Church Staff Chris Thomas, Pastor .......................................................................................... [email protected] Lamar Freeman, Administrator Peggy Green, Secretary .......................................................................................... [email protected] Nikki Haynes, Youth Director ............................................................................. [email protected] Marilyn Ingram, Daycare Director .................................................................... [email protected] Church Office Phone: 256-435-5020 Daycare Phone: 256-435-8313 For The Record Received Last Week Actual Receipts to Date $ $ 2015 2,486.00 120,194.09 $ $ 2014 3,970.32 126,208.48 Building Pledges Received Last Week Building Pledges Received to Date $ $ 250.00 24,241.00 $ $ 958.00 27,062.00 `ÜA tÇw `ÜáA `tÜà|Ç ZÄtáá REQUEST THE HONOR OF YOUR PRESENCE AT THE MARRIAGE OF THEIR DAUGHTER ZÜxàv{xÇ XÄ|áx ZÄtáá TO UÜçtÇ a|v{ÉÄtá TçÜxá First Baptist Church of Williams May 31st Nursery Helper: Lori McFall June 7th Nursery Helper: Carol McGinnis May 31st 3 & 4-Year Old Helper: Marleah Blades & Ally Ponder June 7th 3 & 4-Year Old Helper: John & Jessica Medley May 31st Children’s Church: IN CHURCH June 7th Children’s Church: IN CHURCH May Counting Committee: Casey Barker, Matt McFall & Staci Porter June Counting Committee: Sharhonda Duncan, Stacy Ewing & Matt Whitaker SATURDAY, THE SIXTH OF JUNE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN FIVE O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON May Greeters & Ushers: Bobby & Gail Burns & We Need 2 Volunteers June Greeters & Ushers: Alan & Patsy Boozer & Tyler & Amber Law Y|Üáà UtÑà|áà V{âÜv{ Éy j|ÄÄ|tÅá Thank You Total received for Easter Offering $5000 5579 NISBET LAKE ROAD JACKSONVILLE, ALABAMA exvxÑà|ÉÇ àÉ yÉÄÄÉã “Touching Lives by Sharing the Love of Jesus!” Like & Follow Us! Visit us online! Facebook: Rev. Chris Thomas, Pastor Twitter: @FBCWilliams May 31, 2015 YouTube: Morning Worship No Evening Worship Next Sunday June 7th: NO EVENING WORSHIP *Please stand if you are able Deacon of the Week: Patsy Boozer – 256-435-8088 The Church Gathers Prelude Welcome & Announcements Nikki Haynes Invocation Rev. Chris Thomas Hymn #282 “The Family of God” Hymn #344 “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” A Moment with the Younger Church Marleah Blades “Breathe on Me” Offertory Prayer Patsy Boozer Worship with the Giving of Tithes and Offerings *Doxology #625 The Church Hears the Word Anthem Choir The Sermon “Joint Heirs” Rev. Chris Thomas Romans 8:12-17 Communion “Trust and Obey” Benediction Deacon/Staff Prayer Time Sunday School Morning Worship-Rev. Chris Thomas Special Called Business Meeting CMC RESERVED-J. Freeman NO EVENING WORSHIP WEDNESDAY 5:30pm 6:30pm Children’s Ministry Meeting Devotion, Children & Youth Activities THURSDAY 6:00pm Adult Get-together FRIDAY 5:00pm Ayres/Glass Wedding Rehearsal SATURDAY 5:00pm Bryan Ayres/Gretchen Glass Wedding NEXT SUNDAY 8:00am 8:15am 9:00am 10:00am 5:30pm Staff Meeting Deacon/Staff Monthly Meeting Sunday School Morning Worship – Rev. Chris Thomas Mission Travelers Meeting CMC RESERVED-Jamie Freeman NO EVENING WORSHIP SPECIAL CALLED BUSINESS MEETING: There The Church Responds *Invitation #349 Opportunities This Week 4:00pm The Church Gives Thanks *Offertory Hymn #251 TODAY 8:30am 9:00am 10:00am Rev. Chris Thomas Postlude All Hymns are used by permission CCLI#3148358 meet in the senior adult room with all members of the Children’s Ministry Committee this Wednesday, June 3rd at 5:30pm to discuss Vacation Bible School. MISSION TRIP MEETING: There will be a meeting in the choir room next Sunday, June 7th immediately following the morning worship for all travelers going on the Texas Mission Trip in July. INTERIM PART-TIME MINISTER OF MUSIC POSITION: First Baptist Church of Williams is seeking an interim Music Minister to help us during our transition period. The ideal candidate will bring spiritual enthusiasm and experience in working with music publically. Responsibilities: • Coordinate the worship music program with our Senior Pastor. • Lead the choir and congregational music during Sunday morning worship services • Lead choir in Sunday afternoon practices • Plan and direct seasonal special music programs (Christmas, Easter, etc.) • Perform other duties assigned by the pastor and/or Worship Committee If you are interested in applying, please submit your resume via email to [email protected] CHURCH COUNCIL: Our Quarterly Church Council will be a Special Called Business Meeting today following morning worship to take action on a Proposed Sabbatical Policy addition to our church bylaws. Copies of the proposed policy has been published in the bulletin or in church foyers for the past three weeks. All questions should have been addressed prior to today. Today is for vote only. No questions please. Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 14th at 4:00pm in the sanctuary. All chairpersons are encouraged to attend the meeting to give a committee report. If you cannot attend please designate someone on your committee to attend in your absence. BABY SHOWER: Group 4 of the Peggy Hamby Joy Sunday Class has a booth at the Farmers Market this year. They would like donations of homemade items such as jellies, jams, baked goods, crafts, etc. If you have items to donate please label your item with your name and drop it off at the Crusaders Sunday School Classroom upstairs on Wednesdays & Sundays or contact Gina Honts for more information. School Class will host a baby shower for Matt & Courtney Johnston next Sunday, June 7th from 1:30-3pm in the CMC. Everyone has a special invitation to attend. Matt & Courtney are registered at Babies-r-us, Buy Buy Baby and Target. Since Baby Johnston’s gender will not be known until birth, gift cards would be most appreicative so they may purchase the appropriate gender items. [Next Sunday June 7th –“Am I a Church Member: What part do I play?” – 1 Corinthians 12:27-31] CHILDREN’S MINISTRY MEETING: Bro. Chris will CRUSADERS CLASS: The Crusaders Sunday School Morning Worship No Evening Worship Next Sunday June 7th: NO EVENING WORSHIP *Please stand if you are able Deacon of the Week: Patsy Boozer – 256-435-8088 The Church Gathers Prelude Welcome & Announcements Nikki Haynes Invocation Rev. Chris Thomas Hymn #282 “The Family of God” Hymn #344 “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” A Moment with the Younger Church Marleah Blades “Breathe on Me” Offertory Prayer Patsy Boozer Worship with the Giving of Tithes and Offerings *Doxology #625 The Church Hears the Word Anthem Choir The Sermon “Joint Heirs” Rev. Chris Thomas Romans 8:12-17 Communion “Trust and Obey” Benediction Deacon/Staff Prayer Time Sunday School Morning Worship-Rev. Chris Thomas Special Called Business Meeting CMC RESERVED-J. Freeman NO EVENING WORSHIP WEDNESDAY 5:30pm 6:30pm Children’s Ministry Meeting Devotion, Children & Youth Activities THURSDAY 6:00pm Adult Get-together FRIDAY 5:00pm Ayres/Glass Wedding Rehearsal SATURDAY 5:00pm Bryan Ayres/Gretchen Glass Wedding NEXT SUNDAY 8:00am 8:15am 9:00am 10:00am 5:30pm Staff Meeting Deacon/Staff Monthly Meeting Sunday School Morning Worship – Rev. Chris Thomas Mission Travelers Meeting CMC RESERVED-Jamie Freeman NO EVENING WORSHIP SPECIAL CALLED BUSINESS MEETING: There The Church Responds *Invitation #349 Opportunities This Week 4:00pm The Church Gives Thanks *Offertory Hymn #251 TODAY 8:30am 9:00am 10:00am Rev. Chris Thomas Postlude All Hymns are used by permission CCLI#3148358 meet in the senior adult room with all members of the Children’s Ministry Committee this Wednesday, June 3rd at 5:30pm to discuss Vacation Bible School. MISSION TRIP MEETING: There will be a meeting in the choir room next Sunday, June 7th immediately following the morning worship for all travelers going on the Texas Mission Trip in July. INTERIM PART-TIME MINISTER OF MUSIC POSITION: First Baptist Church of Williams is seeking an interim Music Minister to help us during our transition period. The ideal candidate will bring spiritual enthusiasm and experience in working with music publically. Responsibilities: • Coordinate the worship music program with our Senior Pastor. • Lead the choir and congregational music during Sunday morning worship services • Lead choir in Sunday afternoon practices • Plan and direct seasonal special music programs (Christmas, Easter, etc.) • Perform other duties assigned by the pastor and/or Worship Committee If you are interested in applying, please submit your resume via email to [email protected] CHURCH COUNCIL: Our Quarterly Church Council will be a Special Called Business Meeting today following morning worship to take action on a Proposed Sabbatical Policy addition to our church bylaws. Copies of the proposed policy has been published in the bulletin or in church foyers for the past three weeks. All questions should have been addressed prior to today. Today is for vote only. No questions please. Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 14th at 4:00pm in the sanctuary. All chairpersons are encouraged to attend the meeting to give a committee report. If you cannot attend please designate someone on your committee to attend in your absence. BABY SHOWER: Group 4 of the Peggy Hamby Joy Sunday Class has a booth at the Farmers Market this year. They would like donations of homemade items such as jellies, jams, baked goods, crafts, etc. If you have items to donate please label your item with your name and drop it off at the Crusaders Sunday School Classroom upstairs on Wednesdays & Sundays or contact Gina Honts for more information. School Class will host a baby shower for Matt & Courtney Johnston next Sunday, June 7th from 1:30-3pm in the CMC. Everyone has a special invitation to attend. Matt & Courtney are registered at Babies-r-us, Buy Buy Baby and Target. Since Baby Johnston’s gender will not be known until birth, gift cards would be most appreicative so they may purchase the appropriate gender items. [Next Sunday June 7th –“Am I a Church Member: What part do I play?” – 1 Corinthians 12:27-31] CHILDREN’S MINISTRY MEETING: Bro. Chris will CRUSADERS CLASS: The Crusaders Sunday School Church Staff Chris Thomas, Pastor .......................................................................................... [email protected] Lamar Freeman, Administrator Peggy Green, Secretary .......................................................................................... [email protected] Nikki Haynes, Youth Director ............................................................................. [email protected] Marilyn Ingram, Daycare Director .................................................................... [email protected] Church Office Phone: 256-435-5020 Daycare Phone: 256-435-8313 For The Record Received Last Week Actual Receipts to Date $ $ 2015 2,486.00 120,194.09 $ $ 2014 3,970.32 126,208.48 Building Pledges Received Last Week Building Pledges Received to Date $ $ 250.00 24,241.00 $ $ 958.00 27,062.00 `ÜA tÇw `ÜáA `tÜà|Ç ZÄtáá REQUEST THE HONOR OF YOUR PRESENCE AT THE MARRIAGE OF THEIR DAUGHTER ZÜxàv{xÇ XÄ|áx ZÄtáá TO UÜçtÇ a|v{ÉÄtá TçÜxá First Baptist Church of Williams May 31st Nursery Helper: Lori McFall June 7th Nursery Helper: Carol McGinnis May 31st 3 & 4-Year Old Helper: Marleah Blades & Ally Ponder June 7th 3 & 4-Year Old Helper: John & Jessica Medley May 31st Children’s Church: IN CHURCH June 7th Children’s Church: IN CHURCH May Counting Committee: Casey Barker, Matt McFall & Staci Porter June Counting Committee: Sharhonda Duncan, Stacy Ewing & Matt Whitaker SATURDAY, THE SIXTH OF JUNE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN FIVE O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON May Greeters & Ushers: Bobby & Gail Burns & We Need 2 Volunteers June Greeters & Ushers: Alan & Patsy Boozer & Tyler & Amber Law Y|Üáà UtÑà|áà V{âÜv{ Éy j|ÄÄ|tÅá Thank You Total received for Easter Offering $5000 5579 NISBET LAKE ROAD JACKSONVILLE, ALABAMA exvxÑà|ÉÇ àÉ yÉÄÄÉã “Touching Lives by Sharing the Love of Jesus!” Like & Follow Us! Visit us online! Facebook: Rev. Chris Thomas, Pastor Twitter: @FBCWilliams May 31, 2015 YouTube:
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