Extended Essays - 2003 See Sherry to obtain a copy of the Extended Essay Sort List By Subject NAME SUBJECT TITLE ABSTRACT Aagaard, Katrine English B The confrontation between the Aboriginal peoples and the European settlers (pc01kaag) Abstract Alexander, Fiona Philosophy An examination into the Teleological Argument as told by Paley: is the world designed by a designer? (pc01fale) Abstract Almaharic, Muayad Chemistry Spectroscopic determination of iron ions in three samples of soap. (pc01malm) Abstract Au, Avery English A Hearing of Dubliners (pc01aau) Abstract Baasandavaa, Dulgunn Mathematics The failure of Newton-Ralphson method in Complex numbers (pc01dbaa) Abstract Bakhoum, Mathieu Mathematics To study the fundamentals of second order linear Abstract differential equations, showing and proving the different kinds of solutions and applying those results in solving physics problems, such as in the areas of Mechanics and Electricity. (pc01mbak) Barzel, Oriya Theatre Theatre for Social Change: How does Bread and Puppet create it? (pc01obar) Abstract Bélanger-Lévesque, Marie-Noëlle Français Le thème de la nature dans la trilogie de Pan (Colline, Un de Baumugnes et Regain) de Jean Giono (pc01mbel) Abstract Bethel L., Chase English A1 Patterns of Male Dominance in the play, Woman Take Two, by Telcine Turner. (pc01cbet) Abstract Butschek, Sebastian German A1 mAX fRISCH- ANDORRA: Tragende Aspekte von Frischs Behandlung DER vORURTEILSTHEMATIK (pc01sbut) Abstract Camesasca Salsamendi, Maria Laura English B Would self-determination be the solution for the native’s situation? (pc01mcam) Abstract Carrasco Terceros, Julio Peace & Conflict Studies Should Bolivia and Chile reestablish their diplomatic relations? (pc01jcar) Abstract Cheva-Isarakul, Janepicha Philosophy Does morality depend on religion from metaphysical point of view? (pc01jche) Abstract Compaoré Wendpingré Raymonde, Nadège French A1 Le Cahier d’un retour au pays natal d’ Aimé Césaire : L’issue d’une crise d’identité (pc01ncom) Abstract Couture, Guillaume Biology The Effect of Extracellular Calcium Ion Concentration on Percentage Contraction in Striated Rabbit Psoas Muscle (pc01gcou) Abstract Danese, Paolo Philosophy Does the End Justify the Means? The Religious dilemma in Machiavelli’s Prince (pc01pdan) Abstract de Jesus, Jr., Victoriano Philosophy Is Religion a Prerequisite for Morality? (pc01vdej) Abstract Dier, Mark Art The Perception of the Photograph (pc01mdie) Abstract Dougall, Benjamin James History To what extent was Gallipoli manipulated into a legend to give the basis of a national identity in Australia? (pc01bdou) Abstract Downhan, Joe English A1 How do the discussions of God, characterization Abstract and the use of the reader as an outside observer, manipulated by Walsh in Knowledge of Angels, produce a profound sense of disorientation in both the reader and characters? (pc01jdow) Duah, Mary English A1 ACHEBE’S STYLE IN HIS USE OF FOLKLORE AND FOLKCUSTOMS IN HIS NOVEL ARROW OF GOD (pc01mdua) Abstract Fang, Fang Physics The rotational kinematics and The rotational dynamics (pc01ffan) Abstract Francis, Nigel Philosophy Descartes, Zen Buddhism Abstract (pc01nfra) FUENMAYOR CARDOZO, DAVID SPANISH A1 EL DESTINO EN: “LA FAMILIA DE PASCUAL DUARTE” DE CAMILO JOSÉ CELA ¿APROXIMACIÓN EXISTENCIALISTA O REFLEJO DE UN ENTORNO SOCIAL? (pc01dfue) Gereke, Johanna Katherina “The influence of Grimm fairy tales on the Abstract cognitive development of children and their gender roles-as it is illustrated through the fairy tale of: Hansel and Gretel” (pc01jger) Psychology Abstract Giri, Salina Economics Government Intervention (pc01sgir) Abstract Gurdian Baltodano, Nidia World Religions How the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International Helps the Ecumenism movement to Unit the Christians Believers (pc01ngur) Abstract Hajdu, Henrietta History 1989. Hungary - Is the transition to democracy the Abstract result of a revolution, or the outcome of an overall political, economic and social evolution? (pc01hhaj) Harris, Kate Economics Softwood Lumber: The Real Dispute Is it possible Abstract for lumber companies in British Columbia shift forward the new softwood lumber tariff imposed by the US? (pc01khar) Hdairis, Sharif Daniel Mathematics Pythagorean Triples (pc01shda) Abstract Hrvatin, Siniša Biology Antibacterial effects of plants and their preparations (pc01shda) Abstract Islamov, Edil History ‘The figure of Imam Shamil in Caucasian war (1829-1864) as a head of the Imamate of Chechnya and Dagestan.’ (pc01eisl) Abstract Ismail, Yasser English A1 Blanche, Val, and Beatrice: The roles of the three ‘superfluous’ women in A. S. Byatt’s Possession: A Romance (pc01yism) Abstract Iwashita, Misako History The Showa Restoration- An insight into the political machinations of post war Japan (pc01miwa) Abstract Kanté, Bocar Français La notion de Négritude et son étude cursive et Abstract linéaire dans Cahier d’un retour au pays natal d’ Aimé Césaire LITTÉRATURE FRANÇAISE Sujet : La notion de Négritude et son étude cursive et linéaire dans Cahier d’un retour au pays natal d’ Aimé Césaire (pc01bkan) Kigozi, Sheila Economics RETURNS ON INVESTMENT IN EDUCATION IN COMPARISON TO EXPENDITURES. (pc01skig) KONDAKÇIU, OLEND MATHEMATICS The conditions under which Newton’s method fails Abstract Abstract (pc01okon) KRGOVIC, Dolores Philosophy HOW COHERENT IS PETAR II PETROVIC Abstract NJEGOŠ’S CLAIM THAT GOD’S CREATION OF THE WORLD DEPENDED ON THE PRE EXISTING SUBSTANCE? (pc01dkrg) Kumari Asre, Sangeeta Social and Cultural Anthropology How Does the Indian Marriage Ceremony Abstract Symbolize and Form the Basis of Social Cohesion and Ethnic Identity? (pc01skum) Kunene, Nonkululeko Biology The effect of heavy metals (Lead, Zinc and Aluminum) on the heart rate and survival rate of Daphnia magna (pc01nkun) Abstract Malueg-Lattimore, Warren English A1 Jung and the Pilgrim Abstract Marcakova, Alexandra Biology Goat and cow milk and their lipid and Vitamin A concentrations (pc01amar) Abstract Marquez Pumachagua, Patricia Spanish Símbolos en “La hojarasca” de Gabriel García Márquez (pc01pmar) Abstract Mason, Sarah History Blood Sunday - massacre or misunderstanding? Abstract (pc01wmal) (pc01smas) May McKay, Molly English The prominent actors in Joan Delacourt/Foster’s life that result in Joan’s psychological maze Abstract (pc01mmck) Michael Kipkosgei, Kiprop Chemistry DETERMINING THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT FOR THE FORMATION OF THE COMPLEX ION FeSCN+2(aq) (pc01mkip) Abstract Michaud, Simon English B Comparison of two books Angela’s Ashes by Abstract Frank McCourt and The old man and the sea from Ernest Hemingway (pc01smic) Middleton, Amber English A1 Survival of the Most Flexible? Character Adaptability and Change in Andre Dubus III’s House of Sand and Fog (pc01amid) Abstract Morrison, Daphne English Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar (pc01dmor) Abstract Murray, Kara Anthropology Do the reinvented Stories of Anne of Green Gables contribute to preserving cultural traditions on Prince Edward Island? (pc01kmur) Abstract N. Selvanathan, Uma BIOLOGY Pathogen Resistance (Systematic Acquired Resistance-SAR) in Bean Plants (species: Phaseolus vulgaris) (pc01usel) Abstract Nikula, Sirkka Visual Arts DO WE RECOGNIZE THE CREATIVITY OF MENTALLY CHALLENGED ARTISTS? An analytical study of intellectually disabled artists and their work in Finland (pc01snik) Abstract Nkomo, Moreblessing History Did Mussolini and his Fascists make their own move to power or they were put into power by circumstance? (pc01mnko) Abstract Olsson, Monica Spanish B Será el español la segunda lengua en los Estados Abstract Unidos? (pc01mols) Ong, Caroline Cultural Anthropology RedQuEEn! - From Virtual to Actual - An enquiry Abstract into an online imagined community From Virtual to Actual An enquiry into an online imagined community (pc01cong) Orensanz Moreno, Ainhoa Spanish A1 ¿Se adapta la filosofía de Calderón de la Barca en Abstract la obra “La vida es sueño” al estilo barroco y sus postulados? (pc01aore) Paiusan, Oana History Romania’s communist monarchy: Ceausescu as a Abstract megalomaniac or an enlightened despot? (pc01opai) Patrick Mrina., Paulsen Mathematics Exact Values of Trigonometric Functions of 10. Abstract (pc01pmri) Reyes Rios, Gabriel Adrian French B Une étude de quelques francophones qui vivent au Guatemala et leurs idées et leurs opinions de la vie dans ce pays, en comparaison avec leur pays natal. (pc01grey) Abstract Sakina Kisimba, Nathalie English B The refugee situation in Africa compared to North America (pc01nkis) Abstract Sato, Noriko ? THE BON CEREMONY IN JAPAN: a case study of Sekiguchi family (pc01nsat) Abstract Seara, Maria Belen Spanish A1 La Problemática del Otro en la obra del “Facundo” Abstract (pc01msea) Serrano, Sumak History Why did Peru in the Protocol of Rio de Janeiro of 1941 part pf the Ecuadorian territory (pc01sser) Abstract Sirigere, Muruga English Equality among men and women in India and Canada (pc01msir) Abstract Sivak, Lukas Philosophy The nature of being and the quest to attain authentic existence in the works of Albert Camus and the practice of Zen Buddhism. (pc01lsiv) Abstract Skoworodko, Carolyn English A1 How does the topic of temptation, both in content Abstract and style, in The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis compare to that of the Biblical temptation of Jesus Christ in the desert? (pc01csko) Smith, Caitlin Anthropology Caribou Weed as a Culturally Relevant Medicinal Plant in the Yukon Territory, Canada: The comparison of medicinal knowledge between the Tagish First Nations and the Little Salmon First Nations (pc01csmi) Solis Williams, Michelle Alejandra Spanish A1 La figura religiosa en la obra de “San Manuel Abstract Bueno, mártir” de Miguel de Unamuno, Convicción vs. Autoengaño (pc01msol) Tashi, Jamyang English THE PORTRAYAL OF THE CHARACTER OF HAGAR SHIPLEY IN MARAGARET LAURENCE’S THE STONE ANGEL. (pc01jtas) Abstract Tibbetts, Shameela English A1 The causes of Antoinette’s madness in the novel Wide Sargasso Sea, and how they are treated by the author. (pc01stib) Abstract Tsaneva, Magda Economics How was the supply of Bulgarian wine affected by the transition from central planning to a market economy? (pc01mtsa) Abstract Tse On Kit, Kam Economics Is Home Ownership Scheme in Hong Kong obsolete? (pc01otse) Abstract Tyagi, Parul English A1 Treatment of various forces that put pressure on children in the book Swami and Friends; and the resultant behaviour of children due to those forces. (pc01ptya) Abstract Ugurlu, Esrah History --not available (pc01eugu) Abstract Vieira Caixeta Junior, Aldo English B Illegal Immigration within the United States of America (pc01avie) Abstract Abstract Willemoes, Charlotte English B How and to what extent do the Katie Morag children’s books serve for enculturation in the small Scottish Island communities? (pc01cwil0) Abstract Wilson, Catherine English A1 How does Michael Ondaatje’s use of magical realism in his novel, In the Skin of a Lion, provide the reader with an alternative rendition of Toronto history in the early 1900’s? (pc01cwil) Abstract Wynne-Hughes, Antonia History “Was there clear evidence to suggest that Canadians of Japanese origin were a threat to national security or were the policies imposed at the time of the Second World War racially motivated?” (pc01awyn) Abstract Yan, Shenghan Chemistry An Investigation of Peroxidase and Cigarette Abstract (pc01syan) Zieleniak, Jedrzej English A1 In the world according to Garp, we are all terminal Abstract cases.” Death and its influence on the main character of The World According to Garp by John Irving (pc01jzie)
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