NQT Lesson Observation Pro

Lesson Observation Pro-Forma
Name of NQT:
Name of Observer:
Date/Time of Lesson:
Class being taught: (Year/group)
No. of Pupils:
Agreed focus for the Observation:
One of the Teachers’ Standards or a particular objective from the NQT’s Development Plan (DP) should be
the focus for the observation.
Observations relating to the agreed focus, to be discussed with NQT at feedback, linked to Teachers’
Standards (listed overleaf)
NQT Lesson Observation Pro-Forma
Areas for Development
NIPT – July 2013
Feedback summary
Actions to take forward
NQT has completed a separate self-evaluation sheet
Yes / No
Feedback completed:
Signed: NQT
Signed: Observer
Aide Memoir - Teachers’ Standards
A teacher must:
1 Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils
2 Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils
3 Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge
4 Plan and teach well structured lessons
5 Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils
6 Make accurate and productive use of assessment
7 Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment
8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities
Part 2: Personal and Professional Conduct