FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 120 Faith Drive Columbus WI 53925 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – ELCA South-Central Synod of Wisconsin MESSAGE FROM PASTOR BOB Dear Friends in Faith “The kids stayed behind in the pews while the adults went forward to receive communion. I hadn’t seen that in years!” That was a Faith member telling me recently about worshiping at a Lutheran church in another part of the state while visiting relatives. I remember doing that as a kid. I remember Mom & Dad coming back to the pew with the smell of wine on their breath. (It was, to me, a holy smell since they never drank any alcohol, ever, except communion wine.) It was a piece of a grand mystery. The first act of the mystery began with the pastor intoning these ominous words: “Forasmuch as we intend to come to the Lord’s Table, it becometh us diligently to examine ourselves as St. Paul exhorteth us.” Watching the adults leave all the children behind to go forward, kneel at the rail, and return with a solemn expression on their faces taught me a lesson the theologians of the church never intended to teach. In fact, they would have labeled it heresy! However, I learned it in worship; at church! I learned that the important actor in the drama of Holy Communion was the one who received it! That lesson was reinforced by the church’s practice, in those days, of only inviting people who had been confirmed to the table. Obviously, only a mystery that depended on the recipient for its effectiveness would be so thoroughly fenced. Access was earned! On Maundy Thursday (April 2nd) the another group of second graders at Faith will come to the table for their First Communion. That night the class will be wearing our First Communion garments; decorated with the same embroidered symbols that are on the Baptismal garments we have been using the last few years at Faith. The symbolism is meant to teach a better, more Biblical, more Lutheran lesson than anyone got who recognized themselves in my story I shared above. It is this: the most important actor in the drama of Holy Communion is the same gracious God who reached out to us with unconditional love at our baptism! To save us from sin and death, make us children of God, and bring us to everlasting life Jesus Christ had mercy on us and gave himself to death for our sake. In order that we might believe that with greater confidence and be cheered and strengthened he gives us his Body and Blood to eat and drink. As Luther’s Small Catechism says: “That person is well prepared and worthy who believes these words, given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.” FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 120 Faith Drive Columbus, WI 53925 920-623-3610n Email: [email protected] Pastor Bob’s “open”: [email protected] Pastor Bob’s “private”: [email protected] Pastor Lisa’s “open”: [email protected] Website: Robert V. Moberg, Pastor 920-623-4390 Lisa L. Nelson, Assistant Pastor 608-834-8412 Sandra Schieble, CRPM 608-712-2910 Ruth Nordal, Administrative Assistant 920-210-3234 Sue Frish, Assistant to Treasurer 920-484-6545 Betsy Woodward, Assistant to Treasurer 920-992-3485 CHURCH COUNCIL Jim Schieble President 920-763-3433 Jennifer Herzberg V. President 920-484-3849 Lisa Sebranek Council Secretary 920–318-1364 Eric Hoffmann Treasurer 608-843-0368 Elizabeth Gilbertson 920-946-4475 Donna Hankes 920-210-6520 Todd Morris 920-623-1978 COUNCIL HI-LIGHTS March 10, 2015 Property committee members presented property background and status information. Major 2015 projects that were discussed included carpet, parking lot, cement entries, and stairs floor covering. Thoughts about additional plans and dreams for our facility were shared. Cathy Elling presented rummage sale information. Sale will be June 1112. The youth would like to donate a portion of the proceeds to Kindered Kids and Hephatha. Heard the Fur, Fin, and Feathers presentation by Scott Mathwich and Mark McNamee. Expressed appreciation of the laptop that was donated by Pat and Ed Schellin. Lisa Sebranek, Council Secretary FEBRUARY TREASURER’S REPORT GENERAL FUND Beginning balance Deposit in transit $ 5,854.66 $ 1,500.00 Current monthly receipts $ 16,477.04 Disbursements $ 19,755.04 BALANCE $ 2,577.15 Brat Fest sign up has begun. If you would like to volunteer to help out our Faith Lutheran Youth group we are looking for volunteers to volunteer Memorial Day weekend Friday May 23-26 at Brat Fest in Madison. Each volunteer will receive a free t-shirt, a free brat and ice cream and $8/hour worked will go directly to our National Youth Gathering trip fund for Detroit in 2015. Even if you don't have someone going on the trip, come and support them and have a great time at Brat Fest. Please sign up as soon as possible. Our goal is to have 5 shifts per student who is interested in going on the trip. The shifts are on a first come, first served basis so when they are gone, they are gone. If you sign up for a shift and can't work it, I can cancel it for you or find a replacement so please do not hesitate! The web site is: and Our Group is: Faith Lutheran Youth Group. Friday May 23th is our Faith Day where we hope to have our biggest group of Faith Members together, so please try and sign up for that day 4:00pm-7:00pm or 7:00-9:30pm shifts if it works for you, if not there are plenty of other options. For more information, or help signing up please email or call me: 920 623-5868 or [email protected] 2 THE RED TENTERS’ BOOKCLUB Our next selection is The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown. We will meet Thursday, April 23, 7pm at the home of Emma Jones. New members are always wel come. Call 623-3610. -0- Transfer from savings Brat Fest! Televised Service Times Digital channel 980 Cable channel 98 Faith’s worship services are aired on the following days and times: Monday @ 9:00am Tuesday @ 9:00am Wednesday @ 9:00am Thursday @ 9:00am Friday @ 9:00am Save the Date Start saving your unwanted “treasures” for Faith’s GARAGE SALE on Friday, June 12 from 85pm and Saturday, June 13 from 82pm (on Saturday starting at NOON all items will be “buck-abag”) with the proceeds going to benefit the Detroit bound youth. We will start taking donations the end of May. You can drop them off at church and place in the lower level classrooms or call the Elling family at 623-0436 for assistance. We will pick-up, collect and carry away for you. Any donation is appreciated. Please no adult clothing and no non-working appliances. This event is being sponsored by the students attending the 2015 National Youth Gathering in Detroit. April 2015 2015 Columbus Ecumenical Lenten Series Theme: Flawed Saints (Old Testament Characters) March 25 5:30 Meal 7:00 Fall River United Methodist Church Thursday, April 2 April 2 7:00 Maundy Thursday Service @ Faith Lutheran Second Grade First Communion 7:00pm Worship/HC First Communion April 3 King David 1:00 Good Friday Service @ First Presbyterian Church 7:00 Good Friday Service @ Faith Lutheran Church April 4 7:30 Easter Vigil Service @ Faith April 5 Friday, April 3 1:00pm First Presbyterian Church 7:00pm Faith Lutheran 8:00 and 10:30 Easter Sunday Worship/HC Containers needed: plastic containers for our kitchen for carry out/left over purposes are needed. Please be sure contains have lids, are CLEAN and are not raw meat packaging. (we found some that were very dirty and there were some meat packaging.) PASTORAL ACTS Saturday, April 4 7:30pm at Faith February 28, 2015 Michelle Miller and Christopher Smith address change Dale Sturdevant W5839 N Island Drive Endeavor WI 53930-9621 April 2015 February 28, 2015 Nancy Van Fleet Jensen Funeral Home Easter Sunday, April 5 8:00 Worship/HC 10:30 Worship/HC 3 April 1 3 4 5 8 10 14 15 17 18 19 4 Bailey Wilson Ashley Alvarez Jarod Alvarez Samantha Alvarez Gerald Miller Drake Berget Doris Chase Ocean Conley Savannah Conley Chris Ducat Corbin Hynes Liz Mitchell Tom Hole Zachary Hole Rich McMullen Gene Boelte Nicole Schiesl Eric Yerges Andrew Peterson Brianna Jakel Delaney Agnew Paden Agnew Isabella Gordillo Scott Hoffman Rhonda Huebner Becky Stark Marilyn Weiland Brynna Gonzalez Todd Morris Eric Weihert Ahrora Scheeler Brody Scheeler Ryder Rozinski Emogene Johnson Mark McNamee Wyatt Graffin Colt Peterson Jim Smith 20 John Stark Carmen Briones Judy Seier 21 Marissa Aeschlimann Lillian Schuster 24 Jenny Hasenfuss Toni Peterson 25 Nikki Grossman 27 Emma Severson Joan Hynes Bodie Krakow 28 Tori Talg Holly Schuster Eugene O’Brion 29 Kraig Kahl 30 Corbin Scheeler Joann Chase, Judy Fiedler, Martin Powers, Chuck Tiedt, Bruce Zahn Thanks to . . . -Dianne Patrick, Sue Mathwich and Karen Decker for assembling the March NEWSLETTER. -Dianne Patrick, Sally Price, Sue Mathwich, Karen Decker and Pr. Lisa for helping assemble the 2015 Membership Directory. -Lisa Sebranek, Cathy Elling and Tisha Kurth for chairing the Lenten Meals; Steve and Kimberly Rowe for chairing the Palm Sunday Breakfast. -Ellie Hood, Jan Zahn and Sally Price for helping assemble a “special’ mailing. -Jenny Herzberg for washing the acolyte robes. Aaron Abegglen, Delany Agnew, Paden Agnew, Cooper Anthon, Megan Apel, Nolan Apel, Brielle Berget, Paul Bergum, Carmen Briones, Todd Brumm, Gavin Bruss, Henry Elling, Henry Craig Elling, Derek Foulkes, Sheri Fritz, Sophia Conley, Caden Conner, Kendall Carter, Joshua Corlett, Lori Gasser, Stella Gille, Molly Graffin, Donna Hankes, Lauren Hansen, Katerina Hart, Bev Hartl, Danielle Hein, Pat Hurckman, Joan Hynes, Larry Hynes, Collin Jacobs, Audrey Jakel, Jeanne Jones, Jamie Knudson, Norma Krahenbuhl, Brodie Krakow, Roger Kurth, Pam Larson, Scott Mathwich, Pastor Bob, Becky Oehlert, Abbigail Olson, Ashley Olson, Nancy Patrick, Rachel Paul, Amy Roelke, Chris Roelke, Brant Rosenberry, Ava Rozinski, Treyton Rozinski, Jonathan Schellin, Pat Schellin, Kailey Schroud, Lisa Sebranek, Kenzie Severson, Kylie Severson, Judy Sullivan, Beth Simons, Todd Sweney, Troy Tadych, Dianne Tiedt, Daria Utz, Dan Watrud, Kevin Watrud, Ron Weiland, Harley Woodward. Enjoy your special day! Jill Abegglen, Glenn and Shirley Andler, John and Shontell Baeseman, Kris Behrendt, Joe and Mary Destree, Brian and Dawn Donner, Lori Gasser, Michael and Kristin Hansen, Jenny Herzberg, Richmond and Norma Krahenbuhl, Scott and Sue Mathwich, Steve and Cindy Nickell, Eugene and Beverly O’Brion, Jackie and Jamie Price, John and Becky Stark, Pat and Judy Sullivan, Dwane and Debbie Talg. Congratulations! April 2015 February was a down month with larger than expected expenditures. Snow removal and insurance costs were the major expenses for the month. We ask that the Holy Spirit continue to bless our congregation, and move those that can help to do so. 2015 2014 Needed Monthly Giving Needed Monthly Giving January $18,785 $14,924.10 $19,290 $12,509.62 February $18,785 $16,477.53 $19,290 $14,551.92 March $18,785 $19,290 $16,202.12 April $18,785 $19,290 $25,154.03 May $18,785 $19,290 $13,847.81 June $18,785 $19,290 $17,089.05 July $18,785 $19,290 $17,517.08 August $18,785 $19,290 $16,790.01 September $18,785 $19,290 $15,175.10 October $18,785 $19,290 $14,439.78 November $18,785 $19,290 $16,028.32 December $18,785 $19,290 $27,670.72 Average Monthly Giving $17,247.96 Quilt and Project Retreat—Would you like time to work on quilt or other projects without interruptions? Join us for the Faith quilt and project retreat for two days of dedicated quilting or project work. The retreat will be held in Faith's Fellowship Hall on Sunday, April 26th from 1:00-9:00 and Monday April 27th from 8:00AM - 9:00PM. Come for both days or one day or just a few hours. Each participant will have your own table and we will set up ironing stations in the kitchen. There will be a table for cutting available. Meals will be on your own or we will order out. Snacks will be available. Your retreat cost will be your food and a donation for facility use. Bring your sewing machine, extension cord, sewing light, soda, water, snacks, and don't forget your projects. If you have some time, feel free to stop in and check out the activity and fellowship. Contact Erin Bussian - 210-2342 or Betsy Woodward - 992-3485 if you have questions. Camp Scholarships! Attention students who have just completed grades 3-12. Are you thinking about attending a church camp this summer? You will be able to receive financial support from The Lutheran Community Foundation and Faith’s Youth League for a total of $100.00 to help offset the cost of camp. Please let Ruth (in the office) know what camp and when you will be attending and monies will be sent directly to the camp. If you have any questions please call the church office at 623-3610. A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans Rachel Held Evans: She went 368 days without a haircut. When this year plus was over, she went to get a haircut. When the hair stylist asked why she would go a year without cutting her hair, she had no choice but to say, “Because it says in 1 Corinthians 11:15 that ‘If a woman has long hair, it is her glory.’” How’s that for a conversation stopper. Rachel spent a year trying to live up to the image of an ideal woman in the Bible. She called her husband “master” that year and, to his credit, made him all kinds of uncomfortable. Rachel took on one value from Proverbs 31, a proverb that describes the ideal woman, each month. She ate unleavened bread, wore skirts instead of pants, and visited monasteries. Join Pastor Lisa on Sunday April 12th at 6:30 p.m. to discuss this book. You’ll find Rachel: funny, curious, and full wonderful information about being a Biblical woman. It’s much more liberated than you think! We’ll meet for 6 weeks, but you don’t have to make all of the sessions. We have some books you can purchase or buy one on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. April 2015 5 Faith Lutheran Church FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH NONPROFIT ORG 120 Faith Drive U.S. Postage Columbus WI 53925-1602 PAID Columbus, WI 53925 Return Service Requested Permit No. 70 THE APRIL NEWSLETTER Faith...Serving God...Serving People Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 AS MEMBERS OF FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH WE PROMISE: MISSION STATEMENT Joyfully recognizing God’s commitment and faithfulness to us, FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH exists to serve God through serving God’s people. We eagerly work towards the realization of God’s Kingdom by: Offering praise-filled worship to God. Nurturing individual spiritual growth. Fostering an environment of caring and acceptance. Reaching out to serve the needs of our community. God’s love stirs us to touch others with the same love we have received—and invites them to share our life of praise and service. Faith Lutheran Church (ELCA) Columbus, Wisconsin To attend services regularly. To support the congregation financially. To live responsibly as a Christian witness. To become as involved as possible in the total life and work of the congregation. And this we promise to do by the help of God. FAITH’S TOP PRIORITY VISIONING GOALS: Equip all our members for lifelong spiritual growth and ministry. Continue and build upon our tradition of being an accepting congregation that welcomes and serves all. We’re on the web: Adopted March 2010
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