Our Vision is to be a family of believers sharing God’s love and grace with all people. Graduation Bar-B-Q May 17th 5:00-8:00 pm Allyouthandtheir familiesareinvitedto comecelebrateour graduatesatthehome ofJamie&MaryYoung. Lifeline Volume 61 Number 20 729 Ocean Boulevard | St. Simons Island, GA 31522 | 912.638.3337 May 17th ! Congratulations Graduates Kim Richardson graduated from Troy State University with an Education Specialist Degree in Education. May 16th - May 21th Chaplain Greg Bittle and wife Janice FieldofService: Emily Gilbert graduated State of Illinois Corrections from Georgia Regents HomeChurch: University with a Master of Physician Assistant Degree. Maggie Tyre is graduating from Glynn Academy. Wednesday Night Menu May 20 Will MacArthur is graduating from om Frederica Academy. Chicken & Rice Casserole Green Beans Salad Rolls Dessert Prepared by Debby Richardson & Fran Owens (Last Wednesday Night Meal until school starts back) www.fbcssi.org First Baptist Church of St. Simons Island Mission House Guest First Baptist Church May 17, 2015 Caroline Hendrix is graduating from Glynn Academy (notpictured) Ronnie Altman is graduating from Glynn Academy. William Aylward is graduating from Frederica Academy. Maggy Wainright is graduating from Glynn Academy. TheWorshipofGod From the Youth Minister by Rev. Justin Moser “A SundayMorning nd this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.”1 John 5:11-12 Have you noticed that in recent years there has been a rise in popular culture of television shows and movies made about zombies? Whether it is World War Z, The Walking Dead, or even a Zom-Rom-Com like Warm Bodies, the zombie takeover has begun and we have yet to witness its full effects. Hopefully it is not a precursor to the zombie apocalypse! Why is it that these shows are so popular? How have they succeeded? While clever plots, compelling characters, and maybe just a fascination with the undead might be part of it, I sometimes think there is more to it, something more existential. If I had to guess, I think there are many out there who, in one way or another, feel like zombies. They feel caught, walking through life without any other purpose but to survive. Enslaved to their desires, they feel like who they once were has been replaced by something they don’t even recognize. Their lives feel meaningless, pointless, captive, dead somewhat like a zombie. And they desire desperately to feel alive again. The author of John is clear, there is a way to have vibrant, abundant life. God has given it to us in Jesus Christ. It is ours for the taking! All we have to do is trust that Jesus really is the way, truth, life, the Son of God who takes away our sins, and follow Him, and we will have this everlasting, overflowing life. Here is the problem though, many of us (and this happens because of the way parts of Christianity portrays the gospel) believe that eternal life is “life that never ends in heaven” and fail to realize that eternal life is better understood biblically as “abundant life in the here and now that will be fully realized in heaven.” In other words, the life that God has for us in Jesus is available, albeit not in its fullest strength, here and now. We can have it. We can experience it. We can spread it. What do you imagine heaven being like? Why can’t you have something like that now? Why can’t this world begin to look like that world? I believe that is what God wants to do with us. Will we listen and follow? Sunday - May 17, 2015 8:30amUsherTeam 10:30amUsherTeam AlSawyer BarryKerr CarolynStill FrankStill SamNorris JanCampbell JohnCampbell ChristineNorris LarryWhite PrayerDeacon SecurityDeacon DuaneMcFarland SamNorris SoundTechnician CharlieCrumbliss Multi-MediaTech JustinMoser Children’sChurch K-2ndAshleyBandy&MonicaColquitt 3rd-5thWendyAlberson&StephanieOwens Upcoming Events StatsandFacts Sunday Night Hangout—Our Sunday night hang out this week is our BBQ at the Young’s house. See below for more details. 7:07 Breakfast—On May 20th we will have our last 7:07 for the school year at Chick fil a. Graduation Sunday—This Sunday we will have our special service for the 2015 graduates in our congregation during the 10:30am service. Be sure to come and hear what is next for these young men and women. Graduation BBQ—Also this Sunday, we will have a BBQ from 5-8pm for all youth and their families in order to celebrate our graduates. We will be at the Jamie and Mary Young’s house. Remember, if you can make it please bring a side or a dessert to share. AttendanceandStewardship Sunday - May 10, 2015 SundaySchool (nocountthisweek) Worship 8:30am: 79 Members: 10:30am: 207 Guests: *Guests: 9 Total: Total: 295 *Guests-Theguestsincludedinthiscountareonlythosewho Summer Schedule—After May 20th, we will stop having youth on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights. Instead, our regular weekly schedule will include Sunday school and Thursday nights from 6-9pm. Right now, we are planning a fundraiser on June 14th, Hearts and Hands on June 6th, July 4th, and August 1st, a lock in on June 19th-20th, and Passport July 5th-10th. It will be a great summer! COMPASS ADMIN MEETING meets on Monday, May 18th at 6:00 pm Tuesday, May 19th 6:00 PM Budget Funds Designated Funds Caring For The Cornerstone Total May 10, 2015 $16,339.00 $1,980.00 $700.00 $19,019.00 Year to Date $224,252.73 $59,680.89 $29,590.00 $313,523.53 completedandreturnedthevisitorquestionnaireinthepew. WeekendOn-CallMinisterialStaff RotationSchedule Friday,Saturday,Sunday&Holidays May15 -17 Rev. MichaelJennings Cell: 912-230-6954 May22 -24 Rev. RebekahW hit e Cell: 912-230-5901 May29 -31 Rev. Just inMoser Cell: 912-580-2008 June5 -7 Rev. MichaelJennings Cell: 912-230-6954 Calendar WeekataGlance SUNDAY, May 17 SundayFellowship-LJLClass 8:30am- WorshipService 9:15am- SundayFellowship 9:30am- SundaySchool 10:30am- WorshipService MONDAY, May 18 5:30pm- YogaFit 6:00pm- CompassMeeting TUESDAY, May 19 7:00am- Men’sPrayerBreakfast(SweetMama’s) 9:30am- Sit&GetFit(GYM) 6:00pm- AdminMeeting WEDNESDAY, May 20 7:07am- 5:00pm- 5:30pm- 6:00pm- 6:15pm- 7:00pm- YouthBreakfast(Chick-il-a) FamilyNightSupper ChildCare ChurchConference ParentPick-Up AdultChoirRehearsal THURSDAY, May 21 9:30am- Sit&GetFit(GYM) 5:30pm- YogaFit SATURDAY, May 23 Hearts&Hands- LJLClassCooks&WesleyUMCDelivers “Life School Musical” Choir Camp Register Now! Free Musical Camp for children who have completed Kindergarten thru 5th Grades. Camp days are Monday June 1st thru Friday June 5th from 9:00am till 12:00pm. Awesome, Exciting andFun! Musical Performance for Family and Friends will be presented on Friday Night, June 5th at 6:00pm. Don’tmissout! Go to the church website to sign up. www.fbcssi.org Children’s Ministry Message by Brooke Maynard S pring has sprung!! I am so happy to live in this beautiful place we call home on St. Simons Island. There are so many beautiful flowers and trees to enjoy! If life on earth can be this gorgeous I can't wait to get to Heaven!! I see beauty all day long within the children in our preschool. We have the sweetest and most loving children. It makes me smile just thinking about them. In addition to our wonderful kids, we have an incredible staff of women and men who love these children with all of their heart. For those of you who don't know our staff I encourage you to come and visit with us anytime! The children love to read books, sing and just have a great time, especially in the play space! We are super excited about our new additions to the church. Pastor Dr. Tony Langford, his wife Tiffany and their kids Kaley and Carter. I have had the pleasure of spending time with Kaley and Carter and they are so sweet and precious and full of energy! We are so happy to have them. Our church is growing and it is awesome! Our God is an Awesome God! Please pray for them to have an easy transition into our church, as we want all of God's children to feel welcome in our church. Psalms 85:11- Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven. Message from Dr. Felix Haynes ThisisanexcitingtimeinthelifeofFirstBaptistChurchSSIas westandonthethresholdofthecomingofDr.TonyLankfordasour Pastor.WecommendwithgratitudetheSearchCommitteefortheir diligenteffortsandthesmoothprocesswhichhasresultedina wonderfulselection.IamsureourChurchwillreceivetheLankford’s withasweetspiritofreceptivityandinearnestprayer.Thisissurelya timeforallofustogiveourbest. InMemoryofDr.JimGrifCith:Weweresadtolearnofhis passinglastweek.However,wecelebratehisgreatlegacy.Jimserved asPastorinthosepivotalyears(1958-1966),andhelpedshapethe futureofFirstBaptistChurchwithasolidfoundation.Dr.GrifCithwent ontoaverydistinguishedcareerasaPastor,ExecutiveSecretaryof theGeorgiaBaptistConvention.WhenJimservedonSt.Simons,he becameaweeklycontributortotheChristianIndexinoneofthemost popularcolumnsever,“PulpittoPew”,ahumorousandinspirational pieceofjournalismwhichblessedsomanyfarandwide,(typed weeklyherebyEdnaWainwright).JimwasaChristiangentleman, author,journalist,andvisionaryBaptistleader.Wecelebratehisgreat legacyasapartofFirstBaptistChurchandofferoursinceresympathy toMimiandhisfamily.HehasheardthegreatcallofourMaster,“Well Done”. Thisisanopportunityforustosay“ThankYou”foryourlove, prayers,encouragementandnumerousexpressionsofconcern.Iam sogratefultotellyouthatMiriamisdoingexceptionallywellandstill makingprogress.Wehavediscoveredfargreaterdimensionsoflove andspiritualpowerinthesechallengingdays.Wecontinuetoenjoy ourtimetogetheronMagnoliaAve.WelookforwardtoourLord’s leadershipinHisdirectionofourrolesinservingHim.Mygolfcarthas been“justwhatthedoctorordered”inenablingustoCindhealingon thisbeautifulIsland.Wecantrulysay“ToGodbetheGlory…”Welove allofyouandlookforwardwithjoytoservingwithyouintheexciting daysahead. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 729 Ocean Boulevard St. Simons Island, GA 31522-5018 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID St. Simons Island Georgia Permit No. 192 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED CHURCH STAFF Rev. Michael Jennings, Minister of Worship [email protected] Rev. Rebekah White, Minister to Children & Families [email protected] Rev. Justin Moser, Minister to Youth | [email protected] Mrs. Heidi Harris & Brooke Maynard, Preschool and Childcare Coordinators Mr. John Harper, Organist Mrs. Faith Hamilton-Trent, Pianist Mr. Al Brown, Drummer Dr. Sam Norris, Bass Guitarist Mrs. Angie Wainright, Administrator | [email protected] Ms. Barbara Burke, Admin Assistant | [email protected] Ms. Vicki Blackmon, Admin Assistant | [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday: 8:00 am—noon Closed Holidays Phone: 912-638-3337 Fax: 912-638-5793 www.fbcssi.org RECYCLE CAN We have a recycle can located in the gated area outside the kitchen. Please see the "Recycling Guide” of acceptable items posted in kitchen. Thank You! Deacon’s Meeting Sunday May 24th Preaching Schedule May 17 Rev. Justin Moser May 24 Rev. Barry Kerr May 31 Dr. Tony Lankford Kitchen Facelift Asmanyofyouknow,ourkitchenisin needofafewrepairsandtouch-ups.We areexcitedtobeginakitchen “facelift”.Ourgoaltocovercostsis $10,000.00.Gratefully,wehavealready collectedmorethanhalfofthat! Itwouldbeidealtobeabletodothis workoverthesummerwhilewearenot havingregularWednesdaynightmeals, butwewillnotbeginuntilallthemoney hasbeencollected.Donationsmaybe madebydesignatingyourfundsto “kitchenremodel”. Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecontact CarolynStill,DuaneMcFarlandor AllaineRidenour. 2 0 1 5 Dea con Co nta ct L is t Dr. M ar k Norvell , Ch air 638- 4106 W e n d y Al b e r s o n 634- 6896 P ort er B o y er Ku r t B r o w n i n g Pai ge Br owni ng 268- 7506 266- 1874 266- 1874 John Br yson 222- 0597 Nancy Bryson 638- 6752 Char li e Cru mbli ss 223- 2860 Ron Eulenfeld 634- 1849 Jeff Ha rris 399- 9859 Glo ria Kel l ey 638- 2662 R.E. Kempf 638- 8203 Sandee Kempf 638- 8203 Buddy Kni ght J o y L e wi s Duane McFarla nd 266- 1419 638- 8585 634- 9222 Laura M oor e 634- 1605 Bo b Nat zk e 638- 7015 Pat Nat zk e 638- 7015 Dr. Sa m N orr i s 638- 1688 Mark O wens 638- 2777 T ye Pi pki n 222- 9925 Chr i s P ope Harr y Pr ou dfoot Debby Ri char dson 634- 5924 264- 3455 638- 1014 Harvey Ri char dson 638- 1014 Bil l St ro t h er 638- 9340 Deb bi e S tr ot h er 638- 9340 Darr el l T ha w 638- 1372
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