Leadership Philosophy Assignment

Guidelines for Leadership Philosophy and Presentation
MGMT 414 – Spring 2015
This assignment has two parts. First, you will develop your own leadership philosophy.
Second, you will share that philosophy with the class in a brief presentation. Both the
philosophy and presentation are due on April 15th, 2015. More details are provided
Leadership Philosophy
Many leadership enhancement programs consider the development of a leadership
philosophy to be so critical that they require all participants to go through the process of
preparing one prior to any leadership training. A person’s leadership philosophy is
dynamic, and will change as a leader matures and gains experience. However, the act
of writing the philosophy can make a leader’s development planning much more
effective. As the Academy Leadership Program (the highest-level program for leaders
in the US Military) states:
“You have seen leaders come and go and you've seen some succeed and others
fail. Have you ever wondered what explains this? The U.S. Army and U.S. Navy
have researched the leadership phenomena for years. Both have produced excellent
summaries - The U.S. Army's Excellence in the Combat Arms and the Navy's
Command Excellence. What those summaries indicate is that a widely
communicated leadership philosophy and a vision of what the leader wants an
organization to be are essential to being an effective leader. One of the key first
steps in becoming a leader is to develop and articulate this personal leadership
philosophy statement. “ 1
Within your leadership philosophy, it is important to reflect and
articulate such things as:
Personal values (i.e. integrity, social responsibility, respect)
Your responsibility to other people you work with
Your attitude and approach to tasks
Your priorities
Your expectations of others
What people can expect of you
Writing a philosophy is a very personal exercise and must begin with answering some
serious questions about who you are, what you believe in, what you value, your
priorities and your expectations of yourself and others. Developing a Personal Mission
Statement will be extremely useful in creating your leadership philosophy. Again
quoting the Academy Leadership Program:
Academy Leadership Website, http://www.academyleadership.com/
“Followers expect leaders to show them the standard and train them to reach it.
They expect leaders to lead by example. Additionally, they expect leaders to
keep them informed and to care for them. Leaders may have to ask others to
make extraordinary sacrifices to achieve goals. Leaders may have to call on
them to do things that seem impossible. If leaders have trained their people to
standard, inspired their willingness, and consistently looked after their interests,
they will be prepared to accomplish any goal, anytime, anywhere.
Publishing a leadership philosophy helps create an environment for these things
to happen. It enables leaders to discover what they stand for, what's important to
them, and articulate this to followers. Followers know the leader's expectations
and how the leader is most likely to act. This process leads to mutual trust and
confidence and builds a stable foundation upon which long-term relations can be
built and organizational effectiveness achieved. “2
Task #1: Given these outlines, write your personal leadership philosophy. A good
leadership philosophy should incorporate your values and your personal mission
statement, but go beyond that to include the elements outlined above. It should focus
on how you want to lead now and in the future. The written leadership philosophy is
due April 15th, 2015.
Leadership Philosophy Visual Presentation
Often a leader must use creative methods to communicate complex, as well as simple,
concepts in a brief period of time. For this assignment, please prepare a brief 1 minute
presentation of your leadership philosophy for the class.
Imagine that you must communicate your
leadership philosophy briefly, when given an
opportunity that you might not have seen coming.
This is often referred to as the “elevator speech.”
Communicating your leadership philosophy in
such a way is something that requires concise
and clear communication. For this assignment,
think about your leadership philosophy and what
it means to you. If it helps you, develop a list of
words or phrases that are part of your conception
of leadership. Think of how you can
communicate your leadership philosophy in an enthusiastic, clear way so that others
understand your approach to leadership. Think creatively – this is something effective
leaders do to engage and inspire others as they communicate.
Task #2: Prepare a 1-minute summary of your Leadership Philosophy. You will make
this presentation to the class on April 15th, 2015.
Evaluation: Evaluation criteria for your leadership philosophy are available on the
course website.