May 24, 2015 - French Camp Presbyterian Church

French Camp Presbyterian Church
A Community and Campus Church
May 24, 2015
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship and Invocation
Hymn No. 688: Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
Shepherd’s Prayer: Larry Littlejohn
Tithes and Offerings
Offertory: The Mercy Tree
*Doxology and Prayer of Dedication
Jon Morgan
Children’s Sermon
(Children will be dismissed for Children’s Church immediately following the Children’s Sermon.)
Unison Reading: Psalm 23 (NKJV)
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makes me to lie down in green
pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. 3 He restores my soul; He leads me in
the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod
and Your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence
of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. 6 Surely goodness
and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of
the LORD. Forever.
*Hymn No. 694: Psalm 23 from the Scottish Psalter
Sermon: The Good Shepherd
J. Alex Coblentz
Ezekiel 34 (pg 722), John 10 (pg 896)
*Hymn No. 680: All the Way My Savior Leads Me
*Congregation Standing
Next Week’s Sermon: A Little Servant Girl and the Proud General
Reminder: Worship Bulletins for 7-12 year olds are on the back table
and Worship Bags are hanging on the wall, including some for “Guests.”
Life of the Church
Eagle Scout Ceremony for David Pendleton Today, 2:00 pm at the Church:
Congratulations to David for completing all requirements to achieve the rank of
Eagle Scout, the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America. All are invited!
Note: Boy Scouts will not meet again until August.
Congratulations to Jessica Dickson who received her MS in Biomedical Science
from UMC on Friday, May 22.
Sunday Evening Vespers for the Summer: The past several summers we have
enjoyed an informal time of food and fellowship, along with a devotional, on
Sunday evenings. If you would like to host a Sunday evening, please let Mary
Nell know so we can line up dates and locations.
Dates available with students: June 21 and June 28
Date available while students aren’t here: July 19
Let’s Go Bowling After Church Next Sunday! Wouldn’t it be fun for a group of
all ages to hop on a bus right after church, eat out at KFC/Taco Bell and go
bowling at the Funtime Roll-R-Bowl (Carthage) for only $8 a person? If you don’t
like to bowl, you can just go along for the fun of it – free! 
June 2nd Historical Highlight Luncheon, 12:00 noon - Irene Taylor, Guest of
Honor: We will celebrate Irene’s 97th birthday (which is June 6) as we gather to
share stories about her life and ministry at FCA for over 40 years! Those who
have known and worked with "Miss Irene" are invited to participate in this
occasion to honor a dear lady. (Note: The June meeting will be the first Tuesday
rather than the second Tuesday of the month.)
Sunday School:
 May 31 and June 7: Combined Class for All Ages
 We are looking for creative ideas for summer Sunday School. Speak with
Alex or Mary Nell if you have suggestions or would like to teach a class.
Wedding of Jon Todd Cates and Amber Vaughn June 6,
5:30 pm: Dennis and Karen Cates invite you to the wedding
of their son Jon Todd which will be at 225 Hickory Ridge
Drive in Starkville - reception to follow.
323 School St. French Camp, Mississippi 39745
Pastor: Rev. J. Alex Coblentz 662-547-6520 (home), 609-232-2770 (church)
Ministry Coordinator: Mary Nell Coblentz
Ruling Elders: Glen Barlow (Treas.), John Cockrell, Bruce Hosket,
Larry Littlejohn (Clerk of Session), Ed Maehlmann, and Billy Prewitt
Worship Team: Kevin O’Brien, Anne Katherine Ragsdale, David Dennis, Rebecca Edwards
Sermons can be accessed online for listening and sharing at
Messages by Alex Coblentz are broadcast Sunday mornings at 8:00 am on WFCA-FM108
Ushers ............................................. Kevin Sorensen, John Robert Cockrell
Greeters ........................................................................... Dan & Joyce Rose
Nursery.................................................................................. Larry Mincher
Children’s Church ................................................................... Marla Dennis
Next Sunday: May 31, 2015
Ushers: Billy Carlisle, Billy Prewitt
Greeters: Ed & Margaret Maehlmann
Nursery: Mary Sorensen
Shepherd’s Prayer: Billy Prewitt
Children’s Church: Bonnie Lopez
Calendar of Events
Next Sunday
June 2
June 6
June 9-11
June 16-19
June 16-18
July 13-18
11:00 Worship
2:00 pm – Eagle Scout Ceremony for David Pendleton
2:00 pm – Fun & Fellowship
6:00 pm - Prayer Meeting @ the Coblentz’s
5:30 am - Men’s Fellowship @ Welcome Center
Combined Sunday School for all Ages
11:00 am – Worship: Special Guests: CRS Staff
After Church: Lunch and Bowling for All Ages
12:00 pm – Historical Highlight Lunch - Irene Taylor’s 97th BD
5:30 pm – Wedding of Jon Todd Cates and Amber Vaughn
ARP General Synod @ Bonclarken
9:00 – 11:30 - VBS with Grace Evan
6:00 – 8:00 pm – Middle School Activities with Grace Evan
MVP Summer Camp
French Camp
Presbyterian Church
Ministry of Prayer
Health: Mike & Carrie Allen, Gary & Cindy Bayer, Clay Morgan, Jimmy Saunders, Wanda
Watkins, Afton Wallace (18 year old with cancer – to graduate soon), Edna Winkler
Please uphold Pat Curtis’ family in prayer. Her father, Charles Brady, is under Hospice
Care in the VA Hospital in Kosciusko.
Homebound/ Nursing Home: Mervyn Carver, Nita Curtis, Dorothy Donald, Eleanor
CRS: Let’s be praying for Carrie Browning and the CRS staff as they prepare for summer