Many books have been written ... Which leads to the fourth ... small groups and how to ...

Many books have been written about
small groups and how to lead them,
how to conduct them and curriculums
that have worked elsewhere. As I look
at our vision “Growing Together in
Christ”, let’s look at the principles that
will help us grow in spiritual maturity,
grow closer to God and closer to those
around us. These principles are not just
for Lifegroup Leaders, but rather for
leaders of any kind.
First we must: Be Committed to
Personal Growth. We are called to
this as Christians, whether we lead
anything or not. By doing so, we also
model for others the act of growing and
that we all have room to grow.
Which leads to the fourth principle,
Mentor An Apprentice Leader. As
God grows you, those around you, and
draws people toward you, you will
begin to get overwhelmed. God does
not want you to do it all, he wants you
to make sure it all gets done. This is
an opportunity to help others grow as
they begin to help you.
The fifth principle: Invite New People
Into Your Life Weekly. If you are
leading a group or simply have a circle
of friends you influence, you need to
model that it isn’t just about you.
Rather, reach out to those around us
and see where God is moving.
If you are in a group of friends, think
about what life would be like if you
weren’t invited in. That is how others
may be feeling as they look at you and
your groups. We need to cast a vision
that we wish to give to others what we
are currently experiencing.
Second: Pray Daily For Those We
Influence. Jesus modeled prayer in
asking for things daily. I have set aside
time each day as I walk to work to pray
for each of the leaders individually
whom I provide oversight. I also pray
for the elders and other staff. These
prayers focus on individual growth and The sixth principle: Have Fun
I ask God to move in their lives to help Together Outside Of Church. We
need to get together and do things
them see Him each day.
besides ministry. Have fun with the
Third: Contact Those We Influence people you influence even though
Regularly. Hebrews 3:13 states that working alongside of them may be fun.
we need to encourage one another If the only time you interact with
daily. Life can fall apart in a matter of people revolves around ministry, it is
minutes, not just hours or days. This is easy for the enemy to get in and begin
an area I have fallen short lately. My to make people think that they are only
list of who I influence is growing daily in your life to give, not get.
and I need to invite others to help me
contact folks and see how they are
doing. Interested in helping?
Thanks for all the prayers for my grandson, Leo
Wine, who is getting stronger every day. He can’t
go home til he can keep his body temp up and have
fewer breathing issues from his fragile trachea. ~
Sandra Putney
I need a job and Gods peace until I get the job He
has in mind for me. ~ Lynne Uptagrafft
My friends, Janet & Yvonne, who attended the
Friday service, need prayer. ~ Emma Benner
Pray for 4+ hours of sleep per night for me. ~
Bobby Backstrom
Where does the Lord want us to live? ~ Jack &
Brenda Lawson
Please pray for my brother who is in the army and
is out of the country now. ~ Amanda Franz
Monica is not doing well. May not make it. Not
sure if she is saved. Please pray for her and her
family. She has tumors in her lungs, brain and
bone. ~ Jane Rodriguez
Guidance in my personal relationships. ~ Melissa
Being able to believe God is real. ~ Vanessa
Happy May birthdays to…
Jeff Huber, 24th
Ed Church & Tristan Erickson, 25th
Lori Lane & Marge Minor, 26th
Chris Wojahn, 27th
Mary Lapham & Amy Wright, 29th
May 27th—Christen Lanning-Weller
Single Moms Group
June 3rd—Dan Clark
Harbor Point Lifegroup
June 10th—Nate Hardy
North Everett West Lifegroup
June 17th—Gene Dobson
June 24th—Tom Warren
The Followers
Terri Frazier is scheduled for surgery on the 24th, at
Colby Campus, please pray for him. ~Jack and Judy
I am asking for prayer for my relationship with my
mother. ~ Darcy Stanyo
Barb Lillard asks that we pray for strength during
Lena Littlefield needs support and strength, she has
been diagnosed with diabetes and has other issues as
well. ~Joysie Fuller
Carol’s father is having lung problems and no chance
for a tracheotomy.
Please pray for my college instructor’s husband,
Sonny. He suffered a stroke and is in the recovery
stage. Please pray for a complete healing. ~ Christen
The staff team requests prayers dealing with God’s
blessing, how to deal with the growth of the 9:00 am
service and where do we go next.
Please continue to pray for Ron Newman & Sharon
My cousin Jack still needs prayer now that the
healing phase begins. ~Sheri W.
Martin Flake—nephew of Christen Weller—3rd term in
Afghanistan, out til January.
John and Robin Schwartz both stateside in Everett.
Jonathan Michaels Estrella— son of Sharon Boswell.
Jason Bjazevich—Megan Owenby’s husband—Army Special
Forces— Stationed in N. Carolina.
Scott Harpell—son of Brian & Lynne—Stationed at Fort Carson,
CO., now out of the country.
Eric Schmidt — son of Gene and Pat Schmidt — Camp Fallujah,
Benjamin Lagonia—dear friend of the Naylor family—stationed
in Manitoba.
Christian Chmielewski—nephew of JoAnn Couturie’ - in the
ENS Andrew E. Timpner (fiancé to Christin Suthard) on
deployment with USS Momsen.
Philip Ankney-LCPL Afghanistan Cousin of MaryAnn Peterson.
Jeffrey Lillard—son of Barbara Lillard — Srg. In Army, serving in
Aaron Chmielewski—joined the Marines. Nephew of JoAnn
Shawn Berland—deploying for 6 months
Andrew Sustaita—serving on board the USS Abraham Lincoln
Duane Neyens brother to Kathy Chapman—Army National Guard
An email from Lois Caldwell alerted us to the fact
that Jim Kerby has been in the hospital since last
Saturday evening with an infection which has now
been determined to be cellulitis. They are now in
the process of administering a stronger medication
with the hopes this will clear up the infection. He is
in room 508 and is anxious to get back home.
Sandra Putney is asking for prayer and continued
progress for her new little grandbaby, Leo Wine,
born last week with low birth weight and four weeks
early. There have been some scary moments with
breathing incidences but he is beginning to put on
weight. He is in NICU at the present time. Sandra
also asks for prayer for rest for the baby's Mom
and Dad, Jessica and David Wine. She says they
are already incredible parents.
Sandra also asks for prayer for her close girl friend
Glenda Taylor who lost her 24 year old son to an
overdose and for his 22 year old sister who is also
suffering from drug addiction and prayer for another
close friend, Shauna and husband Dave who are
expecting their first child and is suffering from
preeclampsia and high blood pressure.
continued from page 1. . .
The seventh principle is Prepare For Any
Meeting. When you are leading a meeting of any
kind, people need to know that you value them
and their time. If you are not prepared, it speaks
loudly that you do not value the meeting or the
people that are attending.
The final eighth principle is to Dream God Sized
Dreams; Involve Others In Your Dreaming.
God has plans for those who are around you. If
we look at only what we are able to do, that does
SAM Board meeting - May 29, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Our next luncheon will be on Friday, June 3rd,
when we will have election of officers and a table
full of “Nifty Nineties" and good singing led by John
Sinkevitch. In times past, those turning ninety were
scarce and looked upon with an awe of
achievement. It is wonderful to be able to honor
more who are achieving that status these days as we
continue living longer because of healthier habits
and medical advances (pills). There will be a sing-along too, so be sure and sign up for this last
luncheon until Fall. At the same time, you can pay
your yearly dues of $10.00. That money goes to pay
for our programs and helps in our many charitable
Also, there will be sign-up sheets for working the
Rest Stop times coming on August 6-8 and August
SAM Picnic Time at Langus Park is coming up on
July 13th, this is a different date this year because
of the Community Worship on the third Friday (July
20th) of the month.
not glorify God, it limits things to your abilities.
Meet with key people in the group and dream of
what things could be done. When you dream and
when you dream with others, the Holy Spirit is
able to move through all of you and share what
He can do, not just limit it to what you think you
can do.
Over the next eight weeks, we will take a look at
each of these and talk about how we can
accomplish each of these within the community of
the church and grow personally while helping
others grow as only Christ can do.