April 19, 2015 - French Camp Presbyterian Church

French Camp Presbyterian Church
Life of the Church
A Community and Campus Church
April 19, 2015
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship and Invocation
WM Board Meetings April 26: The Executive Board will meet at 1:30 pm and
the Full WM Board will meet at 2:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Hymn No. 8: Come, Thou Almighty King
Chorus No. 9: Glorify Thy Name
Sunday Evening Service, April 26 to Focus on Supreme Court Hearing on
Marriage, 6:00 pm: In light of the upcoming Supreme Court hearing on April 28,
information will be presented to inform us about this critical issue and the
implications for our church and society, as well as a time of concentrated prayer
for our country and the Justices of our Supreme Court.
Shepherd’s Prayer: Billy Prewitt
Tithes and Offerings
*Doxology and Prayer of Dedication
Children’s Sermon
(Children will be dismissed for Children’s Church immediately following the Children’s Sermon.)
*Hymn No. 568: May the Mind of Christ, My Savior
Sermon: Ten Ways to Be Perfect
J. Alex Coblentz
Exodus 19-20 (pg. 60-61), Romans 13:8-14 (pg. 948)
Ladies Retreat at Bethsaida April 25, 9:00-1:00pm – “How Does Your
Garden Grow?” Guest speaker, Kym Garraway-Braley, is a well-known MS
artist who will share her deep love for God & how He has tailored her destiny to
minister to others through her artwork. FCPC ladies are invited! Speak with
Renee McGlothin and Becky Lawson for details. Cost: $20
Men’s Breakfast May 3 at FCPC: Men, we’d love to have you join with the men
from FC Baptist for breakfast. It’s always the first Sunday of the month, 7:00 am
and it’s our time to host.
Next Week’s Sermon: The Warrior Leader - Joshua
Save the Date – Wednesday, May 6 - Senior Dinner (5:15) & Share Night
(6:15): A reminder that FCPC ladies will be preparing a covered dish supper for
our graduating seniors and their parents for this opportunity for the church to
honor the seniors. (Ladies be thinking of what you might contribute to the meal.)
Following supper, all are invited to Senior Share Night in the sanctuary where we
will hear from them about their experiences at French Camp.
Child’s Catechism
We Will Honor Our Graduates May 17: Mary Nell needs the names of ANY
graduates associated with our church as well as plans for next year so they can be
included in the bulletin.
*Hymn (Overhead): Jesus, I am Resting, Resting
*Congregation Standing
Q. 118. What is the fifth petition?
A. "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
Q. 119. What do we pray for in the fifth petition?
A. That God would pardon our sins for Christ's sake, and enable us to forgive those who
have injured us.
Funds to encourage the learning of Biblical truths through the use of the Westminster
Shorter Catechism and the Child’s Catechism are provided through the T. L. Carraway
Catechism Fund and are administered by French Camp Academy.
Reminder: Worship Bulletins for 7-12 year olds are on the back table
and Worship Bags are hanging on the wall, including some for “Guests.”
Community Worship Service May 10, 11:00 am - Under the Tent in the
Historic District: We’re having a combined outdoor service with FC Baptist again
this year. Watch for details.
Women’s Ministry News: Ladies, it’s that time again … please be on the
lookout for an envelope with your name on it! Get your nominations in for
Treasurer by May 10. Simply place them in the hat box that’s located on the
sound console in the back of the church. Thank you for your participation in this
important process of our WM!
Gift to the Building Fund: We are grateful to the Lord and an anonymous donor
for a recent $20,000 gift to our Building Fund. To God be the glory! This brings
our cash in hand up to around $175,000.
323 School St. French Camp, Mississippi 39745
website: www.fcarp.org
Pastor: Rev. J. Alex Coblentz 662-547-6520 (home), 609-232-2770 (church)
Ministry Coordinator: Mary Nell Coblentz
Ruling Elders: Glen Barlow (Treas.), John Cockrell, Bruce Hosket,
Larry Littlejohn (Clerk of Session), Ed Maehlmann, and Billy Prewitt
Worship Team: Kevin O’Brien, Anne Katherine Ragsdale, David Dennis, Rebecca Edwards
Sermons can be accessed online for listening and sharing at www.fcpc.sermon.net
Messages by Alex Coblentz are broadcast Sunday mornings at 8:00 am on WFCA-FM108
Ushers .............................................................. Billy Prewitt, Billy Carlisle
Student Ushers .................................................. Andrew Miller, Eli Payton
Greeters ........................................................................... Dan & Joyce Rose
Nursery.................................................................................... Bruce Hosket
Children’s Church .................................................................. Susan Donald
French Camp
Presbyterian Church
Next Sunday: April 26, 2015
Ushers: Larry Littlejohn, Tom Dickson Student Ushers: Holman Edwards, Reilly Bol
Greeters: Ed & Margaret Maehlmann Shepherd’s Prayer: John Robert Cockrell
Nursery: Marla Dennis
Children’s Church: Rebecca Edwards
Calendar of Events
Next Sunday
April 28
May 2
May 3
May 6
May 10
June 16-19
10:00 am – Sunday School
11:00 am – Worship
6:00 pm - Boy Scouts
6:00 pm – Prayer Meeting @ Coblentz’s
6:00 pm – Pioneer Girls
5:30 am – Men’s Fellowship @ Welcome Center
9:00 -1:00 pm – Ladies Retreat @ Bethsaida
2:00 pm - Jason Purvis & Rachel Brannan’s Wedding
1:30 pm - WM Executive Board Meeting
2:30 pm – WM Full Board Meeting
6:00 pm – Sunday Evening Service RE: Supreme Court Hearing
2:00 -4:00 pm – Fun & Fellowship
3:00 pm – Josh Wright & Mollie Winter’s Wedding
7:00 am – Men’s Breakfast @ FCPC
5:15 pm – Senior Dinner 6:15 pm – Senior Share Night
11:00 am – Tent Meeting with FCBC @ Historic District
VBS & MS Youth with Grace Evan!
Ministry of Prayer
Health: Gary & Cindy Bayer, Jane Beswick, Marilyn Johnson, Clay Morgan,
Wanda Watkins, Monika Maehlmann Whittenburg, Edna Winkler
Homebound/ Nursing Home: Mervyn Carver, Nita Curtis, Dorothy Donald,
Eleanor Whitmire
Sympathy: Pray for the family of Sandra Baker, Jason Purvis’ Mother, who
passed away April 16. (She lived near Chicago.)