CSAIR is a dynamic Conservative egalitarian Jewish Community founded upon the three traditional pillars of Judaism (Torah, Avodah, and Gemilut Chasadim). We provide a wide range of opportunities for Jewish learning and growth, prayer and observance, acts of social responsibility, and deeds of kindness and caring. CSAIR OFFICE HOURS Sun: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM Mon-Thurs: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Fri: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM Shabbat & Holidays—CLOSED JUDAICA SHOP HOURS Sun: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CONTACTS RABBI BARRY DOV KATZ [email protected] CANTOR ELIZABETH STEVENS [email protected] RABBI EMERITUS DR. SHLOMO BALTER SYNAGOGUE PRESIDENT CLIFF NERWEN, MD [email protected] EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ERIC NUSSBAUM [email protected] DIRECTOR, EDUCATION AND JEWISH FAMILY LIFE MASON VOIT [email protected] RABBINIC INTERN RONI TABICK [email protected] BOOKKEEPER NANCI BRICKMAN [email protected] EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT ZAHAVA (GAYLE) OZER [email protected] OFFICERS ABBY PITKOWSKY, EXECUTIVE VP [email protected] MITCHELL POSILKIN, VP, BUILDING/ GROUNDS [email protected] STEVE MATTHEWS, VP, OPERATIONS [email protected] EPHRAIM EDELMAN, TREASURER [email protected] UPCOMING EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (Cont.) Donate Your Used Shoes: The Sisterhood is collecting gently used men's, women's and children's shoes and sneakers to be distributed to people who might otherwise not be able to have them. Please leave shoes in the lobby collection. Contact Phyllis Schulberg, [email protected] or Faye Lieman, [email protected]. Sisterhood Tallit Project: Did you see the beautiful tallit used during the children’s blessing on Simhat Torah? This tallit features children’s names, beautifully - and colorfully! - hand embroidered. If you would like add a name (or names!) of your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or any important child in your life, take a flyer from the lobby and send the names to the Sisterhood. Do it now and be ready for next year! COMMUNITY The Ramah Day Camp in Nyack for pre-kindergarteners through 7th graders. Full gamut of camp activities with a Jewish dimension. Attend an information session at Camp Ramah-Nyack: Sunday, October 26, 10:00 AM; or Friday, October 31, 10:00 AM. Nehirim Family Program: Through singing, arts and crafts, games and serious schmoozing explore what it means to be a LGBTQ family is this ever growing and changing Jewish world. Monthly events revolving around the Jewish calendar for parents and children. Meets the 4th Sunday of the month at the Riverdale Y–5625 Arlington Ave. Next meeting: Sunday, October 26, 5:00-7:00 PM. Free. For information contact Jacqui Sellin at [email protected] or 347-391-0511. Free concert, Sunday, November 2, Tom Chapin with special guest Dr. Ruth Westheimer. The Riverdale Y Market is open Sundays, 9:00 AM–2:00 PM, MS/HS 141, Independence Ave., April-November. SAR Academy Open House. Tuesday, October 28, 7:00-9:30 PM. Learn about SAR Academy’s nursery through 8th grade programs, meet faculty, and tour school. Register at www.saracademy.org/acopenhouse or call 718.548.1717 x1206. Nativ Gap Year Info Session: High school juniors and seniors – learn about this spectacular, life-changing experience. Come and meet Yossi Garr, Nativ Director along with Nativ alumni, parents of alumni, and 201516 Nativers. Thursday, October 30, 7:30 PM, in Riverdale (private home). For details, call 646-519-9246. RSVP to [email protected]. Riverdale Repertory Company presents "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying," Riverdale Y, November 1, 8 and 15 at 8:00 PM; November 2, 9, 16 at 3:00 PM. Cast includes CSAIR members Gene Make A Minyan, Make A Difference! Minyan Times-Mornings: M-F 7:00 AM, Sundays 9:00 AM Legal Holidays 9:00 AM (New Year’s Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and December 25), Evenings: Sun.-Thurs. 7:30 PM Enlightening the mind through study. Nourishing the soul through prayer. Creating a caring community. NOAH 5775 SHABBAT Friday, October 24, 2014 Lechu Neranena, 6:00 PM Let’s Sing! Come ready to sing and welcome Shabbat with the CSAIR community. Lively davening (prayer) followed by a catered Shabbat dinner. Family-friendly and open to the entire community. Pre-paid reservations required for dinner. Taub Room-Downstairs Saturday, October 25, 2014 Shaharit, 9:00 AM Morning service. Torah reading begins on page 41 in the Etz Hayim. Sanctuary-Upstairs Minha/Maariv, 5:45 PM Afternoon/Evening Services. Beit Midrash-Downstairs THIS WEEK Sunday, October 26, 2014 Zemirot - Songs for the Shabbat Table, will NOT meet this week. Join Cantor Elizabeth Stevens next week as class resumes. Monday, October 27, 2014 Parsha Mondays, Following 7:30 PM Minyan Speaker: Dr. Joseph Feldschuh. Listen to a thoughtful 5-10 minute teaching about the Torah reading for the coming weekend. Organized by Charlie Pripas. CSAIR Kids Innovative and exciting Shabbat experience for children ages 0-7 and their families. Tuesday, October 28, 2014 70 Faces of Torah, 10:30 AM Each week we will look at the Torah reading for the Supervised Play, 10:00-10:45 AM coming weekend. Free to CSAIR members. Nominal Taub Room-Downstairs fee for others. Sponsored by Sisterhood (but open to Shabbat Shelanu (ages 0-5), 10:45-11:45 AM men and women!) Taught by CSAIR Rabbi Barry Dov Taub Room-Downstairs Katz (October-December 2014) and guest scholars Tefillat Yeladim (grades K-2), 10:45-11:45 AM (January-May 2015). Board Room-Downstairs Film: “Raid on Entebbe,” 7:45 PM Pickup Davenning (ages 6-10), 10:45 AM This film stars Peter Finch, Charles Bronson, Martin Discover the meaning of the prayers, join in a Balsam and James Wood and depicts the tense skit or chant from the Torah. outcome of the June 1976 hijacking by Palestinian and Beit Midrash-Downstairs German terrorists of an Air France jet with 100 Text Wrestlers 11:00 AM Adult learners are invited to join an intelligent inquiry into the puzzles and challenges of this week’s parashah. Facilitated by Diane M. Sharon, Ph.D. Sukkah Room-Upstairs Israelis on board. Sponsored by Sisterhood. Free and open to all. Introduction and moderated discussion by Dr. Gary Orin. 475 West 250 Street, Bronx, NY 10471 Web: www.csair.org Email: [email protected] Tel: 718-543-8400 Fax: 718-543-3110 Daveners: October 24-25: Lechu Neranena-Rabbi Josh Cahan. Psukei D’zimra-Arthur Levy. Shaharit–Cantor Stevens. Haftarah-Rabbi Rafi Cohen. Ashrei-TBD. Musaf-Cantor Stevens. Torah Reader: Cantor Stevens, Freda Kleinburd, Rabbi Josh Cahan. Minha Torah Reader: Cantor Stevens. Wedneday, October 29, 2014 Stories in the Talmud and the Culture of the Ancient Jews, 7:45 PM In this second session of the two-part series, we will continue to analyze stories from the Talmud and compare similar versions of these stories from other ancient cultures, revealing differences and similarities between the Jews and their closest neighbors. Free and open to all. Taught by Prof. Richard Kalmin, The Jewish Theological Seminary. Havurah, 9:15 AM Lay-led minyan committed to spirited prayer in an intimate atmosphere. Taub Room-Downstairs CSAIR Kids Innovative and exciting Shabbat experience for children ages 0-7 and their families. Supervised Play, 10:00-10:45 AM Hebrew School Wing-Upstairs Tot Tefilah (ages 0-5), 10:45-11:45 AM Thursday, October 30, 2014 Hebrew School Wing-Upstairs Thursday Experience, 3:45 PM Tefillat Yeladim (grades K-2), 10:45-11:45 AM This new pilot program is an innovative Jewish Board Room-Downstairs education and enrichment after school experience that Pickup Davenning (ages 6-10), 10:45 AM offers meaningful opportunities to develop skills in areas Discover the meaning of the prayers, join in a such as dance, visual art, physical fitness and modern skit or chant from the Torah. Hebrew language. For all 2nd–5th graders, public, Beit Midrash-Downstairs private and day school students. For more information, see the CSAIR website www.csair.org or email Mason at Minha/Maariv, 5:36 PM [email protected]. Afternoon/Evening Services. NEXT SHABBAT Friday, October 31, 2014 Minha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv, 5:36 PM Afternoon/Shabbat Evening services. Taub Room-Downstairs Saturday, November 1, 2014 Shaharit, 9:00 AM Morning service. Sanctuary-Upstairs Beit Midrash-Downstairs AFTER SHABBAT Intimate Voices, 8:00 PM The opening concert of the sixth season of great music played by world-class musicians at CSAIR. Chamber music in an intimate setting featuring works by Haydn, Kodaly, and Mendelssohn. Doors open at 7:30 PM for coffee, tea, wine, and beer (provided by The Bronx Brewery). Music begins at 8:00 PM. For information or to order tickets, go to www.intimatevoices.org. Upcoming Friday night service times and programs UPCOMING EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A Celebration of the CSAIR Minyan: Sunday, November 2, 10:00 AM–12 noon. Join us as we celebrate the CSAIR daily minyan and the dedicated men and women who help sustain the only daily minyan between the upper west side of Manhattan and Westchester. Thanks to our “Minyanaires,” our minyan meets every morning and evening every single day of the year. Come enjoy a celebratory breakfast as we recognize this important aspect of Jewish life in our Riverdale community and the people who help make it happen. Minyanaires (anyone who has attended one of CSAIR’s daily minyanim on a regular basis) - come as our guest. All others, join us for just $12 each. To register, go to www.csair.org or call the CSAIR office. Author Talk: Liana Finck: Join us for a conversation between Liana Finck, author of the graphic novel A Bintel Brief: Love and Longing in Old New York, and CSAIR Rabbi Barry Dov Katz. A Bintel Brief (Yiddish for a "bundle of letters) is named for the enormously popular advice column of The Forward. Written by a diverse community of Eastern European Jewish immigrants, these letters captured the hope, isolation, and confusion of assimilation. Finck brings these letters to life in her appealing two-color illustrations, offering an enlightening look at a segment of America's rich cultural past. Sunday, November 2, at 2:00 PM. Free and open to all. Sephardic Cooking - Festive Food Treasures: Learn how to prepare an Algerian Sabbath Table including couscous prepared with lamb boulettes (meatballs), assorted vegetables and regional spices. Stuffed Vegetables will be the focus of the second class. Taught by Judy Matthews. Accepting names for a waitlist. Call the office to register. Wednesdays, November 5 and 19, 7:00 PM. Bruce and the Bible. Yes, that's right. The Men's Club presents a most unique lecture by Rabbi Michael Pitkowsky - discussing rock legend Bruce Springsteen's lyrics - and how they relate to the Torah. Thursday, November 6, following evening minyan (about 7:45 PM). Light refreshments. Jewish Immigration to Mexico in the 20th Century - Shabbat Lunch and Learn: Mexican-born Daniel Goldberg will discuss Jewish immigration to Mexico from places as diverse as Turkey, Poland, Syria, and the Ukraine in the early 20th century. The Kiddush luncheon will feature authentic Mexican food. At the conclusion of Shabbat, following Minha/Maariv services, Seudah Shlishit, and Havdallah, there will be a screening of Goldberg’s film Un Beso a Esta Tierra. Co-sponsored by Havurah. Free and open to all. Saturday, November 8, following services. Kristallnacht: Talk by Marty Brounstein, author of Two Among the Righteous Few: A Story of Courage in the Holocaust, a true interfaith story of the courage and compassion of a Christian couple in the Netherlands who, despite much risk and danger, saved the lives of over two dozen Jews during the Holocaust and World War II. Sunday, November 9, 7:00 PM. Free and open to all. Sisterhood Bazaar: Sunday, November 16, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Clothing must be clean and on hangers, or folded in plastic bags. Only new linens, in original packaging, will be accepted. No men’s suits or trousers. All appliances must be in working condition. Games, puzzles, and toys must be complete. All items should be brought to the loading dock, between 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, and from 8:00 AM to Noon on Friday. Please notify the office when leaving items. Volunteers needed for setup. Setup date: Saturday evening, November 15, after Shabbat. Date Service Time Events Nov. 7 4:28 PM Or 6:00 PM 4:28 PM - Minha followed Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv. 6:00 PM Ruach Shabbat Family Evening Service with a story aimed at kids and a streamlined service. A catered Shabbat dinner follows Ruach Shabbat service (pre -paid reservations required for dinner). Go to www.csair.org Nov. 14 4:21 PM Minha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv. Refuah Shelayma: Erica Brodie, Madeline Huemann, Nathan Kane, Lillian Kormes, Charlotte Kutscher, Millie Magaliff, Harriet Milgrim, Joan Spett, Martin Spett, Naomi Stein, Yetta Weitsman, and all those in need of healing. Nov. 21 6:00 PM Lechu Neranena, an intimate spirited Kabbalat Shabbat service. Come ready to sing and welcome Shabbat, then stay for a catered Shabbat dinner. Pre-paid reservations required for dinner. Go to: www.csair.org We want to reach out! If a member of the congregation is sick or in need of a call or visit, please call Norma Finkelstein, Bikur Holim Chair (718-543-8618 or [email protected]) or the shul. If you would like to volunteer to make pre-Shabbat calls or visits to our homebound members call Norma. Thank you to Johanna Zurndorfer for providing a cake at Kiddush to celebrate her 99th birthday. Mazal Tov! Mazel Tov To: Nina Bruder and Gary Pretsfelder on Yonah’s bat mitzvah. Condolences To: the Mazur family on the passing of Judge Joseph Mazur.
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