Congratulations to our graduates! College: Martin Kwant—Central Washington University with a BA degree in ITAM (information technology administrative management) Sierra McNeil—Skagit Valley College—AA High School: Rachel Anderson—Sedro-Woolley High School High School Sierra McNeil—Homeschool Kindergarten: Lauren VandenBosch Please let the office know if we have missed anyone. We want to honor all our graduates!!! Announcements from other Ministries May 31, 2015 Welcome to Faith Community Fellowship Summer Worship Service: 9:30 am Warm Beach Camp Now is the time to register for Cascade Family Bible Camp, held July 9-13 at Warm Beach Camp near Stanwood, Washington. There is no better place to create memories and grow spiritually than at family Bible camp. Registration forms are available at church or online at Growing the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit Conference: This conference is co-sponsored by Home Missions and Dunamis Fellowship Canada. The event will provide leaders and churches the opportunity to explore practical ways to discern and cooperate with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Taught from a Reformed perspective, this conference is designed to encourage, refresh and challenge all who attend. It will be held from June 1-4 at the Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre in Surrey, British Columbia. For more info and to register, visit Nepal earthquake World Renew has raised more than $500,000 for its Nepal earthquake response so far. Working through the “World Renew Disaster Response Team in Nepal” – made up of staff and volunteers from World Renew, World Missions, and local church partners – they have used the funds to distribute vital food assistance to almost 2,000 families and tarps to 140 families within the first two weeks. In the next phase that will begin shortly, they plan to provide additional supplies including tents, tarps, blankets, hygiene kits, water filters and continued food assistance to an additional 1,300 households. Pray for the Disaster Response Team in Nepal that includes World Renew, CRWM and local church partners. Please pray for their continued safety as they minister to those in need. Pray for their children who were traumatized after living through this disaster. Pray also for the people of Nepal as they work to rebuild their lives. If you would like to support the earthquake response with your financial gifts, you can donate through World Renew at WORLD RENEW - Volunteers Needed: Help disaster survivors by volunteering with World Renew Disaster Response Services. You can help rebuild homes as an individual or as a couple for up to three weeks, or plan a group trip for your church or family. World Renew DRS has a variety of opportunities for response to disasters across the country. No experience is necessary! Contact [email protected] or call 800-848-5818. CHURCH ADDRESS: 1427 MONTE VISTA DRIVE MOUNT VERNON, WA. 98273 CHURCH OFFICE: 360-428-4661 Church Web Site: Check us out online Faith Community Fellowship Christian Reformed Church Learn more about the Christian Reformed Church and it’s many ministries at their web site: May 31, 2015 A Warm Welcome to all who are worshipping with us today. If you are a visitor or new to our church, please take a moment to fill out a visitor’s card when the prayer clipboards are passed around and place it in the offering basket. A nursery is provided for infants and toddlers through age 3, located in the hallway of the entryway. Prayer Clipboards During the offering, we ask that the prayer clipboards be passed around. There are three sections of chairs for seating and three clipboards, please keep the clipboard in your section as you pass it around. Children’s Bulletins are available on the table by the door in the entry way for the younger children. WORSHIP NOTES CONGREGATIONAL LIFE This morning we welcome Pastor David Snapper from Silverdale as our guest pastor. We pray for God’s blessing on us as he brings us the message from God’s word. Next week Pastor Peter Mans will be our guest pastor. Congregational Meeting: Leroy Schloemer was selected as our new elder and Chris Ledeboer as the alternate. Stacy Olea was selected as a deacon and Denise Skelton as the alternate. We pray God’s blessing on them as they begin to serve the Lord and our church in these roles. The budget was also approved for the upcoming church year. We also thank our outgoing elder Dean Anderson and deacon Pam Davis for their service. Our summer intern Brian Hofman and his wife Tess are coming this week! You can send them an email of encouragement and welcome as they travel here this week. Their email is [email protected]. Keep them in your prayers as they travel here to the NW to be our summer seminarian. Summer Bible Study: We have asked our Seminarian to lead a Bible Study this summer if there is an interest in our congregation to have one. A sign up sheet is on the desk in the foyer and a spot to say what day of the week is good for you. Sign up if interested. Mount Vernon Christian School invites you to a Retirement Reception for Mrs. Marlae Veldkamp. Please join us as we honor and thank Mrs. Veldkamp for blessing our school community as Kindergarten and elementary music teacher for 38 years. The open house will be held from 2:00 – 4:00 pm TODAY at the MVCS Hamming Commons. Sunday School Party: Don’t forget that the End of the Year Sunday School Party will be Saturday, June 6th from 1-3 pm. There will be a scavenger hunt and ice cream feast here at the church. Don’t miss it! The Church camp-out is coming up in August and we need at least one more person to help out on the committee. Please contact Joanne Lagerwey if you are interested. Congratulations to Amber and Greg Hibma on the birth of their daughter, Callie Jade born Thursday, May 28th. Congratulations also to the grandparents, Jay and Nellie Hibma. The Missions Team has assigned all the members of Faith to be a part of our prayer ministry for our missionaries and the ministries we support. If you do not wish to be included, or if you need to change a week that you have been assigned, please contact the office or Ken Davis. PRAYER PARTNERS for the ministries in San Felipe: 99 + 1, Serenity House, Nueva Cancion, Alfonso, and for the staff and children at Sonshine Hacienda. THIS WEEK: Paul, Donna Korneliussen NEXT WEEK: Kwant Family Opportunities to Serve JUNE GREETERS: James Hodge JUNE SERVANTS: Ben and Gerry Ackermann LAWN MOWING This Week: Bob Hoogendam Next Week: Chris Ledeboer NURSERY TODAY Nellie Hibma Joann Orange Kyler South NURSERY NEXT WEEK Kari VandenBosch Whitney Brandon Rachel Anderson Sunday, May 31 9:30 am—Worship Service 2-4 pm—Marlae Veldkamp Retirement Reception—Hammon Commons Tuesday, June 2 8:00 am—Prayer at Faith Thursday, June 4 9:15 am- Precepts Bible Study Saturday, June 6 9-11 am—Praise Team practice 1-3 pm—Sunday School Ice Cream Party/Scavenger Hunt Sunday, June 7 9:30 am—Worship Service Welcome Potluck for Brian and Tess Hofman Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Church Rummage Sale—June 13th WE NEED YOUR STUFF!! Big and Small! Clean out your closets and garages and donate your things to our rummage/garage sale. You can bring your things to church and put them in the last Sunday School Room across from the Men’s bathroom or in the Education bldg. We will need helpers to help set up, price and help the day of the sale. See Paul Korneliessen if you can help out. Proceeds go to our mission projects in Mexico. REMEMBER IN PRAYER WELCOME - WE GATHER FOR WORSHIP OPENING SONG OF WORSHIP I’ve Been Redeemed WELCOME GOD’S GREETING and GREETING OF ONE ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS PRAISE AND WORSHIP Shout to the Lord Mighty to Save TESTIMONY Enough Once Again WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS TO GOD CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER OFFERING FOR THE GENERAL FUND CRC World Relief Work in Nepal WE HEAR GOD’S WORD PRAYER FOR THE OPERATION OF THE SPIRIT - Elder Dean Anderson Text: 1 Corinthians 2:14- 3:6 Sermon: Did I Pass? PRAYER OF APPLICATION WE GO OUT TO SERVE SONG OF RESPONSE Not What My Hands Have Done (vs.1-2) BLESSING CLOSING SONG Not What My Hands Have Done (vs. 3) Prayer Team come to the front: If you have a need for prayer for any reason, you are invited to join the prayer team. Remember to pray for the ministries we support: Faith house, Reverie BBQ, Campus ministry and for Joe and Nellie Strong, Steve and Sandy, Kyla De Wit and Amber Korneliussen. Pray for the ministries in San Felipe, Mexico: 99 + 1, Serenity House, Nueva Cancion, Alfonso, and the staff and children at Sonshine Hacienda. Concerns and praises within our family at Faith Continued prayer for: - Pray for healing in family relationships, for family members who have drifted, that they may return to the Lord and for friends to come to Christ. - Pray for those we love to come to the Lord. - Pray for our youth to make right choices in their lives and pray for those who are making wrong choices that God will lead them to make a commitment to Christ. - Prayer for a struggling marriages. - Pray that we as a congregation will listen to God’s “nudges” and minister to those in our midst who need extra love. - Pray for wisdom and patience as we wait for Your leadership and lead us to opportunities to witness for You. - Pray for our council as they lead our church and for the search committee as they search for FCF’s new pastor. Special Prayer Requests: - Pray for our summer seminarian, Brian and Tess Hofman as they travel and come minister with us. - Pray for peace for a neighbor of the Busers’ who is dying, pray for comfort for the husband. - Pray for safety on the roads as we travel near and sometimes long distances with our jobs. - Continued prayer for Sienne Ackermann, Larry VanderPol, for Buser’s son-in -law Matt as they are receiving chemo treatments. Pray for Shirley Nelson as she begins treatment for cancer. - Pray for Godly wisdom for the Wicklund family as to care needs for Joe, Gloria’s father-in-law. He has returned to assisted living but has had some falls and may need 24 hr. care. Pray for healing and for his salvation. - Continued prayer for Elaine Parker as she continues treatment for leukemia. - Pray for God’s blessing on our congregation as we lose members due to jobs—that others will rise up to fulfill vacant positions and that our church family will continue to grow together as we love and care for each other. Praise for: - Praising God for the provision of housing for our summer seminarian, and his wife. - We give thanks for God’s Word and for the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. - Praise God for His faithfulness and blessings—He truly cares for us when needed and never leaves us. - Praising God for 59 years of marriage that God has given to Ben and Gerry Ackermann. - Praise God for the opportunities given to Future Impact to share the message of truth to the youth in our high schools. Pray! Skagit has a 24 hour prayer line called Prayers of Hope. Toll Free 877-428-PRAY (7729) Pray!Skagit's weekly kingdom prayer focus. Sundays at 4PM in the Upper Room at The Grainery.
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