Volunteer Sign-up Form This year we are expecting our biggest Tour de Cure yet and we need your help! Tour de Cure will be held on Saturday, June 13, 2015 at the Main Street Arch in Brigham City, Utah All volunteers will receive a Tour de Cure volunteer T-shirt, lunch and will be able to enjoy the day while meeting and working with an amaxing group of Tour de Cure volunteers. To get involved, please: *Complete and email this form to Drew DeHaan at [email protected] Name: Date: Address: City: State: Phone# E-Mail: Zip: How/where did you hear about this opportunity? Shifts and Timing: The earliset shifts begin at 6:00 AM and the last shift goes until 6:00 PM. Each shift is about 5 hours. Please specify which shift would work best for you, or if you're flexible and can sork whenever, we will just assign you where needed! PREFERENCES IN VOLUNTEERING Please select your top two job selections and the preferred shift: Event Set Up (Friday, June 12th) Route Signage (Friday June 12th) Event Set Up (Saturday, June 13th) Pre-Event Help (TBA week prior) Breakfast (6:00 AM - 11:00 AM) Lunch (11:00 AM - 5:00 PM) Bike Valet Parking Lead Parking/Greeters AM or VIP Parking VIP Concierge Volunteer Check-in (AM & PM) Red Rider Tent Start/Finish Set up Crew Start/Finish line cheering/teams Floater Sanitation Crew (checking supplies) Clean-up/Tear-down (3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Please complete this form and return to Drew DeHaan at [email protected] THANK YOU! PM
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