67th ANNUAL TOOELE COUNTY LIVESTOCK SHOW AND SALE CALENDAR OF EVENTS MONDAY, JULY 27, 2015 8:00 AM July 30, 31, August 1, 2015 Deseret Peak Complex 2930 West Highway 112 Tooele, Utah 84074 FOREWORD The purpose of the TOOELE County Livestock Show is to promote and encourage FFA and 4-H Club members of this county in the feeding, production, and improvement of livestock. The object of the show is to furnish the exhibitor a medium through which they may display their best animals and in a practical way learn some of the lessons of competition, cooperation, showmanship, and market demands, thus culminating in a better appreciation of the value of livestock production and agriculture. The livestock show and auction is sponsored by the Tooele County Commissioners. Wade Bitner Myron Bateman Shawn Milne Set up Pens-everyone encouraged to help. THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2015 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Receive and weigh-in Beef, Sheep, Goats and Swine 10:30 AM Exhibitors Meeting 12:30 PM Showmanship contest: Beef, Sheep, Swine and Goats Showmanship contest age groups 9th thru 12th grades 6th thru 8th grades 3rd thru 5th grades 3:30 - 4:30 PM Pee Wee Show 4:30 - 5:30 PM Junior Judging Contest FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2015 8:30 AM Judging of Swine and Goats 12:00 PM Judging of Sheep 3:30 PM Judging of Beef Cattle 7:00 PM Beef, Goats and Sheep permitted to leave show grounds SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 2015 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Buyers & Exhibitors Breakfast (All buyers and exhibitors will receive tickets for breakfast, family members & parents may purchase a breakfast ticket for $3.00 each.) Sale of Market Livestock All Grand & Reserve Champions will sell first. Beef, Swine, Lambs and Goats. All beef will be sold, then hogs, lambs and goats until all eligible animals are sold. TOOELE COUNTY JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SHOW & SALE RULES FOR 2015 This code of ethics applies to all exhibitors in the Tooele County Jr. Livestock show. It includes Junior exhibitors who compete in structured classes of competition. All classes of livestock offered at the livestock event are included. urn The following is a listing of guidelines all exhibitors must follow to enter livestock at organized competitive events: GENERAL 1. All participants are REQUIRED to turn in a Record Book. The books are due to the Tooele County 4-H Office, 151 N. Main, Tooele, Utah 84074, by Oct. 1, 2015. Those participants who do not turn in a record book by October 1, 2015, CANNOT participate in the next years livestock show. All participants are invited to participate in the 4-H/FFA Record Book contest at the Livestock Show. Books are due Monday, July 20, 2015. 4-H Portfolios are turned in to the 4-H Office. For FFA Books, contact your FFA advisor. (This contest is optional!) 4-H Portfolio and the Official Utah FFA Record Book are the accepted standards for the contest. Books will be judged in 5 classes consisting of: 4-H Junior (3rd - 5th grades) 4-H Intermediate (6th - 8th grades) 4-H Senior (9th - 12th grades) FFA 9-10th grades FFA 11-12th grades Prizes of $100.00, $75.00, and $50.00 for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place books in each age category will be awarded. 2. ALL PARTICIPANTS are required to participate in Fitting & Showmanship, NO EXCEPTIONS! Youth who do not participate in Fitting and Showmanship cannot show or sell in the market show. Youth showing 2 different species may choose one species to fit & show or do both. 3. All pigs must be washed and clipped at home or they will be barred from participation and tags must be easily visible at weigh in time. All lambs must be slick-shorn before coming onto the stock show grounds. No animals may be unloaded before weigh in time. Each animal is allowed only one trip through the official weigh-in scale. Scales are available to check your animal’s weight during the summer. Check with your project advisor. 4. If Tooele County Livestock numbers do not exceed show animal limits then out of county youth will be accepted based on postdates of entry forms starting May 15th. Show animal limits will be 50 beef, 75 hogs, 50 goats and 50 lambs. 5. All exhibitors must be in the third grade, but not less than 8 years of age as of October 1, 2014, and must be a legal resident of Tooele County unless (in the case of divorced parents) they live with one parent outside the County for school but live with the other parent in the County during the summer and take care of their own stock-show animals. Exhibitors can only show through the same season as their high school graduation but not past their 19th birthday. Exception: Disabled persons as defined by Public Law 98-527. In these special cases, all other rules apply. 6. Group Affiliation: An exhibitor may enter this show only as 4-H or FFA members but not both. Exhibitors must declare one or the other at time of entry and will participate in the ENTIRE event in that group affiliation. This will be monitored by members of the committee and offenders will be sifted. 7. Ownership of animals: The exhibitor will own, feed, and care for his/her project animal(s) for not less than 100 consecutive days for market steers and 60 days for market swine, lambs and goats immediately prior to the show in which they intend to participate. No interruption of ownership can occur. All exhibitors must have viable proof of ownership available showing the length of time they have owned the animal. The official ownership date is the date shown on the bill of sale, unless the animal was bred by the exhibitor, in which case calving or birth records must be shown. The livestock project animals must be located in the same county as the exhibitor during the required ownership period. Unless the individual qualifies under rule 5. 8. Fitting on show grounds: The fitting of animals will take place in areas designated by the Livestock Show Committee. Parents, guardians, siblings, club leaders, Extension/4-H agents, and FFA Advisors may assist, and are encouraged to assist the younger exhibitors. However, each exhibitor must be working with the project animal and be in attendance with that animal during the entire fitting process or face forfeiture of prize money. 9. Treating an animal internally or external with an irritant, counterirritant, or other substance used to artificially change the conformation or appearance of an animal for show is considered unethical, inhumane, and is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of graphite, powders, hemp, artificial hair, coloring, common products such as fly spray, ointment, or liniment used to the point that it is irritating, or similar type products. The use of dyes, spray paint, or other artificial coloring which result in altering an animal's true and natural appearance and/or color is prohibited. Adding false hair or hair-like material fleece, or skin at any point, spot or area of the animal's body is illegal and will result in immediate disqualification. Any liquid or substance not considered part of an accepted and normal diet for livestock is deemed illegal and inhumane. For example, the use of alcoholic or carbonated beverages as a drench or filler, etc. 10. The use of tranquilizers, sedatives, or depressants which alter the physical or physiological state of the animal is illegal. Exceptions to this rule would be licensed, certified veterinarian's treatment for a recognized disease or injury. The drugs must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in meat producing animals. All exhibitors shall advise show management of any drug and/or medication administered to an animal that might be detected at the time of showing or at meat inspection. The name of the drug, its purpose, the person who administered the drug, time, and date of administration shall be presented to show management prior to the showing and sale of the animal. Failure to report this information to the show management will result in severe penalty and/or disqualification. Any use of drugs or substances not approved by the FDA is strictly prohibited. All animals entered into livestock competition shall be subject to testing for foreign substances that exceed acceptable levels established by the DFA, FSIS, USDA, or EPA. During the livestock events, in the case of animals requiring treatment, all medications shall be administered by a licensed veterinarian and the livestock show officials shall be notified. 11. Surgery, injection or insertion of foreign material under the skin and/or into the flesh of an animal to change the natural contours, confirmation, or appearance of an animal's body is illegal. This includes vegetable oil, silicon, or any other substance used to alter the shape of an animal. Acceptable practices of physical preparation which are allowed include: clipping of hair, trimming of hooves, dehorning, or removal of ancillary teats, etc. The use of inhumane fitting, showing, and/or handling practice or devices shall not be tolerated. For example, breaking of tails, striking of the animal to cause swelling or for bracing purposes, use of an electrical contrivance, muzzles, etc, is not acceptable. 12. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, show management, other exhibitors; breed representatives, or show officials before, during, or after the competitive event is prohibited. This includes final decisions of the show veterinarian. Violators will be dealt with on a case by case basis by show officials. 13. At the time an animal is sold at auction the exhibitor shall be held directly responsible for animals that are rejected at a processing center due to the presence of foreign residues. The seller may be liable to the buyer for an amount equal to three times the purchase price and may also be liable for attorney's fees and civil penalties. Show management may share acceptable intelligence and evidence information with FDA or USDA. If, for any reason, any part of a meat animal carcass must be removed by the FDA or USDA inspectors, the market price will be discounted. 14. Show management reserves the right to require animal health certificates. Health inspection and diagnostic tests may be made before or after animals are on the livestock show premises for exhibitor and animal safety, or to inaugurate disease control procedures which may become necessary in emergencies as determined by animal health officials. Any violation of the "Tooele County Jr. Livestock Show Code of Ethics" will result in forfeiture of premiums and awards, disqualification, and may result in probationary status and/or loss of eligibility for future participation in organized livestock competition. Possible civil penalties may be imposed by the proper authorities based on evidence provided by the livestock show of exhibitors in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act or the animal mistreatment, neglect and abandonment laws that apply on the local, state, and national levels. Other cooperating shows will be notified of the action taken by show management which may affect the eligibility of the individual, group, or sponsoring organization for participation at other shows. The decision of the livestock show management will be final. 15. Dress Code for show and sale: 4-H - A long or short sleeve shirt which fastens down the front with a collar is mandatory. Shirts must be white or predominately white in color and need not be Western style. The following will not be allowed: T-shirts, tank tops, tube tops, or sleeveless shirts. There is to be a 4-H emblem or patch on all 4-H member's shirts. FFA - Either a white shirt, tie, and FFA jacket, or a white shirt with the FFA emblem and tie (No T-shirts). Exhibitors who fail to abide by dress standards will forfeit premium money and be sifted from the auction. Committee members will monitor this. 16. Sales Fee: A sales fee of 3% will be withheld from sales checks. 17. Withdrawal: An animal may be withdrawn from the show prior to the sale. Prize money must be forfeited. 18. Feed and Supplies: All feed, feeding equipment, bedding, etc. must be supplied by the individual exhibitors. 19. Liability: all entries are not accepted with the understanding that neither sponsors nor officers shall be held responsible for any loss or damage that should arise to livestock or exhibitor. Each exhibitor shall be responsible for any loss or damage done by his/her animal to any other animal or property, and will indemnify the sponsors and officers against all legal and other proceedings thereto. 20. Entry forms for auction livestock must be postmarked and sent to Tooele County Jr. Livestock Show, PO Box 47, Tooele UT 84074 by June 15th of the current year. See entry form. Available on the web at: www.tooele4-h.org 21. No exhibitor will be allowed to show an animal if he/she cannot control the animal in the show or auction ring. Older assistance will be permitted. The ring officials will make the determinations. 22. Each chairperson is responsible for judges and any decision for the department. 23. Any animal not fitted, cleaned, or cattle not broke to lead shall be sifted by the committee; and the judge will award no premium to such animals. 24. Animals that do not grade according to the USDA grading system will not be sold unless the committee rules otherwise. 25. Exhibitors removing animals prior to 7:00 PM on Friday without permission of the department supervisor will forfeit their prize money. 26. The only people allowed in the show ring are the judges, the exhibitors, and authorized show officials. 27. There will be no prize money or ribbons awarded for any class of animal not listed in this book. Any animal receiving a white ribbon will be sold at floor price with no premium being paid. 28. The Danish System will be used on market classes. 29. Each exhibitor will be limited to two (2) animals. 30. Rosettes will be awarded to grand and reserve champions in market beef, lamb, and hog divisions. Buyers of these animals will also receive a rosette. 32. All pens and stalls must be cleaned by the exhibitor before leaving the show grounds. 33. Identification signs must be displayed on each pen or stall showing ownership. 34. Any lamb showing evidence of club lamb fungus will be quarantined immediately and after verification of infection by the show veterinarian will be sifted and removed from the show grounds immediately. forms. This show may reject forms not properly or completely filled out and exhibitor may be disqualified from the show. MARKET RULES 1. 2. 3. Drug Withdrawal: It is unethical, and, in most cases, unlawful to administer drugs to livestock within 20-30 days of slaughter. Animals too unmanageable to show should be withdrawn from their class rather than be tranquilized. This situation will be monitored by the local show committee and the show veterinarian. By federal regulation, random testing will occur at slaughter, and animals will he condemned which have been given any injection or oral dosages of tranquilizers, pain killers, antibiotics, diuretics, steroids, or other foreign substances during withdrawal periods before slaughter. All sales money will be withheld in such cases. Bloat medicine and other medication with no withdrawal requirements may be permissible. Exhibitors need to be aware of potential health hazards to consumers who eat animals that have received any above-mentioned dosages. Please don't put someone's life in jeopardy. RULE ENFORCEMENT The local show has the responsibility to enforce the rules and regulations at this show. Tagging: The FFA Advisor, Extension/4-H Agent shall tag each animal and process the proper forms. Hogs, Lambs and Goats: May 31, 2015 Beef: April 21, 2015 Should a tag be lost or pulled out of the animal's ear, the exhibitor will advise the committee supervisor immediately so the tag can be replaced and the appropriate paperwork can be processed. No 4-H animals will be tagged unless the exhibitor is registered for the current 4-H year and the enrollment fee has been paid to the 4-H office. 2. All rules will be strictly enforced. Any violation of the rules may result in premium money being forfeited and/or the exhibit being sifted or dropped from the show and sale order. Market Animal Weights: Ideal market weights as determined by the meat industry may vary somewhat from year to year but the following guidelines may help determine how your animal is progressing. 3. Owners must weigh, fit, show, and sell their own animals in the ring. Exceptions are made only in the case of a medical emergency documented with a doctor's note AND with the advanced approval of the executive stock show committee. • Sheep: On the day of the show should weigh between 100 and 150 pounds. Lambs are estimated to gain approximately .75 lbs/ day* • Swine: On the day of the show should weigh between 230 and 300 pounds. Pigs are estimated to gain approximately 1.7 lbs / day* *These estimates are based on animals in ideal conditions, on full feed using a balanced ration. Exhibitors need to understand that the market system penalizes animals under and over ideal market weights through lower prices. Exhibitors whose animals are sifted may still participate in fitting and showing classes. 5. Lamb Docking Rule: Market class market lambs must be docked at the distal end of the caudal folds such that the caudal folds remain. Dock (tail) length determination will be made during the weigh-in at the show. Any lamb showing signs of prolapse can be sifted. Any lamb showing evidence of club lamb fungus will be quarantined immediately and, after verification of infection by the show veterinarian, will be sifted and removed from the show grounds immediately. All Lambs must be properly tagged with a scrapies tag. Most breeders will have this done for individuals purchasing lambs. 1. • Beef: On the day of the show should weigh at least 1,000 pounds with no maximum weight suggested. Steers are estimated to gain approximately 2.7 lbs/day* 4. 6. Entry Forms and Deadlines: Exhibitors are responsible for mailing their own entry form from May 15-June 15. Exhibitor must declare which animals are to be shown and submit an entry form and entry fees, including ear tag numbers. Entries may not exceed the limits for each show including one alternate animal per species. Forms must be signed by proper Extensionl4-H Agents or FFA Advisor, and should only be signed for those youth enrolled in their programs. Eligibility for group and family feeding programs will be verified by the Extension 4-H Agent or FFA Advisor and parents. Entry fees will not be withheld from sales checks; those fees are to be sent into the show along with all entry RULES FOR LIVESTOCK SALE 1. Animals will not sell if not lined up in sale order 2. Grand Champion and Reserve Champion beef, Iambs, and hogs must be sold and slaughtered under supervision of show. The Committee will retain animals for delivery. 4. There will be a 3% commission charge on all animals sold. Also, a $5 per exhibitor grounds fee will be charged. The grounds fee will be returned to all exhibitors that help set up the grounds Monday before the show and clean up the grounds on the Monday following the show. 5. Ownership is assumed at the time of the sale. 6. All beef from outside of Tooele County must have a brand inspection before they can be entered. 7. Market hogs weighing more than 300 pounds will be sold at 300 pounds. Lambs weighing over 150 pounds will be sold at 150 pounds. No maximum weight on steers. 8. Minimum Weights at weigh in: Cattle: minimum weight, 1,000 pounds Lambs: 100 pounds Hogs: 230 pounds Goats: 60 pounds Each animal is allowed only one (1) weigh-in on the official scale. 9. No premium monies will be added to the sale price of any animal after the animal has once been sold through the auction ring. 10. There will be ten starred (rosette) animals in each division. These animals will receive $20 each in lieu of the listed premium money. 11. All sales are final. No animals can be resold to another person by paying the premium. Once the sale is declared by auctioneer, the sale is final, changes in buyer information will not be allowed. 12. Floor animals will not be resold or redirected once they are declared in the sale ring. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS BEEF DIVISION Entries for market animals must be received and paid for between May 15 and June 15 of the current year. Committee in charge: Entry form and payment must be given to or mailed to the Tooele County Jr. Livestock Show at: PO Box 47 Tooele, UT 84074 Entries must be postmarked by June 15th. Late entries will not be accepted. Jim Gowans, Chairman Bob Gowans Gary Bevan Brent Marshall Market Classes Class 1 Bill Harding Mike Gowans Hugh Gowans Ty Bevan FFA market steers Class 2 4-H market steers FEE SCHEDULE Beef $5.00 per head Swine, Sheep & Goats $3.00 per head Grounds Fee $5.00 per exhibitor Any market beef that does not grade Prime/Choice or Select will be sifted. Placings and Premiums Entry forms may be found on the Tooele County 4-H web site (www. tooele4-h.org). Please fill it out properly. To insure proper payment of prize money and livestock sale monies, make certain that entry blanks have the correct mailing address. Market Classes: Grand Champion: Rosette Ribbon & Buckle If entry forms are not received and properly filled out, no premium money from the sale of livestock will be issued. Reserve Champion: Rosette Ribbon & Buckle Star Class: Purple Rosette Any questions pertaining to rules and dates of entry should be directed to Kalem Sessions or Coby Champnese for clarification. GOAT DIVISION Committee in charge: Richard Warburton, Chairman Brittany Warburton, Co-Chair Exhibitor must have owned market goats for a minimum of (60) sixty days prior to show day. Whether and doe kids will be shown together in the market class. All market goats must have milk teeth in place. Market Goats will be slick shorn. They must be completely shorn and have no more than 3/8” of hair (or less) above the knees and above the hocks. A tail switch may be left. All market goats will either be disbudded or have horns tipped with blunt ends prior to arrival at the Fair. Goats with horns including those that have not been tipped will not be permitted to market show. Goats minimum weight must be 60lbs with no maximum. Placings and Premiums Market Classes: 1st = $5 (Danish System) 2nd = $3 3rd = $2 Grand Champion: Rosette Ribbon & Buckle Reserve Champion: Rosette Ribbon & Buckle Star Class: Purple Rosette Grand Champion and Reserve Champion goats must be sold and slaughtered. They will be delivered for processing to a Federally Inspected processing plant by Show Committee. Prime/Choice = $10 Select = $7 Sale animals must weigh a minimum of 1000 pounds at weigh-in. Grand Champion and Reserve Champion steers must be sold and slaughtered. They will be delivered for processing to a Federally Inspected processing plant by Show Committee. SHEEP DIVISION Committee in charge: Jeff Wyatt, Chairman James Wrathall Jeff Killpack Tracy Palmer Jared Shields Kevin England Mike McCoy Janette Shields All lambs MUST be washed and slick-shorn at home before coming onto the stock show grounds or they will be sifted. Lambs must be properly tagged with a scrapies tag or they will be sifted from the show. (Follow Federal Scrapies Law) Market Class Market lambs, 100 pounds minimum. Lambs weighing over 150 pounds will be sold at 150 pounds. Any market lamb that does not grade Prime, Choice, or Good will be sifted. Placings and Premiums Market Classes: 1st = $5 (Danish System) 2nd = $3 3rd = $2 Grand Champion: Rosette Ribbon & Buckle Reserve Champion: Rosette Ribbon & Buckle Star Class: Purple Rosette Grand Champion and Reserve Champion lambs must be sold and slaughtered. They will be delivered for processing to a Federally Inspected processing plant by Show Committee. SWINE DIVISION OFFICERS FOR THE 2015 - 2016 SHOWS Committee in charge: Brett Paulick, Co-Chairman Judd Williams, Co-Chairman Kenna Aagard Brian Johnson Coby Champnese Troy Johansen Clint Remick Ron Williams Ted Aagard Kevin Hall Marty Leonelli Angie Leonelli Jeff Williams Kalem Sessions Coby Champnese Bob Gowans Janette Shields Mollie Gowans Amie Paulick Bob Gowans Chairman Treasurer This IS a"TERMINAL” swine show. Mark McKendrick Lynn Wyatt Steve Bunn Jim Gowans Tami Gowans Ed Johnson Linden Greenhalgh Mollie Gowans Rob Brown Jerry Hurst Phil Smart Mike Gowans Codie Miller Jennifer Miller Holli Harding Brian Johnson Darrell Holden All market hogs that are unloaded for weigh-ins, must be slaughtered. All hogs MUST be washed and clipped at home before coming onto the stock show grounds or they will be sifted. Swine exhibitors must provide their own tube-style watering device. President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Controller SALES COMMITTEE Market Classes Gilts and barrows will not be shown in separate classes. All hogs will be shown in one class with groups broken down by weight. Class 1 Market Hogs: 230 pounds minimum. Hogs weighing over 300 pounds will be sold at 300 pounds. Any market hog that does not grade U.S. No.1 or U.S. No. 2 will be sifted. Placings and Premiums Class 1: Grand Champion: Reserve Champion: Star Class: U.S. No. 1 = $5 U.S. No. 2 = $3 Rosette Ribbon & Buckle Rosette Ribbon & Buckle Purple Rosette Grand and Reserve Grand Champion swine must be sold and slaughtered. They will be delivered for processing to a Federally Inspected processing plant by Show Committee. SPECIAL AWARDS DIVISION Fitting & Showing Contest: 4-H Junior (3rd - 5th grades) 4-H Intermediate (6th - 8th Grades) 4-H Senior & FFA (9th - 12th grades) Top three places from each class will come back for a champion class. Buckles will be awarded for each species. Fitting and Showmanship Age Group Awards: Beef Sheep 1st place $10.00 2nd place $7.50 3rd place $5.00 1st place $10.00 2nd place $7.50 3rd place $5.00 Goats Swine 1st place $10.00 2nd place $7.50 3rd place $5.00 1st place $10.00 2nd place $7.50 3rd place $5.00 SPECIAL COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Auctioneer Jerry Hurst Steve Bunn Buyers Breakfast Whitney Staker Weston Warr Ashley Warner Mike Warner RJ Scott Debbie Wynn Fitting & Showing Loading & Transportation Kevin England Randy England Jeff Wyatt Rob Pitt Mike McCoy Cody Hunsaker Jared Shields Ty Bevan Auction Clerical Staff Mollie Gowans Angela Williams Lynn Wyatt Amie Paulick Holli Harding Mike Gowans (Data Entry) Health Inspector Dr. Gary Gowans, DVM Jr. Judging Janette Shields Codie Miller Record Book Committee Extension/4-H Agents FFA Advisors Entrance Fees Bob Gowans Ring Men for Auction Dave Hammond Brent Marshall Jason Butler Photography Laurie Bahe Peewee Show Janette Shields Tammy Rigby Ed Johnson Bob Gowans Kenna Aagard Chad Brown Natae Brown FFA ADVISORS Bob Gowans Coby Champnese Cody Miller Hollie Johnson Janette Shields Jason Butler Ed Johnson Rebecca Israelsen Junior Judging Contest Awards: 1st place buckle donated by: G&B Investment Co., Steve Bunn, Jim Groscot 2nd place trophy 3rd place trophy EXTENSION/4-H AGENT Linden Greenhalgh 2014 BUYERS- Those who made the difference 2M Contract Development A1 Distributing ACF West AD Enterprises All-Tech Electric Animal Health International Anne Smith AP Montano Applied Industrial Technologies ATI Rowley Operations B & M Farms Bargain Buggies Barrick Gold of North America Benson Trophy Hut Billies Hair Salon Birch Family Pharmacy Brent Lee Brent Marshall Bret Castagno Brett Paulick Broken Arrow Burningham Trucking Buttars Tractors Cal-Ranch Casa Del Rey Chad Hymas Charles Larson Charlie & Judy Warr Cheryl Dearing Christensen & Griffith Christley Concrete Circle F Farms Claude Sutton Clover Creek Club Lambs CLR Trucking Codie Miller Colleen Walters Commercial Industrial Supply Countryside Animal Clinic Curry Plumbing D & S Glass Dale Smith & Sons Dave Christensen Welding Dave R Grant Hay David Hammond Dennis Rackley Derek & Melissa Barney Diamond Jane Assisted Living DJ Welding Doelene Pitt & Jody Yeager Doug Hogan Dry Creek Shavings Dudley Pumping Eagle Eye EMI Health Energy Solutions Ensign Ranches ESAB Express Environmental Ferrus Industries Frank Mohlman Frisco Leasing Gary’s Meats Geneva Rock Gowans Livestock Grantsville City Grantsville FFA Chapter Hale Construction Hall Farms and Show Pigs Hogan Brothers Hometown Bakery Hometown Plumbing Hughes General Contractors Hurst Seed IFA IFA of American Fork Intermountain Tech Jack Hollien Jacobs Technology Jake Thomas Janet Williams Insurance Agency Jason Wanlass Jeff Neil Jeff Williams Johnson Land & Livestock Judy Duncombe K & J Rentals KAP Club Lambs Karl Anderson Kelli Branham Kelly Maxfield Ken Webb Kevin England KLM Farms Larry Brown Larsen Printing Laurie Bahe Leland Mills Leon McKenzie Leonard Stalliviere Les Schwab LHM Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Manny's Painting Mark Ernst Mark Matheson Mason Machinery Matthews Brothers Matthews Sand & Gravel Michael Gowans Mike Griffith Monique Ahlstrom MP Environmental Myron Bateman Nathan Hughes Nick Peterson Nick Webb Nu Cleaners Pacific West Phil's Glass Pine Ridge Ranch Premier Powder Coating Premier Utah Real Estate Raas Brothers Construction Randy Young Rhoades Nut & Bolt Richard & Britany Warburton Richard Harris Rio Tinto Ritchie Brothers Rocky Mountain Large Animal RR Fitzgerald Ranch Russell Welding Scott & Janet Moore Scott Droubay Farms Shambip Soil Conservation Shannon Lawson DDS Shear Pleasure Skretting Skyline Electric South Fork Hardware South Valley Large Animal Clinic Staker Parson Stansbury FFA Steadmans Steve Regan Co. Steve Swartzfager Stew Paulick Sun Lok Yuen Sunset T Ranch Susan & William Barker Sydnie & Kalem Sessions Tami Gowans TATC-Tooele Campus Tate Insurance Tate Mortuary Ted Aagard The Stockton Station Tooele Beverage Tooele County Tooele County Cattlemen's Tooele Farm Bureau Tooele FFA Tooele Floral Tooele High School Tooele Title Tooele Transcript-Bulletin Tooele Valley Meats Tooele Valley Spine Total Dental Administrators Town of Vernon Tracy Thomas Tri-City Construction Trojan Containers Troy Beck Tyler Winn URS US Mag Utah Fabrication Utah State Democratic Party Utah State Fair Utah State University Utah Wool Market Vernon Cahoon MD Wal-Mart Distribution Walters Ranch Warner Simmental Wells Cutting Edge Wells Fargo Weston L. George
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