, 2015) TRYOUT FEE is $10 by May 16, 2015 (email [email protected] to register) After May 16, 2015, Tryout fee increases to $20 Welcome to the Evolution Cheer Family! Evolution Cheer, Inc. offers athletes of all ages and abilities the opportunity to grow and develop under the supervision of professionally trained coaches. There is no better place to experience the world of competitive cheer and dance than Evolution Cheer, Inc. Our athletes will develop the skill and confidence to perform at the highest level of competition. From our coaching staff, to our facility, Evolution Cheer, Inc. is proud to offer a premier All-‐Star program. Our brand new building offers all the amenities you associate with a championship organization: *Full-‐Size Spring Floor *Parent Waiting Area *Tumble Track *Skill Shapes *Tumble Strips Coaches at Evolution Cheer, Inc. are USASF certified and credentialed, AACCA certified, and first-‐aid, CPR and concussion trained. ** WE ARE A NUT FREE FACILITY** Program Overview A L L S T A R T E A M S All Star teams are select groups of 8-‐36 athletes who train and compete together. Seasons are all year long and they typically train twice a week for 4 to 6 hours total. A L L S T A R P R E P All Star teams are select groups of 8-‐36 athletes who train and compete together. Seasons are still 12 months and they typically train once a week for 2 hours total. A L L S T A R D A N C E All Star teams are select groups of 8-‐36 athletes who train and compete together. Seasons are all year long and they typically train twice a week for 4 hours total. C L A S S E S Classes are typically one hour and meet once a week to train small groups of athletes working on similar skills. Classes are available for tumbling, jumps, flexibility and dance technique. C A M P S We offer skills camps, custom camps and workshops for individuals, small groups and teams. Come to our facility or we'll bring our staff to you! S C H O O L T E A M S Skill training and choreography is available for school teams at our facilities. Whether your team is novice, intermediate, or advanced, we can customize a training program to meet your specific needs and meet your teams' goals. Choose weekly or bi-‐weekly training to maximize your skill and performance. P R I V A T E L E S S O N S 1-‐3 athletes with a single instructor get intensive, customized training. These are set up and scheduled directly with the instructor. The following industry guidelines determine team placement and instructional level: LEVEL STUNTING 1 Knee Level stunts, Prep level 2 Prep level one-‐legged stunts, extended two-‐legged stunts 3 Extended one-‐legged stunts, single twisting dismounts from two feet 4 Release moves to extended level, twisting stunts to two feet, double twisting dismounts from two feet 5 Twisting stunts to extended level to one foot, double twisting dismounts from one foot JUMPS STANDING TUMBLING Beginner jumps RUNNING TUMBLING Back Walk-‐over Front walk-‐over Non-‐tumblers Back handspring Back Walk-‐over Front walk-‐over Non-‐tumblers Novice Running tumbling jumps to a back handspring Level Multiple back handsprings, Running tumbling jumps jumps to standing back to tuck, specialty handspring tumbling to tuck Above Standing tuck, jumps to Running tumbling level back handspring tuck, and to layout, jumps standing back handsprings specialty pass to to layout layout Hyper Jumps to back tuck and Running tumbling extended standing tumbling to full to full or double jumps or double full, specialty to full or double full Age Guidelines (as of Aug. 31, 2015) All-‐Star Cheer Tiny Mini Youth Junior Senior 6 years & younger 8 years & younger 11 years & younger 14 years & younger 10-‐18 years All-‐Star Dance Tiny Mini Youth Junior Senior 6 years & younger 9 years & younger 12 years & younger 15 years & younger 18 years & younger All program costs detailed within this packet may be offset by any and all fundraising efforts. PROGRAM COSTS – CHEER FULL SEASON Tuition and Expenses Full season all-‐star cheer involves a complete commitment on the part of the athlete and his/her family. The tiny to senior cheer season runs June 2015 through May 2016. Tuition covers weekly practices, extra practices, team tumble and one open gym per month. Tuition is divided into equal installments and is collected on the 1st of every month, beginning June 1, 2015. Monthly tuition cannot be prorated for any reason and is non-‐refundable. Our tiny comp. through senior teams practice 3-‐4 hours a week from June – August and approximately 6 hours per week from September – May (4 hr team practice and 2 hr tumbling). Team Level Age Tuition Tiny Competition Ages 5 and 6; 4y/o by $80 invite only Mini 8 and under $125 Youth 11 and under $125 Junior 14 and under $125 Senior 10 to 18 $125 *Please be advised that team levels may be combined* Additional Costs (all costs are approximations and depend on team and level) Description Cost Annual Registration and Insurance $40 USASF Membership $30 Practice Clothes $50 to $150 Choreography and Music $125 to $275 Uniform + Bow and Make-‐up $90 to $350 + $65 Competition Fees $450 to $900 Crossover Fees Responsibility of athlete *Competition fees include competition registration fees and coaches’ fees only, and do not include travel or accommodation costs for athletes. If a team qualifies for post-‐season competition like the Summit in Orlando, Fl. that team WILL attend. Teams that qualify for post-‐season competition will pay additional tuition plus any competition and coaches travel fees. Refunds will not be issued due to an athlete quitting OR for removal from the team. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! PROGRAM COSTS – CHEER Division II – (formerly All-‐Star Prep) Tuition and Expenses The tiny exhibition through senior prep cheer teams are a great alternative for the beginner athlete or an athlete that would like a more lenient time, travel, and financial commitment. Our all-‐star prep season runs June 2015 through May 2016 and performances will all be within driving distance. Tuition covers weekly practices and team tumble. Tuition is divided into equal installments and is collected on the 1st of every month, beginning June 1, 2015. Monthly tuition cannot be prorated for any reason and is non-‐refundable. Our tiny exhibition teams practice 2 hours per week (1 hr cheer and 1 hr tumbling), and mini through senior prep teams practice 3 hours per week (2 hr cheer and 1 hr tumbling). Prep teams will attend 3 to 5 competitions per year. Team Level Age Tuition Tiny Exhibition 6 and under $60 Mini Prep 8 and under $85 Youth Prep 11 and under $85 Junior Prep 14 and under $85 Senior Prep 10 to 18 $85 *Please be advised that team levels may be combined* Additional Costs (all costs are approximations and depend on team and level) Description Cost Annual Registration and Insurance $40 USASF Membership $30 Practice Clothes $40 to $120 Choreography and Music $100 to $175 Uniform + Bow and Make-‐up $75 to $250 + $65 Exhibition/Competition Fees $ 125 to $450 *Competition fees include competition registration fees and coaches’ fees only. It is the athlete’s responsibility to commute to local competitions/performances.* Refunds will not be issued due to an athlete quitting OR for removal from the team. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Cheer Tryouts PLACEMENT CHECK-‐LIST Our tryouts are conducted in a relaxed, fun atmosphere! We evaluate in groups & encourage participants to re-‐do their skills until they are satisfied with their tryout. After all candidates have been evaluated after the second tryout session, we will begin to assemble teams. The selection of teams is a very tedious and often complicated process. Many key elements are considered in our decisions including, tumble, stunt and jump technique as well as stunt positions necessary to fill a team. We must choose a well-‐rounded variety of individuals for each team that take into account the team successes but also the proper progression for each individual athlete. Since our program is new, age and skill levels may be combined to help ensure the success and proper progression of all athletes. Execution is a key category on the new score sheet. It is our goal to have MORE THAN THE MAJORITY of athletes on one team participate in ALL LEVEL APPROPRIATE SKILLS. There may be exceptions made. **Tryouts are closed to all parents and spectators!** Here’s what you’ll need to do: ! Select the tryout date most agreeable to you ! Attend the tryout time slot that matches the athlete’s age as of Aug 31, 2015 ! Fill out the Registration Form ! Pay Tryout Fee = $10 if pre-‐registered on or before May 16. $20 thereafter ! Bring a recent headshot ! Bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate ! Sign and bring all other forms included in this packet Team placements will be announced on Monday, May 25, 2015 on Tryout Times – Cheer ONLY (ages as of August 31, 2015) *Registration for Tiny Exhibition (3 and 4 y/o) and Dance Intensive will take place from 5:30 – 7:00PM both days* Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Thursday, May 21, 2015 Age 5 – 11: 5:30PM – 7:30PM Age 12 – 18: 8PM – 10:00PM Age 5 – 11: 5:30PM – 7:30PM Age 12 – 18: 8PM – 10:00PM You may attend one or both days. Mandatory Parent’s Meeting Evening of May 26 OR May 27 (choose one) Time TBA Once teams have been selected, staff will go over program policies and explain what is expected during the 2015-‐2016 season. This is an opportunity for parents to meet coaches and ask questions. You’ll also learn about: *Classes and Clinics *Fundraising *Special Events *Community Service Opportunities Non-‐refundable annual registration and insurance fee, practice clothes fee, and USASF membership fee are due at this meeting. If paying by check, fees must be in three separate checks and made payable to Evolution Cheer, Inc. Dance Auditions Auditions will be held in August 2015 and rehearsals will begin in September. Times and dates will be announced soon. In order to promote interest in all-‐star dance, Evolution Cheer, Inc. will be hosting a hip-‐hop and jazz summer dance intensive every Wednesday, beginning July 1 and ending July 29. Class offerings are as follows: Jazz & Hip Hop: Ages 5 – 11 5PM -‐ 6:30PM $75 Jazz & Hip-‐Hop: Ages 12 – 18 6:30PM – 8PM $75 Participants must submit a registration form & the $40 annual registration and insurance fee Registration Form: 2015 -‐ 2016 Check the desired program(s): _____Full Season Cheer _____Classes/Camp _____Division II(Prep) _____Dance Intensive Cheerleader Information: (please print) 520 Industrial Loop Staten Island, NY 10309 Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________Zip Code: ________________ Phone: (home) ___________________ (cell)___________________ Birthday:____/____/____ Age: (as of 8/31/15) _______School: _______________________ Grade: (as of 9/15) _______ E-‐Mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Information: We will communicate mostly via email. Please provide a parental contact email address that you will check daily and is in working order : ________________________________________ Mother’s Name: ________________________________Phone: ______________________ Father’s Name: _________________________________Phone: ______________________ Insurance Information: Insurance Company ___________________________Policy Number_____________________ Policy Holder _________________________________Relationship to child: ______________ Medical Conditions/Allergies/Medications/Injuries: ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: (If the parent cannot be reached) Name: __________________________Phone: ______________Relation: ________________ Name: __________________________Phone: ______________Relation: ________________ Evolution Cheer, Inc. does not support a crossover policy. If I chose to crossover in an emergency, I am responsible for full entry fee to competition. I want to be considered for crossover. Please Initial One: Yes: _________________ No: __________________ 520 Industrial Loop / Staten Island, NY 10309 (347) 249-2497 / (646) 321-7998 [email protected] Evolution Cheer INC. Consent and Assumption of Risk I/We______________________________parent’s/guardian’s of ______________________________ who is a member of Evolution Cheer and wishes to participate as a cheerleader in this program; give our full consent for such participation by our child. We understand that our child must be in good physical shape and condition and that the activities in which our child will participate are strenuous and require athletic and physical agility. It has been fully explained to me/us that these activities include, but are not limited to a variety of gymnastics routines including; somersaults, back hand springs, tucks, round offs, rolls, and others; that there will be a variety of mounts and stunts requiring the coordination of more than one participant of the squad; that these activities will not be confined to any one site or venue, but rather a variety of sites and places throughout this program’s cheer season. It has also been explained to us that cheerleading is an activity in which the risk of injury is high; that any one of these routines involving our child’s participation in general, can lead to serious injury including partial or total paralysis, or even death. These injuries may be minor or career or life threatening. We have also discussed this with our child and among ourselves. Despite this understanding and the risks involved, we still consent to the participation in this activity by our child. We also understand that our child will be required to travel to locations other than their primary practice location, and consent to providing transportation for our child via; ourselves, a team or practice center bus or vehicle (when offered), or a team parent or member. We consent to these forms of transportation. We represent to you that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, our child has no mental, physical, or medical disability or limitation that would restrict our child’s ability to fully participate in all facets of cheerleading in this program. We have been informed that our child must be examined by a physician prior to full participation in these activities described above and we agree to such examination via our licensed medical physician to preliminarily qualify our child in this activity. We agree to, and by the signing of this agreement, release: the director(s)/owner, coaches, assistant coaches, volunteer staff, and center personnel at and of the Evolution Cheer, Inc, from any claim of negligence by: ourselves, our child, our heirs, executors and assigns; from any liability arising from claims for damages for injury, to our child, and any claims for loss of or damage to our child’s property which may arise out of our child’s participation in the Evolution Cheer Program for as long as our child is a participant. I understand that Evolution Cheer, Inc cannot be held responsible for injuries or conditions caused by the actions of another athlete or my own failure to follow the safety procedures established by the coaching staff. Failure to follow the appropriate procedures for obtaining treatment and/or submitting bills will result in delay and/or denial of claims. In witness whereof, I/we have affixed our signatures to this agreement the _____________day of________________ in the year ____________ for the Evolution Cheer INC, Staten Island, New York. _______________________________________________________ Athlete’s Name (please print) ________________________________________________ Signature Date _______________________________________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Name (please print) (If student-‐athlete is under 18 years of age) ________________________________________________ Signature Date CHEER PAY **MANDATORY** Our Cheer Pay system offers direct monthly tuition payment from either your credit or debit card. Automatic deductions will take place on the 1st Day of the month. A penalty of $30 will be applied for all transactions that are declined for any reason. A fee of $15 will be charged for any tuition received after the 5th of the month and a $30 fee for each month thereafter. There will be no refunds or prorating for team practices, tumbling classes missed through the season. Athletes will not be allowed to participate in practices or competitions until balance is current on delinquent accounts. Additional fees not included in your monthly tuition installment include but are not limited to competition, coaches, choreography, uniform and music fees. Cash, Check, cheer pay or online payments will be accepted for Fees related to classes, practice clothing, and other non Monthly tuition payments. Sibling discounts – the first child in each family pays full tuition; each additional child receives a 10%, then 20%, then 30% discount, respectively, from Tuition ONLY. All full season teams may have additional competition and coaches fees for extended travel competitions, including but not limited to WORLDS and SUMMIT. All athletes must have a credit/debit card on file. FINANCIAL COMMTIMENT I have read and fully understand my financial commitment to Evolution Cheer, Inc. I understand this commitment is for the 2015-2016 competitive season. I understand I am giving my credit/debit card information, and that information will be used for monthly tuition payments. I understand this card must remain valid throughout the entire season or I will notify Evolution Cheer, Inc. of any changes to this account. I also understand that I will forfeit any monies (tuition, miscellaneous, and/or travel fees) paid to date, if I choose to leave the team or if I am asked to leave the program. If I have a financial concern, I understand I must speak with one of the owners. TERM: This authority is to remain in effect throughout the 2015-2016 competitive cheer season (5/20/15-5/20/16 or until all monies have been collected) I, ________________________________, HEREBY AUTHORIZE EVOLUTION CHEER, INC. TO CHARGE MY AMEX DISCOVER MASTER CARD VISA (Circle One) Name (as it appears on card): ________________________________________ Card Number: ____________________________ Exp. Date: ____________ Cheerleader Name: ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _________________ Cheer and Dance Team Policies Attendance Attendance is crucial to the success of the team. All missed practices must be documented in writing. Failure to notify the gym of an absence (no call, no show) will result in a disciplinary meeting before the athlete can return to practice. Practices are mandatory the two weeks prior to a competition. If an athlete misses a practice during this time, they forfeit their opportunity to compete and no refunds will be given. No exceptions. Any injury that causes an athlete to miss two or more practices will require a doctor’s note to return. Team Placement If an athlete demonstrates a skill at tryouts they are expected to have the skill thought the season. If an athlete loses that skill they have two weeks to regain it. If after two weeks the athlete has not regained the skill they possessed at tryouts, they will be moved to a more appropriate team. All team placements, routine positions and stunt spots are at the discretion of the coaches, and can be changed at any time. Practice Rules Shoes must be worn at all times. Appropriate apparel, assigned by coaches must be worn to practice. Hair longer than shoulder length must be secured in a ponytail Cell phones must remain on silent and stay in your bag. Bags should be left in designated storage locations. Leave your valuables at home; we are not responsible for lost or stolen items. No jewelry; it’s a safety issue. Athletes are expected to be respectful to staff, parents and teammates, both in the gym and at competitions. Inappropriate behavior can result in expulsion from practice or immediate dismissal without refund. • No gossiping in person or on social media. • No food or drinks allowed in the gym except water. • • • • • • • • Excused Absences Contagious illness Family emergency Unexcused absences School dance Too much homework Traffic Feeling tired Don’t have a ride Birthdays Being punished/grounded Parent/Athlete Program Policies • It is the responsibility of the parent to stay informed. Please check email and our website regularly. If you are not receiving emails, contact the gym right away. • The only people allowed in the gym or dance studio are athletes and staff. Parents, friends and relatives must remain in the viewing area. The adult viewing area must remain supervised. Young children cannot be left unattended. • You cannot create or sell your own Evolution Cheer, Inc. clothing. The name and logo are copyrighted. All ideas must be approved by management. • Anyone threatening to quit will be asked to leave immediately; no refunds will be given. • Do not engage in negative gossip or post negative comments about other teams, athletes or coaches at practice, competition or via social media. Please remember, anything you say is a reflection on Evolution Cheer, Inc. and is grounds for immediate removal • No animals in the building. • No profanity or rude language. • Punctuality is a must. Always arrive at least 10 minutes early. • Please do not interrupt practices. If you have a question or concern please request a meeting with your coach or management before or after practice. • Practice schedules can change. We will add practices before any competition. • Please do not share your opinion about the routine or choreography. We hire experienced and talented staff who will make sure every team is performing at their full potential. • Coaches/management reserve the right to close practices at any time. • Withholding your child from practice as a form of discipline is unfair to the rest of the team. • We encourage celebrations for birthdays and accomplishments. Please work with your coach to find a time that works best for the team. • All athletes are expected to be at every practice. Excessive unexcused absences will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal. • Please make front desk aware of all illness, allergies and/or medication. Please report any injuries to the Evolution Cheer, Inc. staff immediately. I have read and understand the 2015 – 2016 code of conduct. Parent Signature: ____________________________________________ Athlete Signature: ___________________________________________ Cheer and Dance Competition Policies • All competitions are required for all athletes unless otherwise specified. • Each athlete is required to have a suitable chaperone at all competitions and appearances. • There will be no refund of competition or travel fees for any reason including, but not limited to injury, illness or program dismissal. • All hotels are chosen by staff and every athlete is required to stay at these designated hotels. • Information regarding arrival time, performance time, etc. will be emailed out as soon as the information becomes available. This is typically the Wednesday the week of the event. • Athletes will arrive on time and ready to compete. Check in with your team coach. It is not the responsibility of the coach to do hair, make-‐up, etc. • No jewelry of any kind may be worn at competition. Remove any piercings prior to warm-‐ups. Jewelry cannot be taped as it is against USASF rules. Remove hair bands from your wrist as they are considered grounds for a deduction. • When the entire team has checked in and is competition ready, the coaches will then take them to warm-‐ups. This may be earlier than listed on the master schedule if all athletes are ready. • Parents are not allowed in the warm-‐up room at any competition for any reason. • After your performance you will be instructed by staff / team mom on a meeting time and location for awards. • All athletes must attend their awards ceremony at every competition. Athletes should wear their full uniform/costume. This includes cheer/dance shoes and competition bow. • While at any competition or event you must be in Evolution Cheer, Inc. apparel and not in street clothes. • Remember that you represent Evolution Cheer, Inc. at all times. Any unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. This rule applies to athletes, parents and fans. • Parents and athletes may not contact the competition companies. All questions or concerns must be directed to Evolution Cheer, Inc.. • Athletes are not allowed to compete with any other cheerleading team at the same competition. • Good sportsmanship, polite manners, and a kind disposition are essential at all competitions. Evolution Cheer, Inc. prides itself on setting a high standard of behavior. This includes respecting your coaches, team parents and other competitors. Show class, have pride and display character. Photo Release • I hereby authorize Evolution Cheer, Inc. to publish photographs and/or videos taken of me and/or the undersigned minor children, and our names, for use in Evolution Cheer, Inc. printed publications, website as well as Social Media including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. • I release Evolution Cheer, Inc. from any expectation of confidentiality for the undersigned minor children and myself and attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the children listed below and that I have the authority to authorize Evolution Cheer, Inc. to use their photographs and names. • I acknowledge that since participation in publications and website produced by Evolution Cheer, Inc. confers no rights of ownership whatsoever. I release Evolution Cheer, Inc., its contractors and its employees from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation or the participation of the undersigned minor children. Print Name of Parent or Legal Guardian: ______________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ______________ Names and Ages of Minor Children: Name: ___________________________________ Age: __________ Name: ___________________________________ Age: __________ Name: ___________________________________ Age: __________ Name: ___________________________________ Age: __________
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