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Show us Your Glory
A Theology of God’s Glory
Sermon Dates:
May 30-31, 2015
Week 12: Romans 11:33-12:8
To Him Be The Glory
Memory Verse: “For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory
forever! Amen." Romans 11:36 (NIV)
Open and close your daily study in prayer. Lord, thank You for giving me the ability to praise Your
holy and awesome name, for You are worthy of praise. And, even though many times I do not
understand, I am thankful that You are in control and know what You are doing.
Day 1: Observe the Key Components & Themes
Read the passage and identify the following:
Passage Context:
References to God & His
About God's Glory:
About Living Sacrifices & Being
Optional Views of Self:
About Body of Christ & Gifts:
Key Words & Phrases:
Behaviors, Emotions, Attitudes:
Pulling it together, write a short summary of the observations you made today:
Repeat the memory verse several times.
Days 2 & 3: Observe the Flow of the Narrative
Read the text in your preferred translation. Follow these steps to summarize the passage:
Step 1. Verse Summaries (facts, “what”)
(3-4 words per verse)
Step 2. Section Summaries (2-3 main sections)
Step 3. Central Idea (15 words maximum)
Day 4: Understand
Suggested ideas to reflect
and demonstrate
understanding of the text:
Summarize the
lessons or
Retell the story in
your own words
(dinner table, friend)
Write a prayer, poem,
or song
Draw a picture or
Pray through the
Ways to dig deeper in
order to gain a better
understanding of the text:
Review the notes for
the associated
sermon available at
Read about the
passage in a study
Bible or commentary
and jot down the
main concepts
Listen to songs &
hymns inspired by the
Day 5: Understand & Apply – Sermon by Pastor Mark Hanke
Read through the passage again in a different translation before listening to the sermon.
Using the sermon notes or separate sheet of paper take notes during the sermon.
1. What stood out to you most from the sermon?
2. What application is the highest priority for you to apply to your life? Why?
3. Sermon notes Question 1: There was a depth that was vast and incomprehensible for riches,
wisdom and knowledge of God. Give an example for the riches (see Rom. 11:12) of God. How
has God personally extended His mercy and grace toward you?
4. Sermon notes Question 2: Give an example of God’s wisdom (see Rom. 11:32). Describe God’s
scheme of salvation as seen from His prominent attribute. How does this cause you to admire His
5. Sermon notes Question 3: Can man know God’s mind, His thoughts or the counsels of His
will apart from His own revelation to man? Even as God declares His will, can natural man
discern any of it? Even as a spiritual man, can we know it perfectly? Why or Why not?
6. Sermon notes Question 4: How do you intend to practice doxology in your personal and
family life?
Remember to transfer your central idea and main application to the summary lesson.