Church of the Ascension 4603 Poplar Avenue • Bal more, Maryland 21227 March 15, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Lent Rev. John A. Williamson............................ Pastor, Vicar Forane Deacon Thomas Yannuzzi Deacon Robert Smith MASSES: Weekday: Tues, Thurs. 9 A.M. (Church) Weekday: 5 P.M. at Good Shepherd Chapel (4:30 P.M. Wed.) Saturday: 4 P.M. (Church) Sundays: 8:15 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. (Church) Center St. AugusƟne Masses Weekends: Saturday 5 P.M., Sunday 7:30 A.M., 9:15 A.M., 10:45 A.M., 12:15 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. Weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:00 A.M. Mr. Robert Sutliff ......................................... Pastoral Associate Mrs. Kelly Coyle .........................Coordinator of Youth Ministry Ms. Bonnie Kabara............................................. Music Director Mrs. Cathy Carlin ............... Coordinator of Religious EducaƟon Mrs. Mary Jane Thomas............... Coordinator of Bereavement Ministry Mrs. Brenda Miller ..................................................... Secretary Parish Center 4603 Poplar Avenue • Bal more, MD 21227 Phone: 410-242-2292 • FAX: 410-242-6807 www.ascensionbalƟ Early Learning Center 4601 Maple Avenue • Bal more, MD 21227 Phone: 410-242-5498 • Brewer Hall: 410-247-4982 EucharisƟc AdoraƟon: First Monday of the Month Confessions: 3:30 P.M. on arrangements by appointment. Saturdays. Other BapƟsms: Sundays by appointment. Please call the Parish Center for informa on concerning Bap smal Prepara on Program and regula ons. Marriage: Couples planning to be married should contact Robert Sutliff six months in advance. Engaged couples are expected to take the preCana course. Religion Classes - (C.C.D.): Pre-Kindergarten thru 5th grade - Sundays 9:10-10:20 a.m.; Grades 6 thru 8 Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. @ St. Augus ne. Sick Calls & Communion Calls: Please contact the Parish Center. Bereavement: Contact Mrs. Mary Jane Thomas 410-5642395 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Chronicles 36: 14-16, 19-23 Psalm 137: 1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 Ephesians 2: 4-10 John 3: 14-21 PASTOR’S CORNER FROM FATHER JOHN On this fourth Sunday of Lent the Gospel is the most well known and quoted line in all of Scripture: For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. This famous passage from St. John’s Gospel really reminds us half way through Lent what this season is all about, re-connecting to that transforming power of God’s love that comes to us in Jesus. Our fasting and added prayers is all about re-kindling that fire of love that St. John is talking about so that our hearts and lives can be changed. We need to remember during Lent that it is not so much about what we are doing, but what God is doing in us. The Gospel reminds us that Jesus came so that we can live in the Light of His Love. All we need to do is to stop getting in the way of what God is trying to do in each of us! Simple Lenten Practice: How about we fast from complaining! About our aches and pains, what is not going right or what others are doing to annoy us. Part of Lent is bearing our crosses patiently and silently. Everyone else is dealing with things as well, and don’t want to listen to us anyway! When we bear things patiently and silently that becomes a powerful act of penance we can offer during Lent. Easter Vigil Since we have now brought our 2 parishes RCIA program together. This year we will be celebrating just one Easter Vigil between the 2 parishes. It will rotate back and forth each year, for 2015 it will be at Ascension beginning at 730 pm. March 14-15, 2015 Liturgical Calendar: March 17th St. Patrick-Bishop March 18th St. Cyril of Jerusalem-Bishop and Doctor of the Church March 19th Solemnity of St. Joseph REGULATIONS FOR FAST AND ABSINENCE Fasting, almsgiving and prayer are the three traditional disciplines of Lent. The faithful and catechumens should undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of penance and of preparation for Baptism or of renewal of Baptism at Easter. Fasting is to be obser ved on Good Fr iday by all 18 years of age and older, who have not yet celebrated their 59th birthday. On a fast day one full meal is allowed. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and juices, are allowed. Abstinence is obser ved by all 14 year s of age and older. On days of abstinence no meat is allowed. Note that when health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. Ash Wednesday, all the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday are days of abstinence. Note: If a per son is unable to obser ve the above r egulations due to ill health or other serious reasons, other suitable forms of self-denial are encouraged. PLEASE KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS If you have any sick among you for whom you would like us to pray, please contact the Parish Office at 410-242-2292 to request their name to be put on the prayer list. Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks or unless otherwise notified. This week we remember the following: Robert Raley, Sharon Zinkand, Meredith Day, Jack Ward, Angela Marinelli, Martha Blue, Bruce Fox, Pat Lowman, Gary Raley, Heidi Hemler, Kathy Kramer, Ed Schimbauer, Dominic Didomenico, Cole Gabriel Newman, Philip Petty, Tim Kraft, Cindy Bowen, Sr. Mary Catherine Lewandowski, Bernard Trescott, Paula Bullinger, Helen Hansard, Bill Jacob, Paul Carnes, Dawn Sellers, John Hoban, Rita Spitzler, Glen Taylor, Jr., Joseph Saurusaitis, Barbara Gilley, Jennifer Morgan, Arnie Penaloza, Alexyss Ekas, Mary Keyes, Paul Arca, Jennifer Mathias, Betty Smith, Bud Lucas, Carol Jacober, Edmund Smith, Patrick Reilly, Chris Moran, Chuck Payne, Debbie Thomas, Joseph Alvey, Heath Dobson, Dean Milnor, Joan Bartels, Gerri Wisniewski, Terry Forgacs, Gertrude Kramer, Shawn Hayes, Carl Bernhardt, Larry Durham, Susan Smith, Michele Miyasaki, Shawn Ellis, Janice Fitzsimmons, Irene Miller, Ginny Neese, Dolores Gallagher, John Kordusky, Timothy Bolesta, Jr., Brian Gallizzo, Josephine Shiflett, Sadie Wetheral, Jean Spliedt, Stephen Miller, Lynn Gorman Brose, Mary Corn, Stanley Clark, Pat Edelen, Nancy Saraullo, Josephine Meehan, Ernest Wolf, Jr., Terry Moran, Rachel Monda, Frank Moran, Barbara Hare, Dorothy Roedel, Edwin Schmidbauer, Leola Kohlhaus, John Hardesty, Joann Coolahan, Richard Hays, Ann McDevitt, Fran Purper, Frances Blob, Karen Mellott, Theresa Spliedt, Joan Ward, David Mertes, Jeannie Leidig, Shirley Beyer, Helen Schmidt, and special intention. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT LITURGY Mass Intentions For the Week of March 15, 2015 Sunday, March 15, 2015 8:15 am ~ Frances Walsh 10:30 am ~ Nora Wallace Tuesday, March 17, 2015 9:00 am ~ Richard Keyes 5:00 pm ~ Bill McHale 4 pm E. Angell K. Angell March 22 10:30 am Emma. Lawrence Jim Lawrence Jacob Lawrence Julia Lawrence COLUMBARIUM NEWS COMING SOON! Wednesday, March 18, 2015 4:30 pm ~ Brandon Kelly, living Thursday, March 19, 2015 9:00 am ~ John Cullen 5:00 pm ~ Andrew Palm, living Friday, March 20, 2015 5:00 pm ~ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cerkez, living Saturday, March 21, 2015 4:00 pm ~ Dr. Charles Peters The Columbarium for St. Augustine Cemetery is finishing the initial stages and construction will start this spring. There will be artist’s renderings and plans for all to see this April or sooner. The preconstruction prices will begin at $2700 a niche and will inter the remains of two people. A meeting for those interested in purchasing will be scheduled and announced both in the bulletin for St. Augustine and Church of the Ascension. What is a columbarium? Add yourself to the email list. To be placed on our mailing list for updates and questions, please forward you name, address, phone number and email address to [email protected] FAMILY AND CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday, March 22, 2015 8:15 am ~ Mabel Hlafka 10:30 am ~ Parishioners Children’s Liturgy of the Word: March 22nd - 9:15 Mass at St. Augustine. ASCENSION MARCH CLERGY SCHEDULE Sat Mar 21 4 pm Sun Mar 22 8:15 am Fr. Williamson (DTA) 10:30 am Msgr. Lizor (DTA) Fr. Williamson ST. AUGUSTINE MARCH CLERGY SCHEDULE Sat Mar 21 5 pm Sun Mar 22 7:30 am Fr. Brown (DBA) 9:15 am Fr. Hammond (DBA) 10:45 am Fr. Williamson 12:15 pm Fr. Williamson 5 pm ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE March 21 8:15 am M. Leidig N. Leidig Monday, March 16, 2015 5:00 pm ~ Jean Hewins March 14-15, 2015 Join us next Sunday, March 22nd for Family Stations of the Cross at 2 pm at Chur ch of the Ascension. J our ney with Jesus along the Way of the Cross as we pray, sing and collect mementos at each station to remember God's loving sacrifice for us. RSVP is requested but not required. Register by March 19th to take an active part at each station. Email us at [email protected] or call Laurie at 410-747-2804. FAMILY MINISTRY Fr. Spacek Fr. Larrivee DTA-Deacon Tom Assisting/DTP-Deacon Tom Preaching DBA-Deacon Bob Assisting/DBP-Deacon Bob Preaching The final dates for Mommy and Me this year are March 18, April 15 and 29 and May 13. Time is still 9:30 to 11:30 am. The group will be taking a break for the summer. Watch the bulletin for when the group will resume in the fall. FAMILY RETREAT IN THE CATOCTIN MOUNTAINS – September 18-20 at Camp Greentop in Thurmont. Fun for everyone but not something for everyone – kid’s activities included. Mark your calendars and look for planning and registration information soon. Questions can be dir ected to Deacon Tom Yannuzzi. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT March 14-15, 2015 YOUTH MINISTRY MARRIAGE MINISTRY Upcoming Events in Youth Ministry! For middle and high school students. More details can be found on the youth ministry website: Your Marriage Matters - Join us for our 3rd Annual Enrichment Night on Saturday, March 21 6:30 -10 PM - Full course dinner with wedding cake & champagne, renewal of vows, anniversary dance, and more! Just $35 a couple. Call Mirian Cuevas to register: 410302-9169. Sunday, March 15th Living Stations of the Cross practice: 3-5pm, St. Augustine Hall. Information below. Life Night: Ultimate Food Challenges Social Night! Monday, March 16th Middle School PREP Homeschool Work #3 DUE Pilgrimage Permission Slip and Payment DUE Tuesday, March 17th Confirmation GPS, 6:30-8:00pm, Brewer Hall Friday, March 20th Stations of the Cross practice: 5-6:30pm, St. Augustine Church High school teens: sign-up now for the 2015 youth and young adult Pilgrimage on Saturday, March 28th. Join hundreds of other teens from Maryland walking through the streets of Baltimore with Archbishop Lori to commemorate Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem at the start of Holy Week. It is a fun day with adoration, stops at different holy sites along the way, witnessing to your faith, a concert, and Mass. Cost is $17. Payment and permission forms are DUE Monday, March 16th. Further information and forms can be found on the youth website. Invite your friends, and plan to join us! Due to the recent weather, an extra make-up GPS has been scheduled for all Confirmation candidates for Tuesday, March 24th. A new schedule has been mailed home to all candidates and their families. WOMEN’S MINISTRY Ladies in Faith Together (LiFT) Did you miss all the fun and formation we had for ladies this year? Well, don’t miss out again! Get your name on our contact list! [email protected] or 410-796-8150. Watch here for one more book club before summer. Religious education news It’ll be hot outside but cool at VBS! Join us July 6-10 as we conquer challenges by God’s mighty power at Everest. Registration begins in late April. If only we could have saved this winter’s snow for VBS decorations! ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS TMIY – That Man Is You men’s group continues to meet on Thursday mornings, weather permitting, through end of April in Ascension Parish Center basement from 6:30-7:40 am or 7:00-8:10 pm SOCIAL CONCERNS SERVE AT OUR DAILY BREAD on Wednesday, March 18 and Saturday, May 2 fr om 9:00 am to 1:00 pm – sign-up by contacting Bob Sutliff at [email protected] or 410-242-2292 or 410-796-1520. SPRING DAY OF SERVICE – Saturday, May 2 – 9:30 am until 2:00 pm – small projects around your home, service projects in Brewer Hall at Ascension or serve at Our Daily Bread. Applications for work to be done can be found on parish websites and bulletin boards. Discover the truth about the bioethical issues surrounding organ donation & transplantation and the concept of "brain death." Dr. Paul Byrne, M.D., past President of the Catholic Medical Association, will discuss these critical matters as the featured speaker in DEFEND LIFE’s March 2015 Lecture Tour. Come hear Dr. Byrne’s talk (entitled What You Don’t Know Can Kill You) on Friday, March 20 • 1 PM, Our Lady’s Center, 3301 South Rogers Avenue, Ellicott City, Maryland 21043, Theresa • 410-461-5066, [email protected] Please note that Ascension and St. Augustine will now have an envelope exchange policy. If you attend Mass at either parish you can drop in your envelope and it will be returned to your home parish. This will hopefully make it easier for you to support your parish even on those times when you cannot attend Mass there. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT STEWARDSHIP Finances for March 7-8, 2015 Envelopes $6894.00 Loose Contributions $1193.00 $166.58 Poor Box Maintenance Collection $1519.00 SECOND COLLECTION The second collection next weekend, March 21-22, 2015, will be for the Catholic Review Collection. All donations help to defray the cost to the parish. Thank you in advance for your generosity. PARISH NEWS Congratulations ~ Paul Bunting received the piano scholarship to Mount St. Joe High school. Hannah Bangs has received the Theater Scholarship to Seton Keough. We are so proud of our former Ascension School Students. Paul attends Arbutus Middle School and will enter Mount St Joe in the Fall. Hannah Bangs attends St Augustine’s School and will also be entering Seton Keough in the Fall. ASCENSION PARISH EARLY LEARNING CENTER (A Maryland State Department of Education Licensed Program) Come and see what’s happening at Ascension Parish Early Learning Center! Accepting registration for Day Care and Pre-K. The Center is open from 7:30 am until 5:30 pm with flexible day/hour scheduling. There is a year–round program, with open enrollment throughout the year. Full day Pre-Kindergarten is from 8 am to 3 pm with before and after school care available. Half-day PreKindergarten is from 8 am until 12 noon. To enroll in the Pre-Kindergarten Program, a child must be four years of age by September 1st. For more information, call 410-242-5498 THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU – to all who made our Lenten Mission a success by serving at a Greeter, Musician, Usher, Book Sales or most importantly – YOUR PRESENCE AND PARTICIPATION. NEW PARISHIONERS:~ Please r egister at the Par ish Office or online at www.ascensionbaltimore. org March 14-15, 2015 Remember to wear your green to the SOAP meeting and lunch on Monday March 16 at noon in the basement of the Parish Center. We will be sharing our traditional corn beef and cabbage lunch to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. The Ascension Men’s Club will host one more Friday Fish Frys during Lent on March 20 from 5 to 7 pm in Brewer Hall. Menu will be a choice of fish fillets, fried shrimp (or a combo of both), fried oysters, macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, cole slaw, dessert, coffee and ice tea. Free grilled cheese sandwich with chips for children under age 7 when accompanied by a paying adult. Cost: Adults $10, children under 12 years of age $8. Carry-out available. Attendance for March 7-8 2015 Mass Attendance 4:00 p.m. 241 8:15 a.m. 108 10:30 a.m. 243 TOTAL 592 ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK OF March 15 Sunday ~ 8:15 am ~ Mass 10:30 am ~ Choir Mass Children’s Liturgy of the Word PREP Pre-Cana/PC Catholic Relief Collection Monday ~ SOAP Noon/PC Tuesday ~ Confirmation 6-8:30 pm/BH Wednesday ~ Mommy & Me 9:30-11:30 am/PC Sodality 9:30 am/PC Thursday ~ Women’s Lenten Bible Study 9:30 am/School TMIY 6:30-7:40 am/PC TMIY 7-8:10 pm/PC Adult Choir 7:45 pm/CH Men’s Club 6 pm/BH Friday ~ Stations and Benediction: Ascension 12 Noon and St. Augustine 7 pm Fish Fry Dinner 5-7 pm/BH Saturday ~ 4 pm ~ Mass Marriage Enrichment/St. Augustine Sunday ~ 8:15 am ~ Mass 10:30 am ~ Adult Mass PREP Catholic Review Collection Family Stations of the Cross 2 pm Congratulations to the winner of the Easter Basket RaffleMary Murphy. - CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION IN BALTIMORE THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - Ambrose Funeral Homes Family Owned and Operated Since 1936 Call and ask to speak to one of our Pre-Arrangement Specialists 410-242-2211 Ambrose Funeral Home Ambrose Funeral Home, Inc. of Lansdowne 1328 Sulphur Spring 2719 Hammonds Ferry Rd. Arbutus, MD 21227 Lansdowne, MD 21227 CHARLES M. COUSINS, JR. & SONS RES. PHONE: 410-242-1881 410-747-6724 410-781-1000 410-379-6500 Jerry O’Neill Life • Home • Auto Long Term Care 6325 Washington Blvd. Why do NO MOTIVATION ONLY GOD KNOWS HOW WE NEED THEM For information: 410-547-5426 SERRA CLUB - ARCHDIOCESE OF BALTIMORE – An organization of Catholic laypersons affirming vocations to the priesthood and religious life smart kids fail? FRUSTRATION WITH SCHOOL SAT / ACT PREP 1-800-CAN-LEARN 410-566-7770 410-644-7000 4300 Old Frederick Rd. Baltimore, MD for more information OUR LADY’S CENTER Catholic Chapel, Bookstore & Giftshop Ascension Special Providing Person Directed Rehabilitation & Nursing Care For Over 87 Years. non-discounted item 3320 Benson Ave. Baltimore, MD 21227 One-Stop Catholic Shopping! 10Any % OFF one One per customer, expires 5/05/2015 3301 S. 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Crow Service & Installations Voshell's Pharmacy HIGH QUALITY HIT HOME(S)! DIGITAL PRINTING Fast Turn Around All Types of Jobs If interested in this space please call us at 410-578-3600 Send your file for a quote to Lansdowne Station [email protected] 3551 Washington Boulevard 410-578-3600 410-247-0470 Advertising Space Available #2097 Jim Bush Plumbing Senior Discounts Plumbing • Heating Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling Waterproofing Drains Cleaned 410-644-1399 50% Off for the 1st 4 Months on 5x10 Units & Larger. For Ad Information: Call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600 or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211- © 2015
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