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from the President
from Rabbi Ari Sunshine
Laurie Blumstein, 301.275.7062, [email protected]
ast year my seven year old asked me
“When is the last day of Shabbat?”
“What do you mean?” I asked a little
perplexed. “You know that Shabbat is every
week…there’s no last day.” “Yes” he answered
frustrated with my response “I know Shabbat
is every week but when is the last day of
Shabbat for the summer?” His question,
although amusing was brutally honest. Much
like the last day of school, or the end of his baseball season he
equated the summer with a “break” from Shabbat. Like many
of you, I look forward to the less frantic, slowed down pace
of summer. Less activities, less structure, and admittedly less
time coming to Shul on Shabbat. Despite no change to our
family routine of Kabbalat Shabbat every Friday night, by not
coming to synagogue I had given my children the message
that we take a “break” from Shabbat for the summer. Although
not intentional, I had also given the message that Shul was
somewhat of an obligation—something that we needed a
respite from.
As we prepare to elect a new slate of Officers and Trustees
for B’nai Shalom of Olney, I realized that as a board, we are
faced with this challenge daily. Are the messages we send
really what we intended? As board members we are mindful of
our secular roles and responsibilities. We respectfully debate
trends in membership, impending building issues and budget
cuts; but we are often so bogged down by the details that
we can easily lose sight of the big picture. We forget that the
institution we serve is as important as the roles themselves.
We are not just members of a sacred community, but the
leaders of a sacred community. Are we sending the message
to you, the congregation that we, ourselves, aspire to the same
spiritual journey that we wish for you? Have we proven that
the collective vision of the board shows an understanding of
the vision of our congregation? Have we reached out to the
individuals of our Kehillah regardless of their demographics
and established meaningful connections? Have we implied that
this is all an obligation? I’ll venture a guess that despite our best
intentions, our messages don’t always resonate clearly and, to a
certain degree, that lack of clarity often lies on our shoulders.
As members of this Kehillah, you also carry a responsibility.
The success of our partnership requires you to make your
Continued on page 3
301.774.0879 x110, [email protected]
he holiday of Shavuot tends to be
an underappreciated holiday in
our Jewish calendar cycle. Perhaps
this fact is owing to Shavuot’s biblical
agricultural origins that do not resonate with
contemporary Jewry outside of the land of
Israel. Truth be told, those agricultural roots
had already become marginally relevant to
our ancestors after the second Temple was
destroyed and harvest-based offerings were no longer brought
to Jerusalem on this pilgrimage festival. In an effort to re-infuse
Judaism into this holiday post-Temple destruction, our sages
of blessed memory already sought to invest Shavuot with
another purpose, the recognition of God’s revelation of Torah to
Israel at Mount Sinai, a purpose that very quickly transcended
the holiday’s biblical origins and became its primary
commemorative focus. Thus we study late into the evening, or
even all night long, on the first night of Shavuot, in anticipation
of receiving the Torah on the 1st morning of Shavuot, which
is symbolically re-enacted when we read Exodus 19-20 —the
depiction of the Sinai experience and the giving of the law—as
our Torah portion that morning.
One of the oldest, and perhaps least well-known, customs
having to do with Shavuot, is one that actually addresses both
the agricultural origins of the holiday as well as the innovated
revelation focus. This is the custom of decorating the home
and synagogue with flowers and greenery. Why would we do
this, you might ask? Three traditional explanations are offered
for this custom. The first has to do with the bikkurim, the
first fruits once brought to the Temple as offerings, evidence
of a successful growing season. In the Mishnah, the earliest
collection of rabbinic law, Shavuot is described as the day
on which God judges the trees and their fruits and makes a
determination as to whether food will be scarce or abundant.
Therefore, by decorating with flowers and plants, we add beauty
and kavannah, intention, to our prayers, while remembering
that we rely upon God for sustenance from our natural world.
Continued on page 9
ECS Young Family Shabbat Dinner May 1
„ Must reserve by noon on May 1. No refunds
please. „ Dinner begins at 6:00 pm.
„ Please inform the office of any dietary needs/
allergies. „ Sign up at
B’nai Shalom of Olney
18401 Burtfield Drive
Olney, MD 20832-1339
Office 301.774.0879 FAX 301.774.3992
Religious School 301.774.9323
Early Childhood School 301.570.0699
To reach staff with extension numbers,
call 301.774.0879
Rabbi Ari Sunshine, x110
[email protected]
Hazzan Sara Geller, x119
[email protected]
President, Laurie Blumstein, 301.275.7062
[email protected]
Director of Operations, Carol Cohen Wolfe,
301.774.0879, x114
[email protected]
Executive Assistant, Andrea Keller,
301.774.0879, x111
[email protected]
Director of Education, Maryana Harouni,
[email protected]
Kapiloff Religious School Office,
Leydi Solano, x115
[email protected]
Early Childhood Education Director,
Beth Hoch, 301.570.0699
[email protected]
Early Childhood School Office,
Sandy Weiss, x149
[email protected]
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am-2:00 pm
Barry Cohen, Designer/Editor 301.570.5271
Tami Abramowitz, Co-Editor 240.535.5148
Editorial support by Melanie Lubin and
Lis Unger.
Submit articles to [email protected]
Mazal Tov To
David and Shari Carmen on the
engagement of their daughter, Elyse
Honey, to Stephen Adam Kitt.
Larry Fishbein and Kathy Watson on the
engagement of their son, Adam, to
Lauren Fox.
Paula and Mitch Zeller on the
engagement of their daughter, Lori, to
Ross Schwarzber.
Becca and Eric Fishman on the birth of
their son, Zachary Aydin.
Condolences To
Ezra (Karen) Schneider on the passing of
his mother, Esther Schneider.
Ed (Cheryl) Weisel on the passing of his
mother, Ann Weisel.
Lis (Lee) Unger on the passing of her
mother, Barbara Wolpert Lubar.
Gail (Marc) Rosendorf on the passing of
her father, Bert Stoller.
Welcome New
William and Linda Sickel
Charles (son) and Anna (daughter)
18105 Old Baltimore Road
Olney, MD 20832
The Evening Minyan
Needs You
If you know your birthday, you know when
to come to evening minyan. Just come
once a month on the day of the month that
corresponds to your birthday. For example,
if your birthday is July 13 — under this
system, you should make every effort to
attend minyan on the 13th of every month.
Please support our minyanim on Sunday
at 9:00 am, weeknights at 7:30 pm, and
Friday at 6:45 am with bagels and lox.
Congregants are saying kaddish and any
Jewish person 13 and older will count in
the minyan. It’s a mitzvah!
Admit it! Deep Down You’ve Always Wanted to be a Gabbai.
ow, here’s your chance to learn the ins and outs … the ups and downs … first or second Torah …
sheni vs. shelishi … and so much more of being a gabbai.
For the first time, BSO will offer an informative and practical class on Sunday, May 17, at 10 am.
Designed for beginners and long-time (because some things have changed!) Gabbai, this class will
cover everything you need to know.
After the class, you will be able to perform with perfection this important role at Shabbat services, a
child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or anytime we read from the Torah. This class is open to first-timers and
those who think they’ve been doing everything correctly. Help BSO by taking on this valuable role. Help yourself by learning a bit more about the Torah service. To attend, please contact Larry Fishbein at [email protected].
Kolot B’nai Shalom is published monthly,
September through June.
In This Issue
Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Sisterhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Around the Synagogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
HAZAK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Early Childhood School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Religious School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Siman Tov u Mazal Tov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Donations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Birthdays & Anniversaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Library Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Follow us on Twitter – @bsolney
us on
Let Sisterhood Help You Celebrate Your
Simhas with Your BSO Family
Consider celebrating any simha with our
BSO community by sponsoring an oneg or a kiddush
in honor of that event.
For simhas and celebrations other than the B’nai Mitzvahs, the cost to sponsor a Friday night oneg is
$180 for up to 75 people, with an additional charge of $2.50 per person for each additional person,
and the cost to sponsor a Kiddush is $360 for up to 100 people, with an additional charge of $3.50 per
person for each additional person.
Contact Helene Rosenheim to arrange to be a sponsor or for more information at 301.774.6774 or at
[email protected].
by Hazzan Sara Geller
Every Day is Mother’s Day
Sara Geller, 301.774.0879 x119, [email protected]
n May and June there are days devoted to
our parents – Mother’s Day and Father’s
Day. These American holidays are about one
hundred years old and as a Jewish person I can
celebrate these holidays, too. I am fortunate
that I have had wonderful parents for whom I
am always grateful.
We don’t have a Mother’s Day or a Father’s
Day in Judaism. However, we have the Ten
Commandments, and at the end of May, we celebrate the giving
of the Ten Commandments on Shavuot.
When we are children we learn that “Honor your father and
your mother” is one of the ten most important rules in Judaism.
How do we interpret this commandment as children? We are
supposed to do what our parents tell us to: “Do your homework,
brush your teeth, turn out the light and go to sleep, wear
these nice clothes to shul on Rosh Hashanah, say hello when I
introduce you to my friends.” And so on.
When we grow into young adulthood, it is sometimes difficult
to observe this commandment. Mark Twain is alleged to have
said: “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I
could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got
to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had
learned in seven years.” Need I say more?
At a certain point we begin to appreciate our parents anew.
If they bring us something we think we don’t need, we accept
it gracefully anyway. When they calm a baby or hold a child’s
attention with a game or a book, we admire their patience. If our
parents can help us by driving carpools or minding the children,
we are very, very fortunate. At this point, we cherish our parents,
and I hope we willingly defer to them when the entire family
gathers for a vacation or a holiday celebration. We can honor our
parents as the heads of our clan.
As both we and our parents grow older we have the opportunity
to re-interpret the commandment to honor them. We can
ensure that they are cared for with honor, respect, and dignity.
Sometimes we are taking care of their daily needs, like they did for
us in our childhood. We should hope that we can pay attention to
our parents fully. Not as a rambunctious child, or as a rebellious
teen, or as a harried young parent, but as another human soul.
We are truly fortunate if we have the opportunity to observe this
commandment in so profound a manner.
So, celebrate Mother’s Day in May, and Father’s Day in June.
Celebrate Shavuot in the Jewish month of Sivan. And, every day,
observe the commandment and honor and cherish your father
and your mother.
Perspectives from the President, continued from page 1
voices heard, to step forward with questions and suggestions,
and to take an active role in the decision making processes that
affect our community. To that end, I encourage you to attend the
Congregational meeting on Wednesday, May 27th at 8:00 pm. This
is your opportunity to learn about our committees, to understand
and vote on the budget and proposed bylaw changes, and to
select a new slate of Officers and Trustees. These are all topics
that are integral to the operations of B’nai Shalom of Olney but
lose their value if they are not an accurate representation of the
wants and needs of our community.
The Torah is laden with stories of our leaders, their faults and the
delicate relationship between them and their congregations.
One such story is Moshe’s banishment from the Promised Land.
After Miriam’s death, there was no water for the congregation.
G-D commands Moshe and Aaron to gather the congregation
and to draw water from a rock. Moshe, frustrated from a
considerable amount of complaining from the Israelites,
addresses them as rebels and strikes the rock twice. It is this
action that results in his, and by default, Aaron’s preclusion from
entering the Promised Land.
Rashi, Maimonides, Nachmanides and countless others
have debated what was Moshe’s great sin that required such
a punishment? Was it because he responded in anger and
frustration, struck the rock, put an overblown emphasis on his
self-importance, or showed a lack of faith in G-d both generally
and in front of the congregation? The reasons are rendered
momentarily irrelevant as the end result is the same- and what
it truly represents is a leadership crisis. The failure of the people,
fairly or not, ultimately translated to the failure of the leaders.
The flourishing of our community lies not in the distinction
between the leadership and the congregation, but in the inherent
belief that like Moshe, Aaron and Miriam, we all bring attributes
to the community and our success depends on sharing them. I
hope to see you on May 27th.
B’Vracha (with blessings)
Month After Month of Marvelous Youth Activities
[email protected]
t is hard to believe May is here and our Youth Groups
are winding down for the year. Every group will have fun
end of year events throughout the month. April was filled
with lots of fun for Bonim and Mahar. Kadima played some
wild laser tag and USY had an awesome event called Iron
Chef Israel. It was a fun and friendly cooking competition
of Israeli foods and ended with a great meal of their
homemade food which was enjoyed by all. USY ended April
with Spring convention.
From the Food Preparation to the Devouring,
USY Iron Chef Israel was a Treat for All Involved!
Mark Your Calendar!
The Final Film of the 2014-2015
Film Series is
Moving from
May to June 7.
Stay Tuned for
More Details.
by Karen Leventhal & Tara Goldstein
Sisterhood — Celebrations!
Tara Goldstein ([email protected]) & Karen Leventhal ([email protected])
ue to scheduling conflicts,
Sisterhood Spa Day had to
be cancelled on April 19. But,
good news—it is being rescheduled
for Sunday, May 17! We will be
sending out an invite with all the
details. Please contact us if you would
like to plan this wonderful event.
Sisterhood is looking for a volunteer to host Sisterhood
Appreciation at her home on May 31. If you are interested in
hosting or helping with this event, please contact Tara Goldstein
or Karen Leventhal at the emails listed above.
Sisterhood’s New BSOS Birthday/Anniversary/
Simha Celebration Fund
Do you have a family birthday or anniversary you want to
celebrate with your BSO family? Would you like to help Sisterhood
at the same time? Sisterhood has now established a BSOS
Birthday/Anniversary/Simha Celebration Fund. Families can
make a donation of $18 or more to this fund in honor of a family
member’s or friend’s birthday, anniversary or any other wonderful
simha. Each month these celebrations and donations will be
recognized in Sisterhood’s newsletter article. We hope you will
join us in this win-win situation. Our BSO family gets to be a part
of and share your simha, and you are helping Sisterhood provide
the onegim and kiddushim that enhance all of our Shabbat
and holiday services. If you are interested in honoring someone
through this BSOS Birthday/Anniversary/Simha Celebration Fund
or would like more information, please contact Helene Rosenheim
at [email protected] or 301.774.6774.
Sisterhood Meetings
Note that Sisterhood meetings are now being held on the first
Thursday of each month. All are welcome to attend! The next
Sisterhood meeting will be on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 8:00 pm
following minyan (at 7:30 pm).
Special Thanks To
Tirza Covel and Albert Schmelzer and Esther and Steve Weiss
for sponsoring the April 4 Kiddush in honor of a number of
family simhas.
Melanie and Brian Lubin and Elaine and Marvin Senter for
sponsoring a Kiddush in honor of their son’s and grandson’s bar
Gloria and Myer Lubin for sponsoring an Oneg in honor of their
grandson’s bar mitzvah.
Fern Gottheim and Christopher Arillo for sponsoring a Kiddush
in honor of their son’s bar mitzvah.
Susan and Alan Hankin for sponsoring the April 25 Kiddush
in honor of their granddaughter’s naming and their daughter
Stacy’s Auf Ruf.
Marian Apple, Maha Gumenick, Lisa Segal, Debra Weston, Tara
Goldstein, Karen Leventhal, and Helene Rosenheim for helping
with the setup and cleanup of the Chocolate Seder.
Sunny Grunder for hosting the April 26 book club meeting.
Upcoming Calendar Dates to Remember
May 3 – Seaboard Region Spring Conference
May 7 – Sisterhood meeting at BSO at 8:00 pm
May 17 – Sisterhood Spa Day
May 31 – Sisterhood Elections & Appreciation
June 4 – Sisterhood meeting at BSO at 8:00 pm
Chocolate Seder
Women in attendance; Phyllis Phillips,
Esther Temin, Dorothy Auerbach,
Esther Weiss, Ruth Cohen, Debra
Notes on Sisterhood Needlecrafts and Book Club
Feel free to join us for our “Stitch of the Month” every first Sunday
of the month from the end of minyan to 12 noon. Each month we
will be focusing on learning a new stitch or technique to make
your creations seem fresh and up to date. RSVP to Linda Reba
at [email protected] or Judy Levy-Stutsky at [email protected].
On June 14 at 11:00 am, the book club will be discussing The
Paris Architect by Charles Belfoure. This discussion will be held
at Eileen Leibowitz’s house. And please remember, you do not
have to have read the book to join in on the discussion. For more
information or to get on the Sisterhood Book Club email list,
contact Jan King at [email protected] or 301.871.6163.
From the Director of Operations
Carol Cohen Wolfe, 301.774.0879 x114 , [email protected]
ello members of B’nai Shalom of
Olney. I would like to take this
opportunity to introduce myself; I
am Carol Cohen Wolfe, B’nai Shalom’s new
Director of Operations. It has been with a
great deal of anticipation that I have assumed
my new position at the Synagogue. I have
been an involved member of the Olney
community for over 15 years and have seen
the amazing change and growth that has taken place here. Over
the years, my family and I have had the pleasure of attending
services and participating in many celebrations and life events
at B’nai Shalom, which makes me especially appreciative of the
opportunity to contribute to the continued success of synagogue
I have joined the BSO staff with a diverse background, including
30 years’ experience managing facility operations and programs,
specifically 26 of which have been at Jewish communal and social
service organizations. I started my career in Brooklyn, as a Youth
Director at Kingsbay YM/YWHA, helping children, teens and
young adults establish a social affiliation with their community.
HAZAK Happenings
Naomi Kline, 240.669.7683, [email protected]
Sandy Kusselson, 301.384.1252, [email protected]
ay is certain to be a special month for HAZAK as well as
our BSO community. May 5 is a double-header, with our
day trip to the Lillian and Albert Small Jewish Museum and Sixth
and I Cultural Center in Washington, D.C. That evening offers the
congregation the opportunity to meet and listen to Joanne Caras
speak about The Holocaust Survivor Cookbook and Miracles and
The last few months were filled with HAZAK friendly events. The
bottom photograph on this page, taken at our March 22 Annual
Game/Dinner/Movie night, is of the winners of this year’s Jewish
Trivia contest. At our April meeting, we learned ways to make
our lives better through the foods we eat and healthful choices
we make.
We’re now planning events for next year. If you have any
comments on this year’s programming, any suggestions to
make for next year, or if you would like to volunteer to co-chair
any of our events or ongoing activities, contact either HAZAK
chairperson. All suggestions are welcome.
Don’t forget to look for information about HAZAK events on the
BSO website.
For a brief while my family relocated to Los Angeles, where I
had the opportunity to transition to the field of eldercare as
Director of Consultation and Referral for Jewish Family Services
and Cedar-Sinai Medical Center. I returned to the east coast
about 22 years ago and soon after arriving here took a position
with the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington overseeing their
Independent and Assisted Living Housing Operations. I continue
to remain active in other areas of the community as well, and
currently serve on the Board of Olney Home For Life and the
Montgomery County Board of Social Services.
Despite a busy and at times complicated life, I must admit I find
myself re-energized and excited to be starting this new venture. I
am confident that this will be a refreshing opportunity and I look
forward to the challenges that lay ahead. I would like to thank
everyone I have met so far for the warm welcome I have received,
and encourage all members of B’nai Shalom to please stop by and
introduce yourselves.
Carol Cohen Wolfe
Director of Operations
A Great Time was Had By All at HAZAK’s Annual
Game/Dinner/Movie Night
by Beth Hoch
All Aboard for Cruiser Day!
Beth Hoch, Early Childhood Education Director,
301.570.0699, [email protected]
ECS Students with Parts
of the Passover Seder
Early Childhood School Dates for May 2015
Sun, 5/3
3:00-5:00 pm – Community Cruiser Day
Fri, 5/8
ECS Young Family Shabbat Dinner
Mon, 5/11 ECSC (Early Childhood School Committee)
Mon, 5/25 ECS closed for Memorial Day
Stefanie Parizer with her grandchildren, ECS
students Wyatt and Hana.
leading the
Mah Nishtana.
Haverim Tovim students telling their Passover story.
170 children, parents, grandparents and other special friends and
family enjoyed the ECS Passover Program!
by Maryana Harouni
“I have learned from all my teachers, and even more from my students.”
Maryana Harouni, Director of Education, 301.774.9323, [email protected]
ducators want to inspire students. We
often find ourselves thinking what
else we can do to inspire our students.
Through the years, I have realized, however,
that the greatest moment of joy is when we
ourselves are inspired by our students. In the
past two years of my service at BSO, I have had
the honor of working with some of the finest
youths — our student volunteers — who were
truly a source of inspiration. Their dedication, their charisma,
their values, their kindness, their generosity and their gracious
smiles have moved me to tears on many occasions.
If you have not seen them in action, come to our school on a
weekday or on a Shabbat, in a classroom or in the hallways, on a
shabbaton or in a program and enjoy a moment of true inspiration.
Words will never do justice to their achievements so you should
come and see it for yourself. You should see Leah Packer lead
Minyan Katan. You would get emotional to see such a young lady
teach like a professional. You would be delighted if you saw Yaakov
Bellas lead Minyan Beyahad or the Shabbaton. Our students were
mesmerized by him. You would sigh with contentment if you saw
Zachary Leventhal make our students laugh on the Shabbaton
while he was teaching them about Purim. When Ian Rubin brings
his animals to teach our students about compassion for animals,
you just want to understand how such a young student could be
so fascinating. You should stop at our overnight shabbaton and see
how Alyssa Leventhal leads our students in a kind and motherly
manner. Sit in a meeting with Jacob Ginsburg or spend a Shabbat
with him and you will realize that being Jewish is so very cool.
Spend some time with Jacob Golomb and you will meet a brilliant
role model who teaches humility and generosity by example.
Come to our programs and see Rachel Caplan who patiently and
quietly teaches our students how to complete an art project or
how to fulfill a mitzvah. Visit our Gan and you will realize what an
important role Daniela Blumstein plays in introducing our young
ones to the joy of Judaism. You will see her on a shabbaton, selling
popcorn, in the classroom and everywhere, always volunteering,
always with a smile. Visit our tutoring room and see how Noah
Kantor teaches our students with dedication and patience,
kindness and respect. You will also see Jillian Benjoar and you will
beg to have her as your tutor. She makes learning the Aleph-Bet a
joy. Visit the office and you will be greeted by Ryan Pollock’s kind
smile and by Ryan Osborne’s humor. Come to a shabbaton and
see how Hailey Lemberger runs in the hallways with her team,
encouraging them and laughing with them. Meet Rachel Goldberg
and you will leave wondering how one can be such a calm leader at
such a young age. Ask Stephanie Wilpon to show her lizard to the
kids and her eyes will shine and she will sit there for hours and tell
you all about it. And Daniella Aranbayeva — just assign her a task
and you know that it will be done, and it will be done right, and
with the kindest smile. She will lead the students, tutor, do mitzvot,
sell popcorn, organize the library and still remember to give you a
hug. You will wonder how such a young lady can be so mature and
so very responsible.
These teenagers are not only the future of BSO but also the future
of Jewish America. And when I see them, I know that everything
will be just fine. Rabbi Ben Zoma said:
“I have learned from all my teachers, and even more from my
I think that he said that about our BSO student volunteers. They
come to BSO and they assume responsibility and take ownership
neither for pay nor for accolades. They do it just because they are
cool. And that is why they inspire me. I admire them!
Religious School Dates for May 2015
Fri, 5/1
3rd Grade Hagigat HaSiddur
Sun, 5/3
6th & 7th Grade Parasha Presentation
1st Grade Kayam Farm
Shabbat, 5/9
Minyan Katan & Minyan Beyahad
Sun, 5/10
5th-6th Grade Parents – Chai Mitzvah Program
Sun, 5/17
Last Day of Religious School
Good Deeds Day
More RS
photos on the
facing page.
for the
Roberto take
care of our
Good Deeds Day, continued
Respecting the
Learning About
Compassion for
Supporting Israeli
Purim Faces
Reflections from the Rabbi, continued from page 1
Another explanation for the floral motif has to do with Moses,
clearly a key player in the Sinai moment between God and Israel.
According to the rabbis of the Talmud, Moses was born on the
7th of Adar, and the Torah says Moses’ mother hid him for three
months before placing his wicker basket among the Nile’s reeds,
leading to his being found by Pharaoh’s daughter. That would
mean Moses was found on the 7th of Sivan, which was originally
considered as a possible official date for Shavuot (before the
rabbis in the 4th century CE settled on the 6th of Sivan) and
still is our second day of Shavuot in the Diaspora. Thus the use
of plant decorations would remind us of the Nile reeds and the
saga that takes us from Moses’ adoption as a baby on 7 Sivan, all
the way to the giving of the Torah from God to Moses and Israel
many years later on the same day.
throughout the generations. On Saturday night, May 23, we
will usher in Shavuot with a festival evening service at 8:45 pm,
followed by our traditional Shavuot ice cream sundae bar and our
Tikkun Leil Shavuot study program from 9:30-11:00 pm. Then on
Sunday morning, May 24, during our 9:15 am morning services,
we will read the Torah’s narrative of revelation and the Ten
Commandments, and on Monday morning, May 25, during our
9:15 am service, we will recite Yizkor and recall the memory of
our loved ones and what Torah and Judaism meant to them.
Finally, the Shavuot decorations also are supposed to remind
us of Mount Sinai, which, according to some interpretations of
a verse in Exodus (34:3), was miraculously covered with grass
and flowers despite the fact that the mountain is located in the
B’Yedidut (In Friendship),
Rabbi Ari Sunshine
With this interesting ancient Shavuot custom in mind, as we
make our Memorial Day weekend plans, consider taking some
time out to show some appreciation for the physical sustenance
(agricultural bounty) and spiritual sustenance (Torah and
its teachers) that have given us strength as a Jewish people
We hope you will join us in celebration and study throughout
Shavuot weekend. May the words of Torah continue to be as
sweet as honey for each of us, not only at this sacred time in our
calendar cycle, but throughout the days of our lives.
B’nai Shalom of Olney Announces...
2 Year Lock-In
$1995/ Year
Be sure to tell your unafilliated friends, neighbors and
mishpaha. Contact the main office for more information.
B’nai Mitzvah – May 2015
Compiled by the Religious Committee
Evan Rubinstein – May 2
Evan, the son of Mindy and Stan Rubinstein, will be called to the
Torah as a Bar Mitzvah during Shabbat morning services on May
2. Evan, who turned 13 on January 2, is a seventh-grade student
at Rosa Parks Middle School. He enjoys playing basketball with
his friends and loves to go to the Maryland Terps basketball and
football games. He is a frequent audience member of the Mark
Turgeon Show at Buffalo Wild Wings in College Park. Evan also
likes to go to Washington Nationals games. During the summer,
Evan attends Camp Airy.
Celebrating with Evan will be his older sister, Randi, a senior at
Sherwood High School. His grandparents, BSO members Shirley
and Mike Levine of Silver Spring, will also share in the occasion.
Mike will read Torah that morning to celebrate his own 83rd
birthday. Many other aunts, uncles, cousins and friends will also
help make Evan’s day special. Amanda Shapiro – May 9
Amanda, the daughter of Nancy and Joe Shapiro, will be called
to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah during Shabbat morning services
on May 9. Amanda, who will turn 13 on May 3, is a seventh-grade
honor roll student at Rosa Parks Middle School. She excels in
softball, and has played on several Olney Cougars travel teams as
well as on Olney Boys and Girls Club basketball teams. Amanda
enjoys music, reading, hanging out with her friends, and shopping.
Amanda also volunteers with Warrior Canine Connection, a
nonprofit that connects veterans with therapy dogs. For her
mitzvah project, she has been helping to train dogs and to raise
money and public awareness for this organization.
Joining Amanda for her special day will be her brother Ben, a
freshman at Sherwood High School; her grandparents, Irv and
Nancy Shapiro and Dave and Sandy Abrams, and many friends
and family.
Best of Luck in the Upcoming
Mini-Maccabi Games!
Caleb Sorkin and Noah Gould will be participating in the MiniMaccabi games in Rockland, New
York on May 17. The Maccabi
games are an Olympic-style
sporting competition held each
summer for Jewish youths. As part
of the Maccabi games, both boys
will also be participating in J-Serve,
the national teen day of service, at
the Owings Mills JCC. Caleb, a 4th
grader at Greenwood Elementary,
will be playing for the Baltimore
area soccer team and Noah Gould,
a 4th grader at Brooke Grove
Elementary, will be playing for the
Baltimore area basketball team.
Adam Goldberg – May 9
Adam , the son of Melissa and Richard Goldberg, will be called
to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah during Shabbat afternoon services
on May 9. Adam, who turned 13 on April 3, is a seventh-grade
student at Rosa Parks Middle School. He plays soccer for Olney
Boys and Girls Club, enjoys bike riding, and likes to play the game
Magic: The Gathering.
For his mitzvah project, Adam is taking responsibility for the
Goldberg family’s dog fostering efforts. Through the organization
Pet Connect, the Goldbergs have rescued two dogs from high-kill
animal shelters and cared for them until the dogs were matched
with their forever families.
Adam’s two sisters will join in his special day: Rebecca, 15, a
freshman at Sherwood High School, and Deena, 9, a third-grade
student at Greenwood Elementary. Adam’s grandparents, Marsha
and Barry Raff of Rockville, and Hannette and Howard Goldberg
of Crownsville, will also enjoy in the celebration.
Elan Rosenberg – May 16
Elan, the son of Annamaria and Stuart Rosenberg, will be called
to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah during Shabbat morning services
on May 16. Elan, who turned 13 on March 21, is a seventh-grade
honor student at Rosa Parks Middle School. He plays travel soccer
and basketball, loves to hike and ski, and is most happy doing just
about anything outdoors and hanging out with his friends. For his mitzvah project, Elan is paying forward his love for soccer
by collecting gently used soccer equipment for the U.S. Soccer
Foundation’s Passback Program. This program brings soccer to
children in underserved communities who love the sport but
don’t have the resources to play. Celebrating with Elan will be his 9-year-old brother, Matteo,
a fourth-grade student at Drew Elementary School; his
grandparents Carol and Adi Maneckshaw of Rehoboth Beach,
Delaware; and many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Olivia Kroop – May 30
Olivia, the daughter of Lisa and Philip Kroop, will be called to the
Torah as a Bat Mitzvah during Shabbat morning services on May
30. Olivia, who turned 13 on January 27, is a seventh-grade student
at White Oak Middle School. She enjoys soccer and art, is generally
helpful, and is always conscious of the needs of those around her.
For her mitzvah project, Olivia met with her guidance counselor
at the beginning of the school year to identify a need within
the school. As a result, she is working with local grocery stores
to collect nonperishable food items to be distributed to White
Oak students whose families may not have sufficient food over
weekends or school holidays.
Joining in Olivia’s celebration will be her 9-year-old brother
Tyler, a third-grade student at Stonegate Elementary School;
grandparents Debby and Raymond Rosen of York, Pennsylvania;
grandparents Gail and Mervin Kroop of Philadelphia; and greatgrandmother Ruth Rubinow of York.
Thank you to those who support BSO by remembering and honoring friends and loved ones with generous contributions.
Donations appearing in the newsletter may not reflect all donations received prior to publication. Listings are as current as the newsletter deadline allows.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In observance of the Yahrtzeit of:
Morris Schwartzbart by Adele
Samuel Simins by Adele
Milton Schwartzbart by Adele
Pearl Wigdor by Marc Wigdor
Dora Cohen by Nancy Cohen
Barney Linderman by Eliot Cohen
Reichel Dunner by Trudy and Billy
Eugene Ehrlich by Karen Ehrlich
Joseph Shore by Irwin Shore
In memory of:
Barbara Cohen by Roxanne and
Barbara Cohen by Dr. Robert and
Leah Rubin
In honor of:
The birth of Lark Harmony Sirgo by
Debbie Gold
Ron Schneider, BSO’s Blue Yamulke
Man of the Year, by Ed and Judy
Leisa and Ed Sarecky
Hazzan’s Music Fund
In observance of the Yahrtzeit of:
Eli C. Nobelman by Paula, Larry and
Melissa Evans
Adele Linderman by Eliot Cohen
Ralph Connor by Trudy and Billy
Phil and Fran Snitz by Eileen
Stuart Kaufman by Eileen Kaufman
Eve and Irving Kaufman by Eileen
Larry Kaufman by Eileen Kaufman
Hilda and Louis Robbin by Charlotte
and Mel Marquis
Joseph Shore by Irwin Shore
Rabbi Robert Chernoff by Shira Oler
Jack Oler by Shira Oler
In memory of:
Irwin Treager by Reda and Marc
Harvey Oler by Phyllis and Chick
Donna Speiser by Marc and Toni
General Operations
In observance of the Yahrtzeit of:
Betty Mae Kramer by Ben Kramer
Cynthia Dorn by Linda and Earl Reba
Sarah Berlin by Florence Berlin
Annabelle Macklin by Marsha and
Larry Greenberg
Seymour Krull by Mara and Larry
Robert Bogdanoff by John and Carrie
Ilene Hirshman by Jordan and Harriet
on Tap
E Please patronize our advertisers.
at, drink, schmooze, and participate in engaging discussion
on topics of interest in our lives, grounded in Jewish text
throughout the ages.
They make the printing of this newsletter
possible. Let them know you saw their
Location: Taste Gastropub, 3418 Olney-Laytonsville Rd.
ad in the BSO newsletter.
May date: Monday, 5/18, 8:00-9:30 pm
Please remember to sign up in the office or with Rabbi Sunshine
for each individual event, as this program has limited seating and
sells out!
“Hai Chai”
Rabbi Sunshine
Michael Tempchin by Jordan and
Harriet Tempchin
Maurice Feinblatt by Susan and
Stephen Friedman
In memory of:
Harvey Oler by Toni Stifano-Walton
and Marc Walton
Irwin Treager by Toni Stifano-Walton
and Marc Walton
Dorothy Barnett by Toni StifanoWalton and Marc Walton
Max Pohl by Toni Stifano-Walton
and Marc WaltonEleanor Sacks by
Andrea and Richard Goncher
Barbara Cohen by Susan Kozlowski
Endowment Fund
In observance of the Yahrtzeit of:
Eva Bloom by Wallace Bloom
Leon Bloom by Wallace Bloom
In memory of:
Carol Fruiterman by The Turkheimer
Louis and Miriam Brown
Memorial Endowment
In honor of:
Jonah William Kline by Ezra and
Karen Schneider
Lark Harmony Sirgo by Ezra and
Karen Schneider
Adelina June Wasson by Ezra and
Karen Schneider
In memory of:
Carol Fruiterman by Ezra and Karen
Alex P. Kovalsky
Endowment Fund:
In observance of the Yahrtzeit of:
Lee H. Kramer by Betsy, Adam and
Mandi Marcus
Matilda Berg by Marian and Lou
In memory of:
Alex Kovalsky by Melanie, Brian and
Russell Lubin
Harvey Oler by Melanie, Brian and
Russell Lubin
Harvey Oler by Noreen and Michael
Joe Frazier by Louis and Debbie
Dorothy Barnett by Leslie and Allan
In honor of:
The birth of Lark Harmony Sirgo by
Louis and Debbie Kovalsky
Chai Circle Fund
In observance of the Yahrtzeit of:
Dr. Stanley Levin by Randi and Bill
In memory of:
Barbara Susan Cohen by Eliot Cohen
Thursday Torah
with Rabbi
oin us this year as we explore the weekly Haftarot and other
selections from the Prophets; powerful and challenging
words from the era of those who “stood in the breach” between
God and Israel. No background is required and drop-ins are
welcome, as each week’s selection of material and
discussion will stand on its own.
Thursday mornings
11:00 am-2:00 pm
Course dates: 5/7, 5/14,
5/21, 5/28, 6/4, 6/11
all the synagogue office to reserve your time with Rabbi Sunshine! Want to grab a cup of
chai tea (or coffee!) and catch up on the goings-on in your life with Rabbi Sunshine, or talk
about Jewish questions that are on your mind? Sign up for a 45 minute appointment (morning
or afternoon, depending on the date) and meet him at Panera in Olney. The chai/coffee's on us!
April dates and times:
Thursday afternoon May 14 at 3:45 pm
Thursday morning May 28 at 8:00 am
May Anniversaries and Birthdays
Please join us for Shabbat services on May 15, 7:30 pm, so we can recognize your simha!
May Anniversaries
May Birthdays
2 ..... Marc & Wendy Ominsky
4 ..... Stanford & Lauren Dubin
7 ..... Michael & Julie Marquis
9 ..... Steve & Ellen Milhiser
12... Brian & Helane King
15... Alan & Iris Gordon
16... Adam & Naomi Schmuckler
16... Marc & Vickie Smith
18... Harold & Lilly Smetana
19... Matthew & Oksana Bellas
19... Andrew & Stacey Sorkin
23... Ronald & Arlene Berman
23... Bernard & Susan Brauner
23... Benjamin & Ruth Burka
23... Lee & Amy Goldberg
24... Karen & Ken Ehrlich
24... Marc & Gail Rosendorf
24... Ira & Hari Sachs
25... Barry & Debbie Talesnick
26... Steven & Marlene Gudelsky
26... Derek & Deborah Kram
26... Edward & Karen Leventhal
26... Eric & Vickie Roth
26... Jeffrey & Meredith Singer
28... Ilan & Hillary Berman
28... David & Edie Blitzstein
28... John & Dorothy Kane
29... Charles & Diane Kahanov
29... Sidney & Janet Puteska
30... Naomi & Lee Milliner
30... Robert & Susan Ostrinsky
30... Jason & Karen Soled
30... Kevin & Amy Wertlieb
31... Ken & Heidi Grossman
31... Joshua & Shamira Shallom
1 ..... Gabriel Cronk
1 ..... Phillip Gross
1 ..... Natalie Rose
1 ..... Jodi Staub
2 ..... Randi Burka
2 ..... Andrea Cohen
2 ..... Jacob Greenblat
2 ..... Ellen Lemberger
2 ..... Charlotte Marquis
2 ..... Alexis Rubin
3 ..... Jack Mills
3 ..... Joshua Rosenthal
3 ..... Amanda Shapiro
4 ..... Sean Agranov
4 ..... Michael Bayewitz
4 ..... Joan Brigham
4 ..... Gail Goldfarb
4 ..... Aaron Weinberg
4 ..... Charles Weiss
5 ..... Jennifer Auerbach
5 ..... Daniella BlakeAranbayeva
5 ..... David Blitzstein
5 ..... Hillary Cohen
6 ..... Jackson Dreifuss
6 ..... Rachel Goldman
6 ..... Nancy Sommer
7 ..... Lauren Alexander
7 ..... Rachel Hines
7 ..... Jarrett Metro
7 ..... Aidan Rubin
7 ..... Ira Sachs
8 ..... David Fischel
8 ..... Faith Fischel
9 ..... Madeline Faunce
9 ..... Jordan Fellman
9 ..... Devon Goldstein
9 ..... Albert Meyers
9 ..... Alison Osborne
9 ..... Sydney Pollock
10... Yonatan Blumstein
10... Amy Freedman
10... Nancy Katcoff
11... Glenn Miller
11... Maya Nelson
11... Barbara Prawde
11... Lawrence
11... Asher Shuman
13... Alon Admi
13... Stefanie Parizer
14... Jason Frazier
14... Debbie Kovalsky
15... Alvin Cohn
15... Ellen Feldman
15... Robert Fields
15... Benjamin Fleischer
15... Stuart Gould
15... Larry Polan
15... Stuart Smith
16... Alana Gardner
16... Eliana Geiger
16... Jason Rubin
17... Zachary Harris
17... Susan Rapaport
18... Melissa Dahne
18... Scott Dowling
18... Jackie King
18... William Levin
18... Jeremy Parel
Library Corner
committee has formed to modernize the Lt. Col. Simon and
Frances Broder Memorial Library located near the chapel at
BSO. The committee members consist of Stanley Schwartzbart,
Ron Schneider and Jen Sunshine.
Return baskets to place borrowed books and donated books have
been placed in the library. If you have borrowed books in the past
and have forgotten to return them, please do so now so we can
match the library inventory with what is actually on the shelves.
In the next few months you will see new signs over the door of
the library, a mezuzah on the door, new paint on the walls, new
decorations, more comfortable chairs, an updated procedure for
checking out and returning books among other things.
Any book on Jewish learning (regardless of age level) can be
donated to the library. If you have any bean bag chairs or an
area rug (in good condition) that you would like to donate to the
library, let any member of the committee know.
Stanley Schwartzbart, [email protected]
Ron Schneider, [email protected]
Jen Sunshine, [email protected]
18... Matthew Rosenthal
18... Martha Witebsky
19... Allison Fields
19... Miriam Leifer
19... Sara Unger
20... Matthew Bernhard
20... Talia Gudelsky
20... Helane King
20... Scott Kivitz
20... Andrew Kopp
20... Samuel Lemberger
20... Stan Rubinstein
20... Lauren Shuman
20... Paula Zeller
21... Samuel Balis
21... Sean Klein
21... Hailey Lemberger
21... Susan Sherman
21... Phyllis Wasson
21... Amy Weiss
22... Kenneth
22... David Miller
22... Jessica Rosenberg
22... Robin Rosenthal
22... Ron Schneider
22... Jessica Sommer
23... Mark Berman
23... Toby Orenstein
23... Sophie Zemel
24... Harriet Caplan
24... Ronald Delovitch
24... Josh Dreifuss
24... David Faunce
24... Eliana Lang
24... Marc Levy
24... Daniel Schwarz
25... Jason Alexander
25... Eileen Frazier
25... Carole Goodman
25... Lynn Michael
25... Matteo Rosenberg
25... Louis Sacks
26... Lauren Polovoy
26... Noah Rosendorf
26... Nicole Rosenthal
26... Jonathan
27... Patricia Affens
27... Gabriela Friedman
27... Aaron Greenberg
27... Ruth Pollack
27... Maxwell Spiritos
28... Emma Weiner
28... Esther Weiss
29... Carol Barsky
29... Roberta Bloomberg
29... Henry Cronk
29... Sophia Hogston
29... Anne Levy
29... Shira Weiss
30... Katherine Doris
30... Mason Grossman
30... Brian Hogston
30... Jerold Polovoy
30... Arnold Sherman
31... Billy Doss
31... Marvin Levine
31... Alyssa Polovoy
31... Madisyn Steinberg
Making Our Ideas
Become Alive
egistration and voting for the delegates to the World
Zionist Congress ended as of April 30. We thank all
congregants that voted in this election for the MERCAZ
USA Slate #2. Your vote helped send the three individuals
listed below to Jerusalem for the World Zionist Congress
in October of this year.
The three MERCAZ members below say TODAH
Our goal is simple but ambitious; that is to aid not
only Masorti/Conservative congregations in Israel but
also those in other parts of the world. Those locations
include South Africa, Australia, Cambodia, Japan and
even Uganda. You can help by supporting our efforts by
becoming a MERCAZ member. Please join US at
HELP Conservative/Masorti Jews worldwide.
On behalf of
The Voice of American Conservative Jews for Israel
Gail Goldfarb Naomi Yadin-Mendick Stephen Steckler
Past B’nai Shalom of Olney Presidents
MERCAZ USA Board Members
MAY 2015
6:45 am – Minyan
7:30 pm – Shabbat
Hagigat HaSiddur
7:43 pm – Candle
9:00 am – Shabbat
Morning Service/
Aharey MotKedoshim/Bar
Mitzvah of Evan
11:15 am – Tot
9:00 am – Minyan
9:00 am – Aleph Kayam Farm
9:00 am – Vav/Zayin
Parasha Presentation
9:30 am – Men's Club
First Sunday Meeting
10:00 am – Sisterhood
1st Sunday
11:00 am – Club
12:15 pm – Rosh
Hodesh Meeting
3:00 pm – ECS
Community Cruiser
7:30 pm – Minyan
8:00 pm – Adult
Hebrew Class
HAZAK Trip to DC
7:30 pm – Minyan/
Praying with Purpose
7:30 pm – Presentation
and Book Signing
7:30 pm – Minyan
11:00 am – Thursday
Torah with Rabbi
7:30 pm – Minyan
8:00 pm – Sisterhood
6:45 am – Minyan
6:00 pm – ECS Young
Family Shabbat
7:30 pm – Shabbat
7:50 pm – Candle
9:00 am – Shabbat
Morning Service/
Emor/Bat Mitzvah of
Amanda Shapiro
10:00 am – Minyan
11:00 am – Minyan
1:15 pm – Bar Mitzvah
of Adam Goldberg
9:00 am – Minyan/Chai
Mitzvah Adult Ed
11:00 am – Club
7:30 pm – Minyan
8:00 pm – Adult
Hebrew Class
7:30 pm – Minyan/
Praying with Purpose
8:00 pm – Youth
Committee Meeting
7:30 pm – Minyan
8:00 pm – Executive
Committee Meeting
11:00 am – Thursday
Torah with Rabbi
3:45 pm – Hai Chai
with Rabbi Sunshine
at Panera
7:30 pm – Minyan
6:45 am – Minyan
7:30 pm – Shabbat
Service/Birthday &
Anniversary Shabbat
7:56 pm – Candle
Kadima Overnight
9:00 am – Shabbat
Morning Service/
Bar Mitzvah of Elan
12:30 pm – Kiddush
Promised Land”
Last Day Religious
9:00 am – Minyan
10:00 am – Gabbai
11:00 am – Club
2:00 pm – Kadima
3:00 pm – Sisterhood
Spa Day
7:30 pm – Minyan
8:00 pm – Torah
on Tap at Taste
8:00 pm – Adult
Hebrew Class
7:30 pm – Minyan/
Praying with Purpose
7:30 pm – Minyan
11:00 am – Thursday
Torah with Rabbi
7:00 pm – Religious
School Education
7:30 pm – Minyan
6:45 am – Minyan
7:30 pm – Shabbat
8:02 pm – Candle
9:00 am – Shabbat
Morning Service/
8:45 pm – Ma'ariv &
Tikun Leil Shavuot
Lag Ba’ omer
Erev Shavuot
9:15 am – First Day
Shavuot Service
ECS Closed
Office Closed
9:15 am – Second
Day Shavuot/Yizkor
7:30 pm – Minyan
8:00 pm – Adult
Hebrew Class
7:30 pm – Minyan
7:30 pm – Minyan
8:00 pm – BSO
Board Meeting/
8:00 am – Hai Chai
with Rabbi Sunshine
at Panera
11:00 am – Thursday
Torah with Rabbi
7:30 pm – Minyan
6:45 am – Minyan
7:30 pm – Shabbat
8:08 pm – Candle
9:00 am – Shabbat
Morning Service/
Naso/Bat Mitzvah of
Olivia Kroop
Shavuot First Day
Shavuot Second Day
USY/Kadima Kings
Dominion Day
9:00 am – Minyan
11:00 am – Sisterhood
* = Office Closed
Monday-Thursday Minyan – 7:30 pm, unless otherwise noted. Friday Minyan – 6:45 am, unless otherwise noted. Sunday Minyan – 9:00 am, unless otherwise noted.
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Please Support the B’nai Shalom Newsletter Advertisers When You Can.
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[email protected]
Sunshine Properties, Inc.
Edward J Grau Jr, Associate Broker
3.95% Full Service Marketing
Office 301-570-0087
“Ask About Our Buyers Advantage Program”
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Largest Jewish Memorial
Display in Greater Washington
3470 Olney Laytonsville Rd. • Ste. 333 • Olney, MD 20832
822-D Rockville Pike • Rockville, MD
(Across from Wintergreen Plaza)
Old Fashion Quality and Service
16012 Narrows Terrace
Silver Spring, MD 20906
[email protected]
Fax: 301-774-6951
Licensed & Bonded
MHIC #121277
“Your Lifestyles
by “G. Jay Roche”
Deep Rooted Professionals
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For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil
hil Maher at 410-578-3600
410-578-3600, toll free 1-800-934-1620
1-800-934-1620, or write P
O Box 4889
4889, Baltimore
Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015
B’nai Shalom of Olney
18401 Burtfield Drive
Olney, MD 20832-1339
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 1287
Suburban MD
Timed Materials
Author of ,ŽůŽĐĂƵƐƚ^ƵƌǀŝǀŽƌŽŽŬŬ
Tuesday May 5th
7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Cindy Shuman at ĚƌĞĂŵƐƚŽLJŽƵƌĚŽŽƌΛĂŽů͘ĐŽŵ