Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Supplement for CEV #475 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Supplement for CEV #475 Goal: To introduce the purpose of evaluation and the desired phenotypic traits of the ideal breeding heifer. Objectives: 1. to identify and list the major factors considered in breeding heifer evaluation 2. to analyze and interpret a set of performance records 3. to evaluate and defend the placing of a breeding heifer class i Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Quiz I Short Answer 1. Why is structural soundness of major importance in breeding heifer evaluation? 2. In breeding heifers, what is the ideal angle of the shoulder? 3. List two structural defects Mr. Elliot discussed. True or False ___4. A straight shoulder is desired in breeding heifers. ___5. The ideal breeding heifer should possess short, straight pasterns. 1 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Quiz II Short Answer 1. List the three components of volume in breeding heifers. True or False ___2. A narrow chest floor is desirable in breeding heifers. ___3. Volume is an indicator of the heifer’s fleshing ability. ___4. Volume is evaluated exclusively from the side. 2 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Quiz III Multiple Choice ___1. Depth of body should account for what percent of the heifer’s height? a. 25% b. 30% c. 45% d. 50% e. 65% ___2. Length of neck should equal the length of the a. face b. cannon bone c. hip d. tail e. none of the above True or False ___3. The deepest part of a heifer should be the chest floor. ___4. A tight flank is desirable in breeding heifers. 3 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Quiz IV Short Answer 1. Why is femininity an important factor to consider in breeding heifer evaluation? 2. List three (3) traits of femininity. True or False ___3. Narrow width between the eyes is desired in breeding females. ___4. An ideal breeding heifer should display refinement through the muzzle. 4 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Quiz V Short Answer 1. Define EPD. 2. List the five EPD’s Mr. Elliot discussed in this section. 3. How are EPD’s used as a tool to make sound management decisions? 4. Why should a producer with limited feed resources select cattle with low to moderate EPD values for milk? 5. Why is scrotal circumference an important EPD for beef producers? 5 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Quiz VI Scenario: Rank these Shorthorn heifers as they will be retained in a purebred operation that generates income from the sale of yearling bulls to commercial breeders. All non-replacement heifers and steers are sold at weaning. EPD chart: Birth # Date 1 2/16 2 3/3 3 3/18 4 3/3 Breed Average Birth Wt. EPD +2.2 +2.1 +1.1 +2.3 +2.3 Weaning Wt. EPD +16.2 +26.5 +13.2 +20.5 +15.5 Yearling Wt. EPD +25.6 +31.2 +18.1 +26.4 +24.8 Maternal Milk EPD +3.7 +3.9 +3.6 +3.7 +3.6 Short Answer 1. Which Shorthorn heifer had the most volume? 2. Between 1 and 3, which heifer was the most structurally sound? 3. Between 4 and 2, which heifer was more feminine? 4. Between 1 and 2, which heifer was more correct on her back legs? 5. Which heifer was the narrowest made heifer in the class? 6 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Final Quiz Short Answer 1. List the major factors considered in breeding heifer evaluation. 2. Why is breeding heifer evaluation important? 3. Why is structural soundness important in relation to performance? 4. Describe the ideal breeding heifer in regards to balance. 5. What performance trait is highly correlated to femininity? 6. In breeding heifers, what is the importance of frame size? 7. What is the primary goal of the cow/calf producer? 8. What was your placing of the Shorthorn heifer class? Defend your placing. (use the back of this quiz or a separate sheet of paper) 7 9. Why are performance records beneficial when evaluating breeding heifers? 10. Label the following with the desired EPD values: High, Moderate or Low Birth weight: Weaning weight: Yearling weight: Milk: Scrotal circumference: 8 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Answer Key for CEV #475 Short Answer 1. Why is structural soundness of major importance in breeding heifer evaluation? Structural soundness is important for reproductive ability, growth and ongevity. For the herd to be efficient, producers must select replacement females that posses correct skeletal angulation and bone development. 2. In breeding heifers, what is the ideal angle of the shoulder? 45 degrees 3. List two structural defects Mr. Elliot discussed. Straight shoulder, pigeon-toed, buck-knee (over in the knee), toed-out, bowlegged (out at her hocks), sickle-hocked, too straight pasterns, too straight in hock, weak behind shoulders, roached (high) in the loin, round in hip True or False F 4. A straight shoulder is desired in breeding heifers. A straight shoulder restricts the heifers stride. F 5. The ideal breeding heifer should possess short, straight pasterns. The angle of the pastern, like the shoulder, should be about 45 degrees to allow for good cushioning in her stride. 1 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Answer Key for CEV #475 Short Answer 1. List the three components of volume in breeding heifers. Chest width, Depth of body, Shape of rib True or False F 2. A narrow chest floor is desirable in breeding heifers. A wide, deep chest floor is desirable T 3. Volume is an indicator of the heifer’s fleshing ability. F 4. Volume is evaluated exclusively from the side. For an accurate appraisal of volume, evaluate from the side, rear, top and front views. 2 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Answer Key for CEV #475 Multiple Choice d 1. Depth of body should account for what percent of the heifer’s height? a. 25% b. 30% c. 45% d. 50% e. 65% c 2. Length of neck should equal the length of the a. face b. cannon bone c. hip d. tail e. none of the above True or False F 3. The deepest part of a heifer should be the chest floor. The deepest part should be the flank and mid-rib F 4. A tight flank is desirable in breeding heifers. The flank should be deep (ideally, the deepest part of the heifer) and well-muscled. 3 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Answer Key for CEV #475 Short Answer 1. Why is femininity an important factor to consider in breeding heifer evaluation? Reproductive performance is highly correlated with femininity. These types of heifers tend to have good maternal instincts and good reproductive abilities (more efficient, less dystocia) 2. List three (3) traits of femininity. Up-fronted, smooth-shouldered, long and refined through the head and neck, adequate width throughout the hip and pelvic region True or False T 3. Narrow width between the eyes is desired in breeding females. T 4. An ideal breeding heifer should display refinement through the muzzle. 4 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Answer Key for CEV #475 Short Answer 1. Define EPD. Expected Progeny Difference is a genetic predictor by an individual based upon their ancestry. 2. List the five EPDs Mr. Elliot discussed in this section. Birth weight, Weaning weight, Yearling Circumference weight, Milk, Scrotal 3. How are EPDs used as a tool to make sound management decisions? Producers use EPD values to predict future performance of the herd and increase reproductive efficiency in the herd. 4. Why should a producer with limited feed resources select cattle with low to moderate EPD values for milk? Cows direct their energy toward milk production for their calves, which in times of limited feed resources, will come at the expense of their body condition, which affects reproductive efficiency. Selecting a cow with a low milk EPD helps temper this affect. 5. Why is scrotal circumference an important EPD for beef producers? Scrotal circumference is a predictor of fertility of the bull and of the onset of puberty (early maturing) in the female offspring of the bull; therefore, larger is better. 5 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Answer Key for CEV #475 Official Placing and Cuts 4–2–1–3 2 6 4 Placing same heifers again using the following Scenario and EPD data Placings and Cuts using EPD data: 2–4–1–3 2 6 4 Scenario: Rank these Shorthorn heifers as they will be retained in a purebred operation that generates income from the sale of yearling bulls to commercial breeders. All non-replacement heifers and steers are sold at weaning. EPD chart: # 1 2 3 4 Breed Birth Date 2/16 3/3 3/18 3/3 Average Birth Wt. EPD +2.2 +2.1 +1.1 +2.3 +2.3 Weaning Wt. EPD +16.2 +26.5 +13.2 +20.5 +15.5 Yearling Wt. EPD +25.6 +31.2 +18.1 +26.4 +24.8 Maternal Milk EPD +3.7 +3.9 +3.6 +3.7 +3.6 Short Answer 1. Which Shorthorn heifer had the most volume? 4 2. Between 1 and 3, which heifer was the most structurally sound? 1 3. Between 4 and 2, which heifer was more feminine? 2 4. Between 1 and 2, which heifer was more correct on her back legs? 1 5. Which heifer was the narrowest made heifer in the class? 3 6 Livestock Judging: Breeding Heifer Evaluation Answer Key for CEV #475 Short Answer 1. List the major factors considered in breeding heifer evaluation. Structural soundness, Volume, Balance, Femininity, Performance 2. Why is breeding heifer evaluation important? Visual appraisal is an important part of the genetic improvement of the beef industry. Producers combine phenotype, performance data and projected performance of the offspring into their selection programs. Such programs help producers economically produce the product wanted by the consumers. 3. Why is structural soundness important in relation to performance? If cattle are not structurally sound with the correct skeleton, angulation and bone development, they will not be mobile, won’t forage well, and therefore will not gain efficiently. They will take longer to reach optimum market weights. 4. Describe the ideal breeding heifer in regards to balance. The ideal heifer’s depth of body equals half of her height, her neck is equal to the length of her hip and her flank and mid-rib are the deepest part of her body. 5. What performance trait is highly correlated to femininity? Reproductive efficiency is highly correlated to femininity. 6. In breeding heifers, what is the importance of frame size? The frame size should be based upon the environment in which they will be raised. 7. What is the primary goal of the cow/calf producer? To generate an efficient, economical commodity in order to meet consumer demand. For efficiency, a cow should produce a calf each year. Producers should strive to continuously improve the quality of the herd. The quality of the yearly calf crop is an indicator of the success of the cow/calf operation. 8. What was your placing of the Shorthorn heifer class? Defend your placing. 4–2–1–3 Evaluate reasons presented by the student. 7 9. Why are performance records beneficial when evaluating breeding heifers? Because the EPDs are genetic predictors, they are useful in deciding “keep/cull” factors in the producers selection program. 10. Label the following with the desired EPD values: High, Moderate or Low Birth weight: low - easier calving, less dystocia Weaning weight: high - for higher sale price Yearling weight: high - if selling or moderate - downsizing or limited feed Milk: high - if unlimited feed sources or low/moderate - if limited feed sources Scrotal circumference: high 8
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